New to this site




I am a newbie to this site but I have been roleplaying longer than I remember. I have been on a break from roleplay for about over a year and now I feel like it is my time to get back into roleplaying since it was something I enjoyed very much but had to give up due to being busy and not being able to post as regularly as I wanted. The site I used to roleplay on had now kind of simmered in the roleplaying section so I needed to find myself a new site to roleplay on and that is how I found this site!

I do hope I get many new friends and have some great roleplaying experiences!​

I am kind of shy so please be patient with me.

Ummm I don't know what else to put here, but if you have any questions you would like to ask me please ask away I shall try and answer the question.
Hello and welcome to RPNation, NoraSykes!

Please make yourself at home here. No need to be shy-- people here are quite friendly and accommodating, I've found.

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