New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dragon"

Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Lots of enthusiastic players, so I will step back.

Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Revised sheetage!

Name: Aren Veiyo, the Student of the Auric Blade

Concept: First Age arcaeologist-historian

Motivacion: Bring the glories of First Age technology to Great Forks

Caste: Twilight

Anima: Gold-tinged purple flames. At Iconic level, they form twisting tendrils that arc around him, shot through with flashes of the colours of the setting sun.

Appearance: Sandy hair, simple clothes, and an air of quiet dignity and erudition. When there's a golden sword in his hands that air of calm becomes a little more... icy.


str    oo
dex    oooo
sta    ooo

cha    ooo
man    oo
app    oo

per    ooo
int    oooo
wit    oooo


   Martial Arts       
F   Melee  oooo (Daiklaves +1) (1.5BP)             


C   Craft (Fire)       o (Swords +1) (0.5BP)
C  Investigation     ooo
C   Lore                ooooo (First Age +2) (3BP)
C   Medicine           o 
C   Occult              ooooo (2BP)

F   Athletics           ooo                   
F   Awareness           ooo                   
F   Dodge               oooo       (2BP)
  Larceny             o

F  Linguistics         ooo (Native: Riverspeak (Great Forks) Additional: Old Realm, High Realm, Forest-tongue)


Essence        oo (will go up to 3 with the bonuses given)

Compassion     oo
Convinction    oo
Temperance     ooo (Flawed: Ascetic Drive)
Valor          oo

Willpower      ooooo


+ Great Forks (he still loves the city of his birth)
+ Discovery (whether by deduction from facts already known or by uncovering a long-lost record, the Student of the Auric Blade is a scholar first and foremost)


Artifact       oo               Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers
Artifact       oo               "Promise of Inevitable Dawn", Orichalcum Reaper Daiklave
Manse         ooo             Windhands Gemstone
Resources   oo               Artifact Trade Profits


-Graceful Crane Stance
--Spider-Foot Style

-2nd Awareness Excellency

-2nd Lore Excellency
-Essence-Lending Method (another legacy of the Scholar's First Age motonic studies)

-2nd Craft Excellency

-Shadow Over Water

-1st Melee Excellency
- One Weapon, Two Blows
-Call the Blade
--Summoning the Loyal Steel

Essence pools:
Personal: 11/11
Peripheral: 19/28
9 committed
Soak: 3B, 2L
Dodge DV: 7
Dodge MDV: 4
Parry MDV: 3 (Charisma + Investigation)

Weapon: [i]Promise of Inevitable Dawn[/i], Orichalcum Reaper Daiklave
Speed: 4 Accuracy: +5 (Pool: 14) Damage: +4L (Total: 6L) Defence: +2 (Parry DV: 6) Rate: 4

I intend to pick up Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (with Incantation of Effective Restoration as the free spell), plus two extra spells- Emerald Countermagic and Paralyzing Contradiction- as my three bonus Charms. These all represent the spells learnt from the notes left by the First Age inacarnation.

A little more background on Elucidated Therri, the First Age Twilight:

From what Aren remembers, he was an ascetic and swordsmith before the Primordial War- he had dedicated himself to all facets of the art of the sword, from crafting to their use in combat. His profoundly meditative style led him to a deep understanding of the nature of swordplay, and he was Chosen as one of the original Twilight Castes as a result. His first work after Exaltation was a fine orichalcum blade- a four-foot-long razor of perfectly balanced, mirror-like gold inlaid with a twisting pattern of silver lines made from the lining of a cloud and sharpened on the rays of the setting Sun (Unconquered, not Green...). Named Promise of Inevitable Dawn, the blade had the speed and grace of a zephyr, and complemented perfectly the graceful, flowing style Therri used.

Elucidated Therri put the sword to good use in the War, though Aren remembers little more than scattered fragments of fire and chaos, nearly all punctuated with the sight of an enormous winged beast of pure shadow. The First Age of Man is much more lucid in his mind- a combination of contemplation and invention, as the Scholar of the Auric Blade created wonders- both as a challenge to his mind and as a way to improve the lot of his subjects. As time went on, his contemplation of the subtle flows of Essence took up more and more of his time, until he barely left his Manse; this was the situation at the Usurpation, when Therri had isolated himself so much from the world that he did not even attend the traditional Calibration festival held by the Solar Circle Sorcerers.

Both Therri and Aren are sorcerers of the Devonian school, seeing Essence as the essential rule of the world and a combination of experiment and deduction as the method to expand one's knowledge of both these rules and the methods by which a sorcerer can bend them to his own advantage.

I should note that I've fiddled around a little with some skill ranks- I've dropped to Craft 1 and gone up to Investigation 3, as it's a poor archaeologist who can't reconstruct a scene from the evidence left...

Also, I may be wrong here, but it looks to me like we have here a Perfect Circle. Plus a Wood Aspect, just to mix things up a little.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

heres my backstory + sheet(has free ess:3 but nothing else you gave us yet.)

Name: Deidira Zaisho, Azure Sky.

Caste: Eclipse

Concept: warrior poet

Motivation: Spread the ideals of Lookshy (as I see them) to the people of the scavenger lands

Deidira Zaisho was born in Lookshy, to a pair of simple patriotic citizens, and was raised on the honor virtues lookshyan culture, honor, valor, commitment to duty and self-control, all the while he was imbued with a feeling of compassion towards the rest of the world and a sense that it was all lookshyans duty, as members of a superior culture to improve and protect to lives of others.

As he grew up the main part of his time was spent on helping his father in his job as a scribe in the lover ranks of the general staff propaganda machine and on training to one day serve Lookshy, to the best of his abilities. At a surprisingly young age Zaisho was himself hired in a position similarly to his father’s, from here Zaisho gradually worked himself up the ranks, while writing several stories and performances that inspired people, to do their duty, and to believe in Lookshys greatness.

On his 15 birthday he joined the military for his tour of active duty. Because of his determination to be the best soldier possible, he pressed himself tremendously during his training time in order to excel. He even considered for a time to take the gunzhosa choice, through one of his father’s old friends talked him out of that, by convincing him that he could do more for Lookshy as a playwright. However all of this hard work seemed more likely to go to waste, except for the inherent value in hard work of course, with each passing eventless day. However while out on a routine patrol something happened, captain Amial Tozhan, one of Lookshy’s dragonblooded champions, approached the scale sky was serving with. Apparently an emergency had erupted, a terrible demon, had escaped its first age bindings and started rampaging through the landside, and as the captain had need of backup to stop it and Zaisho’s scale had been the closet, they had hereby volunteered to help him.

The scale caught up with the foul beast, near the village Everblooming Petal, which was home to just under 400 persons. However the demon’s power had been gravely underestimated, and even through they attacked it in perfect formation it tore the scale to pieces and slaughtered Captain Tozhan. Zaisho could have fled, he could even have gone for help, and returned to vanquish the demon later, however if he did that all of the people that lived here would die, together with who knows how many more, and so even through he couldn’t hope doing much more than delay the demon for another few seconds, Zaisho charged it, wielding his sword in his left hand, as his right arm was to wounded to move. However as he moved in he wasn’t torn to pieces as he had expected, instead he blocked the monsters claw, and cut of its head in a long flowing motion. It was first when he saw the shocked faces of the villagers that he noticed the golden sunlight that came from his brow, and realized what happened.

Zaisho ran then, knowing the damnation his brethren would lay on him if he where to return. At first he ran into a nearby forest to meditate on what he had become and on what he should do now. During this meditation he decided that through he could no longer serve the city of lookshy, he would still be able to serve the IDEAL of Lookshy, by penning stories inspiring people, and living it himself.

Since then Zaisho has travel all over the scavenger lands doing good deals where he came while writing his stories under the name of Azure Sky, the best and most popular of which is called

“The Jade Lotusâ€, which is a story about a wandering hero, that Sky has enhanced with his newfound powers, in the hope that it can make people into better men, than they where before they read it.

Name: Deidira Zaisho, Azure Sky.

Caste: Eclipse

Concept: warrior poet

Motivation: Spread the ideals of Lookshy (as I see them) to the people of the scavenger lands

Anima: a great stylized Golden Soldier


Str: •• Cha: ••••• Per: ••

Dex: ••••• Man: •• Int: •••

Sta: •• App: •••• Wit: ••

Abilities (italicized abilities are caste/favored.)


Martial Arts:

Melee: •••••


War: •

Integrity: •••

Performance: •••••

Presence: •••••

Resistance: •••




Lore: ••


Occult: •

Awareness: •

Athletics: •

Dodge: •



Bureaucracy: •

Linguistics: •••••

Ride: •


Socialize: ••


Artifact ••

Resources •••

Influence ••


First Excellency: Performance, Linguistics, Melee,

Call the blade

Glorious solar saber

Dipping swallow defense

Bulwark stance

Heavenly guardian defense

Sagicious Reading of intent

Mastery of small manners



Compassion: •••• Conviction: •• Temperance: •• Valor: •••

Virtue Flaw:. Limit: 0/10

Essence: ••• Willpower:7 Essence Pool: personal peripheral / ( com)


Punch: Spd:5 Acc: 6 Dam:4B Dv:+4 Rate:3 N

Kick: Spd:5 Acc: 5 Dam:7B Dv:2 Rate:2 N

Clinch: Spd:6 Acc:5 Dam:4B Dv: - Rate:1 CNP

Fine Slashing sword: spd: 4 Acc:11 Dam:7 rate: 3

Glorious: Spd: 3 Acc:13 Dam:5L DV:6 rate: inf

Soak: 2(6)B/ 1(4)L/ 0A

HLvls: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/I/D/D/D

Dodge DV:6 Parry DV: 6 JB: 3

Social Combat (charisma/manipulation)

Investigation: Speed: 5 Accuracy: 5/2 PMDV: 3/1 Rate: 2

Performance: Speed: 6 Accuracy: 10/7 PMDV: 5/4 Rate: 1

Presence: Speed: 4 Accuracy: 10/7 PMDV: 5/4 Rate: 2

Dodge MDV: 7

Intimacies: Lookshy, Honor, my family, the people of the world.

Languages: riverspeak (native), old realm, forest tongue, low realm, high realm, fire tongue

Artifacts, and equipment:

Exceptional buff jacket

Soak mobility fatigue

+3L/4B -0 1

Orichalcum Hearthstone bracers:

Azure Sky got these empty bracers, as a gift from a thankful scavenger lord, whose life Sky saved from a gang of robbers.


3 Conviction 1-2

3 Compassion 3-4

2 linguistics 3-5

2 performance 3-5

2 melee 3-5

3 Presence 2-5
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

I like the "ideal of Lookshy" idea, that's an interesting spin on things...
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Working on my sheet, but...

So who's officially playing now or such? Morkai's mention of there being a perfect circle made me think everything/one was set, but Moon Dancer's Eclipse in addition to mine makes me wonder what's going on as far as player-count.

EDIT: On the note of character creation... I ask again your stance on customs and merits/flaws.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Anyone who has posted before with backgrounds ect can play. I may ask for Edits of character sheets or certain things, but I don't think we have too many players, just about enough :)

As for custom charms, I'll have to stay no. I'll be hard-pressed to know/remember ALL the charms of the official books, let alone custom ones :) This is a learning experience for me in Storytelling, so lets keep it to the official books for now.

Also, merits/flaws. I'd rather skip out on them as well.

Basically, by the 2nd edition book is best for me.

But, if you like Merits/Flaws, then go ahead and put a side-section in there with the rules for them, and an explanation, and I might like them enough! :)

There is no perfect circle. The reason he posted that was simply background for his character. He WAS in a perfect circle, but now he's an exile pretty much, from the Wyld taint. So he's gone off on his own.

Our circle will be a group brought together for the specific purpose of finding the intent of the Walker, and protecting the surrounding lands. This will be done in-game, and help solidify everyone's characters and help you all flesh how they act, feel ect, and help form opinions on eachother and how you'll interact when more serious matters arise.

I will be approving/suggesting changes for character sheets in the next day or two. And then after they are approved, awarding experience and the other free charms/the like.

Then we'll get the forum open and start this thing.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra


For everyone who has submitted a background, please post here.

This way we can tally the people who are still wanting to play, and get a number so I can proceed with finalizing.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Rough Draft:

Tyler, Sun-hand slayer of Tyrants

Concept: Super Hero with the Secret Identity and everything.

Caste: Night

Motivation: To remove the Things that cause suffering for humans

His entire life was unremarkable. He live in the Imperial City He was a middle class alchemist and artifact tinker. He had a wife pregnant. His tinkerings did very little beyond amusement. His life was little more than paying the debt for his school and spending time with his family. That was until an event happened. On his way to meet his wife for a late lunch, he stopped at a flower shop which caused him to be late, but when was a half a block from the café he saw a dragonblood throw a body out the café and against a wagon, and ran to save his wife without regard for himself. Luck or fate the Dragonblood left with some haste. And as Tyler found his wife choking on her own blood body mangled, he could only think of the face of the dragonblood. He set about planning, brewing poisons and creating small trinkets that killed. He also began learning the politics of the dragonblood until he found who it was that killed his wife.

Str:2 Cha:3 Per:3

Dex:5 Man:4 Int:3

Sta:2 App:2 Wits:5

*Melee :4(essence *2) *

Integrity :2

Presence :1

Resistance :3

*Craft(Water) :4

*Occult :3 Thaumaturgy Specialties: Alchemy Novice

*Lore :2


*Awareness :3

*Larceny :4(disguise*2)

*Stealth :5

Linguistics: 2(Low Realm, Old Realm, River)

Contacts :2(a traveling Herbal merchant, A lore Monger in Nexus)

Backing :2(All Seeing Eye)

Resources :3

Compassion :2

Temperance :3

Conviction :3

Valor :1

Willpower :6


Melee Second Excellency

Infinite Melee Mastery

Call the Blade

Glorious Solar Saber

Monkey Leap

Foe-Vaulting Technique

Integrity third Excellency

Terrestrial circle Sorcery


Summon Elemental
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

At the time I posted that comment, there appeared to be a Perfect Circle plus a Wood Aspect. Then someone else joined and I entered the state commonly known as Wrong.

Sorry for any confusion caused... :oops:
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Well, here's the tentative stats for Dakkan Sall:

Name: Dakkan Sall

Concept: Man of Many Faces

Caste: Eclipse

Motivation: Find Tomb of First Age Self

Anima: A White-gold moth


Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2

Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3

Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3


Martial Arts [Favored] 4

Integrity [Favored] 2, Performance 2, Presence [Favored] 3

Investigation [Favored] 1, Lore 2, Occult 2

Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Larceny [Favored] 4 (Disguise +1), Stealth 3

Bureaucracy [Caste] 3, Linguistics [Caste] 3 (Riverspeak Native [Nexus Dialect Speciality], Old Realm, Forest Tongue, High Realm), Ride [Caste] 1, Socialize [Caste] 4


Artifact 3 - Orichalcum Gloves of Martial Readiness (WotLA pg 78), Contacts 3 (Scavenger Lord, Guild Caravan Prince, Small God in Great Forks), Resources 1


Martial Arts - Leaping Mantis Technique, Iron-Arm Block, Mantis Form

Presence - First Presence Excellency

Larceny - First Larceny Excellency, Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise

Stealth - Easily Overlooked Presence Method

Bureaucracy - Insightful Buyer Technique

Socialize - First Socialize Excellency, Mastery of Small Manners

Miscellaneous Advantages

Willpower 6

Compassion 2, Conviction 2, Temperance 4, Valor 2

Essence 2

Personal Essence 12/12

Peripheral Essence 22/30

Committed Essence 8

Health Levels -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incap

Soak 2B/1L

Virtue Flaw: Overindulgence

Intimacies: Needless Conflict (Negative), *undecided*

BP Spendings: 2 on Martial Arts, 1 on Integrity, 2 on Presence, 2 on Larceny, 1/2 on Larceny Specialty, 2 on Bureaucracy, 1 on Linguistics, 1/2 on Linguistics Specialty, 1 on Socialize, 3 on Temperance

Artifact Background - Gloves of Martial Readiness: While looking for people who would know about First Age tombs, Dakkan came in contact with a Scavenger Lord who had recently recovered a cache of artifacts from a small buried (and non-functional) manse. Several of his backers were demanding that he hand over a majority of his discoveries, which he instead wanted to study more. As a solution, in a staged robbery Dakkan stole most of the (lighter and more delicate/complicated) pieces of the discovery. Since most of the items the backers had wanted had been 'stolen' by an Anathema, they had to give up on getting them. After a decent period of time had passed to avoid detection, Dakkan returned the artifacts, taking the gloves and some traveling cash as his payment for the task.

All the stats so far are without the assorted bonuses/extras.

If there are any changes needed/suggested, let me know. Otherwise I'll just add in the bonus of free Essence 3, and the extra Caste Charms.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

The next few days are gonna be pretty hectic but I'll do my best to get Mhenlee's sheet posted ASAP. Between studying for exams next week and my birthday and mothers' day both being this weekend I haven't had a lot of time. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it tomorrow. I've got a lot of it worked out, but not all as of right now.

Peace out. :D
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

I've posted my background; got my sheet roughly done (subject to finalisation after approval).
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Hold on, with me and Gulup, we've got two characters from Great Forks interested in First Age tombs and suchlike. Fancy tying them together in the background a little, or should we just leave it?
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Haven't forgot, just wrapping up the school year and such, should have something more complete later on tonight....

((Thanks to Onupabadr for the page format))

"In the dead of night or

amidst the desolation of the desert,

From the Scarlet Throne

to the very ends of creation,

...And beyond,

No anathema shall escape us."

So swore the Band Of 5, a perfect circle of the aspects of the elemental dragons, chosen to hunt down one of the abberent spawn of luna, a horrid beast like nothing born of creation, they traveled deep into the deserts. True to their charter they followed beyond even that into the wyld.....

A year later one returned from the fiery depths of the southern wyld victorious, but he could never return home..... His time away from creation had left him.....changed....Forced to wander, like many such, his travels brought him to the scavenger lands where he found the forces of darkness to require fighting still even if by one as .....tainted as he.....


Basically, the concept is of an immaculate wood aspect who due to his unfortunate 'condition' can never return home. Still possessed of the desire to do good and fight evil, his travels have put him on the trail of the "Shadow Forged Dragon".

A lot of the character inspiration will be Tenwinds from Keychain of creation who keeps up with his bunch of celestials just fine..... ( ) but with a little added angst due to his mutated nature.....

Str:2 Cha:2 Per:3

Dex:5 Man:3 Int:3

Sta:3 App:2 Wits:3

*Archery :3

*Medicine 2

*Performance :2

*Ride :1

*Survival 2

*Martial Arts :5

*Awareness :3

*Integrity :4

Melee :1

Presence :1

Socialize :2

Resistance :2

Occult :1

Lore :3

Athetics :1

Awareness :2

Larceny :

Stealth :1

Linguistics: 3 (Native:High Realm, Old Realm, Low Realm, Riverspeak)

War :1

Breeding :3 (+3 Personal, +6 Peripheral)

Artifact :3 (2Short Powerbow, 2Hearthstone, 2Unsurpassed Sanxian)

Manse :3 (1Memorial Iron, 3Gladestlker's Stone, 2Kata Sculpting Gem)

Backing :3(All Seeing Eye)

Compassion :2

Temperance :2

Conviction :2

Valor :3

Willpower :5


Ox Body Technique

Pasiap's Humility

Moment Of Daana'd

Eyes of the Wood Dragon

Mind-Over-Body Meditation

Wood Dragon Vitality

Soul Marking Strike

Wood Dragon Form

Talented Improvisation

Dance Of Flashing Swords

Blossom Hides Thorns

By the way, do terrestrials qualify for that free essence 3.....I'm al right with buying it normally if not....
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

MorkaisChosen said:
Hold on, with me and Gulup, we've got two characters from Great Forks interested in First Age tombs and suchlike. Fancy tying them together in the background a little, or should we just leave it?
I wouldn't mind such, per se. Would have to work on it a bit though. I'm your front man or something (as no offense, but your social abilities are... non-existent)?
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Gulup said:
MorkaisChosen said:
Hold on, with me and Gulup, we've got two characters from Great Forks interested in First Age tombs and suchlike. Fancy tying them together in the background a little, or should we just leave it?
I wouldn't mind such, per se. Would have to work on it a bit though. I'm your front man or something (as no offense, but your social abilities are... non-existent)?
I was thinking something a bit less close, personally- just having met each other a few times, maybe Aren having given some advice on the particular tomb you were after. Since we're both concealing our Exaltations, it could get interesting if neither of us realised the other was an Exalt...
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

If everyone is concealing their identity, we should look at the mortal identies and roles the characters would play in the group? just a thought.

mine would be the healer of the group as a mortal.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Well, Morkai and I were more discussing having kept our identities as Solars secret in terms of backstory, though unless we do want to let it be known from the start of gameplay we probably should come up with roles and such.

Dakkan Sall has more or less the best stats for negotiations and such. Moon Dancer's Eclipse has more force of personality (Charisma 5, Performance/Presence 5), but I'm geared more towards towards... as mentioned... negotiations (Charisma/Manipulation 4, Presence 3, Socialize 4). Plus, I have the highest Bureaucracy rating of the group, so I'm more business-savvy.

EDIT: Dear gods... does this mean I'm...

An Accountant?

Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Yeah, that was a backstory thing, but it's often a good idea for Solars to be a little bit circumspect. Aren, of course, has a perfect excuse for being interested in all thigs mgitech and First Agey- he's a scholar. He does scholarly things.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Also.....Question Bump;

By the way, do terrestrials qualify for that free essence 3.....I'm all right with buying it normally if not....
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Hmm, we seem to have lost an Arete

....Apparently that's annoying for non-mages too.......

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