New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dragon"


New Member
Greetings Everyone,

I have recently began playing Exalted and filling my head with information. I've been playing for a small amount of time, but I've never done Storytelling on any official capacity. I've made up stories on the spot to get my wife to be a bit more favourable towards the game, and include her in some small stories, but nothing official like I said.

I'm posting this to see if there would be any interest in a game ran by a new ST. I think PbP is a perfect way for a new ST to enter the realm of telling stories, as they will have time to look up a specific piece of information, or check rules again before posting, and it avoids the "on the spot" pressure of being in front of a group of people.

I am still learning the background of Exalted, and I'm no expert that is for sure. So I would only take people willing to help me, and not be too nit picky about things that I might get wrong, such as a background, or description of an area. It will be my story afterall :)

I have a concept for the story, but its not entirely fleshed out, and depending on the responses I will put alot more time into it and get it more detailed.

The basic premise of the story would be surrounding the Scavenger Lands. You will be from one of the River Province Cities, doesn't really matter which as long as you'd be able to fit into the story.

In an indistinct shadow, a figure watches... and listens.

"I heard the Walker was gathering his forces for something."

"I seen it myself, he's preparing for something, and it scares the shit out of me."

"You two are just damned scared, you'd jump at your own shadow."

The figure slinks down from his perch, and lands silently behind the trio.

"Sometimes it is wise to be cautious of your own shadow." The figure says, bluntly.

In a whirl, the trio turns around, faced with a short man veiled in a shrouded cloak.

The figure speaks, showing a glint of metal beneath his cloak. "Now, the three of you shall tell me what you know..."

Leaving that corner of the city, the figure moves through the streets, blending with the crowds as he contemplates the information he has just received. It couldn't be true, could it? He dared not think of the consequences of the truth, but he is damned sure they weren't lying. He leaves the city at dusk, mounting his horse and riding with haste. If it is true, he musn't arrive to late.

Flying above the Walker's Realm is a carrion bird. It circles the land looking for a meal, and at dusk, it crosses into the borders of His realm. With a shriek, it plummets to the earth, dead. Where it lands, the mighty citadel of the Walker rises from the earth. The Walker stands atop its highest pinnacle, chanting in some unknown tongue of the Deathlords. He raises his hands, and along with his citadel something new rises, something menacing.

Three young men are late. They'd stayed out of the city for too long, and drank too much. Now its night. Now they're too damned close to the Walker's realm for their own liking. They nervously ride as fast as they can towards Nexus, but they pass by with the realm in full view. Chills fall down their spine, and goosebumps form over their skin, its like something is watching them.

They can't help but stare at His realm while they ride, mostly out of fear something might come out. They spot the eerie citadel rising from the depths of the underworld. They spot a figure, glowing in a shroud of dark, resonating power they can almost touch, feel, taste. Then it rises from beneath the surface.

At first they see nothing but a shadow. They squint as their horses rear, and almost throw them from their saddles. The massive wings, the menacing stare of a dragon. The riders do not understand what his new menacing creature might be, but the onlookers with more knowledge would recognize it as a deranged version of a Thousand-Forged Dragon.

As the creature rises into the air for only a few minutes, a since of dread wells throughout the land. Walker's Shadowland gains size as the life essence seems to be drained from all around it. The trio of riders falls to one, as two of the riders are overcome by the drain, and fall unconscious, decaying as their body is drained of all energy. The last rider rides on to Nexus, in a fit of terror as his screams echo in the night air.

Summary: Basically, I would like to run a campaign of Exalted who are investigating the sight of this creature, and might be the only defense worthy of destroying, or containing it. All of the major cities in the River Provinces would be involved, as all of them sit on the precipice of disaster as a Thousand-Forged Dragon used on any of those cities would destroy it completely if it succeeded in its attack. This Shadow-Forged Dragon may, or may not be different, and operate differently, and this is what the group is set to find out.

There will be of course much more involved than simply the Shadow-Forged Dragon, but the campaign will involve Undead, Deathlords, Abyssal's and the like, so consider it a fight of Light vs Darkness.

Anyone who is actually interested can feel free to ask any questions and I'll try to answer them. As for characters and House Rules, I'll post more specific details when the time comes.

Right now though, I would probably accept just about any type of Exalt(except Sidereals). I would rather your character hail from the Scavenger Lands, and have some reason to defend them. I will most likely award extra experience, and other types of standard/free charms as I picture the exalted circle being more experienced, and having Exalted a while ago.

-crosses fingers- Maybe people will be interested!? -waits to see-
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

I am interested and will post more when I get back home and have had a little more time to formulate ideas and whatnot.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

It defiantly sounds interesting. I will have to think about a character concept, but count me in.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Now that I have two potentials...

House Rules(well more like character adjustments)

-Essence 3 is free for Solar or equivalent exalted.

-If you're going to make anything other than Solar/Lunar, please give me a PM on the basic concept before going to create it all, as I'll have to work you into the story. I'm going for more of a Solar heavy with Lunar type of game.

-Player's gain Resistance/2 rounded up free ox-body's.

-If you take artifacts, submit a background for how you obtained the artifact, and if it's a good story, then I will grant the artifact one cool power. It won't be anything that makes it more powerful, but it could be useful/fun. We can discuss it :)

-3 Extra charms in your Caste's tree for free, with good background references please!

-Extra Experience upon awesomeness, think around 50+

Other than that, standard creation rules for all characters.

Also, just so people know, I would like to keep the game flowing as I will probably check posts everyday at least and respond if appropriate. So I want some active players! Lets keep it moving :)
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

I am very interested. I would like to play as an exalt from Lookshy, but I am still unsure as to which kind
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

I'd be interested in playing. Night or Twilight Caste Solar, most likely Night.

Just so I know, what's your stance on custom Charms/Artifacts, and Merits/Flaws?
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

I'ld be interested in playing a Dawn, Twilight, or Eclipse that hails from Halta.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

After some thought, I feel that I'm leaning toward either a Twilight or Zenith, with Onyx circle Necromancy, though background is still a little fuzzy.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

If I may present a concept? I shan't do a sheet until the concept is approved.

Kessa of the Sorrows, the Golden Rider

"There's a place for the livin' an' a place for the dead. Abyssals don't belong in either."


Once there was a Marukani woman of the Arbogassu clan, famous for its riding skills and sticking to themselves, who fell in love with an outsider and wed him, becoming exiled to his home city of Thorns. She had a daughter, who had five children to a local man, three of whom could have been chips off the Arbogassu block. Getting on in years, the Marukani woman sent her three grandchildren out, having them beg the elders to let her come home. They succeeded, with jade from the clan to bring her back, but two of them never saw Thorns again - for it fell into the hands of the Mask of Winters.

Kessa and her sisters Nessa and Tessa realised the Marukan Council knew nothing and turned around from Shenden; they split up to carry word to the three parts of the Marukan Alliance, Kessa the eldest travelling to Celeran itself. The ride became legendary, Kessa's deportment more so when she delivered the news with a stony face. Nessa settled down with the Arbogassu, Tessa joined Hiparkes' priests - and Kessa set herself against the darkness, training herself with spear and bow and steed.

Generally the first one to discover the Mask's encroachments and return to Celeran with the news, she eventually became known as Kessa of the Sorrows, for she brought nothing but ill tidings. She became more of a legend despite her youth, scoring hits on the rogue Marukani border rider who became the deathknight the Rider in Black, and even journeying into Thorns itself with the Guild to discover the fate of her remaining family. The grim news that Arbogassu Dessa was lost, becoming the Midnight Caste known as the Granddam of Shame and Sorrows, broke the hearts of her clan and people began to subtly avoid Kessa as bad luck. She became that saddest of Marukani, one not welcome in her clan.

Her Exaltation came about during another encounter with the Rider in Black while investigating the fall of Three-Steeds-Dancing; the Mask wanted Kessa very badly while the Rider wanted her for other personal reasons. She tried to outride him on a steed of bones and sinew and black magic but was cornered beneath the noon sky. As she resolved to die rather than fall into darkness, the Unconquered Sun answered her with light and glory, the White Mare Defiant rearing as her anima burned away the shadows.

Rhianna the Eclipse brought her back to Celeran, but the Council asked Kessa to leave. Knowing where she wasn't wanted, she obeyed - but not before taking an old spear of white jade and orichalcum said to once belong to an Anathema but claimed by Garil of the Horselords. The battles that followed made her known to other Exalted as the White Mare Defiant or the Golden Rider, one who gave death and darkness short shrift. Her one-woman war against the deathknights forced her to abandon her identity as Arbogassu Kessa, granting her access to the Terrestrial Circle, and now she fights on a Horse That Travels Earth and Water - and to Hell with what the Marukan think. She is very close to achieving the Sapphire Circle and is already suspecting that as she shed clan for Emerald, she'll be shedding her nationality for Sapphire - and potentially her very name for Adamant when it comes time.

Kessa has few goals beyond driving the Deathlords back into the Underworld where they belong; she makes a living by training horses. She is a warrior-priestess who knows nothing other than battle, one who expects nothing else, and possibly doesn't even want it. The Abyss took everything she held dear... So let. It. Pay.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Okay! My idea is for a Dawn caste gladiator. Likely focusing on Solar Hero Style with a bit of Melee and a healthy dollop or Resistance. Although I'd like to wait a bit and hear what the others come up with before I set anything in stone, I've got a rough idea of what she's like and what she's fighting for.

A native of Nexus and the daughter of a pair of freed gladiators(now instructors in gladiatorial combat), Mhenlee trained hard under her parents, taking everything they had to teach to heart, and even surpassing them in time. Although they didn't relish the idea of their daughter willingly submitting herself to even a fraction of what they'd been forced to endure, the couldn't deny that combat was in her blood, and so they gave her their blessing as she set out to make her fortune in the gladiatorial arenas. She bested both man and monster on her way to the top, becoming one of the greatest mortal gladiators the city had ever seen.

Indeed, she won fame and fortune with a natural prowess and presence in the arena that's seldom seen in a mere mortal... and that infuriated the god blooded gladiators. Unable to engage a free gladiator against their will, they set about starting a smear campaign engineered to inflame her anger and goad her into the ring with one of them, so they could crush her using their combat charms like the mere mortal she was. While at first she tried to ignore the insults, it eventually reached the point that her courage as well as her reputation into question. Unable to tolerate the slander of the god-blooded gladiators any longer, she issued a challenge to the most vocal among her detractors, a powerful scion of a River God known as Tromus of the Drowning Depths.

When the day to fight came, Mhenlee strode into the ring expecting to die. She knew she couldn't match her opponent's power, but she was determined to prove her honor and bravery. If she was to die, then there would be no one who could question her courage afterward. And so she fought not to die, but to defeat her opponent. It was at the moment that she sprung forward with a straight aimed at Tromus' jaw that the Unconquered Sun turned his eyes upon her, and he made her one of his chosen. Tromus, mighty as he was for a god-blood, was no match for a newly exalted Solar. The force of her punch sent him reeling. Not really registering what had happened to her, she pressed her assault. Her fists were like hammer-blows. The martial arts charms he'd learned from his peers and those he'd learned from his father only served to slightly blunt her assault. Becoming increasingly panicked, he burned through his essence reserves quickly, leaving him completely at her mercy.

Tromus' allies and co-conspirators gazed in horror and disbelief as she slowly approached his battered and exhausted form, her castemark burning brightly on her forehead. He fell to his knees, dropping his head in defeat, and in quiet, trembling voice... asked her to end it quickly. To his surprise, she simply told him that she had nothing more to prove to anyone but herself, and simply turned and walked out of the Arena. Dumb-struck by the power she had just manifested, no one attempted to stop her.

She knew the arena was no longer her home, just as she was no longer quite what she was before. This kind of power... it's for more than just getting rich and famous. This is the sort of power that she'd heard the Immaculate Monks wielded. The kind of power you don't just get dropped in your lap just because. She wasn't sure what just happened, but she knew it had to mean something. She knew it had something to do with standing up for what you believe in, as she had just done... that someone or something had just given her a cue and she had to take it. That night she rounded up some cash and a few necessities... penned a goodbye letter to her parents, and left the city.

Now Mhenlee travels the Scavenger Lands, fighting for those who can't fight for themselves and generally doing whatever she can to oppose or depose tyrants and bullies wherever she finds them. She empathizes greatly with the plight of the many slaves in Creation, having heard her parents firsthand accounts of being slaves. Although not nearly as wealthy as she once was, she's much happier than she ever was as gladiator. She now uses her fearsome combat abilities not to line her pockets, but to liberate, uplift and enrich the lives of those who are less fortunate. All of Creation is her Arena, and her new opponents are far more deserving of the beatings she dishes out. She is still a gladiator, but her prize is worth far more than jade, now.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

I'd love to play! I have a few concepts floating round (all Solars), but it'll probably be either a Twilight historian-archaeologist type (a more cerebral Indiana Jones with sorcery) or a Dawn mercenary commander- most likely the first.

There is another possibility, but I need to have a check about that one and it may not suit the game style.

EDIT: The first concept's essentially a historian who studied First Age relics, with a sideline in trying to get hold of both sides of the story on the Anathema, having realised that there had to be more to it based on the remnants of civilisation from the First Age; he also went for more hands-on research, recovering relics in situ to give him an idea of the precise context of each discovery. His studies eventually led him to decipher a code in the writings of a First Age Twilight . He used the implications of the code, together with a couple of deductive leaps, to gain access to the First Age scholar's manse, now his sealed tomb- and, after a particularly impressive educated guess to get past the guardians, started finding the inside of the manse strangely familiar...

I'll get a more fleshed-out background up at some point.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

It appears to be "some point."

Aren Veiyo is the second child of a pair of scholars in Great Forks- an engineer named Mira Veiyo and her husband, the thaumaturge Ellik Veiyo. With such parents and such a home, it was inevitable that Aren would grow fascinated by the more cerebral side of life, and so it proved.

Unlike his brother Kai, however, Aren was particularly interested in the history of Creation. His mother's works were intriguing, but far less so than the wonders occasionally seen in the city, being sold by scavengers who'd successfully evaded the traps left by the Dragon-Blooded- and the First Age owners of the artifacts they now held.

So it was that Aren threw himself into the lore of the First Age. He soon found himself frustrated by the blocks put in his way by the culture of the Age of Sorrows- there was clearly another side, to his mind, behind the stories of Anathema that seemed so much like the bogeyman tales of a credulous childhood.

Nevertheless, he progressed and began to build a quiet pride in his knowledge of the history and magic of the First Age, and before long, decided to present some of his deductions to a few of the well-respected historians of Great Forks. With their approval gained, he would go on to be one of the next generation of the city's leading lights.

Or so he thought. After his confident presentation, the erudite scholars he had managed to gather gave each other a long look and proceeded to dismantle his hypothesis, each point surrendering to an unstoppable tide of unconsidered points.

Aren realised then that, despite his upbringing and natural talents, his mind was not quite the exceptional razor he had thought. He was intelligent, surely, but not so intelligent as to be able to overturn decades of historical study with thought alone.

With that in mind, he needed to find another angle. He left his family for a few months, learning the ways of the scavengers, the fortune hunters- one eye always on profit, to impress those, he worked with, and yet with the other fixed firmly on the context- those little touches that his greedy comrades ignored or, worse, destroyed in their quest for the glitter of jade, and always willing to claim as his share of the profits the tomes and inscriptions that they disregarded.

His journeys took him further and further from his home, though he always returned- once even into ancient Denansdor; a chaotic dash into the city that quickly went wrong, when the scavengers were spotted by one of the guardians from the First Age. The minutes hidden in darkness were the most terrifying of Aren's life- not knowing what was going on outside, they had simply to stay silent and hope they would hear something that indicated the magical statue had left. Slowly, Aren brought his panicking mind under control. Yes, he could not see or hear. He knew nothing of what was going on- but he would find nothing unless he concentrated.

Finally, they heard the clink of heavy footsteps leaving, and were able to escape the city- there was little to show for it but a handful of jade and the copies Aren had managed to make of a few of the city's ancient inscriptions.

Returning to his family in Great Forks, Aren began translating and cross-referencing the inscriptions with some of his other finds from previous expeditions to First Age sites. He realised that many of the passages he had found referred to a Twilight Caste Solar Exalt- or one of the Unclean, as they are now known- named Elucidated Therri. However, one such passage made mention of a title sometimes used for him- the Scholar of the Auric Blade. Aren realised with a start that this was a title he had seen in other fragments of ancient lore, and threw himself into his work, building up a profile of the sorcerer-smith he seemed to know so much about.

After almost two months in which Aren barely left his room- causing some antagonism with his brother, who felt it would be better to get out and do something direct to improve the world's knowledge, rather than keeping his head stuck in the past- he felt he knew enough to make an attempt on the Scholar's manse, situated in the mountains south of Lookshy. Known as the Seat of Reflective Mists, the Manse is near the top of a tall mountain, facing the morning light to the East. In the Usurpation, the Chosen of the Five Dragons had channeled a deadly poison through the air of the Manse- a poison so charged with Essence that even one of the Chosen of the Sun could not withstand it. It had been trapped, but not ransacked, by the Dragon-Blooded; Elucidated Therri's ingenious puzzles were simply not worth the atifacts reputed to be left within the Manse. Aren, however, felt he had more to gain- not only a treasure-trove, but the knowledge sure to be found in the writings of a First Age scholar.

The long journey to the foot of the mountains gave Aren time to read over all his discoveries on the Scholar until he felt he knew him as well as a close friend. He left the caravan he had been travelling with and climbed to the entrance of the Manse.

The first layer of defences was relatively simple for an experienced scavenger such as Aren. He avoided the traps with aplomb, for the most part- those he did not spot, his reflexes were quick enough to dodge. Finally, after passing traps set by both the Terrestrials and the ancient Solar- the latter usually with some trick of logic or knowledge deactivating them, presumably to allow Therri entrance to his own manse. Finally, Aren faced the door to the hearthstone chamber.

Inscribed on tiles before the door was a crescent of Old Realm runes picked out in orichalcum and moonsilver. Something seemed a little familiar, and Aren sat in quiet contemplation until it struck him. The runes were titles, paraphrasing the pseudonyms of Therri's closest allies. Aren stood, and traced each rune in turn, murmuring the name he had discovered from his study of Therri's life, before bowing to the corresponding statue. Finally, he went forth, stood on the seventh tile, inscribed simply "Elucidated", and reached forward to push the door open.

Within was the sight he had been waiting for- totally new and yet, somehow, familiar. It was only a moment later that Aren noticed the gold-tinged purple blaze of his anima and caught, in the reflected light from the marble wall, the sight of the half-empty golden circle on his forehead.

Within the chamber was the dessicated corpse of a man dressed in white, with a sword at his belt. Aren's first act on accepting his new status as the inheritor of the legacy of this First Age scholar was to take the body to the deepest vault and place it reverently in safety, to repose forevermore.

The surviving fragments of Therri's notes proved to be he boon Aren was looking for- simple and concise, they nevertheless explained in a few pages the essentials of Creation's flows of Essence that Aren had ound himself unable to fully grasp despite his father's best efforts.

After a week spent exploring the Manse and removing the debris of centuries of neglect, Aren made the long journey home to speak to his parents of his plans. He concealed much, feeling unable to risk telling them of the legacy he had found- less for fear of their reaction than for fear of what others might to to find that knowledge from him. he simply told them that he wished to seclude himself for some time, building his research into a more coherent story of the past, and that there was a hermitage in the mountains that suited his needs perfectly. Ever-practical Kai was aghast- this was the final straw, in his eyes, in his brother's cowardly rejection of the realities of life- and swore that he would never again speak to his brother. Nevertheless, Aren was resolute.

He returned to the Seat of Reflective Mists and began to hone his abilities, the notes of his First Age incarnation guiding his initiation into the sorcerous arts. His Five Trials were already complete, perhaps by the subtle influence of the Salinan Working- Humility from his first glorious failure in research, Journeys through travelling the Scavenger Lands for relics of the Lost Age, Fear in the ruins of Denansdor, and Tutelage from the writings of his shard's First Age holder. Finally, the last Station- the Sacrifice of his relationship with his brother, and all that remianed was for Aren to truly see the world, to analyse it and find the Laws that governed all- Laws that were subordinate to his own Exalted Essence.

His studies continued, but Aren grew impatient. Knowledge is one thing, but the Exaltation drew him on to greater things, and he set out once more to rediscover the true glory of the First Age and restore that peace to the world.

There you go.

Gosh, that got big. It just sort of... needed to all be there in my head.

To elucidate a little- Aren Veiyo, who has named himself the Student of the Auric Blade as a mark of respect to the man whose path he finds himself repeating, bears the Scholar's weapon- a reaper daiklave named Repudiation of Night, which he forged to aid in the fight against the Primordials. It is not the Scholar's greatest achievement, having been made early in his days as an Exalt, but was his weapon of choice throughout his life simply for the memories it evoked of comrades lost in the war- and was one of the few artifacts he kept for himself, rather than giving them to comrades or setting them to work for his people. The Student has taken up that legacy, and is willing to fight to restore the harmony he sees from the First Age.

What he doesn't see so much is the increasing isolation and insularity of the Scholar's later years- even bordering on neglect of the people who relied on him. Who can say if the same fate will apply to Aren...? (It wouldn't do to portray a First Age Solar as nice and wonderful and perfect, now, would it?)
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

I *love* writing, but I won't commit to my character before the game proves stable.

A self adsorbed, hot-headed scoundrel, too fast to make new enemies for his own good.

Nome: Crimson Ghost aka Rodrigo La Notte

Idea: Arrogant, bastard assassin

Motivazione: Kick the ass of the Walker

Casta: Night

Anima: Angry, nervous golden lightnings, lashing against the foes.


Gorgeous and impossible, at least as long as he keeps his mouth shut.


str    ooooo
dex    ooooo
sta    o

cha    o
man    o
app    ooooo

per    ooooo
int    o
wit    ooo


F   Archery             ooooo                   (2BP)
F   Martial Arts        oooo                    (1BP)

F   Resistance          ooo
F   Survival            ooo

F   Investigation       o
   Lore                o

F   Athletics           ooooo                   (2BP)
F   Awareness           ooooo                   (2BP)
F   Dodge               ooooo  unarmored oo     (2BP)
F   Larceny             o
F   Stealth             ooooo                   (2BP)

   Linguistics         o
   Socialize           LOL!?


Essence        oo

Compassion     ooo
Convinction    o
Temperance     oooo
Valor          o

Willpower      ooooo ooo


+Mortals (protect)


Artifact       oo               Orichalcum Bracers
Artifact       oooo             Crimson Bow (Oadenol p40)
Manse          ooo              Gladestalker's Stone


-There Is No Wind

-Graceful Crane Stance
--Spider-Foot Style
-Ath II
--Lightning Speed

-Keen Sight

-Easily Overlooked Presence
--Invisible Statue Spirit

-Shadow Over Water
--Seven Shadows Evasion

-Just Another Branch Deceit (Glories of the Most High: Maidens, p25)
--Flashing Passage
---Crystal Chamelon Form
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra


Name: Aren Veiyo, the Student of the Auric Blade

Concept: First Age arcaeologist-historian

Motivacion: Bring the glories of First Age technology to Great Forks

Caste: Twilight

Anima: Gold-tinged purple flames. At Iconic level, they form twisting tendrils that arc around him, shot through with flashes of the colours of the setting sun.

Appearance: Sandy hair, simple clothes, and an air of quiet dignity and erudition. When there's a golden sword in his hands that air of calm becomes a little more... icy.


str    oo
dex    oooo
sta    ooo

cha    ooo
man    oo
app    oo

per    ooo
int    oooo
wit    oooo


   Martial Arts       
F   Melee  oooo (Daiklaves +1) (1.5BP)             


C   Craft (Fire)       ooo (Swords +1) (0.5BP)
C  Investigation     o
C   Lore                ooooo (First Age +2) (3BP)
C   Medicine           o 
C   Occult              ooooo (2BP)

F   Athletics           ooo                   
F   Awareness           ooo                   
F   Dodge               oooo       (2BP)
  Larceny             o

F  Linguistics         ooo (Native: Riverspeak (Great Forks) Additional: Old Realm, High Realm, Forest-tongue)


Essence        ooo

Compassion     oo
Convinction    oo
Temperance     ooo (Flawed: Ascetic Drive)
Valor          oo

Willpower      ooooo


+ Great Forks (he still loves the city of his birth)
+ Discovery (whether by deduction from facts already known or by uncovering a long-lost record, the Student of the Auric Blade is a scholar first and foremost)


Artifact       oo               Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers
Artifact       oo               "Repudiation of Night", Orichalcum Reaper Daiklave
Manse         ooo             Windhands Gemstone
Resources   oo               Artifact Trade Profits


- Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (From the Scholar's remianing legible notes. Spells Known- Emerald Countermagic (the Scholar's studies of motonics gave him a good understanding of how to break a spell down), Virtuous Guardian of Flame (the Scholar was a swordsman as well as a sorcerer, and liked spells that combine the two), Paralyzing Contradiction (the Scholar was also a contemplative, and enjoyed trying to fit his mind around such puzzles))

-Graceful Crane Stance
--Spider-Foot Style

-2nd Awareness Excellency

-2nd Lore Excellency
-Essence-Lending Method (another legacy of the Scholar's First Age motonic studies)

-2nd Craft Excellency

-Shadow Over Water

-1st Melee Excellency
- One Weapon, Two Blows
-Call the Blade
--Summoning the Loyal Steel
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

AreteX said:
-3 Extra charms in your Caste's tree for free, with good background references please!
what do you mean by this? that we should have instances where we used those powers in our backstory? or what?
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

I'm interested, though I'm still not entirely certain what kind of Exalt or caste I'd play just yet, if you aren't full yet.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Tyler, Sun-hand slayer of Tyrants

Concept: Super Hero with the Secret Identity and everything.

Caste: Night

Motivation: To remove the Things that cause suffering for humans

His entire life was unremarkable. He live in the Imperial City He was a middle class alchemist and artifact tinker. He had a wife pregnant. His tinkerings did very little beyond amusement. His life was little more than paying the debt for his school and spending time with his family. That was until an event happened. On his way to meet his wife for a late lunch, he stopped at a flower shop which caused him to be late, but when was a half a block from the café he saw a dragonblood throw a body out the café and against a wagon, and ran to save his wife without regard for himself. Luck or fate the Dragonblood left with some haste. And as Tyler found his wife choking on her own blood body mangled, he could only think of the face of the dragonblood. He set about planning, brewing poisons and creating small trinkets that killed. He also began learning the politics of the dragonblood until he found who it was that killed his wife.

He began setting his plan into motion. His plans culminated when he snuck into the dragonblood’s room and slit his throat. With the death of the dragonblood all the servants were fired and the house closed. The all seeing eye noticed him and what he had done, offering him only one choice work for them or die. Well that not being much of a choice he accepted.

They sent he to Nexus to be a front for their operatives. He even took some missions on for him self ones that the targets were the most horrific, yet still within his ability. On his third assignment The Unconquered Sun took note and gave him his second breath.

He live with his new wife peddling small potions or traveling to buy the ingredients .
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

I should mention that I've edited the sheet slightly- nothing major, just changing the Anima and adding some Intimacies.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

"In the dead of night or

amidst the desolation of the desert,

From the Scarlet Throne

to the very ends of creation,

...And beyond,

No anathema shall escape us."

So swore the Band Of 5, a perfect circle of the aspects of the elemental dragons, chosen to hunt down one of the abberent spawn of luna, a horrid beast like nothing born of creation, they traveled deep into the deserts. True to their charter they followed beyond even that into the wyld.....

A year later one returned from the fiery depths of the southern wyld victorious, but he could never return home..... His time away from creation had left him.....changed....Forced to wander, like many such, his travels brought him to the scavenger lands where he found the forces of darkness to require fighting still even if by one as .....tainted as he.....


Basically, the concept is of an immaculate wood aspect who due to his unfortunate 'condition' can never return home. Still possessed of the desire to do good and fight evil, his travels have put him on the trail of the "Shadow Forged Dragon".

I realize he will be a little weaker than the solar/lunars/etc. But Wood Dragon style will balance that a fair bit and I promise you won't hear any complaints from me along those lines.

A lot of the character inspiration will be Tenwinds from Keychain of creation who keeps up with his bunch of celestials just fine.....

More backstory, the nature of his mutatons, and a Sheet! will be forthcoming if interest is expressed but there was the note at the begining for non-celestials to submit a concept before potentially wasting time fleshing the character out.......
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

AreteX said:
-3 Extra charms in your Caste's tree for free, with good background references please!
what do you mean by this? that we should have instances where we used those powers in our backstory? or what?
Here is a generic example: "I'm a thief, and I steal things, and I'm stealthy".

You could take extra charms for stealth, and larceny AFTER your character creation, therefore fleshing out your main concept even more.

I just meant it as a way to make your character a little more fleshed out in your specialties. So I don't need you to give specific examples(but by all means do). Just to fit along your characters main path.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Also, I am reading everyone's submitted backgrounds and I will respond to them once I'm done, just letting you know I am getting to it tonight.

I do live in Israel ATM. So I have a 7 hour difference between people in the states, but I'm on often at 12-6am here, which is evenings for you all.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

All character concepts from this post and above have been approved. The sheets I will check in more detail when I have time, and give bonus experience ect in the near future too.

The Wood Aspect is approved as well just so you know.

I don't mind having a variety of characters, and someone that used to be part of the Wyld Hunt joining the fray is quite interesting. I'm sure everyone will have alot to discuss on that point in-game ;)

Right now we have 6 possible characters. I think thats enough for now.

Lets make sure everyone who has submitted backgrounds make up some character sheets now keeping in mind the bonuses I posted.

If you make up your sheets, create a normal character for your type, not adding any of the bonuses I've awarded. Then after approval, we'll add bonuses for free, and +xp for backgrounds(everyone is going to get around 50+).

Then I can add the characters to my character lists, so we have the official starting point, and we can try to get this thing started.

I did not expect such a good response from all this, and I appreciate it. It will most likely start off somewhat slow, and move quicker from there, all depending on you guys really, but it will allow me time to find my stride.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Right, I'll need to change mine around a bit- I'd assumed those three extra charms in there. However, would it be acceptable to take Terrestrial Sorcery and the two extra spells as the three in-Caste bonus Charms? Background says he learnt them after Exalting anyway...
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

Name: Kessa of the Sorrows

Concept: Warrior-Priestess

Player: Renaissance Blonde

Motivation: To destroy the Deathlords of the Scavenger Lands.

Caste: Zenith

Anima: Rearing white mare with a gold mane and tail.




[ ] Strength-------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Dexterity-------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Stamina -------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Charisma-------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Manipulation----[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Appearance-----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Perception------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Intelligence-----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Wits------------[X][X][X][ ][ ]


Abilities (2 Bonus)



[ ] Archery--------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[F] Martial Arts----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Melee----------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Thrown--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] War-----------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[C] Integrity------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[C] Performance---[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[C] Presence------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[C] Resistance----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[C] Survival-------[X][X][X][ ][ ]


[ ] Craft----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Investigation--[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Lore----------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Medicine------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[F] Occult--------[X][X][X][ ][ ]


[ ] Athletics------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Awareness----[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Dodge--------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Larceny-------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Stealth--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] Bureaucracy---[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Linguistics-----[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[F] Ride-----------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Sail-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Socialize------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] _______________ [ ][ ][ ]

[ ] _______________ [ ][ ][ ]

[ ] _______________ [ ][ ][ ]




Flaws and Merits




ARTEFACT--------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

INFLUENCE-------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

RESOURCES------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

ARTEFACT--------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]







Righteous Lion Defence (Destroying the Deathlords)

Martial Arts:

Five-Dragon Claw

Two Cannot Fall (Imperfect Lotus, pp. 5-6)

Cleansing Flame Strike


Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

The Horse That Travels Earth and Water


Ox-Body Technique

Body-Mending Meditation


Second Ride Excellency


Hardship-Surviving Mendicant Spirit







[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }




Compassion Conviction

[X][X][X][ ][ ] [X][X][ ][ ][ ]

{ }{ }{ }{ }{ } { }{ }{ }{ }{ }

Temperance Valor

[X][X][ ][ ][ ] [X][X][ ][ ][ ]

{ }{ }{ }{ }{ } { }{ }{ }{ }{ }



Dodge DV 4


Dodge MDV 4


Parry MDV 4




B: 8 L: 8 A: 7 Hardness: 2B/2L




~0 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

~1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

~2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

~4 [ ]

Incapacitated [ ]


Essence (7 Bonus)


[X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ]

Personal 14

Peripheral 35

Committed 8


Deathlords (Hate)

The Unconquered Sun (Awed Devotion)

Creation (Duty)





This simply named dire lance is a weapon of orichalcum and white jade that belonged to a First Age Solar and somehow wound up in the hands of Garil of the Horselords during the tumultuous beginnings of the Second Age. It has one great power: automatic successes equal to the wielder's Essence to attack or defend against a creature of darkness. Otherwise, it is an ordinary dire lance with the orichalcum bonus.


Kessa scavenged this from the corpse of a deathknight who had taken it from some other hapless Solar.
Re: New StoryTeller - Gauging Interest - "Shadow-Forged Dra

I've been given the ok to at least put up my character concept, so I'm doing so...

He was originally a Night Caste, but since there's already two of those in the group I altered him and made him Eclipse.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Name: Dakkan Sall

Caste: Eclipse

Concept: Man of many faces

Motivation: Find the tomb of his First Age incarnation

When living on the streets in any big city, there's one thing you learn to do very quickly: make alliances. Temporary, permanent, false, real... it comes down to the fact that if you don't have people to fall back on in a pinch, you won't last very long.

When growing up, Dakkan Sall was one of the varied petty criminals in Great Forks. While not being particularly exceptional in burglary or pickpocketing, he was noted to being able to work with everyone. There was virtually no gang, criminal guild, mid-minor temple, or even Enforcer barracks that he did not have at least one or two people that he couldn't bend the ear of if needs arose. A dangerous game, perhaps, but since he kept his head down during most conflicts and never (that anyone could tell) passed secrets from one to another, his overall status was that of relative safety and general anonymity.

That anonymity was broken when tensions arose between two of the more influential criminal groups began a feud, and demanding that those of lesser power choose one side or the other. For Dakkan, who treasured his neutral position, this was a terrifying concept. So, by using a separate alias, he allied himself with both factions. Of course, this would soon enough become untenable as time went on, so with the help (on both sides) of various people who also wished for a return to the former state of peace began a campaign of bargains, negotiations, and cease-fires among the lower ranks of the two sides that gradually worked their way up the chains of command. By knowing what both sides at any particular confrontation would be looking for, and how they would react, he was able to work behind the scenes without his own identity being compromised, since the 'leader' of the movement was a third identity that he had ended up creating for the purpose of keeping it from being known that he himself was organizing everything.

Partway through this campaign, while preparing for a particularly sensitive series of alias switches and scripted negotiations, Dakkan Sall Exalted into an Eclipse Caste Solar. Once only able to slowly manipulate the situation, he now had the sort of social/psychological force to rush ahead and make it all happen that much faster. In a flurry of backroom dealings, different faces, and inside information, both leading groups all but disbanded, their leaders bound by sanctified oaths to keep further conflicts from spilling over to those unassociated with them.

Ironically, even with his goal achieved he could no longer return to his former life of careful... but comfortable... balance. In a city full of gods, there was no way once the initial flurry of action was done that he would not be recognized for his new nature. The Usurption was an established fact, especially in Great Forks where it would not be entirely surprising to encounter an entity that had actually existed at that time. So he had to leave.

But where to go? Why... to his tomb! It was possible that as one of Quills of Heaven, there might be documents or books that would help him in forming a surrounding barrier of favors, oaths, and promises to keep himself from being prey for any who might seek to attack him physically or otherwise.

Plus, the rest of the treasure and artifacts, or course.

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