New WoD game on the horizon.


Black Sun in a White World
It's that time again, folks. I've got one Exalted game finally approaching wrap-up and I've been brewing ideas for the past few weeks and writing away on a new WoD setting. I hope to start running it in a few weeks after I brush up on a few things and get the setting to where I like it. Primarily, I'm gunning for Vampires AND Changelings. I like both groups highly, they're nasty political beasts and Blackwater is such a cheerful setting for both groups.

Blackwater (thanks for helping me name it, Dave!), is set somewhere in the Midwest, left vague because I can and I really don't mind. It rests on the Mississippi and isn't too terribly far from Chicago if that helps.

Politics, intrigue, and things that can creep out even the other supernaturals lurk about in the alleys and abandoned subway routes in old Blackwater. The city is dominated by a Vampire Enclave in the throes of an Inquisition currently and the Lost Freehold is quietly changing over to the Ascending Fall Court as the world shifts its footing. It's late 2010. All, for now, is well, but nothing ever is allowed solace or any sense of normalcy in Blackwater. Not for long. The city feeds on it when the high grass in the surrounding praire goes red.

I already have several people signed up with their characters made.

I'm looking for a few more. I do have ground rules, however.

1) Just looking for good ideas or bare concepts right now. Just general outlines, because I have a bit of setting material for people to scan over and mesh with when they make their characters.

2) Need people who can post regularly. If you've kept score on this forum, my games tend to explode with posts very quickly. I've lost several players because they simply couldn't keep up.

3) Bare concepts for characters, I must repeat, looking for that and interest. I'll choose a few folks, not everyone who posts will be selected. Standard advisory, even though I feel like an ass everytime I write it. Ah, well. Thanks to any and all interest and character ideas!
An idea for a Lancea Sanctum Gangrel has gotten me. You mentioned an Inquisition, on what measure would that affect the setting?
The Vampires in this setting have been brooding over a severe conflict that broke out a decade ago in 2000. The Crone and Lancea got into it hardcore, by numbers dragging in most of the other factions. The Lancea blamed the sudden murder of one of their bishops upon the Crone, who steadfastly denied. The war turned bloody, the Carthians tried to arbitrate, but were viciously attacked as well.

The war ground on, the Invictus Duke still harbors a bitter hatred for his lover dying in the conflict and has given the new Lancean Bishop carte blanche to purge the heretics from his city. It is bloody. And affiliation DOES count far more here than anywhere else. The Ordo hide, the Crone have been driven to the suburbs, and anyone who looks at Inquisition members cock-eyed is burnt to a damn crisp. Nomads, Ordo and anyone else who doesn't measure up in any way keep their mouths shut and respectful at all times. Even being Lancea isn't guaranteed, but it keeps you a little safer.

I'm thinking, depending on the other ideas I get, of having most of my vampires being unaffiliated. Not sure yet.
Carthian Mekhet (Morbus)

Bitterly disappointed in his bloodline and the fact that he really didn't want this, he nevertheless really doesn't want to die. Well, permanently die that is, like greet the dawn or something silly like that, he isn't and never has been self-destructive. His pedigree is a two edged sword for him, his sire was a nobody politically so no one paid attention to the fact that he's only feeding on the sick, but he was such a nobody that any covenant he joined would have him start at the very bottom rung with a loooooong climb to the next. As was mentioned, he isn't self-destructive, so he wouldn't stay unaligned just out of spite.

So he joined the Carthians. It's not bad, make some connections here and there (which the Carthians are only all-too-willing to help with), and bang you know a guy that knows a guy! They'll help you get going, and while they won't make you rich like the Invictus or give you funky blood magic like the Circle or Sanctum, or do I don't know what the Ordo does, you were never rich to begin with, that funky sorcery is creepy as all get the fuck out, and those Ordo dudes are creepy as all get out. Yeah you can't coast on the backs of other vamps, but could you do that when alive?

No. You have to work with what you got.

The Vampires in this setting have been brooding over a severe conflict that broke out a decade ago in 2000. The Crone and Lancea got into it hardcore, by numbers dragging in most of the other factions. The Lancea blamed the sudden murder of one of their bishops upon the Crone, who steadfastly denied. The war turned bloody, the Carthians tried to arbitrate, but were viciously attacked as well.
The war ground on, the Invictus Duke still harbors a bitter hatred for his lover dying in the conflict and has given the new Lancean Bishop carte blanche to purge the heretics from his city. It is bloody. And affiliation DOES count far more here than anywhere else. The Ordo hide, the Crone have been driven to the suburbs, and anyone who looks at Inquisition members cock-eyed is burnt to a damn crisp. Nomads, Ordo and anyone else who doesn't measure up in any way keep their mouths shut and respectful at all times. Even being Lancea isn't guaranteed, but it keeps you a little safer.

I'm thinking, depending on the other ideas I get, of having most of my vampires being unaffiliated. Not sure yet.
Interesting. What's the Freehold look like? Is it gonna be a crossover thing with vampires and 'lings working together?
The Freehold is still being built actually. Autumn is coming into its natural rotation, of course. The Freehold and the Enclave (my catchall for Vampires in a city) are quite large. I've still been working on how they interact with one another. Especially with the city's...colorful history. And hopefully, yeah, it'll turn to them working together. I already have one non-affiliate who is a man-for-hire so he can be put in easy. Ideas for the general plot are forming.
I'd just love to join that sort of game. I'm thinking or a Ordo Dracul mehket who just wants to be able to do his work without having to fear people wanting him dead(er).

He half heartedly does enough to conform to the official rules in places but would rather see some sanity. Sort of a 2nd season type Blackadder guy.

In his heart, he secretly sympathises with the Crone and Carthians.
A Changeling/Vampire ? I'm very interested. I've got a character prepared, a changeling Chirurgeon, waiting for a game
Of course (it's was late and I was very sleepy)

Jeremiah Deville was a french surgeon in the year 1920. His ambition always lead him in the extreme limit of the ethics and, eventually, in jail. After is punishment he went to states to clear is name and continue his experiment but one night he has been captured. After his escape he become a sort of clandestine doctor (his diplome date from 1920) for changeling and people who can pay
Would love to join in, but being one of those aforementioned players who fell behind, I think I'll sit this one out. Good luck!
Just a bump to see if interest was still there. I'm a writing away on the setting, the past few days have been hectic for me.
Believe so. Sorry, I've been aloof lately trying to get a few things done in real life as well. :D

I'll have more information for you guys soonish. I have not forgotten!

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