New Member


New Member

Hello all. I'll keep this short. I am Freak~Angel. Feel free to call me Freak or Angel. I am not partial to what I am refer to. I am new here and I will most likely only have one rp for the time being. I will place it in the idea board first to see if people will join it. I guess that is all for now. I am happy to be a new member of the site.

Hey Freak, Jacobstown is back that way xD

Sorry couldn't help doing that, anyways Angel, i'll take a look and see if i'm interested, have a great time here in RPNation and Welcome.

(Jacobstown - from Fallout:New Vegas)
Welcome to RpNation~ I hope you enjoy your stay here :3 Does this mean I can call you Angle? (Always spells angel wrong for some reason)
Hello Freak, welcome to RPNation!

If you've ever got any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to let any of our friendly staff know, and we'll help out however we can.

I don't think you'll have a very hard time fitting in around here.

Lol. I barely know that game. But thank you both for your welcomes. Why not KT. I am fine with it.

EDIT: I just missed your post heartsteal22. Thank you as well. I will be sure to ask if I have any questions. I hope I do fit in.

Oh and if anyone is annoyed by me align righting my text, just tell me.

Hey Angel!

You're more likely to get a weird nickname from me, we'll see when we meet.

Stop by chat box on the main forum page and you'll see most of us! :D

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