New World


Sweet Psychotic Bird
I'm only accepting 20 characters, you can be two, but it's more like this to make it even... Those with the reserved status are those who asked me to reserve their spot and has not yet posted their character sheet.



1. @Cadell Morde

2. @Refaulted




Hybrid CS

Test Subject Number:









Enhanced Abilities(pertaining the hybrid part):


Crush or Dating?(opt. and is allowed):

Sexual Orientation(opt.):



Eye color(opt.):

Hair color(opt.):


Hybrid Type:

Appearance(Prefer a pic but may put description):


Human CS










Crush or Dating?(opt.):

Sexual Orientation(opt.):



Eye color(opt.):

Hair color(opt.):


Appearance(Prefer a pic but may put description):

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Sorry for asking, but I must have an owner in order to create a hybrid account or can I be adopted by one later?

[QUOTE="Cadell Morde]Sorry for asking, but I must have an owner in order to create a hybrid account or can I be adopted by one later?

You can be adopted by one later. When you are adopted by one just edit into your character sheet.

Test Subject Number:



Miya Kimatsu






Tommy Lileese


Lazy and enjoys to test her master. Stubborn and playful, quite wild if her master isn't strict enough on her. A bit of a Kleptomaniac and quite the flirt. Despite her outwardly appearance she is a very loyal creature that thrives for the attention of her owner.



~ Various plants,


~ Sweets




Enhanced Abilitie(s):


~ Sharp canines

~Cat-instinct(often gets her in trouble)



~Pestering Master

~Stalking small animals

~Stealing from the unsuspecting


This hybrid was created in a lab in Cebu Philippines, unaware and quite lost in her surroundings. As a young girl she grew very ill due to heavy air pollution and had to be relocated to the area she is thriving in now, she often sneaks out of her assigned lab and causes mischief within the city. Enjoys biting the scientists caring for her.

This mischievous hybrid that thieves from markets and bakeries without a master to guide her. She has often used her petite appearance to deceive unsuspecting bypassers before pickpocketing them. Even with a master, she may revert to old habits if not watched carefully.

Crush or Dating?:


for now

Sexual orientation:


Hybrid Type:

(Melanistic) Visayan Leopard Cat


150 cm


5'1(Including ears)


Short black hair with large pointed ears with white fur lining the insides. If seen in the right lighting, one may see the faint spots of her leopard cat markings within the dark fur of her tail and ears.


46 kilo- 101 lb

Eye color:


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Jan Amsel








The first thing one can immediately pinpoint about Jan is that he is indeed a calm and mature man whose curious nature leaded him into becoming surprisingly smart. He always tries to keep calm when faced with any sort of difficult situation, but there's an exception to this. Everytime he faces some kind of idiot and/or foolish act that may be directed at him or not he may become noticeably irritated and if this action persists he will become angry. Even if he at times seems cold Jan actually cares deeply for his patients and to the younger ones he may even act like some sort of father figure.



-Soft music

-Smart people

-His job


-Loud people and noises

-Proudful people






-A little bit of traveling


Jan was born and raised in Berlin,Germany. His father worked as a lawyer and his mother as a chef in a local restaurant. Jan had a big sister which he loved with all his heart known as Alena. Seeing how both of his parents were usually out Alena became Jan's mother figure since she looked after him throughout his whole childhood. The reason why Alena barely leaved the house was because she suffered from a heart disease that wouldn't allow her to do that much exercise.

Soon after he turned 11 Jan received the news that Alena was going to have a heart transplant surgery. Even if this was good news for everyone Jan actually reacted in a negative way to this because he thought that if Alena began leaving the house all the time she wouldn't take care of him as she did before. A selfish wish indeed, but nevertheless before the operation started Alena promised Jan that she would never do that and that she would always look after him.

Throughout it the whole operation was going on pretty smoothly. The doctor performing the operation had the fame of never failing a single surgery. But, something bad happened halfway through the surgery. Apparently the doctor hadn't applied enough anesthetics to keep Alena asleep through the whole surgery and out of nowhere she slowly began to wake up. From the room next door Jan was able to hear the desperate screams of his sister and without hesitating he ran into the room not knowing that he would witness a scene that would scar him for the rest of his life. There, laying on the hospital bed, was Alena, kicking the doctors away from her due to the pain. Jan was in such shock he couldn't do anything but watch while tears ran down his cheeks. Because of the situation Alena's heart rate increased until the point where it couldn't take anymore, stopping on the act. With her last energies Alena turned her head in order to look at Jan one last time. Their eyes met in a single, disturbing moment that Jan would remember for the rest of his life. The last time Jan saw her sister was when the doctors began attempting to reawaken her heart while they were dragging him out of the room. They failed.

After Alena's funeral Jan felt into a deep depression void that nobody could save him from. He would pass hours, even entire days inside his room without making any sort of contact with the outside world. After a couple of weeks Jan emerged from his room with a decision made. He would do anything in his power to stop this situation from happening to any other human being. Throughout the start of his teenage phase to the end of it Jan studied with all his might all there was to know about medicine. After graduating from college with a medicine diploma Jan began working in a hospital outside Germany, trying to save as many lives as possible. He heard about the human hybrids a couple of months after he joined this hospital and his curiosity began to act up again. He decided that he would buy one of them in order to see what they were all about.

Crush or Dating?:


Sexual orientation:





136 lbs

Eye color:


Hair color:



-The idea of committing a mistake may sometimes distract him

-Closed spaces

-The mentioning of her sister


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Test Subject Number:





13 (because was told to change et)






Maimu is at first is shy and reserved but will open up to those she has been around for a while. When she reveals her actual personality as a stubborn, kind, and caring girl. She has hard time follow orders that are given to her by others. She usually wanders off by herself paying no attention to others, but inclined to help those around her if they need help. Even with this she will be loyal to those that has saved her in any way in her eyes. Maimu is all in all a child with a childish side but she does have an unexpected mature side to her. Lastly, because she is a tiger she does have a biting problem.


-Running off

-Any type of food that she comes across



-Biting others.

-Being petted


-Thunder Storms



-Loud noises




-Climbing Trees(wants to)

-Watching People

-Looking at Flowers


Enhanced Abilities:





All are 3 times better than the average human.

-Sharp Canines


Maimu had always lived in a cage moving from one location to another. She doesn't know which lab or the location in which she was born from. The scientists never let her see other tests subjects keeping her in isolation. When they were done with testing her out she was shipped to an island. Humans around never knew if she is dangerous or not, being a tiger they never tried to take her out of a cage. She had always shied away from them when they came into the store she is placed in. Lately in the pet shop she kept on seeing the same person, a female, that talks to her but she never replied to her. Soon she got used to seeing the female and didn't shy away from her.

Crush or Dating?:

"I don't think I'd like this very much. I am a Tiger after all."

Sexual Orientation:

Heterosexual (Straight)






-Thunder/Lightning Storms


-Most people(can overcome this fear)


Hybrid Type:

Bengal Tiger


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"Come on, have some fun. Rationally, isn't thirty hours of work enough?"



Therese Stone//any nickname




Businesswoman (specifically an operations research analyst)




Therese believes that she is fair and just. She likes to look at every logically and rationally in case anyone wants to argue with her. In truth, she works things to her advantage. She tries to look on the bright side, though often fails and ends up being negative. She can lie very well, though chooses to express her honest opinion. She can be critical and her expectations are often high. She gets frustrated when she finds people who don't aim high enough or who don't care about themselves. She doesn't understand how some people can be so selfless. She likes relaxing and having some fun bonding with those she likes. She dislikes it when people aren't willing to have some fun or let go. She likes to draw boundaries and limitations, finding them secure and comforting. She respects and usually follows rules, though doesn't mind breaking them for her own personal use. She's highly observant and knowledgeable, being intelligent and clever. Her emotions and paranoia often run wild, but she still follows her logic rather than instinct (a choice she often regrets). She is cool tempered and rarely gets mad, though generally just gets annoyed.


relaxation, rules, compliments, compliance, tangy foods, cold drinks, tea, activity


coffee, workaholics, overly selfless people, overly perky people, illogical/ignorant people


cooking, baking, painting, amusement parks/festivals


Therese was raised by a single mother and with four other older kids. Her stepfather and biological father had both left the family, so any father figure was nonexistent. Her mother was always working to sustain the family, but with working came stress. The stress took a toll on the mom, and soon she became addicted to drugs and alcohol. By the time she was twelve, Therese and her siblings were separated and sent to foster homes. Therese was never officially adopted and bounced from foster home to foster home until she was off to college. She made sure to get a job that paid well enough.

Crush or Dating?:

none yet//open

Sexual Orientation(opt.):





110 lb

Eye color(opt.):


Hair color(opt.):



abandonment, betrayal, darkness,

alleys, boredom




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Cyrin Krezetsky




CEO of a large oiling company. Currently staying on the island in search of places for development.




Cyrin is a rather energetic person despite being the CEO of a very large company. Though she is still young, she is very intelligent, which has earned her that ranking and title. However, she isn't the least bit arrogant or cocky. In fact, she's very aware of every situation she's in. Cyrin is also very convincing and excels at negotiating. At most times, she seems as is she isn't taking anything seriously, but during work, she is nothing but serious. Her job is very important to her, but having fun and enjoying herself is too.


~Being outside

~Seeing new things / people


~The sea

~Having someone to spend time with


~Spicy food



~The dark



Cyrin was born into a poor family that consisted of her parents, 3 younger brothers, and 2 younger sisters. She, being the eldest, was left to take care of everything while her parents worked. She held 2 part time jobs, took care of her siblings, and was still able to get in the highest ranked school in her area. At the age of 18, her head was that of a genius'. A wealthy man, who owned a small oiling business, took notice and offered her a job. She simply had to make his company rule the oiling business. In a matter of 3 years, she succeeded and was appointed CEO.

Crush or Dating?:



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/images-8.jpeg.528feab81cb0ae9d776a78e6f05a22f7.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25748" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/images-8.jpeg.528feab81cb0ae9d776a78e6f05a22f7.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hair color: White, lightly tinted with pink

Eye color: Red

Height : 5"3

Weight: 120 lbs



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Hybrid CS

Test Subject Number:4387

Name: Rosie May Firefly

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Owner: N/A

Personality: She's extremely hyper and loves to screw with the annoying people. She's rather aloof and tends to act strangely around others, this being caused by her isolated life as a child. She's not very fond of humans this caused by the movement to her new home, a rather humid, island. Full of humans, and a sun in the sky pouring heat on her body. She rather protective of things she adores and isn't afraid to knee a man where the sun don't shine for stealing one of her Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Likes: The Cold, Snow, Ice cream, Sword, Panic at the Disco, Pepsi, Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Dislikes: Fire, Loud Sounds, Guns, Sour Candy, Cars, Vegetables.

Hobbies/Pastimes: Hunting Animals..... Listening to music, and playing in the snow.

Enhanced Abilitie(s): Can survive extremely low temperatures.Small Sharp Canines. Enhanced sight and hearing.

Back-story: Since the beginning of her life she's thought she was livening in the Arctic, but really she was living in a artificial environment, that scientist used to study her and the way she acted in this environment. They let out creatures for her to hunt and had a small lake to drink from. She had grown fond of the home she had been living, but one day they loaded up there test subject to send her off, to a hot, humid tropical island. Which when she arrived would probably die of heat stroke and seize to live.

Crush or Dating?(opt. and is allowed): Nope.

Sexual Orientation(opt.): Bi-Sexual

Height: 5"7


Eye color(opt.): Red

Hair color(opt.): White

Weaknesses/Fears: Fire, Guns, Hot climates.

Hybrid Type:Arctic Fox-Hybrid

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.cb39af29d768506297ffffb892398608.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25706" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.cb39af29d768506297ffffb892398608.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Markings (opt.):



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Zeelia Kross




Animal Trainer




She is an out-going teen, yet has a low tolerance of patience. She not what you say "sweet" but a bit kind-hearted. She's not quite a talker. She used to hate others thinking it was her fault her parents had died, and that her brother had left, but became more confident and had told off others about it. She loved animals and she would't trade them for the world.



Helping others

Causing some trouble

Exploring through the forest


People thinking she killed her parents

Abusive people

Her brother




After losing her mother and father, she took on the family business. She hasn't really spoken much about her family. She had always kept quiet when she had pasted others, for they starred at her thinking she had caused their deaths. Her brother had left after their parents had died. He didn't want a thing to do with Zeelia, so she had to raise herself at the age of ten.

She had raised herself in the back-woods behind the town. She had stayed there for about two years before actually leaving the woods and going into town. She had no one to speak to. Afraid of what others had thought, she glared at them hopefully to tell them to back off. About three years later, her brother had shown up, still blaiming Zeelia for their parents death. Yet he left about a week later. Zeelia had a tough life, but kept the family buisness running, somehow having people bring animals to her that need to be trained. Zeelia had found a cape that used to be her mothers, so she had kept it and used it.

Crush or Dating:

"Why would I be interested in such a thing?"

Sexual Orientation:



5'5 "


116 Lbs

Eye color:


Hair color:



Losing an animal

Animal being harmed in anyway

Losing a loved one.

Her brother


Bite mark on her lower right leg.

Scar on her shoulder from her brother.


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Test Subject Number:



Rory Kan






None at the moment


Rory has a very bright personality. He is very creative and still acts as if he was 7. Rory can be overwhelming at times and talk a bit too much. But he is very obedient to those who treat him well with respect. If asked to he is willing to help along anybody. Rory loves the outdoors in most conditions and strives to spend much time in the company of people rather than being alone. He can be slow at times, mostly in humor, but it quite intelligent. Rory doesn't try to receive much attention but with his troublesome and boisterous personality he tends to receive much more than he begs for. He is very protective for the ones he loves though he may not show it. He doesn't like to express much love but deep down he is a very compassionate and caring boy.


Tall heights




Creating stories



Lightning/Stormy weather

Loud things


Cramped spaces



Playing catch (whether by himself or with others)


Swooping down and pestering people

Enhanced Abilities(pertaining the hybrid part):

Brilliant eyesight

Sharp hearing

Stronger arms and legs

Lightning speed (cause of wings)

Faster recovery (only on outer skin not internal damages)


Rory was more troublesome in the past as a child. He was a runaway orphan that was captured by scientists somewhere in the country land of England. He grew up mostly in a cage during the early stages of the experimentation. But during these years he gained patience and then his wings. After sprouting these wings for a full painful years they had to transfer him to a larger cage before he had a heart attack. His eyes changed colors from a brown to a gold and his senses sharpened. Once they were done with all the tests on him they had no need for him so they sent him to a pet shop. He lives in a huge bird cage and soon after leaving the lab he regained some of his troublesome personality.

Crush or Dating?(opt. and is allowed):

Not interested but may have many crushes




113 lbs.

Eye color:

Golden eyes

Hair color:

Tawny brown with a few golden streaks


Restraints on wings

No freedom

Tight spaces

Loud noises

Hybrid Type:

Golden Eagle

Appearance(Prefer a pic but may put description):

Looks young in picture but character is a few years older

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/SC20140730-121025-1.jpg.ffb9d46f0a2ea1ea0a63c007d0c4e3bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25776" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/SC20140730-121025-1.jpg.ffb9d46f0a2ea1ea0a63c007d0c4e3bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Just the two astray colored feathers like in the pic



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Test Subject Number: 037152

Name: Justin

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Owner: N/A

Personality: Justin is a loving buddy who is always up to anything

Likes: Girls, Partying and anything fun

Dislikes: Party Poopers and Cops

Hobbies/Pastimes: Dancing, Reading,Painting and swimming.

Enhanced Abilities: He can run really fast and is super smart

Back-story: He can not remember anything to do with his old life other then the fact that he was popular and loved the ladies.

Crush or Dating?: N/A

Sexual Orientation: Hetero

Height: 6'8 when he stands up.

Weight: 125 pounds

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Blonde

Weaknesses/Fears: His weakness is any hot girls and water he loves swimming.

Hybrid Type: Black House Cat


Markings: Nope.
Still accepting?

Name: Thomas Lileese

Age: 17

Occupation: Waiter

Pet: None at the moment

Personality: Thomas, or rather Tommy, is considered to be laid back, but at times, his crazy side can show. When around strangers, his attitude is calm and cold, and he isn't someone who trusts easily, and judges people quickly. But if you make friends with him, he is very caring and kind, always trying to make his friends smile.

Likes: Reading, basketball, and beaches

Dislikes: closed spaces, heavy snow, any type of horror movies or shows

Hobbies/Pastimes: He enjoys to write short novels when he has freetime.

Back-story: Thomas never truly did fit in anywhere. When he was born, he barely cried, which worried his parents. As he got older, his mood changes were very noticeable. Sometimes he would lay on his bed in his room, staring at the ceiling, refusing to talk to anyone. Other times, he would be full of energy, always playing outside. His latter attitude soon started to come out to the people around him, and his depressed part of himself stayed pretty much sealed away in his mind for a few years. When he was 12, Tommy started to go back to being depressed. It became severe, resulting multiple times in him indirectly speaking to his family about ending his own life. He went through extensive therapy, and he soon moved out of that mood, going back to his original self. His parents still worry about him, but to the present day, Tommy has been all around happy.

Crush or Dating?(opt.): Open

Sexual Orientation(opt.): Hetrosexual

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 166

Eye color(opt.): Blue

Hair color(opt.): Red

Weaknesses/Fears: Scared of seeing other people's pain


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-30_21-4-55.jpeg.9ee68503e5f6dc3521aa1aa504236720.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25809" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-30_21-4-55.jpeg.9ee68503e5f6dc3521aa1aa504236720.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Still acceptin? :D

Test Subject Number: J-4257

Name: Xavier Sevile

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Owner: None

Personality: Arrogant, sarcastic, rebellious, witty, kind and supportive to friends, a bit quiet, shy, and awkward. In search of justice and rights for the hybrids, he won't accept a master easily. Xavier resents the fact that his kind only serve to exist as pets, when they are sentient beings. Why can't they considered equal to humanity, even if they are something less than that? However, his shy awkwardness usually prevents him from saying anything about it, or making friends either. Against his enemies and people he doesn't like, he can come off as cold, rude, and cruel.

Brutally honest to all most of the time.

Likes: Art, reading, doing the right thing, fun people, sour things

Dislikes: Injustice, hypocrites, dishonesty, most people, the idea of being someone's pet.

Hobbies/Pastimes: Reading, sleeping

Enhanced Abilities(pertaining the hybrid part): Tongue can go from a snake's to a humans, and vice versa, can slide half-inch long fangs in and out, fangs can deliver a highly potent toxin capable of either killing, or bringing a target to the verge of death, if not properly treated. Can speak with snakes, but because he is not a "True Snake" few care to listen to him. Stealthy.

Back-story: Born in a lab, in Britain, during a time an illness was going around, caused Xavier to catch the disease, meaning that he had to constantly be kept in a tube full of a special liquid to keep him alive. At the age of 12, he finally was let out of the tubes, as he finally recovered. As a snake person can look rather creepy sometimes, the scientists didn't like him very well.. He was picked on and beaten on several occasions. Early this year, an incident had occurred. He had bit one of the scientists, almost killing the man. Thus, he was moved, to the island.

Crush or Dating?(opt. and is allowed): Not yet

Sexual Orientation(opt.): Hetero

Height: 5'10

Weight: 150

Eye color(opt.): Bright Green

Hair color(opt.): Blonde

Weaknesses/Fears: Heights, fire

Hybrid Type: Green Viper

Appearance(Prefer a pic but may put description):


Markings(opt.): Some green scales around his eyes, some scales on the back of his neck, and some on his elbows and knees. Not as many as in the picture. Plus the snakes are just part of the picture.

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Still accepting?

LifeNovel mentioned this to me.


Felicity Kris Verity


17 yrs.




None (soon to adopt)


Felicity may look like a quite girl, but she is a pretty out-going and working a job that has social contact nearly every ten minutes, she loves meeting new people. Mrs. Verity's spirit isn't doused too quickly as she always look at the positive side of everything. She is a patient woman, enjoys a good laugh every once in a while and sometimes she'll be the candle in the darkness. She'll never be one to leave a friend behind or to fend for themselves.




-Afternoon strolls in the park

-Coffee & Tea

-Tapioca Drinks

-Being a child by heart



-Crammed spaces

-Scary movies, she gets paranoid easily


-Seafood with the exception of Sushi

-Being left alone in a large crowd

-First-person mazes


-Roller blading at the park



-Sitting in her coffee shop

-Jamming out to music



Felicity came from a middle class family, being the only child. Her mother and father are a sweet loving couple and douse the young girl with love. They spoil her once in a while, but not to the point were she relies everything onto them. They help her finance through high school, paying off school fees. Even though they aren't the richest, their happiness is all Felicity needs. She also didn't move into the town not long ago, so she is semi-new, but knows enough to get around.

Crush or Dating?:

None (open)

Sexual Orientation:





130 lbs.

Eye color:

Granite Grey

Hair color:

Semi-Pale Violet Hair


The ultimate fear to her is loosing her parents or knowing the thought of having to live without one or them. It is the only thing that daunts her.



Nononono, ignore the cigarette, she doesn't smoke.



I really hope this doesn't throw anything off!
Am I allowed to reserve a spot? (The electronic I'm using at the moment isn't fit for so much "data")

And if I am, I would like to be a female hybrid. :3
macaron said:
Am I allowed to reserve a spot? (The electronic I'm using at the moment isn't fit for so much "data")
And if I am, I would like to be a female hybrid. :3
Okey~ I'll reserve a spot for you~

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