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Multiple Settings New to the site and ready to roleplay ♥ Fandom and OC Search


Just a smol bean
Hello everyone! I'm new to the site and not quite used to it all just yet, so I ask that you be patient with me as I learn the ins and outs. I think I should start with a few things about me!
  • I am over 18 so I would prefer if my partners were also over 18. I just feel more comfortable if we were closer to the same age.
  • I am more of a literate roleplayer so I tend to write 3 paragraphs at the least. I do mirror posts though, so if you'd rather do smaller paragraphs, I can accommodate. I would like at least three good sentences at the very least though!
  • I do enjoy the OOC talk as well as the story!
  • I do tend to enjoy writing about more sensitive topics(trauma, drinking, etc.) If you are wary of any of the more dark themes, then just let me know! I do love more soft and fluffy roleplays as well :3
  • I prefer MxM but I don't mind FxF or MxF if you really want to do that. I only do MxM in fandom though.
That being said, let's get into the fandoms I enjoy!

My Hero Academia
Midoriya x Todoroki
Bakugo x Midoriya
Bakugo x Todoroki

Okay, the first two are more popular but hear me out. The third one came about with a previous roleplay that died. In it, Todoroki was stranded after an argument with his father went south and he was left beaten almost senseless. Bakugo, finding him in the rain looking like a pitiful drowned rat, took him into his home, spouting that he wouldn't hear the end of it if he had left a fellow classmate in the rain. What follows is some slow burn love and mental healing from the trauma. It was one of my favorite roleplays of all time, and I'm sad that the site I was on shut down. If anyone would play this one with me, I would be forever grateful ;-;

I did have an OC that we could do too if you are interested! It would be at UA, and they would be students. IF you're interested, just message me and let me know!

OC Trainer x OC Trainer
OC Gym Leader x OC Gym Leader


Teacher x Teacher
Shy Boy x Outgoing Jock
Fake Relationships

Cappucino Romance - Muse A is an agoraphobe, a hatred for people in every sense of the word. He would rather sit in a room all day than come out and see anything the world had to offer. He didn't need to have a job. His parents were rich. They were celebrities, loved by all except the one that wanted to love them the most. No, they ruined the chance of Muse A ever loving them with their disinterested parenting and months leaving him alone with the staff in that oversized house.
It should have been a day like any other. Go get a coffee, come home, and stare at the TV for hours on end, but the old coffee place was gone. It was replaced by this cutesy garbage of a cafe that promoted itself as a place for everyone. Muse B ran this coffee shop of nightmares for Muse A, and Muse A loathed it. Yet, meeting Muse B for the first time, with his gentle and fluffy nature, something shifted. Was it love? Muse A doubted it. He never felt such emotion.

A Bucket of Stardrops - Muse A was told from a young age that he was built to be a superhero. Loved by those who met him, he was a kind soul that strived to be the best of what people saw in him, to be the light of someone's life. It wasn't long until he was the top hero, and was proud of all that he had accomplished.
Muse B was villain, so different from Muse A, and yet so similar. He wanted to help people when he was younger. He wanted to be a hero. He never got to be. Tossed aside and left to rot, he wallowed in his own depression, pushing and pushing to try and break free of what was holding him back. He was a hero. He was going to prove it if it killed him.
He broke.
He was no longer the person that believed he could be something greater. He no longer believed he could be like the greatest hero in the world. Maybe if he had been shown just a little bit of love, he could have been something more than a low-class villain. No, he was nothing.
And he was going to make them pay.
Magical Solice - Muse A was a child mage that was offered solace in the Kingdom’s castle after his natural talents with magic came forth, being taught by the King and Queen’s own mage. Muse B was the child prince of the Kingdom, a bright and shining boy with a heart of gold. The two became best friends and close playmates as the year passed, never leaving each other’s side.
Then a witch took over Muse A’s body, forcing him to kill the King and Queen with the very magic that they coveted. Fearing punishment for the action, he fled, and the kingdom fell into chaos as the council of elders attempted to keep the Kingdom from destroying itself completely.
Twelve years have passed and Muse B is finally king and the Kingdom once again seems to have a sliver of hope. With the council of elders guiding him, Muse B travels to the neighboring kingdom in hopes to reforge the alliance that the neighbor kingdom had had when his parents were alive.
He might just stumble upon an old friend as well.

Fire Child - Muse A has lost count of how many years he had spent in the forest beyond his village, unable to comprehend the number of the generations of people that were born and died before he so much as aged a day. He couldn’t keep tabs on anything anymore, living in immortal hell after a curse from the witch that he had hunted down over five hundred years ago. His immortality wasn’t the only thing that kept him from returning to his home, as the witch had left him with something else along with the curse of immortality.
It was attached to his emotions. It was the heat under his skin. It was the permanent ash that surrounded his footsteps when he grew angry. It was the forest fires that started when he cried and it was the crops of the villagers that burned when he grew fearful of other people drawing near.
This fire was the reason he fled, having burned down the village once before when he first got his curse. Yet, the reality behind the fire became muddled in myth, the story of a dragon taking place over Muse A’s life. It is six hundred years of tales of the Damned Forest that Muse B was raised in the village as a farmer, losing his crops to the flames of the dragon from the legend. Facing starvation if this continued, he set out to kill the dragon, to protect his family.
Muse B has no idea what he is getting himself into
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