New to Everything


Confunkled Man Boy
Well, I'm Daniel and I haven't really ever roleplayed before, but have always wanted to try it. This is my first time on any kind of forum page, so I'm hoping it goes well!
ahkenaten said:
Well, I'm Daniel and I haven't really ever roleplayed before, but have always wanted to try it. This is my first time on any kind of forum page, so I'm hoping it goes well!

Welcome To RPN!!!~ (shield)(shield)(shield)

Hope you enjoy your time here!~

(If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll help out if I can.(:3)(o'v'o)(B'))

Also, If you'd like me to tag you in some good Rp's I'll be sure to do that!~ :D I hope we'll meet again around the site. :3


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Damn Daniel, back at it ag- Nah not really, we should just let that joke die xD

Anyway, welcome to the site! I'm sure you'll have fun here and make new friends ^^
iChaotic said:
Damn Daniel, back at it ag- Nah not really, we should just let that joke die xD
Anyway, welcome to the site! I'm sure you'll have fun here and make new friends ^^
I get that a lot, it's fine I think it's funny. Guess you could say we're back at it again. Thanks for the welcome!
Cute kitty! Anyway, welcome to RPN! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes if you want. An admin should be here soon with her Welcome post, but until then I may be able to answer any questions you may have. Enjoy your stay!
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Image created by the user Darkangel666.

Welcome to :RPN:! We're super friendly, I promise. I really really encourage you to check out the tutorials around the site (here and here), because there's so much useful information for beginners out there. If you're struggling with the forum format, this guide in particular might help you.

Roleplaying is great fun, so I hope you stick with it. ^-^

If you have any more questions questions, feel free to ask me or to post in the Site Questions & Information forum, but your Welcome PM should answer most of them already!
You may feel nervous about posting initially, but from what I've seen so far, this community is willing to help you all the way. I'm new here as well, though not to role playing, and I can tell you right now, you're going to have a blast!
IAmTheBurger said:
You may feel nervous about posting initially, but from what I've seen so far, this community is willing to help you all the way. I'm new here as well, though not to role playing, and I can tell you right now, you're going to have a blast!
I've already started my first roleplay and I'm having a blast so I know what you're saying is rue and I'm excited for future roleplay s!
ahkenaten said:
I've already started my first roleplay and I'm having a blast so I know what you're saying is rue and I'm excited for future roleplay s!
Glad to hear that you're already having fun! Enjoy your stay!
Welcome to the site! Name's Meriysa "Meri" and I hope to find you in a future roleplay! If you need anything, just ask and I'll do what I can to answer.
ahkenaten said:
I've already started my first roleplay and I'm having a blast so I know what you're saying is rue and I'm excited for future roleplay s!
Great! It's nice to meet you, and I hope that you continue to enjoy your time here.

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