New Member? Less random game times? [Crearth: The Third Age]


One Thousand Club
Atma is interested in joining the game as well. If people have no objections, I have none, espcially with the fact that Ops is off to basic. If anyone has serious issue with such, post within the next two days.

On to the rest of it. I'd like to make a more regular schedule...once we've got working computers again. This weekend, will be heading down to my parents to see what my dad has to say about such. They want to see their grandbabies for a little, and since my did is a computer expert, I figure it might get things all squared away relatively painlessly.

I fear we may need a new HD for LK's comp tho....bleh. any case, I'd like to set up either a set day(s) of the month or 'weekend(s) that the game is run on...probably fridays or saturdays. What preference do people have on such? And what sort of schedules might interfere or help with such? If I can get set days, I should hopefully be able to get things organized with my work...when it comes down to it, I'm supposed to be getting just about every other weekend off anyhow. *sighs*
Hi everyone! So, I've got a character concept cooking already, one that I think will come off as very fun... but perhaps not the best fit. We'll see.

Other than that, my vote goes in for... ah, every fourth friday or somesuch. Or every other friday if you guys really wanna play often. I'd not mind. I'd suggest starting it friday after this one... but that's more because I'm only off every other friday and this one is not the one I'm off.

Anyway, thanks in advance if you guys decide to let me in!
Hmm, my schedule is pretty random but in general I'd prefer Wednesdays (If during the week) or Saturdays for weekends.

On to the other issue, I am sorry Atma but we hate you and you can't play Erm, I mean... The more the merrier!
I wouldn't mind more pawns, uhm, I mean companions. ;) So long as we can get the schedule issues figured out, anyhow. Really, any set day works relatively well for me, with Thursday being my worst day, since I go to work earlier then than the others.

So, what sort of concept do you have, atma?
Well, to give you some idea... her parents, holdovers from the seventies, named her "Peace Suncraft". So. (; Well, the concept is sort of comedic, so I'll just spill and see if you guys would rather me do something different.

Artist, raised by two devoutly hippy parents... temperance 1, compassion 4 or 5, motivation: Bring world peace. Virtue flaw, well, the end of peace justifies the means, even if it means making someone sit down, shut up, and stop fighting quite forcefully.

Oh, crafting solar of the twilight caste.

You guys like?

Hmm. Wednesday might be nice, since as LK doesn't work either the night before or the night after, it would be easy to arrange times...and also to request working days on it instead of needing to ask for it off.

As to the others...we've got one vote for Saturdays, one for Fridays of weekend days. *frowns a little* Hrmm...and a 'whenever works' from LK of course...but then I knew that already. Any other feelings on such? Are there specific reasons any of these would be bad for anyone? I happen to like the Wednesday idea...what about others? to Peace...hmm. Certainly sounds like an interesting character...but it is hard to tell how she'd manage in the group. Granted, the Cap'n is trying to bring about order, which might be a form of peace, but he certainly not the sort to believe peace is possible on a permanent basis...

I suppose the main question would be: Is she a 'everything can be solved without violence!' sort of person who believes fighting is wrong, PERIOD, or is she the sort that believes that occasionally one must beat someone up to get the idea across to them that we really should all get along? If the latter, I think she might be able to work...the former wouldn't do so well.

Oh, and if you have the Imperfect Lotus...I highly reccomend The Art of Victorious Concession (AKA, Compassion Style) for any pacifist. :) It actually sounds perfect for the character...

And I'd want a more written out description of this virtue flaw idea of yours if you do go with her... *nodnods*
Well, any day I pick will have to be every other week, regardless. I could do wednesdays every other week... starting week after next, unfortunately, this was my week to have wednesday off.

Also, don't have the Imperfect Lotus, but I might be able to bum a copy from a friend. I'll definitely take a look at such. Other'n that, hehheh...

Virtue Flaw is that on a limit break, she will use any means necessary, including extreme violence, to bring peace. (Translates to anything up to killing those around her, or attempting such, if they show the slightest signs of fighting or the like. Including attempting to stop her. >.>)

Partial control is that she can resist the urge to make those she respects stop fighting, but anyone she doesn't know... see above.

Oh, and as to whether she can admit some violence may be necessary... well, lets just say she hates herself for those moments she lets loose, but... she could be convinced that order will bring peace about, if she was nudged into looking at it right.

Sounds like we'll have a killing party right here in our HQ by what you say, considering we have the Cp'n and then there's Ignatius who enjoys fighting just because.
Captain Stewart isn't exactly opposed to long as it is a just peace, anyhow. However, he is a soldier, and accepts that sometimes war and violence are necessary for the greater good. In a world populated by Fair Folk that devour the will, spirit and sometimes even body of others, undead hordes, human gangs that terrorize others for their own gain, Exalts who feel that humanity should serve them and not the other way around, mad gods, sane gods, and so forth...violence can and will be necessary. If it will be possible to come to some sort of an agreement and compromise, then nothing is wrong with Hippy Girl. We already have Golden Jesus/Doctor Hippy, once he returns, after all. Really, in part, it will depend on her combat and social abilities. If she goes snappy and can force the rest of the group to do whatever she wants with ease, there is a problem. If things are more interesting, and it is likely things can be ended without lethal force being used, or people ending up mind raped on a regular basis, then, not so much.

For a brief overview so people can understand Captain Stewart a bit better, his long term goal is the rebuilding of the United States of America, from the chaos left behind by its collapse. He intends to go about this by first fulfilling his final orders to defend the State of New York, and keep guardianship against the horrors found in what remains of New York City. Currently he is stabilizing the New City, New York area, and seeking to direct it towards being a civilized and well defended outpost, then work to return the State of New York into an organized and civilian led government once again. From there, he would intend to work on spreading order to the rest of the New England area, initially. He does intend to see that all towns and cities are fortified and have trained militia for their own defense as well as recruiting to raise a proper army to defend the nation. Once there are multiple states reorganized, he would seek to push for an election of Congress and a President of the United States, as he is sworn to defend and serve the Constitution of the United States of America.

His opposition to Major Sullivan is due to their disagreement over the place of Exalted in the scheme of things. So far as he is concerned, Exalted have wonderful gifts, and should certainly use them for the greater good, but they should not have any greater rights than anyone else. They do, he would think, have somewhat greater responsibilities, being gifted with the power to do great good. While he does give them somewhat favorable treatment, any being, Exalted, God, Elemental, Mortal Thaumaturge, Mortal Martial Artist, Mortal Sorcerer, or what have you, who can offer skills not otherwise available, and which are needed in these dark times would receive the same treatment. Necromancers, Ghosts, Demons (Which he actually recognized as such), or the Fair Folk, I'll admit, he would be more than a little iffy on.

However, in seeking his goals of a stable nation, he is likely to use force. If a town is found under the heel of a group of thugs who rape and pillage as they see fit, he is unlikely to negotiate, save for the offer of an opportunity for immediate and unconditional surrender. So long as he is in command and a civilian government does not exist to maintain the peace, crimes such as murder or rape will be answered with capital punishment. Other crimes will be dealt with more leniently, but he is a somewhat harsh man with those he feels have harmed others. Martial Law is not likely to be gentle and kind with those who are found guilty. With those who are innocent, he is likely to be protective, and relatively affable. One change he is likely to seek, once a civilian government is in place, is an amendment to the Constitution, replacing the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, with a new Amendment, making such not a right, but a responsibility, where all who are able bodied and over the age of 16 are required to serve in the militia, considering the danger of the current world.

If you are looking to Exalted for a similar approach, look at either the Empress restoring order after the end of the Contagion and the Fair Folk Invasion, or Lookshy rebuilding a position of strength at Dehelesh so they could continue to fulfill their final orders to defend the River Province. However, he intends to restore the previous form of government, since the form he served and is sworn to can be restored, whether the former leadership themselves live, or not. Also, more like the soldiers of the 7th Legion, he does not intend to lead any longer than is necessary, save in a military role. He does not seek to rule in any way in the long term.
I haven't finished reading yet because of my eyes being blurry.

But I was sort of picturing like "Hey I'm Cap'n Stewart, I'm a soldier." "You what? You kill people? RAAAAGE"


Two months later:


Captain: "Oh fuck this... Five-dragon-force blow!"
Hehheh, Kamina... she's not that prone to rage, I don't believe. Ledaal, mmmm. I'm still trying to figure out her position on undead and fae... its not exactly believable that she hasn't run into them yet, having exalted and all. Undead, well, I think she'll have figured out fairly quickly that they're simply ravenous hordes that cannot be reasoned with and will never want peace. Fae are a bit trickier, but... well, after seeing them mindrape/feed on someone, she's likely not to care for them much. Now, on the topic of humans... that's where she'd disagree. Perhaps bitterly. Hrrrrm. *ponders* I'm trying to get a feel for her, when characters occur to me fully formed like this, they come with their own personalities that aren't entirely mutable without me just finding I can't RP the character very well anymore. Its rather hard to explain. In any case, I'm going to have to prod at her mentally to see what I come up with... it could be that she does a bit of a "retreat back to crafting unless dragged out" in the face of a world where violence against other humans becomes necessary on a daily basis, or it could be that she understands the place of discussion and what amounts to politics and ends up organizing parties that serve as something of a loyal opposition to the captain's rule that, while they won't actively go against him, they will lobby to get voting started already and such on.

But yes, aside from that rambling, I can see that it'll take a bit for him to earn her respect, and I'm sure the other way around is the case as well. On the other hand, that sounds like some quite fun roleplay and it'll be a lot of growing up and maturing for her. Something I love to see in my characters, so!
Bleh. This may be being put on a more permanent hiatus for the next few months. Due to the fact that my hours have been cut severly at my work, we're not making enough to afford rent, gas, electric, phone and internet. Internet is the most expendable of these, and so we may be losing it within the next couple days.

Will keep people posted as well as I can (using library net if necessary). :/

Edit update: Have 3 months grace to get finances in order. Due to potential job hunting and so forth though, not sure on availability in the near future. Will keep people posted, tho.
Still, means we can likely put something together. As things stand for the moment, the every other Wednesday thing sounds best, really.

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