New York Wasteland Adventure!





Bio: (2-4 paragraphs!)


Good traits:

Bad traits:



Theme song:




I hope I put enough thought into this character. Kindly let me know what else I need to add.


Name: Calvin Richardson

Race: British

Gender: Male

Age: 23


Wise beyond his years, Calvin was raised by his parents in the Western Wasteland. Calvin is the eldest of two children born to a British Diplomat and an ex-military medic. As he was growing up Calvin was taught social skills by his father and survival skills by his mother. Due to two different dialects of English being spoken, Calvin has some strange interpretations of what others say. As he aged into a young adult, Calvin’s sister, Melissa, ran away with an older boy at the age of 17. Incapable of chasing after her, Calvin’s parents sent him to find her and bring her home. That was five years ago. Calvin has encountered his fair share of scavengers and other Wastelanders in his quest. Although he is greatly disillusioned with the world, Calvin sticks to his goal of finding his sister.

Appearance -Calvin’s clothes have seen their share of time and as a result are worn but that only enhances Calvin’s reliance on them. Scavenged and sewn together, Calvin wears a pair of light khakis and a matching brown shirt to blend in with the desert. Over that is a long brown duster designed to keep sand and the desert sun off his clothes. Calvin has a cloth rag tied over the bottom half of his face to help him against the raging desert sandstorms as well as a battered baseball cap to keep the sun off his head.

Habits - Calvin’s five years of experience have taught him well. He is cautious when dealing with strangers but trusting when dealing with friends. He has good accuracy with his sidearm with was a gift from his mother because he has trouble finding ammunition for it. In the event that he does not want to attract undue attention, Calvin relies on his Wastelander’s knife for close range combat. Due to the stress and sheer boredom of his daily life, Calvin is a heavy smoker.


  1. Scavenger Pro- Calvin has always had a keen eye. Years of experience in scavenging means that he will always find something extra that another person wouldn’t spot.
  2. Steady Aim - With little ammo for his pistol, Calvin has had to make every shot count. One thing he learned is that distracting an enemy can be just as vital as killing them. A crack shot with singlehanded weapons, Calvin sometimes outright refuses to use anything besides a pistol.
  3. Medic - As he was growing up, Calvin’s mother taught him about human biology. Due to these teachings Calvin has an extensive knowledge on human anatomy that the common person lacks. He is capable of hitting critical spots in the midst of combat. Unfortunately he has very little sense of privacy so he is oblivious to situations that normal people would find awkward.

Good Traits:

  • Mercy – While Cal knows the potential danger of other people, he tends to give people a chance before deciding how he deals with them. When in combat Calvin tries to ensure that his opponents feel as little pain as possible.
  • Honesty – Calvin cannot comprehend the point of lying. He sees little value in it and looks down on those who do.
  • Wanderer – Calvin has spent a decent amount of time searching the Wasteland for his sister and has come across many strange things. Because of his experience virtually nothing fazes him.

  • Creative Thinker - Calvin dislike physical activity and will come up with ways to accomplish it without actually doing work.

Bad Traits:

  • Lone Wolf – Calvin has spent the majority of his years in the Wasteland alone. As such he is not used to large groups or other people in general.
  • Modesty – Calvin has very little sense of modesty and finds almost no situation awkward. He finds it hard to remember that others do.
  • Planning – While Calvin has an average level of intelligence, he has almost no capability to plan ahead. Any plans he can make never work because he fails to see all the angles.
  • Oblivious - Calvin has spent so little time among others that he has no ability to interpret emotions


  • Stay Alive
  • Find Melissa and return home with her.

Theme song: Numb (Linkin Park)

Quotes: “Leave me alone and I’ll do the same.”

Feelings: Calvin spends a majority of his time bored out of his mind or apathetic to the happenings of the world.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/result.jpg.25ec5d295842cc0f7f990a86badd5066.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/result.jpg.25ec5d295842cc0f7f990a86badd5066.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Cavendish

Race: African American

Gender: Male

Age: 44

Bio: (2-4 paragraphs!)

Cavendish was a veteran in a war he can't rightly remember. He thinks he had friends, but all he remembers is being knocked out of a building by an explosion. Now, Cavendish walks through the desert, looking everywhere he can for companionship and attempting to recall the events before the amnesiac explosion, by asking anyone he can. If only people in the Wasteland would be nice enough to not shoot him, so that he didn't have to kill them. Yet, still, before every slaughter, he'll ask "Do you remember?"

Skills: Excellent sharpshooter from his war days, a keen memory of things that happened after the explosion, People person



Goal(s): Survive, FInd out who he is


Theme song: Unchained (Tupac ft. James Brown)


"Do you remember?"

"Nice bullets! Why don't you have a nice look at mine!"

"Swallow this, Piso Perra!"

Feelings: Content most of the time

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