New World

Test Subject Number: Z-H21

Name: Serephene (Haruka)

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Owner: None at the moment

Personality: Serephene is quiet and rarely expresses herself, whether it's verbal communication or facial expression. She is known for being distant and somewhat cold, but she is surprisingly gentle and caring, putting others before herself in any given situation. When it comes to 'love,' Serephene is as dense and clueless as she can get, as she's never experienced family affection, BF/GF love, or friendship, which is why she she can't give a 'correct' reaction in situations that include that kind of 'love.' Her responses are always straight-forward, and as a result, it sometimes sounds blunt, even though she doesn't mean it. Serephene is an easy person to talk to, since she'd rather listen than talk, and is understanding, as she never asks anything of anyone unless they are willing to let her in on the information. She is always seen alone, and therefore she has learned to treasure company and those around her, even though she is afraid of opening up to people. She is overall mature, but when food is included, she can get a little childish.

To her master: Serephene will protect her master with her life, as well as fulfull his/her desires in the best ability she can. She is respective of her master and even though she wouldn't say, would like to spend time with him/her, as she enjoys company. She may be a little clumsy here and there, and is quick to serve her master, whenever and wherever they may be.


-food (especially sweets)


-soft things (ex: pillow)




-food with strong flavor (too bitter, to sweet, etc.)


-certain bugs (ex: centipede)

-gore (to the point where guts are playing everywhere--blood is okay)


-dishonesty/sugar-coated lies


-the arts (singing, dancing, drawing, etc.)




-wandering to explore new places

Enhanced Abilities(pertaining the hybrid part):

-enhanced smelling

-enhanced eyesight

-enhanced reaction(s) (the speed it takes for her to react to something)

-enhanced speed

-enhanced endurance

-enhanced curiosity

Back-story: Serephene was adopted (at the age of 2) by a wealthy family since they needed daughter in their family. She grew up with loving parents, but they were always away, so she spent most of her time reading books and playing alone outside. Her parents were worried for her safety, so they forbid her from venturing outside the property until they believed she was ready, or old enough (the age was 13 or 14). Her parents died before that day came in an accident, and her relatives moved into the house she was living in. She was looked down on because of her "half-bloodedness" and her other family members gave her the cold shoulder for 5 years. Finally, her 14th birthday came and went, and Serephene was allowed to explore the outside on her own, which she was only to eager to do, and now is looking for someone to befriend, or to take her in, reluctant to return back to her home. (she is also looking for the scientist(s) who created her)

Crush or Dating?(opt. and is allowed): N/A

Sexual Orientation(opt.): Heterosexual

Height: 5'2" (156 cm)

Weight: 90 lb (41 kg)

Eye color(opt.): Violet

Hair color(opt.): {Dark} Violet


Weaknesses: People/animals who need help, sweets/food, communication (she can't start a conversation unless it is a question she is asking--ex: What would you like for dinner?)

Fears: Spiders, death of those she cares about, gore, horror, certain bugs

Hybrid Type: 1/3 cat, 1/3 wolf, 1/3 human

Appearance(Prefer a pic but may put description):

(Just add black cat ears and tail)

Markings(opt.): N/A
macaron said:
Test Subject Number: Z-H21
Name: Serephene (Haruka)

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Owner: None at the moment

Personality: Serephene is quiet and rarely expresses herself, whether it's verbal communication or facial expression. She is known for being distant and somewhat cold, but she is surprisingly gentle and caring, putting others before herself in any given situation. When it comes to 'love,' Serephene is as dense and clueless as she can get, as she's never experienced family affection, BF/GF love, or friendship, which is why she she can't give a 'correct' reaction in situations that include that kind of 'love.' Her responses are always straight-forward, and as a result, it sometimes sounds blunt, even though she doesn't mean it. Serephene is an easy person to talk to, since she'd rather listen than talk, and is understanding, as she never asks anything of anyone unless they are willing to let her in on the information. She is always seen alone, and therefore she has learned to treasure company and those around her, even though she is afraid of opening up to people. She is overall mature, but when food is included, she can get a little childish.

To her master: Serephene will protect her master with her life, as well as fulfull his/her desires in the best ability she can. She is respective of her master and even though she wouldn't say, would like to spend time with him/her, as she enjoys company. She may be a little clumsy here and there, and is quick to serve her master, whenever and wherever they may be.


-food (especially sweets)


-soft things (ex: pillow)




-food with strong flavor (too bitter, to sweet, etc.)


-certain bugs (ex: centipede)

-gore (to the point where guts are playing everywhere--blood is okay)


-dishonesty/sugar-coated lies


-the arts (singing, dancing, drawing, etc.)




-wandering to explore new places

Enhanced Abilities(pertaining the hybrid part):

-enhanced smelling

-enhanced eyesight

-enhanced reaction(s) (the speed it takes for her to react to something)

-enhanced speed

-enhanced endurance

-enhanced curiosity

Back-story: Serephene was adopted (at the age of 2) by a wealthy family since they needed daughter in their family. She grew up with loving parents, but they were always away, so she spent most of her time reading books and playing alone outside. Her parents were worried for her safety, so they forbid her from venturing outside the property until they believed she was ready, or old enough (the age was 13 or 14). Her parents died before that day came in an accident, and her relatives moved into the house she was living in. She was looked down on because of her "half-bloodedness" and her other family members gave her the cold shoulder for 5 years. Finally, her 14th birthday came and went, and Serephene was allowed to explore the outside on her own, which she was only to eager to do, and now is looking for someone to befriend, or to take her in, reluctant to return back to her home. (she is also looking for the scientist(s) who created her)

Crush or Dating?(opt. and is allowed): N/A

Sexual Orientation(opt.): Heterosexual

Height: 5'2" (156 cm)

Weight: 90 lb (41 kg)

Eye color(opt.): Violet

Hair color(opt.): {Dark} Violet


Weaknesses: People/animals who need help, sweets/food, communication (she can't start a conversation unless it is a question she is asking--ex: What would you like for dinner?)

Fears: Spiders, death of those she cares about, gore, horror, certain bugs

Hybrid Type: 1/3 cat, 1/3 wolf, 1/3 human

Appearance(Prefer a pic but may put description):

(Just add black cat ears and tail)

Markings(opt.): N/A
You're gewd~

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