New Martial Art Styles


New Member
I have some preliminary ideas for some custom martial arts styles. Let me know what you think...please. Its my first attempt, but don't hold back.

Phyrios Style: Focuses on disarming opponent and rendering him immobile

Form Weapons: Fighting Chain + whip

1. Suffer no external penalties for disarming when attempting to disarm an opponent

2. Grappling Attack takes 2 less ticks

3. Pyrios Wrestling Form: for rest of scene DDV and PDV goes up by 3 against clinches

4. Opponent is prone after you break a clinch

5.Opponent is stunned for (M.A. + Perception roll) actions after you perform the throwing them to the ground action

6. If an opponent fails an initial clinch attack, you may immediately take a reversing clinch action

7. When an opponent ends a clinch in any fashion that hurts you, all your soaks go up by (M.A. + Wits roll)

8. banish all weapons in a (10 times Essence) yard radius for (Essence + Conviction) ticks

9. when you end a clinch with a crushing action the damage is treated as aggravated instead

Aeos Style: This style focuses on precision hits and preventing damage

Form Weapon: Spears

1. Jab and cross - 1 attack made dealing +1B damage followed by a second attack dealing +3L damage, taking 4 ticks total, no penalties for second attack

2. Slugger's uppercut - adds 2 automatic success to a successful unarmed attack

3. Aeos Boxing Form: All your attacks gain a accuracy bonus equal to your Martial Arts Skill

4. Swarmer's Chin - gain bashing soak equal to (Martial Arts + Stamina roll)

5. Increase your Dodge DV by (Intelligence + Martial arts roll) for your next 4 actions(including this one)

6. Unarmed attack gains Piercing tag, if using a form weapon with piercing tag reduce the target's armor hardness by 3/4 (rounded down)

7. Render opponent unconscious for (M.A. + Str roll) actions

8. Increase the defense value of your unarmed weapon by 4

9. Ignore the first ([M.A. + Dex roll ]+ Essence) points of hardness

Phlegon Style: This style is dedicated to flashy moves that confuse and intimidate opponents

Form Weapons: Swords

1.Stun for 1 action with penalty equal to MA skill

2.Hardness gained equal to (MA + Essence) roll

3. Add 3L Damage to an attack

4. Phlegion Sword Form: No penalty for multiple opponents

5.Gain parry DV equal to 2 times motes spent (up to MA skill)

6.Strike from Motes + Essence yards away (max of double MA skill)

7.Counter attack with +2 accuracy if opponent misses, -2 accuracy if opponent hits

8.Attack each opponent in range at a speed of 8

9.Burst of agg. damage to all within a 10 times MA skill long and 4 yard wide line, or all within 4 times MA skill yard radius
There's a lot to reply on, so I think I will take it one style at a time. Also, assume the charms I don't comment on are fine by my opinion.

illenvillen23 said:
Phyrios Style: Focuses on disarming opponent and rendering him immobile
Form Weapons: Fighting Chain + whip
Seems fine, though other disarm weapons exist, such as the sai, which I think are cooler than the whip. But this is pure taste. Also, Im assuming that this is a celestial style?

2. Grappling Attack takes 2 less ticks
This is really powerful. With this, you could enter a clinch, throw the opponent and refresh, all without the opponent getting an action. While I don't think the charm is directly broken, I think it should have a pretty high Essence req and be higher up in the tree.

5.Opponent is stunned for (M.A. + Perception roll) actions after you perform the throwing them to the ground action
This is insanely powerful. At this level in the tree you have a MA score of 5, which leaves you with at least 6 dice. Comboed with a MA or Perception excellency, people could be out a long time. I suggest making it an opposed roll of sorts, and I think it should be Essence instead of Perception.

8. banish all weapons in a (10 times Essence) yard radius for (Essence + Conviction) ticks
This is broken. That's just way too powerful. Make it an oppposed roll of sorts, and the charm only targets one guy at a time.

9. when you end a clinch with a crushing action the damage is treated as aggravated instead
I disagree with this use of aggravated damage. Aggravated damage is suppose to reflect magical damage of sorts, the kind that healing magic doesn't even heal well, if at all. Plus, that much aggravated damage against a person, who doesn't have DVs?

If you do go on with this charm as it is, I suggest that it has an Essence 5 req. The cost should also be really high, something like 10m, 2wp, and 1 ahl (or 1xp, alternatively). And the target should still get somekind of roll to reduce the damage to lethal. Take a look at Tsunami Force Shout of the Water Dragon Style, for inspiration for a MA charm that deals aggravated damage.

On a final note, I think that this style is more a clinch style than a disarm style. There should be more disarm charms, and definitely more follow ups on disarms.

Otherwise, good job. Could have used a little flavour text, and some rough ideas about what you have thought about concerning costs and reqs, though ;) .
A few comments and questions on one style. I'll comment on others later.

illenvillen23 said:
Aeos Style: This style focuses on precision hits and preventing damage
Form Weapon: Spears
Does this style allow armor? If so, is it limited to light, medium, or all armor? Also, what level style is intended here?

illenvillen23 said:
1. Jab and cross - 1 attack made dealing +1B damage followed by a second attack dealing +3L damage, taking 4 ticks total, no penalties for second attack
Is this a simple charm then, instead of an extra action charm? Extra action charms act on the speed of the included actions, simple charms can have their own speed. There are existing examples of simple charms which include multiple attacks.

illenvillen23 said:
2. Slugger's uppercut - adds 2 automatic success to a successful unarmed attack
Two automatic successes to the attack roll itself, but only after it has hit? So essentially two to the attack's raw damage? Or do you mean two automatic successes on the damage roll?

illenvillen23 said:
3. Aeos Boxing Form: All your attacks gain a accuracy bonus equal to your Martial Arts Skill
Essentially a slightly weaker version of Crimson Pentacle Blade Form. Handy.

illenvillen23 said:
4. Swarmer's Chin - gain bashing soak equal to (Martial Arts + Stamina roll)
For how long? Scene, action, single attack? At this point in either a Terrestrial or Celestial style it would be acceptable to add lethal soak as well, and likely scene long.

illenvillen23 said:
5. Increase your Dodge DV by (Intelligence + Martial arts roll) for your next 4 actions(including this one)
Likely a bit too powerful if this is intended as a Terrestrial MA, but not if intended as a Celestial MA. If this is a Simple charm it might be acceptable for a Terrestrial MA...perhaps, though perhaps not. If part of a Celestial Style I would suggest Reflexive...though it is quite nice that way.

illenvillen23 said:
6. Unarmed attack gains Piercing tag, if using a form weapon with piercing tag reduce the target's armor hardness by 3/4 (rounded down)
There are charms much lower in styles which grant one the ability to ignore hardness entirelly, and even in the same instance as suggested here to ignore armor entirelly. At the least you should make this ignore hardness completely if piercing...and likely should make that always work.

illenvillen23 said:
7. Render opponent unconscious for (M.A. + Str roll) actions
This should be a simple charm, likely at standard speed, and should have a way to resist. Perhaps an opposed roll of Str+MA against the defender's Sta+Resistance? If unresistable this is horribly broken, and might as well be autokill. If this is a Terrestrial Style this should likely be the Pinnacle charm...if Celestial...this should likely still be the pinnacle charm. I win charms are generally at the top of trees.
illenvillen23 said:
8. Increase the defense value of your unarmed weapon by 4
For how long? Scene long?

illenvillen23 said:
9. Ignore the first ([M.A. + Dex roll ]+ Essence) points of hardness
This is far too weak as a potential pinnacle charm. Consider the fact that Five Dragon Style's Five Dragon Claw, a base of tree charm, allows you to ignore hardness and makes an unarmed attack lethal. At the very least this should completely ingore hardness for a scene, and even then it's frankly very weak.

Also, could you please give us some flavor text, at least for the style as a whole?

As a personal judgement, not a bad idea...potentially interesting mechanically, though I would like to see some flavor text. Depending on how you go with things on durations and charm placement could either be a relativelly strong Terrestial Martial Art or weak Celestial Martial Art.
illenvillen23 said:
Phlegon Style: This style is dedicated to flashy moves that confuse and intimidate opponents
Form Weapons: Swords
As with the previous style, does this style allow armor? Also, what level style is intended? Terrestrial or Celestial?

illenvillen23 said:
1.Stun for 1 action with penalty equal to MA skill
Simple or Supplemental? Is there a way to resist? This low in a tree there likely should be.

illenvillen23 said:
2.Hardness gained equal to (MA + Essence) roll
For what duration? On the whole, I would suggest not having it rolled, as a MA+Essence roll, unless a combo is used to add an excellency is going to result in around 5ish hardness...which while protecting against some environmental effects is useless against anyone with 2 Strength and a straight sword...not exactly the toughest of opponents. This low in the tree it should likely not be scene long, if effective.

illenvillen23 said:
3. Add 3L Damage to an attack
Supplemental, I hope?

illenvillen23 said:
4. Phlegion Sword Form: No penalty for multiple opponents
I assume this means that the martial artist may ignore coordination penalties to DV and does not consider an attack unexpected due to number of attackers? An interesting choice, if this is the case.

illenvillen23 said:
5.Gain parry DV equal to 2 times motes spent (up to MA skill)
Against a single attack? more cost effective than an excellency, but limited in application, not bad.

illenvillen23 said:
6.Strike from Motes + Essence yards away (max of double MA skill)
Is this max to the mote expenditure, or to the attack as a whole? Is this Supplemental or Simple?

illenvillen23 said:
7.Counter attack with +2 accuracy if opponent misses, -2 accuracy if opponent hits
Interesting. A rarity in that it works in either case, most such charms require either a successful or failed defense. Still, nothing wrong with such...

illenvillen23 said:
8.Attack each opponent in range at a speed of 8
Is this combo okay? Certainly a simple charm. If the attack at range charm is Supplemental, then the pair might make for an...interesting combo.

illenvillen23 said:
9.Burst of agg. damage to all within a 10 times MA skill long and 4 yard wide line, or all within 4 times MA skill yard radius
Far too powerful if this is a Terrestrial style. Even if a Celestial Style, it should likely not include the Aggravated damage. Definatelly a pinnacle charm. Definatelly a Simple charm.

On the whole, aside from the Pinnacle, not a bad style. Certainly still needs some fleshing out. With the exception of the last charm, it might make a viable Terrestrial Style, though a few charms push that. As a Celestial style it might be acceptable as well, though likely in the weaker end of such. The Pinncale alone suggests that a Celestial style is intended.

Please give some more flavor text...fluff may not be important mechanically, but it helps show much of one's intent, and makes things much more interesting.
illenvillen23 said:
3. Aeos Boxing Form: All your attacks gain a accuracy bonus equal to your Martial Arts Skill
Essentially a slightly weaker version of Crimson Pentacle Blade Form.
Depending on rules interpretation, this might actually be a more powerful version of Crimson Pentacle Blade Form, which (among other things) adds "the Exalt’s Essence score to all Martial Arts rolls", clearly a dice adder. It is not clear if charms that "add to Accuracy" are intended to be dice adders (that is, if they count against dice caps) or provide a bonus outside the cap (normal Accuracy bonuses are not counted against the cap). That is, are the phrases "add to Martial Arts attacks" and "add to Accuracy" intended to be identical? (And, if so, why use the latter at all?) Either way, keep it in mind when you write up the charm.

illenvillen23 said:
5. Increase your Dodge DV by (Intelligence + Martial arts roll) for your next 4 actions(including this one)
If this is a terrestrial style, chances are it's most typical practitioners won't be able to use the full bonus provided by this style: terrestrials will run into their dice cap more than half the time when their Int exceeds applicable specialties.

Some other thoughts:

  • Charms that base their effects off of a roll seem a bit overused in these styles, which will make play slower. It also adds a factor of luck into many of the effects, which may or may not fit their theme.
  • It isn't clear how much you considered interactions amongst the charm effects. The amount of this in a style varies quite a bit. Some styles don't have much (Five-Dragon). Some are overly obsessed with it (like this one). Most don't use interacting charms, per se, but think a lot about what kinds of combos can be made within the style. From the looks of it, your charms prevent common interaction mistakes (such as two charms that, when combined, exceed dice caps) so you seem to have put some thought into this already. Mostly, though, your charms don't seem to interact much. When you actually write them up it will be more clear how they combo.
  • As mentioned, your disarming style should be a bit more about disarming. Disarming, in general, occupies a sort of weird area in the Exalted rules. The target sort of gets two defenses against it (DV, then a roll to hold on) making it a lot weaker than you might expect. Charms could manipulate this oddity to good effect, I think. Also, tricks on retrieval of disarmed weapons might be neat.
  • The bread and butter of martial arts charms tend to effect five areas: attack, damage, defense, mobility, soak. Nearly all styles contain a weakness in completely ignoring at least one of these. More targeted styles, like yours, may ignore two or even three, which you seem to be doing.
  • Making clinch attacks faster is much more powerful than it sounds, due to the timing idiocy present in the clinch rules. As an example, here is a 50 tick long fight where the simple -1 Speed from jade hearthstone bracers prevented one of the combatants from ever getting an action.
Uh... ahem... that is a weird interpretation of the clinch rules and it is most likely wrong. I can't see anything like that in the rulebook.
Safim said:
Uh... ahem... that is a weird interpretation of the clinch rules and it is most likely wrong. I can't see anything like that in the rulebook.
Yes. There isn't much of anything in the rulebook on the topic, which is the problem, and what it does say is contradictory. Doing that battle over again, that wouldn't be the ruling I'd choose. The link above marked "timing idiocy" contains some alternatives and their reasoning. The way Scion does it is also a possibility. Either way, the point remains that Speed reduction for clinching has ramifications that are not entirely obvious and may largely depend on how you handle clinch timing.
Actually no, making clinching faster is generally not a huge problem for someone who was already victim of a clinch, he still gets to act on the same tick as his former clincher.
Huh. Here I return to the thread to give some thoughts on the two styles I haven't commented on yet, and Ledaal Kajiri has already posted anything I had to say on the matter, plus a little more.

Well, you snooze, you... Ah.... Are late in posting on the forum you hang out in?
I have updated all the charms with some stats and flavor text. I wasn't sure on these stats at all so please give your opinion on what the appropriate stats would be.

Solar Styles

Pyrois, Aeos, Aethon and Phlegon 4 horses of the chariot.

All styles allow use of light armor only

Phyrios Style: Focuses on disarming opponent and rendering him immobile

Form Weapons: Fighting Chain + whip


Cost: 3m; Mins:  Martial Arts 2,  Essence 1; Type: Supplemental


Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: None

A Solar wrestler learns to gain equal footing by disarming his opponent. This charm helps him clear his mind and recall his training, allowing him to focus solely on his task. He ignores the external penalties for disarming when he attempts to do so.


Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental


Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: None

The most basic technique in wrestling is to throw your opponent to the ground. This allows a Solar to do just that without putting himself in the same position. If you choose to use the break action of a clinch, you also force your opponent to become prone.

3. Pyrios Wrestling Form

Cost: 6m; Mins:Martial Arts 3, Essence 2 ; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV-1)

Keywords: Form-type, Obvious

Duration: One Scene

Prerequisite Charms: 2, 3

The best way to win a match is by evading your opponent's attempts to gain control. The best way to do this is by adopting a good stance. In this form the Solar croutches down a little, keeps his forearms perpendicular to his body, squares his body to his opponent, and lifts his heels slighty off the ground. For teh rest of teh scene, this allows him to avoid incoming clinches and adds his Martial Arts + Essence scores to both his Dodge and Parry DVs when defending against clinches.


Cost: 7m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Suplemental


Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: 3

At this point, the Exalt has learned to maximise his strength when throwing an opponent. This Charm allows the Exalt to attempt to stun his opponent after he ends a clinch by throwing his opponent to the ground.The Exalt makes a (Martial Arts + Strength) roll against their opponent's (Stamina + resistance) roll. If successful the opponent is stunned for a number of actions equal to half the Exalt's essence (rounded up).


Cost: 7m;  Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental


Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: 4

The best way to win a match is to make your opponent submit. Postentialy deadly moves are allowed and encouraged. This Charm allows the Exalt to turn his bashing damage into lethal damage when he ends a clinch with the Crushing action.


Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 9)

Keywords: Counterattack

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: 3

An opponent's mistake is an open opportunity for you. If an opponent attempts to use a clinch attack against the Exalt and fails, the Exalt may immediatly take a clinch action against the opponent


Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step ???)


Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: 5

A good martial artist realises quickly when he has messed up. This Charm allows you to minimize the effects of your mistake and add your (Wits + Martial Arts) score to all of your soak values


Cost: 6m, 1wp ; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Obvious

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: 5,7

Lighting quick moves may allow a wrestler to overcome his foe's defenses. This Charm allows the Exalt to reduce the speed of a single clinch attack by 2.


Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1ahl ; Mins:Martial Arts 5, Essence 5 ; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -4)


Duration: (Essence + highest Virtue) ticks

Prerequisite Charms:8

The simplest way to disarm an opponet is to make his weapon non existant. this Charm allows an Exalt to target a number of weapons equal to his Essence score, and within his Essence times ten yards and banish them from Creation for a number of rounds equal to his (Essence + highest virtue) score ticks. If the weapon is attuned to its wielder the wielder may make a (Wits + Awareness + Essence) roll against a difficulty of (the Exalt's essence??). The counterbalance to all this banishing is a backlash against the Exalt using this Charm.

Aeos Style: This style focuses on precision hits and preventing damage

Form Weapon: Spears

1. Jab and cross

Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -1)


Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: None

A simple 1-2 combo can work wonders. The Exalt's attacks are made with his current weapon(unarmed or form) dealing +1B and +3L respectively. This damage is in addition to his weapon's natural damage.

2. Slugger's uppercut

Cost: 3m ; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2 ; Type: Supplemental


Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: 1

Power packed punches are a nice way to damage yu opponent. This Charm adds 2 automatic successes to the Exalt's damge roll.

3. Aeos Boxing Form:

Cost: 5m; Mins: Martiial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple(Speed 4, DV-1)

Keywords:Obvious, Form-style

Duration: One Scene

Prerequisite Charms: 2

The Exalted Boxer drops his stong side away from hi opponent showing only his profile to his opponent. In doing this the Exalt increases his Dodge DV by 1 and all his attacks gain an accuracy bonus equal to his Martial Arts score, for the remainder of the scene.

4. Swarmer's Chin

Note: Duration , add lethal soak as well

Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 4 Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -1)


Duration: 12 ticks

Prerequisite Charms: 3

A good in-fighter learns to take punches very well. The Exalt gains a bonus to his bashing and lethal soak for equal to his (Martial Arts + Stamina) score for the enxt 12 ticks.


Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins:Martial Arts 4, Essence 3 ; Type: Simple (Speed 4, DV -1)


Duration: 4 actions

Prerequisite Charms:4

"Float like a butterfly." The Exalt becomes lighter on his feet and gains a bonus equal to his (inelligence + Martial Arts) score to his Dodge DV for his next 4 actions(including the one used to activate this charm)


Cost: 7m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental


Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: 4

"Sting like a bee". All of the Exalt's unarmed attacks this action ignore a target's hardness completely and gain a +3L damage bonus in addition to thier other types of damage.


Cost: 10m ; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: SImple(Speed 4, DV-1)


Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: 6

A right, a left and another right. This 3 hit combo not only damages the opponent but leaves him staggered afterwards. The first hit is a +2B attack made with ana ccuracy of +4, the second is a +5L attack amde at +3 accuracy, and the last is a +5B attack amde with +1 accuracy. The accuracies replace your weapon's accuracy, but the damage is in addition to your weapon's damage.


Cost: 12m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental



Prerequisite Charms: 7

A good boxer gets his gaurd back up very quickly after his attack. This Charm increases the defence value of the Exalt's current weapon by 4.


Cost: 10m, 1wp, 1ahl; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple(Speed 5, DV -4)


Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: 5,8

8, 9, 10, Knockout! The haymaker of this form's arsenal. The Exalt chooses a target in melee range and makes a (Martial Arts + Strength) roll. The target makes an oposed (Stamina + Resistance) roll. If the Charm is not resisted the target is renderred unconscious for a number of actions equal to half the Exalt's Essence (rounded down). This knockout power comes at a steep price damaging the Exalt and rederring him open to other attacks.

Phlegon Style: This style is dedicated to flashy moves that confuse and intimidate opponents

Form Weapons: Swords


Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1; Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Obvious

Duration: 1 action

Prerequisite Charms: None

Blind your opponents and they will be easier to kill. The Exalt unleashes a small amount of essence while attacking to blind an opponent within 20 yards for a round. The The attack suffers a -2 internal panalty. Exalt makes a (Dexterity + Martial Arts) roll against the opponent's (Wits + Perception) roll. If the Exalt is successful the target recieves an  internal penalty to both his DVs and his next action equal to the Exalt's Martial Arts score.  The effect wears off after teh target has taken his next action.


Cost: 2m per attack; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2 ; Type: Supplemental


Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: 1

The Exalt gains bonus damage to his unarmed attacks. Each attack made with this action deals additional Lethal damage equal to the Exalt's Dexterity score.


Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 4, DV -1)


Duration: 20 ticks

Prerequisite Charms: None

The Exalt reinforces his body internally to resist damage. The Exalt gains Bashing and Lethal (not aggrevated) saoks equal to his (Martial Arts + Essence) score for the next 20 ticks

4. Phlegion Sword Form

Cost: 5m ; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple(Speed 4, DV -1)

Keywords: Obvious, Form-style

Duration: One scene

Prerequisite Charms: 2,3

The Exalt gain suppernatural awareness of all enemies around him and takes a condensed stance.  The Exalt is so adept at facing mulitple opponents that he suffers no penalties to his DVs that are associated with facing multiple opponents and his opponents do not gain the benefit of an unexpected attacks for the rest of the scene.


Cost: 1m per bonus, 1wp ; Mins: Martial Ats 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -1)


Duration: 10 ticks + 1 tick for every mote spent

Prerequisite Charms: 4

The Exalt may spend up to his Martial Arts Score in motes for this Charm. The Exalt then gains a bonus to his Parry DV equal to double the amount of motes spent for the next 10 + motes spent ticks.


Cost: 9m ; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step ?)


Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: 5

This Charm allows the Exalt to make an unarmed counter attack. If the opponent has missed his attack the Exalt gains a accuracy bonus to this counter attackequal to his Essence score, otherwise if the opponent succcessfully hit the Exalt the counter attack is made with a -2 accuracy bonus.


Cost: 1m per  yard, 1wp ; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3 ; Type: Suplemental


Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: 6

This Charm allows the Exalt to make an unarmed attack from a range. He may spend a number of motes up to double his Martial Arts score. For each mote spent he may increase the range of his attack by 1 yard.


Cost: 5m per opponent, 1ahl ; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 8, DV-3)


Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: 6

This is a flurry charm that allows the Exalt to make 2 unamred attacks against opponents within his range. The first attack is made normally while the second is made at a -2 Accuracy penalty. The Exalt must spend 5 motes to execute this flurry for each opponent he wishes to target. He may target a number of opponents equal to his Stamina + Essence score. This has tremendous strain on the Exalt's body and he recieves 1 aggrevated damage.


Cost: 12m, 2wp; Mins:Martial Arts 5, Essence 5 ; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -2)

Keywords: Obvious

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: 7,8

The Exalt may make one of 2 attacks using this Charm. The first is a 4 yard wide line with a length equal to 10 times the Exalt's Martial Arts score. The second is to hit all within a radius of (4 times the Exalt's Martial Arts score) yards around the Exalt. The Charm targets everythin except the Exalt within the appropriate range. The attack is made with a (Strength +Martial Arts) roll with a number of bonus successes equal to half the Exalt's Essence score(rounded up). The damage is +15L /4.  

Aethon Style: This style has heavy emphisis on sheer brutality and perfection in form, it combines methods from the other 3 styles of Helios's steeds

Form Weapon: Axes, clubs

To learn this stlye you must have obtained at least 15 charms combined from the Aeos, Phyrios, and Phlegon styles including the form charms for each of them


Cost: 7m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Supplemental


Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms:  at least 15 charms combined from the Aeos, Phyrios, and Phlegon styles including the form charms for each of them

This charm grants the Exalted a an accuracy bonus equal to his (Perception + Essence) score, to his attack.


Cost: 8m ; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -1)


Duration: 20 ticks

Prerequisite Charms:  at least 15 charms combined from the Aeos, Phyrios, and Phlegon styles including the form charms for each of them

This Charms grants the Exalt a bonus to each of his soaks equal to his (Stamina + Essence) score


Cost: 10m, 1wp ; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5 ; Type: Simple


Duration: 5 actions

Prerequisite Charms: 1,2

The Exalt makes a (Strength +Martial Arts + Essence) roll against the target's (Stamina + Resistance + Essence) roll. If the Exalt is successful, the target suffers an internal penalty on his next 5 actions equal to the Exalt's highest 2 virtues.

4. Aethos Pankration Form

Cost: 12m, 2wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple (Speed 4, DV -1)

Keywords: Obvious, Form-style

Duration: One Scene

Prerequisite Charms: 3

The Exalt gains a bonus to his Dodge and Parry DVs equal to his essence score for the remainder of the scene.


Cost: 10m, 3ahl; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 6; Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -1)

Keywords: Obvious

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: 4

A single unamred attack made with the that deals +*A damage. The * is equal to the Exalt's (Martial Arts + Essence) score.

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