
Sia 1 Sai

Unlucky Member
Well a friend told me about this site and said it was fun. From what she was writing it seems to be true. So the reason why I'm here is to have fun, make new friends, and improve on my writing. Hopefully the people here can help me.
Howdy there, Sai, me be Ayl, the madman of this fine site!

Here's the gig around: Check. Out. These. Shiny. Rules Then if you really wanna get down to business, then clicky on the Role Plays and on the Role Play Recruitment and of course on the famous Role Play Ideas areas. The finest places, for the finest creations if I dare say so myself.

If you have any questions, well that's to bad, we don't to those here. Syke! Of course we do, just Private Message me or any of our friendly moderators and admins. You may also want to join us in the fair but mad land known as the Shoutbox, or Shoutboxlandia if you prefer, where you can meet and chat with our friendly community. Word of warning, we're all nuts, especially yours truly.

Welcome, my dearest, to RpN!
Nice of you to join :D , I'm here to polish up my writing skills as well. And to fulfill my RPing needs. Well, have fun in RpN.
Thank you and you have fun as well. And just to say ocean is more superior than land because there's more of it and with the ice melting it keeps growing.

P.S. Don't you miss the old Pokemon
We're all a little nutty, though very few are nugetty.

I do like nuget...

Good stuff, that.


Ah, anyway.

I'm here, as Magma is already aware, to brush up on my RP skills and to improve them.

And we ALL miss the old Pokemon.

It all went downhill after that garbage bag pokemon became a thing.
Trubbish, that was it's name.

No idea what they were thinking with that.

And I do try, Sai.

I do try.
What they were probably thinking was " what Pokemon can we make next to entertain these tv crazed kids" then one of the idea guys throws a messed up drawing away and looks at the trash can and says "what about trash"

Well, there's nuget, then there's nugget, and also Nugent.

One is something you find in candy bars, another is an elusive piece of chicken anatomy, and the last one is a singer.

Let's not talk about the past, and pray that the blonde female Max companion perishes in a terrible accident involving a Butterfree and that Brock comes back.
Yes what was with that they used all animals more than once and gave them different names and now they come up with inanimate objects.

They ran out if animals and mythical creatures to base it off from, I'm guessin'
A reasonable enough explanation, Magma. 
I was okay with May, maybe Dawn.

After that, I kind of just stopped watching the show...
I don't remember when I stopped watching the show. Idk whats happenin' with it either anymore xD .
It was around when Dawn became the female companion for me.

Felt like a May clone.

I was only okay with Max because he was witty.
A tad late to the party, but welcome to RPN :D

(ps. I love Pokemon. Haven't gotten around to playing x/y yet, though)

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