New Sidereals Book in hand

memesis said:
the reason Sidereals are masters of the martial arts is that they have nothing else.  
Eh, I guess I'm just not a fan of one-trick ponies. I like the Sidereal MA, I just wish they had a bit more going for them. Different points of view, ya know?
... I'm sorry what now? The Siddies are one-trick ponies? Have you been paying attention to their roles? Their clout? The Astrology? The sheer connections they may procure, and the subtle (and sometimes less subtle) power they can wield?

They're not war-monkeys. They were never supposed to be. If anything, I think that got too much of a treatment in [1E]. If they've downplayed that further, and focused on their scheming nature; setting things up to go their way, I'm all the more happy about them.
I meant the focus on them being such MA monkeys. I understand they have a wider role, it just seems that any discussion about Sidereals always dissolves into "Well, they've got super cool/powerful MA"  I simply would like to see some high Essence charms that weren't so geared towards combat and such.
I meant the focus on them being such MA monkeys. I understand they have a wider role' date=' it just seems that any discussion about Sidereals always dissolves into "Well, they've got super cool/powerful MA"  I simply would like to see some high Essence charms that weren't so geared towards combat and such.[/quote']
Okay, then try this perspective.

First, "supernatural martial arts" in general is not about better punches and kicks.  Supernatural martial arts are disciplined channeling of Essence.  Specifically, using Essence to master some other part of the world.  Solars wield "Solar Essence" which flows easily to perfection and glory.  But they could also use a martial arts style which directs "Snake Essence", emphasizing speed and trickiness and cunning.  It's still Essence, and yes, they happen to be using that Essence to fight, but that's okay.

Second, "Sidereal martial arts" are not necessarily about head-to-head physical combat for Sidereals.  Look at the styles and Charms that deal with dreams, or the Wyld, or fate.  These are high-level tools that come from the Sidereal emulating some portion of the world's Essence.  You can draw out copies of yourself or step into portals of fate or control someone's dreams.  Powerful, but not physical combat.

Third, Solars and Lunars primarily use Charms and sorcery to get things done, in that order.  Sidereals don't.  They use astrology, sorcery, and Charms, but they also use lore, secrets, other people, powerful magical beings, and whatever else is at hand.  Their Charms don't have to be overwhelmingly great, because they have these non-Charm things which ARE overwhelmingly great.
I meant the focus on them being such MA monkeys. I understand they have a wider role' date=' it just seems that any discussion about Sidereals always dissolves into "Well, they've got super cool/powerful MA"  I simply would like to see some high Essence charms that weren't so geared towards combat and such.[/quote']
The problem with internet discussions is always the "kewl powerz" angle. No matter what you discuss at one point someone will mention how this or that is broken/uber/whatever. Most people just don't bother reading anything but charms and could not debate over the metaphysical background if their life depended on it. Sad, but true.
Do they still have that unfortunate prohibition on custom Charms?
Yeah...but you can always introduce custom charms as new ones gifted by the Maidens for the troubled times, or that your custom charm has always been there. I've never really considered the "No new charms except those granted by the Maidens" as much of a restriction, more a story element.
On a side note, that an amazingly annoying player pointed out my total lack of comprehension of (damn him and his completely relevent questions!!!), just how do you pronouce Chejop Kejak? Apparently, I don't seem to pronouce it the same way twice in a row (shakes fist at aforementioned player). Can somebody help?
I've always read it "CHEE-jop keh-JAK", though I guess a case could also be argued for "CHEE-op kay-AK" or "CHEE-jzop keh-ZJAK" depending on how you pronounce your Js.

In other words: I don't know :P
Thanks Flagg. Its good to know I can always count on you for completely useless, if prompt, answers to my questions.
I pronounce it this way: Chéjop Kéjak

Being that: everything in black is pronounced as if in English, everything in red is pronounced as if in Spanish, everything in blue is pronounced as if in French and the "o" in green has an open sound..

No, I don't understand a thing about fonetic graphic representations.

Edit: as it wasn't very clear, I tried to indicate how I pronounce it here.
['tʃɛʒɔp kɛ'ʒak] is how I pronounce it, but then I don't really speak English, so eh.
How do you learn foreign languages if you can't read phonetics?

I myself have most of the time difficulty getting the pronounciation of foreign words right when I speak them for the first time (well besides english, but that is not really a difficult language).
Unfortunately, at least at lower levels, foreign language instruction doesn't use the international phonetic alphabet in American schools/universities. I know that  ppl that are really serious about language learn it, but most ppl that learn only one other language (like me) don't use it. We just learn the phonetic "key" to whatever language we're studying.
Safim said:
Ummm... only one foreign language? In german grammar schools you have to at least learn two.
Well' date=' I'm not in Germany.[/quote']
Neither am I. I speak two (one and three halfs, in fact, hehe) foreign lenguages and I don't know the international phonetic alphabet.
In Ireland we have to learn Irish properly, and one foreign language besides. We don't get taught the phonetics either.
I tried to learn Irish once.  It was a nightmare.  Gimme German any day; at least the nonsensical portions make sense.  :-P

(Still puts me in a bind; I'm after ancient Irish poetry and learning how the pre-Christian Irish fought, which is not easy to do without knowing the language.)

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