New & So Excited :D


New Member
Hey there! I just joined and honestly have to say I am super excited to explore this site. I use to role play a LONG time ago and got all of my one on one partners from neopets but now that I'm looking to get back into role playing again I didn't know where to look as many of my previous role playing partners are no longer around :(

So happy my google search brought me here, seems like an awesome site! I have never been apart of a role playing site like this though so if anyone's got any pointers or do's/dont's - feel free to share!

Tiny bit about myself - my name is Carissa, I live in New Jersey so my timezone is EST. I have a full time job and a side business so I wont lie in saying I'm kept pretty busy. When I love a role play I try and make as much time as I can for it but my posts may get smaller/rushed and/or a bit delayed - just want to be honest.

When it comes to actually role playing, I was always very close minded and stuck to what I was comfortable with back in the day (which was high school, college, horse farm, young adult, and a few odd pairings) but I want to start refresh and try to branch out a bit. I really prefer role players with proper grammar and decent spelling but I don't get upset by a few errors here and there.

Gonna stop now - didn't want to make this intro as long as I already seemed to have but so excited to meet some of you =D

- Rissa Lynn
Welcome to RPN, Rissa Lynn!

I'm sure you'll find some people with your interests, and others who wish to help you expand your horizons.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Mortem said:
Welcome to RPN, Rissa Lynn!
I'm sure you'll find some people with your interests, and others who wish to help you expand your horizons.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
I think so as well - very excited for it. Thank you very much :)

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