New to Exalted? Start here!!!

Thorn Darkblade

I know lots of things. Lots of things...
Alrighty, so, debating running an Exalted game for new players if enough interest is generated. Details are as follows:

-NEW PLAYERS ONLY. This is the big one. The less experience, the better! Never played Exalted? Good! Never done a dice based game? Even better! Still scared of RPing a bit? Don't worry, I don't bite!

-Ruleset will be 2.5 New players may ask what this means? Well, not a whole heck of a lot. It just means we're using the most up-to-date rules, which have been refined over the years.

-Cosmology and Metaplot will be trimmed. New Players: This means you won't have to memorize the entire history of the game world. It'll still be there, but simplified. It will mostly be about developing good characters, learning good RP skills, and learning the mechanics! Solars only, which means less variety, but more simplicity.

-Looking for up to 4 players. There will be one of each Caste (Character Archtype), except Eclipse, as I'm cutting out Social Combat for most of the game. One thing at a time.

-Players must be able to post once every 2 days, preferably more often.

-Players must either have access to the Exalted 2nd Edition Core Rules and Errata, or be able to communicate with me on TeamSpeak or AIM to go over character generation and rules primers. I'd love to just post them up here, but copyright infringement and stuff, :P A legal download of the PDF, or if you're really willing to splurge, a hard copy, can be found here, and the Errata can be found for free here.

Interested? Great! Give me your current RP experience, and a first and second pick for Caste choice.

The four castes and their archtype are- Dawn (Warrior), Zenith (Priest/Monk), Twilight (Sorcerer), and Night (Thief/Ninja). Mind you, these are super basic generalizations, and there is a lot more customization...a Twilight can be a heavily armored sword-wielding badass, it's just that Dawns tend to be that more frequently.

Any more questions? Ask away!
Well, I've been wondering what the heck exalted ever since I join the site, so this would probably be a great way to find out 'w'
Awesome! All I need from you right now is to pick a preferred and secondary archtype (just in case I assign someone else your favorite-ist role, you can still be moderately happy, :D )
[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]Awesome! All I need from you right now is to pick a preferred and secondary archtype (just in case I assign someone else your favorite-ist role, you can still be moderately happy, :D )

Can I get back to you tomorrow? I know absolutely nothing about this, so I'd have no idea what I'd be picking ^^'
Sure! I gave a quick outline of the archtypes above, and really that's all you need to know for this game. I'm really doing it bare-bones so it won't be too complicated!
[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]Sure! I gave a quick outline of the archtypes above, and really that's all you need to know for this game. I'm really doing it bare-bones so it won't be too complicated!

Yeah, I just noticed. Goodness I'm tired X\ I'd say Night as my preferred and Twilight as my secondary
Oh, I'm very interested. The Exalted I've played has been a hodge podge of 1 & 2.5 with made up stuff so I have no clue when it comes to the 2.5 system.
Interesting. I'll probably regret not tagging along, but right now I'm afraid it's just not a good idea.

Just wanted to express my opinion. Great idea, Thorn. Good luck with it ;)
I would definitely be interested. I joined this site hoping for just this opportunity. I played Exalted once at a table at a Con and was mostly lost despite having a pre-gen. I started a character for 'The End is Nigh', but really don't understand half the mechanics. And I had help generating the characters with charms and such I never heard of.

I would probably prefer a Night Caste(1st) or a Zenith Caste (2nd), but could go for any of the 4 available.

My basic background is in D&D (1E, 2E, 3E, 3.5E, PF) but have played a variety of systems though none in a true Storyteller system.
If it's PbP, then I'm game, I'd like to get a solid bead on Exalted since I've only been involved with one game that left me flailing about as I tried to catch up. The GM and other players were awesome though and helped me out quite a I guess, in a way this will be my first solo flight.

Archetypes wise, I'm looking to either Zenith or Twilight depending on the other players and the location. Twilight because I want to take a crack at crafting. Zenith because I've already built two Zenith characters.
Glad to see this is getting so much interest. Gonna leave it hangin out for a few days more, make a final pick, and do a forum submission
Most of my Exalted experience has come down to two fights that I can distinctly remember, one as a lone heroic mortal fighting some undead and as a Fire aspect part of a circle of Terrestrials fighting an Abyssal. Then, a whole lot of reading of the core, Dragon-Blooded, the Exalted wiki and the erratas, I wanted to stay current when a game popped up on the other boards I still frequent. Plus, a building several characters... Okay, really like three that I kept critiquing and trying to get it a game with. I finally got into those two previously mentioned and they lasted all of one scene, which was really about one battle.

I would really like to go through an Adventure from start to finish. Preference is Zenith and Dawn.
So a couple of questions though...

  1. What are the chances of getting different types of Exalts in the same group? Like a Dragon-Blooded, or a Lunar, or an Abyssal, etc.
  2. Is there a chance of continued GM'ing for the group if you really like us? :D

1- Not at all. Solars only for newb training purposes

2- There is an end to the campaign I have planned. It may continue beyond that if everyone really wants it to
[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]griever,
1- Not at all. Solars only for newb training purposes

2- There is an end to the campaign I have planned. It may continue beyond that if everyone really wants it to

Works for me :)
I've been wanting to join an exalted game, and this seems perfect. Dawn preferred and Zenith is secondary. I'm cool with getting anything, really.
I mean, I have a little experience... I've made a character with the help of Anathema, and I was briefly in Wiz's chat roleplay. I was only in one or two sessions and really didn't do anything in it.
I am so tempted.

I love the setting, and ass-kicking powers....but the system gives me nightmares. It's the one thing I have played, but can never run. I can't. It just escapes me.

...however....I would play a Daybreak Necromancer in a second. A second. I have a character pretty much good to go after a failed attempt at a serious game ruined because of "that guy"....
I am new, and the only Exalted games I've played never got past a couple pages.

basically, while I have played a couple games, they weren't anything defining or grounding to me, and so I am very new despite examining Exalted a lot.

I want actual experience of Exalted and such, to get a real feel of it, that I haven't yet gotten.
This is a pretty cool idea Thorn!

I hope to see where you go with this ;) !

(Just incase you did not get it. Do not let me down :D !!!!!!!!!!!)
I will be choosing my 4 players soon. This WILL be happening, but it may be slightly delayed...there are only 2 weeks of classes left for me, then exams, so those will be my number 1 priority. Afterwards though, I'll have a crapload of free time.

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