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Fandom New school, New teachers, New teams (A RWBY roleplay)

Rhino Schneider

I'll make you an offer you can refuse.
This is a roleplay I just thought up 5 minutes ago please give me feedback, ideas and express interest if you are well interested!

Now to the idea!

It has been a grand time of peace over the recent years, a lack of war has meant that all the kingdoms have prospered and everyone has stopped looking over there shoulders in fear, finally all the kingdoms are back to working together forming bonds with each other some stronger than others, long canceled festivals are finally being undertook and everything was good...well minus a few factors such as crime but as usual crime is always a problem.

It is in these times that hunters and huntress are less needed but none the less are still required to oversee the peace and ensure that the creatures of Grimm never threaten humanity. All of the schools that teach these hunters are well known such as; Beacon Academy, Shade Academy, Haven Academy and Atles Academy.

However out of nowhere another Academy has popped up in a place most people have wanted to forget Menagerie the place where the Faunus were previously confined, the word Menagerie itself means a collection of wild animals confined in a area. The Academy's name is Glaucous Academy, a name very fitting of the area according to most people as the name itself is a color describes the powdery—and perfectly harmless—blue-gray or blue-green coating on grapes and plums.

Something that has people concerned about this school is that; first the school has appeared out of nowhere, second the headteacher is a ghost (not really a ghost but an unknown man) no one has ever claimed to have heard of him nor the name he goes by "Lupin" and no one has a clue who or what he is. Finally the fact that a large amount of people applied to the school but yet none get accepted and instead got a letter sent back stating "We are sorry but Glaucous Academy has no need of someone of your skill, if we wanted you we would have informed you." The letter was signed by Lupin.

It seemed that no one was even going to attend this Academy has not one person who requested to join was accepted however...a small unknown amount all received a letter signed by Lupin that letter stated "If you have received this letter then you are one of the privileged few to have been selected to attend Glaucous Academy, we know none of you requested to join this school however I have had my eyes on you all for quite sometime let's just say Lupin knows that Lupin wants. I hope to you see all P.S I know some of you have ties to some questionable organizations which have damned you into hiding, well accepting this will clear any record you have -Lupin"

You are one of these people picked by the being known as Lupin to attend his school, you accepted for your own reasons, maybe you just wanted to become a hunter or huntress, maybe the strange letter you received intrested you, maybe you just had questions whatever your reason you decided to reply to the letter stating you will be there or maybe you didn't and you'll just turn up.

The fated day arrived and as you look out of the window, head outside a loud sound of wind could be heard as a airship hovers over your house or wherever you are how Lupin found is is for him to know and as it turned out this was the way you were getting to Menagerie.


So yeah that was the idea like I said give me feedback, give me ideas and tell me if you are interested and be sure to ask any questions you want and I will answer them as best as I can.

Oh and just incase anyone is wondering why I picked Menagerie(A unseen canon place) as the location for the academy its quite simply because I can mold the area to how I want it, it also lets be control who/what inhabits parts of the areas.

Also I need a better name for this!
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[QUOTE="Mat Blanche]I am very much interested :D

Glad to see that, also a nice and quick response gives me hope this might kick off soon!.
[QUOTE="Sebastian Gump]I'll join :D

Nice, one more person and this can get started (of course more are allowed to join after that)

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