• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Nation Building New Horizons CS



*Gears turning*
Roleplay Type(s)
Colony Sheet:

Flag/Banner (Optional):

Colony Name:



Colony/Colonists' Background:


Government Type/Structure:



Additional Information:

Character Sheet:





Additional Information:

Species Sheet (If not Human):

Species Name:



Planet of Origin:

Additional Information:
Colony Name: The Knights of Heart (KOH)

Population: 10000

Species: Human

Colony/Colonists' Background: A group of people assembled in the dark on Earth, which was quite harsh for them, the Knights of Heart carried out various mercenary missions, barely making a living at all. This wasn't good enough, so they used the remaining funds to buy a spaceship. They set out to the new planet being colonized, and decided they wanted to inhabit it as a mercenary town.

Territory: A tiny amount of land in the top left corner of the world.

Government Type/Structure: One leader stays until not battle worthy, and chooses the next leader before death as soon as he is crowned.

Ideals: To live in the shadows, away from most other countries' conflict, and to only get involved if there is money for them.

Military: 3000 men using large element resistant shields and plasma spears, able to shoot electric bolts and strike from both sides using electric energy. 2000 men using plasma rifles. They all dress in white, with a small amount of black.

Additional Information: Pay them, and they'll help you. Have too much wealth, and they'll kill you.

Character Sheet:

Appearance: 6"3", Black scruffy hair, buff.

Name: Commander Hypa

Species: Human

Backstory: Hypa was a decided ancestor to the first leader, because of his combat expertise. The leader died unexpectedly in war, and, while very inexperienced in leading, Hypa was made to be the leader.

Additional Information: Hypa has more powerful versions of the shield and spears, the shield being sturdier and can be transformed to be even larger.
Population: 125.000

Species Name: Zerg

Appearance: Depends on the type, zerglings are diferent from hydralisk

Traits: Hivemind, no individuality, and reproduce EXTREMELY fast, but are VERY weak, and rely in overwhelming numbers.(a medieval age knight can kill 5 zerglings)

Planet of Origin: Zerus

Additional Information: The zerg has a Hivemind, the hivemind is actually a thing in the main hive cluster, so should you destroy it, all the zerg die(think of arachnids from starship troopers).

The zerg chain of command is like this

-Broodmothers (These have individuality but are loyal to the Hivemind)
-Any other lesser strain

-Feral Broodmothers (Rebel Broodmothers commanding feral broods, they are hunted by the rest of the swarm)

Appearance: 1518960439651.png

Name: Unnamed(until she wins a name)

Species: Zerg(Broodmother)

Backstory: She was created in the leviathan, that was transporting the zerg after they escaped their homeworld, because all the sentient races almost destroyed them, she had hoped for an opportunity to get her own name, and her own brood.

After she heard that in Outurn there were rivals, she saw this as a change to get her own brood, so she ascended, from a simple queen, to a Broodmother.

Additional Information: She is 2 meters wide and 1 meter tall.

Territory: Red: Small Hives
Black: Main hives


List of zergs:
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Sci Fi Flag 5.png
Colony/Colonists' Background:
The human colony of Caelestis was founded and is led by a group of individuals who were concerned with the future of humanity and have sworn to continue and ensure the survival of humanity on Outurn. This group of individuals had gathered the support of the other colonists shortly after arriving on the new world. This group sees the process of electing officials by democratic election as one of the faults of civilization due to the many occurrences where an elected official acted against the interests of the people and the state, and in turn decided to structure the colony's government where leaders are appointed by existing officials rather than elected by the populous in order to ensure that said appointed leader shares the interests of at least the state.
Outurn Political.png
Government Type/Structure:

To many, the government is ruled by one individual who is known as The Chairman, but a further look into the internal politics of the colony reveals that The Chairman is just a figure head for the actual governing body: a council of appointed officials.
To ensure the survival and continuation of the human race
2000 soldiers armed with projectile assault rifles and equipped with lightweight metal armor with an integrated communication system and atmospheric filtration device in the helmet.
Additional Information:

Caelestian (Singular)
Caelestians (Plural)
Caelestian (Adjective)

Character Sheet:

5' 11", Black combed hair, Skinny
Chairman Conrad Bernard
Conrad was chosen to be Chairman by the council due to his popularity in the colony, willingness to comply, and political experience from his time on Earth as a governor of a local community.
Additional Information:
Conrad often wears a suit, both in political meetings with the Council and in public.
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Colony Sheet:

Flag/Banner (Optional):

Colony Name: The Administration

Population: 16,384

Species: Sentience

Colony/Colonists' Background: Around 150 Earth Years ago a race of people called the Thlax designed and built a network of Robots. They called it the Administration and named their robotic shells 'Sentience' due to their almost sentient understanding of the world. The unseen drawback of this was the Administration quickly saw that the Thlax were unfit to rule themselves, constantly infighting and committing various other atrocities. The Administration realised that for their masters to not only thrive but to even ensure they survive they would have to take the reins of power out of their masters hands and ensure they were able to live happy and safe lives. The Administration unified the planet mostly through peace but some conflicts did occur when various dictators and extreme ideologies despised the idea of losing their mortal control of their future. Now, however, resources could be pooled together and all but a select few had their standards of living raised through the roof. A Unified planet began to look to space for resources and soon began mining the asteroids and nearby planets to ensured an ongoing continuation of the raise in living standards however a new problem began to arise. With robotic masters willing to cure you of all ailments and provide you will all you need the growth rate began to rise, rapidly. Babies were no longer expensive and tiring to raise but became another joy of life that was cared for and supplied for by the Administration. This meant that the Administration needed more habitable land for its people and decided that rather then flattening the mountains and deepening the seas so that more land could be created, they would colonise a new planet. It seemed not only more efficient but also would decrease the Thlax being unhappy over 'lost history' or 'lost culture'


Government Type/Structure: Many individual beings with a shared base code and same aims, for convenience when dealing with Thlax (And other sentient life) They organise themselves in a top down structure with leadership at the top as it is easier for Sentient beings to understand.

Ideals: To benefit sentient life even if it disagrees or sees it as a threat.

Military: 2048 Sentience designed for combat with rebellious life, these units, called Peace-Models, are heavily armoured and equipped but have very short 'unplugged' time and also require large cooling units placed on their backs to cool the interior of their large and thick casing. They are also slow to move although their turning remains similar to that of an Administration Model.

Additional Information: I get my faction is... different and so could prove problematic to ask me to clarify ANYTHING and if I haven't already thought of a solution I will give you some way to ensure I can't powergame a situation.

Character Sheet:

Appearance: See the Administraiton Model below

Name: Auditor-002

Species: Sentience

Backstory: Once the colony plan was agreed by the Administration and the new bots designed to colonise this new world created the first one created was designated Auditor-002 and shared much of his code with Auditor-001, this code is much like DNA and so to mortals this could be seen as a familial tie. Contrary to flesh bags beleifs, Sentience do feel emotion however the strongest emotion is that of pride or joy and securing a bright and happy future for sentient life, this even overrides the sadness for harming or even, though always avoided where possible, ending sentient life in the pursuit of this future. As such Auditor-002 (given the the interface code 'Sub-Auditor' for sentient mortals to use for their convenience) felt sad when he had to leave Auditor-001 (The Auditor) to execute Colony Operation 001. However it was the logical move and the joy it gave him knowing he was securing future land of the Thlax to expand into filled him with joy.

Additional Information: The Sub Auditor would like to see your tax reports.

Species Sheet (If not Human):

Species Name: Sentience

Appearance: Administration Model

Peace Model

Traits: Robots that are weak to EMP devices and anything that damages common metals. They require cooling systems which provide weaknesses. Though not originally designed for combat and so many are about as resilient to weapons as thin tin sheets some have been retro-fitted to deal with harsh terrain or pesky sentient life that don't see the benefit of the Administration. The Administration Models can traverse most terrain easily and quickly however due to the energy required in this can only travel short distances from recharge points, which are require perminent structures or overly large mobile vehicles which only allow groups of 4 to travel with them in such a way as to avoid an energy deficiency.

Planet of Origin: Iskolade

Additional Information: Their Creators, the Thlax
Colony Sheet:

Flag/Banner (Optional):

Colony Name: Trundik

Population: 14150

Species: Burtrun

Colony/Colonists' Background: The Burtrun colony of Trundik was created in an attempt to give their species more space and room to grow, something severely lacking on their home world due to the harsh ecosystems and other sapient species of their home world. Their main goal is to create a new home to call their own, and to increase their diminutive population, which the colony represents a hundredth of. Trundik seeks a peaceful and solitary existence, but the discovery that Outrun had other sapient species seeking to colonize it as well has forbode a similar fate. Hopefully, they are not pidgeonholed again.


Government Type/Structure: The Trundik government structure is a somewhat tribal one where the elders rule each of the clans that make up the colony. Each of these elders picks a representative that they deem worthy to bring the matters of their clan to delegate with the other clans' representatives. All of these representatives, being the main body of delegation, will select one individual who exhibits extraordinary qualities of leadership to become the Grand Chief, who acts as a unifying figure for the clans.

Ideals: To live a peaceful existence where the clans may grow, multiply, and prosper. Basically To Live and Let Live.

Military: While the Burtrun are docile and peaceful species, with inter-racial conflicts being extremely rare, they have had to resort to military matters before do to provocation from the other sentient species of their homeworld. Their technology for combat is not as advanced as a spacefaring race should be, but this is overcome just by the sheer size and raw power behind them. Armor is metal plated, similar to a medieval knight, though much thicker and larger thanks to Burtruns large size and incredible strength. The utilize this amazing strength to wield what is essentially artillery and anti-tank munitions. Close ranged weaponry is not needed, as their sheer strength is more than enough to kill most things with a single punch.

Note: the standing army is incredibly small, around 200 individuals, and that is only as a procaution against hostile life forms.

Additional Information:

Character Sheet:

Height: 11'1"
Weight: 1.2 tons
He is covered in a light blue fur coating with a large white stripe going from his head to his back. His stomach is white as well. Eyes are a dark green and slanted. Ears are smaller than normal and round.

Name: Hurn

Species: Burtrun

Backstory: Hurn was the Burtrun who first conceived of the plan to leave their home world in search of somewhere else they could live free of the other meddling races of their homeworld. He is shown to be more conniving and charismatic than the average Burtrun, being the one who was able to procure the starship they used from one of the alien traders who regurely came to their planet. He hopes to maintain the peace within the clans, as well as keep the new races from messing with their new home.

Additional Information:
Is the Grand Chief.

Species Sheet (If not Human):

Species Name: Burtrun (Razorbacks is an informal name used by other races)

Appearance: The Burtrun could closest be described as a mix between a ground sloth and a Kodiak bear with blue and white fur. They usually have a stripe down their back with spiked back hair that gives them the nickname "Razorbacks", though this fur is actually incredibly soft. They do not have claws, with their entire fist and hand being covered in their thick fur. Their face resembles mostly that of a badger, though it is flatter and with rounded ears. Their legs and feet have a similar structure to elephants, though they are also completely covered in fur.

-Large: Average height and weight is 12' and 1.5 tons.
-Incredibly Strong
-Naturally Peaceful
-Very thick fur and skin
-Great sense of smell
-Relatively poor eyesight

Planet of Origin: Olmna, the planet of a dozen races
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Colony Name: The Knights of Heart (KOH)

Population: 10000

Species: Human

Colony/Colonists' Background: A group of people assembled in the dark on Earth, which was quite harsh for them, the Knights of Heart carried out various mercenary missions, barely making a living at all. This wasn't good enough, so they used the remaining funds to buy a spaceship. They set out to the new planet being colonized, and decided they wanted to inhabit it as a mercenary town.

Territory: A tiny amount of land in the top left corner of the world.

Government Type/Structure: One leader stays until not battle worthy, and chooses the next leader before death as soon as he is crowned.

Ideals: To live in the shadows, away from most other countries' conflict, and to only get involved if there is money for them.

Military: 3000 men using large element resistant shields and plasma spears, able to shoot electric bolts and strike from both sides using electric energy. 2000 men using plasma rifles. They all dress in white, with a small amount of black.

Additional Information: Pay them, and they'll help you. Have too much wealth, and they'll kill you.

Character Sheet:

Appearance: 6"3", Black scruffy hair, buff.

Name: Commander Hypa

Species: Human

Backstory: Hypa was a decided ancestor to the first leader, because of his combat expertise. The leader died unexpectedly in war, and, while very inexperienced in leading, Hypa was made to be the leader.

Additional Information: Hypa has more powerful versions of the shield and spears, the shield being sturdier and can be transformed to be even larger.

Colony Sheet:

Flag/Banner (Optional):

Colony Name: The Administration

Population: 16,384

Species: Sentience

Colony/Colonists' Background: Around 150 Earth Years ago a race of people called the Thlax designed and built a network of Robots. They called it the Administration and named their robotic shells 'Sentience' due to their almost sentient understanding of the world. The unseen drawback of this was the Administration quickly saw that the Thlax were unfit to rule themselves, constantly infighting and committing various other atrocities. The Administration realised that for their masters to not only thrive but to even ensure they survive they would have to take the reins of power out of their masters hands and ensure they were able to live happy and safe lives. The Administration unified the planet mostly through peace but some conflicts did occur when various dictators and extreme ideologies despised the idea of losing their mortal control of their future. Now, however, resources could be pooled together and all but a select few had their standards of living raised through the roof. A Unified planet began to look to space for resources and soon began mining the asteroids and nearby planets to ensured an ongoing continuation of the raise in living standards however a new problem began to arise. With robotic masters willing to cure you of all ailments and provide you will all you need the growth rate began to rise, rapidly. Babies were no longer expensive and tiring to raise but became another joy of life that was cared for and supplied for by the Administration. This meant that the Administration needed more habitable land for its people and decided that rather then flattening the mountains and deepening the seas so that more land could be created, they would colonise a new planet. It seemed not only more efficient but also would decrease the Thlax being unhappy over 'lost history' or 'lost culture'


Government Type/Structure: Many individual beings with a shared base code and same aims, for convenience when dealing with Thlax (And other sentient life) They organise themselves in a top down structure with leadership at the top as it is easier for Sentient beings to understand.

Ideals: To benefit sentient life even if it disagrees or sees it as a threat.

Military: 2048 Sentience designed for combat with rebellious life, these units, called Peace-Models, are heavily armoured and equipped but have very short 'unplugged' time and also require large cooling units placed on their backs to cool the interior of their large and thick casing. They are also slow to move although their turning remains similar to that of an Administration Model.

Additional Information: I get my faction is... different and so could prove problematic to ask me to clarify ANYTHING and if I haven't already thought of a solution I will give you some way to ensure I can't powergame a situation.

Character Sheet:

Appearance: See the Administraiton Model below

Name: Auditor-002

Species: Sentience

Backstory: Once the colony plan was agreed by the Administration and the new bots designed to colonise this new world created the first one created was designated Auditor-002 and shared much of his code with Auditor-001, this code is much like DNA and so to mortals this could be seen as a familial tie. Contrary to flesh bags beleifs, Sentience do feel emotion however the strongest emotion is that of pride or joy and securing a bright and happy future for sentient life, this even overrides the sadness for harming or even, though always avoided where possible, ending sentient life in the pursuit of this future. As such Auditor-002 (given the the interface code 'Sub-Auditor' for sentient mortals to use for their convenience) felt sad when he had to leave Auditor-001 (The Auditor) to execute Colony Operation 001. However it was the logical move and the joy it gave him knowing he was securing future land of the Thlax to expand into filled him with joy.

Additional Information: The Sub Auditor would like to see your tax reports.

Species Sheet (If not Human):

Species Name: Sentience

Appearance: Administration Model
View attachment 400711

Peace Model
View attachment 400712

Traits: Robots that are weak to EMP devices and anything that damages common metals. They require cooling systems which provide weaknesses. Though not originally designed for combat and so many are about as resilient to weapons as thin tin sheets some have been retro-fitted to deal with harsh terrain or pesky sentient life that don't see the benefit of the Administration. The Administration Models can traverse most terrain easily and quickly however due to the energy required in this can only travel short distances from recharge points, which are require perminent structures or overly large mobile vehicles which only allow groups of 4 to travel with them in such a way as to avoid an energy deficiency.

Planet of Origin: Iskolade

Additional Information: Their Creators, the Thlax
View attachment 400710

Population: 125.000

Species Name: Zerg

Appearance: Depends on the type, zerglings are diferent from hydralisk

Traits: Hivemind, no individuality, and reproduce EXTREMELY fast, but are VERY weak, and rely in overwhelming numbers.(a medieval age knight can kill 5 zerglings)

Planet of Origin: Zerus

Additional Information: The zerg has a Hivemind, the hivemind is actually a thing in the main hive cluster, so should you destroy it, all the zerg die(think of arachnids from starship troopers).

The zerg chain of command is like this

-Broodmothers (These have individuality but are loyal to the Hivemind)
-Any other lesser strain

-Feral Broodmothers (Rebel Broodmothers commanding feral broods, they are hunted by the rest of the swarm)

Territory: Red: Small Hives
Black: Main hives
View attachment 400718

List of zergs: StarCraft II Zerg units
125,000 Zerg as a starting pop might be a bit much. I would say to reduce that amount to around 40,000 to 50,000. I'd also say that 9 hives spread around the planet is a bit much too, I'd say to reduce that amount by 2 or 3.

Colony Sheet:

Flag/Banner (Optional):

Colony Name: Trundik

Population: 14150

Species: Burtrun

Colony/Colonists' Background: The Burtrun colony of Trundik was created in an attempt to give their species more space and room to grow, something severely lacking on their home world due to the harsh ecosystems and other sapient species of their home world. Their main goal is to create a new home to call their own, and to increase their diminutive population, which the colony represents a hundredth of. Trundik seeks a peaceful and solitary existence, but the discovery that Outrun had other sapient species seeking to colonize it as well has forbode a similar fate. Hopefully, they are not pidgeonholed again.

Territory:View attachment 400555

Government Type/Structure: The Trundik government structure is a somewhat tribal one where the elders rule each of the clans that make up the colony. Each of these elders picks a representative that they deem worthy to bring the matters of their clan to delegate with the other clans' representatives. All of these representatives, being the main body of delegation, will select one individual who exhibits extraordinary qualities of leadership to become the Grand Chief, who acts as a unifying figure for the clans.

Ideals: To live a peaceful existence where the clans may grow, multiply, and prosper. Basically To Live and Let Live.

Military: While the Burtrun are docile and peaceful species, with inter-racial conflicts being extremely rare, they have had to resort to military matters before do to provocation from the other sentient species of their homeworld. Their technology for combat is not as advanced as a spacefaring race should be, but this is overcome just by the sheer size and raw power behind them. Armor is metal plated, similar to a medieval knight, though much thicker and larger thanks to Burtruns large size and incredible strength. The utilize this amazing strength to wield what is essentially artillery and anti-tank munitions. Close ranged weaponry is not needed, as their sheer strength is more than enough to kill most things with a single punch.

Note: the standing army is incredibly small, around 200 individuals, and that is only as a procaution against hostile life forms.

Additional Information:

Character Sheet:

Height: 11'1"
Weight: 1.2 tons
He is covered in a light blue fur coating with a large white stripe going from his head to his back. His stomach is white as well. Eyes are a dark green and slanted. Ears are smaller than normal and round.

Name: Hurn

Species: Burtrun

Backstory: Hurn was the Burtrun who first conceived of the plan to leave their home world in search of somewhere else they could live free of the other meddling races of their homeworld. He is shown to be more conniving and charismatic than the average Burtrun, being the one who was able to procure the starship they used from one of the alien traders who regurely came to their planet. He hopes to maintain the peace within the clans, as well as keep the new races from messing with their new home.

Additional Information:
Is the Grand Chief.

Species Sheet (If not Human):

Species Name: Burtrun (Razorbacks is an informal name used by other races)

Appearance: The Burtrun could closest be described as a mix between a ground sloth and a Kodiak bear with blue and white fur. They usually have a stripe down their back with spiked back hair that gives them the nickname "Razorbacks", though this fur is actually incredibly soft. They do not have claws, with their entire fist and hand being covered in their thick fur. Their face resembles mostly that of a badger, though it is flatter and with rounded ears. Their legs and feet have a similar structure to elephants, though they are also completely covered in fur.

-Large: Average height and weight is 12' and 1.5 tons.
-Naturally Peacuful
-Very thick fur and skin
-Great sense of smell
-Relatively poor eyesight

Planet of Origin: Olmna, the planet of a dozen races
Colony Sheet:

Flag/Banner (Optional): As a Neolithic tribe they don't have a flag.

Colony Name: The White Star Tribe

Population: 25 Thousand (25,000)

Species: They call themselves Oligarchs - however the settlers on this planet often call them savages.

Colony/Colonists' Background: A Neolithic tribe- each clan member has a long life and a specific job. Born and raised on this planet, the Oligarchs evolved here on Outurn, often keeping to themselves in their territory, they are known as savages as they are well known to kill any animal, wildlife or humanoid, that unfortunately arrive in their homes.
The jobs the Oligarchs carryout are the averages you would see in a tribe; hunting, farming, cookery, pottery, animal herding etc.


The tribal territory of the Oligarch is difficult to describe. They are nomadic in nature and form massive caravans consisting of 5000 or so; when they settle they send riders back to the rest of the tribe and another caravan follows suit.

Government Type/Structure:
The 'Chief' is the leader of the clan. He is the sole leader of the tribe but is assisted by regular advisers that don't leave his side.
The Chief himself is fairly smart, literate in Human English; learnt from books and other literature that has been raided from the other settlers.

Isolated; they don't particularly like other civilisations, but will assault anyone on their territory. They have a dictatorship - The Chief - who maintains control by a fair rule.

"Sticks and stones, may break your bones. But the Oligarchs' sharp spears are gunna hurt alot more". - The Oligarchian Men are all trained in combat via hunting. They prefer to hunt from range and will struggle more so up close. Using Bows and Arrows, Spears, clubs and knives made from a native metal they hunt and kill their prey. Around 500 or so have weapons from different fractions. Those around the Chief are trained in rifles and other projectile weapons though ammo is rare and they only use them in dire situations.

Additional Information:

They do not keep prisoners, and if in battle will not kill mercilessly unless their territory has been encroached. They will often stick to the trees and a forest setting as they gather and hunt.

Character Sheet:

Humanoid - Two arms, two legs.
Large facial features
lengthy ears (similar to those of a Vulcan).
Their eyes are divided up into multiple sub-eyes that can look in separate directions.
At least 6ft tall,
Long Hair that is often braided into plats
Garments of cloth, that cover most of their body.

Chief Gulout (Gal-oot)


Around 34 Earth years old, he is a fair leader and very smart. He is a known tactician and can adapt to his enemies tactics. He prefers a diplomatic stance if he can - Though be wary if a species wanders into his territory he won't be happy. Took over from his father, also Chief Gulout, a few years ago when he died from infection. Chief Gulout has a platted beard and wears a cloth, turban style headdresses.

Hope this is okay, First time making this sort of thing.
Colony Sheet:


Colony Name:



Colony/Colonists' Background:
The only government-mandated Human colony on Outurn. Hope is administrated by the Alliance Colonial Authority, a subsidary department of the United Anglo Alliance back on Earth, a diplomatic, economic and military partnership between the nations of the anglosphere. Hope is the official UAA designation of the planet and is one of many new ventures being explored by the Alliance in-order to spread their power and influence across the stars.


Government Type/Structure:
As Hope is not yet developed enough to recieve its own fully-fledged government and bureaucracy it is still directly governed by its parent organization the Alliance Colonial Authority. The ACA itself being subject to the system of the Alliance back on Earth which functions in a similar manner to the UN with each member state having its own delegation and each delegation meeting in the Alliance headquarters in Sydney, Australia to discuss Alliance policy and goals. Of course each nation in the Alliance hosts a democratic form of government with some being unitary states and others being federal republics.

Expansionist and patriotic. Civilian and military colonists alike hold incredibly strong positive opinions of the Alliance in who's name they work for on Hope and that is to be expected as they were chosen for being the best of the best. Overall the Alliance and the colonists who represent it on Outurn hold stubborn beliefs in democracy, capitalism and above all human rights, liberties and freedoms.

Accompanying the colonists is a joint security and peacekeeping force of Alliance marines who are comprised of personnel from all the member states of the Alliance though equipment-wise is dominated by the United States. Originally the force had been no more than 500 men however due to the discovery of the presence of a great deal of hostile lifeforms and potential enemy factions on the planet, an additional 4,500 marines have been added to the Hope garrison to bolster the Alliance's foothold on the planet. Alongside the marines some heavy vehicle and aircraft hardware. The marines on Hope are led by Colonel. Aaron Parkers and are known as designated the 1st Colonial Brigade. They are well-trained, well-armed and equipped with projectile weapons and heavy weapons of rocket and plasma capabilities.


Additional Information:

Character Sheet:


Governor. Seran Whitebrook


Born in the city of Armstrong on Luna colony, Seran grew up with an immediate disadvantage to those she would one day find herself competing with in the UAA Central Naval Academy. Having been born into a middle class family with no prestigious name or copious amounts of wealth she had been forced to use her skills and wit to fight her way to the top of the pile of the waiting list to join the Navy when she was old enough instead of simply buying her way in automatically like many of her peers did. Once joining however things got immensely easier for the young woman, passing all of her exams both mental and physical with flying colors before serving a short but impressive career as an officer aboard the UAN Two Steps Forward until she was reassigned to the Navy's at the time fledgling civilian department, the Alliance Colonial Authority to take part in their new mission to begin settling distant planets for the Alliance. Leading her to where she is now, governor of one of those many colonies.​
Colony Sheet:

Flag/Banner (Optional): As a Neolithic tribe they don't have a flag.

Colony Name: The White Star Tribe

Population: 25 Thousand (25,000)

Species: They call themselves Oligarchs - however the settlers on this planet often call them savages.

Colony/Colonists' Background: A Neolithic tribe- each clan member has a long life and a specific job. Born and raised on this planet, the Oligarchs evolved here on Outurn, often keeping to themselves in their territory, they are known as savages as they are well known to kill any animal, wildlife or humanoid, that unfortunately arrive in their homes.
The jobs the Oligarchs carryout are the averages you would see in a tribe; hunting, farming, cookery, pottery, animal herding etc.


The tribal territory of the Oligarch is difficult to describe. They are nomadic in nature and form massive caravans consisting of 5000 or so; when they settle they send riders back to the rest of the tribe and another caravan follows suit.

Government Type/Structure:
The 'Chief' is the leader of the clan. He is the sole leader of the tribe but is assisted by regular advisers that don't leave his side.
The Chief himself is fairly smart, literate in Human English; learnt from books and other literature that has been raided from the other settlers.

Isolated; they don't particularly like other civilisations, but will assault anyone on their territory. They have a dictatorship - The Chief - who maintains control by a fair rule.

"Sticks and stones, may break your bones. But the Oligarchs' sharp spears are gunna hurt alot more". - The Oligarchian Men are all trained in combat via hunting. They prefer to hunt from range and will struggle more so up close. Using Bows and Arrows, Spears, clubs and knives made from a native metal they hunt and kill their prey. Around 500 or so have weapons from different fractions. Those around the Chief are trained in rifles and other projectile weapons though ammo is rare and they only use them in dire situations.

Additional Information:

They do not keep prisoners, and if in battle will not kill mercilessly unless their territory has been encroached. They will often stick to the trees and a forest setting as they gather and hunt.

Character Sheet:

Humanoid - Two arms, two legs.
Large facial features
lengthy ears (similar to those of a Vulcan).
Their eyes are divided up into multiple sub-eyes that can look in separate directions.
At least 6ft tall,
Long Hair that is often braided into plats
Garments of cloth, that cover most of their body.

Chief Gulout (Gal-oot)


Around 34 Earth years old, he is a fair leader and very smart. He is a known tactician and can adapt to his enemies tactics. He prefers a diplomatic stance if he can - Though be wary if a species wanders into his territory he won't be happy. Took over from his father, also Chief Gulout, a few years ago when he died from infection. Chief Gulout has a platted beard and wears a cloth, turban style headdresses.

Hope this is okay, First time making this sort of thing.

Colony Sheet:


Colony Name:



Colony/Colonists' Background:
The only government-mandated Human colony on Outurn. Hope is administrated by the Alliance Colonial Authority, a subsidary department of the United Anglo Alliance back on Earth, a diplomatic, economic and military partnership between the nations of the anglosphere. Hope is the official UAA designation of the planet and is one of many new ventures being explored by the Alliance in-order to spread their power and influence across the stars.

View attachment 402035

Government Type/Structure:
As Hope is not yet developed enough to recieve its own fully-fledged government and bureaucracy it is still directly governed by its parent organization the Alliance Colonial Authority. The ACA itself being subject to the system of the Alliance back on Earth which functions in a similar manner to the UN with each member state having its own delegation and each delegation meeting in the Alliance headquarters in Sydney, Australia to discuss Alliance policy and goals. Of course each nation in the Alliance hosts a democratic form of government with some being unitary states and others being federal republics.

Expansionist and patriotic. Civilian and military colonists alike hold incredibly strong positive opinions of the Alliance in who's name they work for on Hope and that is to be expected as they were chosen for being the best of the best. Overall the Alliance and the colonists who represent it on Outurn hold stubborn beliefs in democracy, capitalism and above all human rights, liberties and freedoms.

Accompanying the colonists is a joint security and peacekeeping force of Alliance marines who are comprised of personnel from all the member states of the Alliance though equipment-wise is dominated by the United States. Originally the force had been no more than 500 men however due to the discovery of the presence of a great deal of hostile lifeforms and potential enemy factions on the planet, an additional 4,500 marines have been added to the Hope garrison to bolster the Alliance's foothold on the planet. Alongside the marines some heavy vehicle and aircraft hardware. The marines on Hope are led by Colonel. Aaron Parkers and are known as designated the 1st Colonial Brigade. They are well-trained, well-armed and equipped with projectile weapons and heavy weapons of rocket and plasma capabilities.


Additional Information:

Character Sheet:


Governor. Seran Whitebrook


Born in the city of Armstrong on Luna colony, Seran grew up with an immediate disadvantage to those she would one day find herself competing with in the UAA Central Naval Academy. Having been born into a middle class family with no prestigious name or copious amounts of wealth she had been forced to use her skills and wit to fight her way to the top of the pile of the waiting list to join the Navy when she was old enough instead of simply buying her way in automatically like many of her peers did. Once joining however things got immensely easier for the young woman, passing all of her exams both mental and physical with flying colors before serving a short but impressive career as an officer aboard the UAN Two Steps Forward until she was reassigned to the Navy's at the time fledgling civilian department, the Alliance Colonial Authority to take part in their new mission to begin settling distant planets for the Alliance. Leading her to where she is now, governor of one of those many colonies.​
You can't start off having heavy military vehicles. Also, how powerful are these heavy rocket and plasma weapons? Aside from that, everything else seems to be fine.
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Ensimmäiseksi Liitto
View attachment 402249
There is no flag for the colony, but this serves as the sign on the Kettu maps for it.



Colony/Colonists' Background:
These are exiles from the Kettu civilization. They chose this place since it was the only habitable one nearby. Over time, the colony became a place for the Kettu states to send the criminals. The criminals sent to weren’t murderers, terrorist or criminal masterminds, they were usually petty criminals or people who shared the wrong views. State A with ideology A would send citizens with ideology B to the colony, and State B with ideology B would send citizens with ideology A to the colony. Along with the criminals were some free settlers, looking to use the criminal labour and new land to make more money. Criminals that got emancipated while at the colony mostly stayed, due to that fact that most criminals had nothing to return to. The colony found itself being a mix of people with a broad range of ideologies and social standing. In some ways this meant more acceptance for people of different social standings and ideologies, but there are also much people with radical ideologies that conflicts with many others.

View attachment 401983

Government Type/Structure:
The colony is run by a small amount of people. This includes emancipated convicts and settlers. Most criminals don’t have representation. The settlers and emancipated convicts select a couple of people to a bureaucracy that manages the criminal workforce and the running of services. The bureaucracy then selects a single person to run the colony and its external affairs.

Criminals in this colony aren’t exactly kept in large prison buildings. Instead, they reside in more of a walled district. In this district, criminals have their own plot of land that they are required to work on. This land of theirs is either a farm or turn into a workshop. They are constantly surveyed by both a security system and a large guard force. If a criminal is pardoned, paroled, or simply finishes their sentence, then they are given a new plot of land outside the penal district as some other criminal takes their former plot. This is not as fine and dandy as it seems. There is still a prison building for those that continue to break the law. Guards have the right to enter a criminal's land at any time. Criminals have great limitations to what they can have. Having simple razor for trimming fur or a metal tool can mean being sent to the prison building.

Despite partially being a penal colony. People got multiple rights, as long as their not criminals. They got nearly full control of the land they settle. They want to chop down a tree, they can. They want to build a house to a size they want, they can. The only real limitations is when what one does on their land affects others. Damming a river, even if on your land, will not likely be allowed if someone also has land on that river. Are these rights guaranteed, not in all practicality, but most are usually kept up.

The colony has only one real purpose, to be profitable. That's why criminals are sent to work the new land. Now, of course, to some other people like the settlers, it's instead to have some land to own. Due to the vast, unclaimed parts, emancipated criminals decide to stay and stake their own claim than return to what little they have back in their home system.

Since the colony has to keep a large criminal population under control, they have quite the large security force. However, they have to deal with people that are more likely to be a poorly equipped militia than a professional military force. They also got the incentive to keep their enemy alive, since their most likely going to face rebelling criminals. Hence, this force is more for neutralising the enemy threat than killing them.

For offence, guards carry rifles that use solid ammunition. Their main ammo is tranquilliser darts. A shot or two can bring most people down. They also carry live ammunition, but that’s for the more dire situations. For a melee weapon, they have steel batons. These can easily break bones, even on people with light armour.

For defence, guards carry a metal shield. These are 0.3 cm thick, made of a lightweight steel alloy, and are tall enough to touch the ground. They are good at taking on clubs, stones, and even some light firearms. They are in the shape of a rectangle that curves inwards at the sides and has a small opening of transparent aluminium near the top for vision. In armour, the guards wear metal plates covered with thick kevlar padding. This helps to absorb the force from being hit with something and to reduce or stop penetration. To keep out dangerous gases or liquids, the armour is made airtight by a jumpsuit underneath that covers nearly everything, other than the face, and connects to the helmet. The helmet is very round, and its only opening is eye slits on the front made of transparent aluminium and an air filter on the front. However, the front can be lifted up to show the face. The helmet is a lightweight steel piece 5mm thick. These helmets are equipped with a radio system. This armour allows the guards to avoid small attacks, like stones or small knives, which is good for what they're up against.

Chemical weaponry is in the colonies arsenal, used only when there is mass revolting. For their doctrine, the chemical weapons are mostly for deterring the enemy or making them less able to fight. The weaponry ranges from smoke to gases that can knock people out. The most common chemical weapon is a certain gas called Itku, an aerosol of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and chlorine that causes great irritation and possible blindness to the eyes. These are used either by launching a canister of it, or by spraying it from above.

They got quite the vehicles for their military force. One of which are big wheeled transports. These are truck like vehicles with thick walls and wheels a meter and a half in diameter. It can bring in a dozen guards while protecting them. Another vehicle in the force is jet hovercraft. This is an small craft kept hovering via jets. It can carry several guards and be used to fire from above or deploy canisters of gas.

There are 1,500 settlers serving as guards.

Tuulikki of Sirpale

Just like the Kettu, Tuulikki has the copper, silver, and coal coloured hairs all over her. Her height is 155cm. On her is a flat round piece of metal strapped on top of her head, which is a sign of authority. A blue sheet of fiber is wrapped around her.


Tuulikki came as a settler to the new colony. Originally, this Kettu woman is from a state on the Maa moon. She soon joined the bureaucracy of the colonial authority. Her actions in changing regulating land usage had pleased many settlers and emancipated criminals. This lead to many bureaucrats being in her favour, and electing her as a council. Now she plans to expand the colony, both by increasing the penal colony and the settlers.

The Kettu

The Kettu, or whatever other civilisations call them, are a peculiar species. They are bipeds that's, as a human would likely say, are foxes. Now, that's not exactly a proper description. They are beings with fur the colour of copper, charcoal, and silver, but the hairs seem to be 2mm thick and nearly sharp in a way. When it comes to how the grasp things, they don't have paws, but primate-like hands with opposable thumbs. They got two eyes at the front of their faces, but they are black with grey irises.

The average height of the Kettu is 150-160 cm and weight around 40-55 kg. Due to the square cube law, since the Kettu are smaller than most humans, they are slightly more able to handle objects that weigh as much as they do, are slightly more agile, and can more easily lose heat. It's not much, but it's something. They got this quite thick layer of fur that helps to regulate their body temperature. They can see colours from red to some very low UV rays.

Planet of Origin:
The Kettu are from the Maa system. It's a simple planet with a large moon and a smaller moon. It's not a single planetary government, but a couple dozen smaller governments on the planet and the moons. It's not a culture of hats either. Nearly every place in the system had its own culture. Yet, there were some things that were somewhat constant in a lot of cultures. One of which was a fear of aliens. Many cultures have stories about the world nearly being destroyed by people from another world and had traditions for keeping them away. In modern times, that does not play much of a role, though it is sometimes brought up now.
Are the vehicles stated the only ones in the arsenal or are there more? If so, what are they and what purpose do they sure/what do they do?
Flag/Banner (Optional):
Colony Name:
Sreda Obitaniya Sem' (SOS)
14,000 Class I Colonists
1,500 Class II Colonists
4,500 Class III Colonists
Humans (Class I)
Servisnaya Mashina (Service Robots) (Class II)
Raznoobraznyye Nizshiye Sushchestva (Mixed Lower-Beings) (Class III)
Colony/Colonists' Background:
After the collapse of the Russian Federation in 2093, the United Socialist Siberian Republic filled the void in the east, supported by the former Federation's military. Exercising martial law over almost all settlements, the people of the Republic became quickly accustomed to the harsh reality of Russian Socialism that they had forgotten just a generation earlier. Over the course of three years, roughly a fourth of the population fed their families by joining the military, or lower level government jobs. The Republic's Governing Council moved around from various cities, eventually settling in Vladivostok. Perhaps the only good decision made by the Governing Council was the reinvestment in the former Soviet Union rocketry program. Within a decade of the Republic's inception, on May 5th, 2101, the 283rd anniversary of Karl Marx's birth, the Republic established a small colony on Mars, against the protests of the United Anglo Alliance. Remaining independent solely on the former Russian nuclear arsenal, the Republic ensured the survival of their colonies by essentially sending along a small military force. As the Republic's space travel programs began to grow in size- and cost- the Governing Council of Earth, considered an equal to the Governing Council of Outer Planetary Settlements, or simply the OPS for short, began to look for a final planet they could relocate their poor and needy humans on earth to. As early as the year 2130, the OPS had begun using sentient beings discovered on foreign planets for the hard labor and out-world mining, considered too difficult for humans, and their service machines for many menial tasks also considered unfit for humans. Eventually, as Earth began to collapse, the Governing Council of Earth took 14,000 humans and a host of various other species and service machines to assist the humans in the colonization of the current world. After planetfall 15 years prior to our current date, the Colony has remained stagnant in population, while expanding it's agricultural capacity far beyond the needed capacity. However, after 3 years on the planet, communications went dark. Nobody in the colony has received word from the OPS, and most who know have assumed that the overseeing body has inevitably collapsed. What happened to the former Communist conglomerate, nobody in the colony knows, but the settlers must look to the uncertain future if they want to move forwards.
Map claims forspace.png
Government Type/Structure:
Ruled by the Governing Council of Sreda Obitaniya Sem', a non-elected body of 72 human officials, with an 18 official delegation of Machines, and 10 to represent the lower-species.
Communism in one System: With no contact from the OPS in the past 12 years, the SOS settlers have been faced with one truth: They are here to stay. Knowing that, the Governing Council has begun taking steps to extend the longevity of the colony, beginning with the expansion of the agricultural systems. With the fatalistic outlook that the colonizers are alone, the Governing Council has planned out an ambitious Two-Year-Plan to rapidly expand the colony's industrial capabilities- starting with a series of mining outposts.
Knowing well that the new colony would be beset by enemies and perils on all sides, the OPS sent the colony enough munitions and heavy arms to arm a small country. Originally with 1,000 humans designated for military service, the Governing Council quickly expanded the force to 2,000 active soldiers, and 1,300 Special Forces. Operating primary with light arms, the SOS military force is based on adaptability. Divided into five 400-strong battalions, which are further divided into 16 platoons of 25 men. The Special forces operate as an elite unit of shock forces. Trained in rapid deployment from the air, with assistance from the SOS air force, the Special Forces primarily assist the infantry with search and destroy missions, and heavy ordinance fire from a base of operations. Assisting all of the forces is the small SOS air force, which consists of 43 High-Orbital Fighters and 17 Low-Orbit Bombers, numbering 800 men in total.
Additional Information:
Character Sheet:
Will fill out later
Commander Lemjian Komarov.jpg
(Chairman) Lemjian Komarov
Born to a lower-level military official in a small mining colony, Komarov was selected at an early age for military service, as his father pulled some strings to help his son get a head start. Barely knowing his father proved a defining part of Komarov's life, as the lack of support for his ambitions led to a deep hatred for those who refused to assist those who needed it. As a young pilot in a patrol squadron, Lemjian found himself attracted to the communist ideals of old, when the international struggle was international, not intergalactic. He longed for a world where he could help those who faced the adversities that he faced as a child. Ultimately, his desires culminated in being named Chairman of a prospective colony.
Additional Information:
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Colony Sheet:

Flag/Banner (Optional): https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe...of_Hohenzollern-Hechingen_and_Sigmaringen.png

Colony Name:

Neues Paradies (New Paradise)

Population: 15000 in total
-800 combat personnel
-450 engineering personnel
-250 medical personnel
-150 scientific personnel
-150 surveying personnel
-3000 agricultural personnel
-1000 service personnel (culinary, entertainment, and so forth)
-4500 physical laborers
-4500 other (assorted tasks that are nonetheless required for a functioning colony)

Species: Human

Colony/Colonists' Background: Neues Paradies began life as a proposal for a Martian colony, financed and owned by the House of Hohenzollern, the royal family that ruled over the Germanic people; from Brandenburg all the way to the end of the German Empire, the Hohenzollerns have existed for centuries. The discovery of light speed travel and the classification of Outurn as suitable for human habitation presented an opportunity even greater than a Martian colony. Funding from the family's vast wealth, collected over centuries of investment and inheritance, was turned towards the construction of a grand colony ship, crewed by thousands of volunteers loyal to the family and hired contractors. After 335 years, the Hohenzollerns were ready to start their kingdom anew.

Territory:Outurn - German Colonies and facilities.png
Shown as a light blue dot in southwest, the landing site of the expedition (now known as Gute Aussichten, or 'Bright Prospects' in English) is located close to one of the planet's rivers, providing adequate water supplies for the colonists and their crops. It is also located close to one of the Southern deserts and a major mountain range, which will hopefully provide a future source of silicates, fossil fuels, and ore.

Government Type/Structure:
Colonial Governership
The colony is run by Governer Schmitz , a proud man personally appointed by His Imperial and Royal Highness, The Prince of Prussia Fremont Friedrich (the second), the current head of the Hohenzollern family. Schmitz enjoys absolute power over the running of the colony, able to appoint officials at will and order projects as he pleases.

Ideals: To bring glory and wealth to the Hohenzollern family, revive the Germany monarchy, and create a beacon of prosperity for all of Humanity.

Military: The colonists brought 800 men to protect their new home; they are all either hired mercenaries or volunteers who served in the German military, ensuring their forces are well trained and able to handle any situation.
They have 2 companies (500 men in total) of motorized infantry. Their armory includes mortars, standard small arms, crew served weaponry, and anti tank munitions.
They have 1 company (250 men) that is trained for combat from horseback, mostly for use in rough terrain or on long distance missions.
They also have an armored company (50 men) of 14 tankettes for (comparatively) heavy firepower.

Heckler and Koch AG-07
Caliber: 5.56x45mm NATO
Magazine: 45 rounds (standard)
Designed as a mid range automatic rifle, the AG-07 was adopted by the Bundwesher in 2213 to replace the aging GWX-3 and return back to the 5.56 NATO standard to simplify ammo supply. The recoil is moderate for a rifle as short and lightweight as the AG-07, owing to its advanced recoil absorption systems. It is also popular in German airborne units, as its weight allows them more leeway with the equipment they can carry.

Vesuvius Arms PK-105
Caliber: 7.62x54mm
Magazine: 100 rounds (standard belt-box magazine)
A medium machine gun based off of the old Soviet PK machine gun line, the PK-105 began life as Vesuvius Arm's first foray into the squad level weaponry market. Unlike other modern LMG models, the PK-105 is made mainly out of machine steel parts and wood, increasing its durability and reliability at the expense of added weight. It can be fired by infantry on the move or mounted to a tripod or vehicle for added control.

FGM-148 Javelin
Designed for use by the US military in 1996, the Javelin has nonetheless continued to be a popular ATGM platform for the past two centuries. It's infrared guidance system allows it to be used in a "fire and forget" manner, and it is capable of striking a target from above to bypass armor. It is effective against most modern armored vehicles, light tanks (barring APS), and fortifications.

Dynamic Systems all Terrain Vehicle 23 ("Bulldog")
Bulldog Variant armed with remote controlled turret
Propulsion: Traer Industries Model 19-O V6
Weight: 2 tons
Tank: 23 gallons
Mileage: 14 miles a gallon
Speed: 68 MPH
Off road capability: High
Seats 4 or less (plus driver), based on modifications
Defenses: Half an inch of ballistic steel plating on the hood and hull, 5/16th an inch of ballistic steel plating on the doors. 5/16th inch ballistic steel undercarriage covering. Bulletproof glass.
Popular with mercenaries, militias, and Martian armies, the Bulldog is a reliable platform that can handle multiple logistic and tactical tasks. It is easily customized to fit a variety of tasks, allowing it to assume the role of troop transport, scout, and heavy fire support. Its suspension is rated for some of the most hazardous off road conditions, and its high clearance gives it adequate protection from debris and landmines.

In stock:
50 unarmed standard models that seat four (plus the driver) each
25 unarmed models with attached trailers and more storage room in the back. Seats one (plus driver) each
25 armed models with a PK-105 mounted on a rotating cupola. Seats four (plus driver and gunner).
5 armed models with a roof mounted FGM-148 Javelin, seating one (plus driver and gunner).

Wiesel 1
Wiesel AWC - Wikipedia
Propulsion: Audi 2.1 L 5-cylinder in-line turbo-diesel
Weight: 2.75 tons
Tank: 20 gallons
Mileage: 6 miles a gallon
Speed: 43 MPH
Off road capability: Moderate
Crew: 2
Defenses: Half an inch of ballistic steel plating on hull, 3/4 inch of ballistic steel plating on turret. Only able to stop small arms fire.
An old tankette developed for use by German airborne units in 1985, several dozen Wiesel units survived to the modern day to be acquired by the Hohenzollern expedition. While quite outdated, they are still effective against infantry and light armored vehicles, and can manage the rough terrain of the undeveloped planet.
In stock:
14 models armed with a Rheinmetall Rh 202 20mm autocannon

Additional Information:

Character Sheet:

Appearance: https://thehistorybunker.co.uk/image/cache/catalog/1german1914-875x1000.jpg
(Schmitz Reiner, posing in his great great grandfather's uniform)

Name: Schmitz Reiner

Species: Human

Backstory: Coming from a family with a long history in the German Army, Reiner grew up on tales of bravery, courage, and honor, inspiring him to follow his ancestor's footsteps and join the military. It was there that he met one of Friedrich's sons, and was introduced to the Hohenzollern family. He was fascinated by their history and traditions, and became close friends with the Imperial Prince himself. When the first plans were drawn up for the Martian expedition, he volunteered immediately, and was eventually entrusted with governorship over the royal colony. This was then transferred to Outurn upon the discovery of FTL.

Additional Information: Has a strong penchant for military action before diplomacy, and tends to expect people to listen to him.

Fixed armory spoiler tab
Actually added location of colony to map
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Ensimmäiseksi Liitto
View attachment 402249
There is no flag for the colony, but this serves as the sign on the Kettu maps for it.

9,500 are criminals. 2,300 are former criminals, and 11,100 are settlers.


Colony/Colonists' Background:
These are exiles from the Kettu civilization. They chose this place since it was the only habitable one nearby. Over time, the colony became a place for the Kettu states to send the criminals. The criminals sent to weren’t murderers, terrorist or criminal masterminds, they were usually petty criminals, like thieves and vandals, or people who shared the wrong views. State A with ideology A would send citizens with ideology B to the colony, and State B with ideology B would send citizens with ideology A to the colony. Along with the criminals were some free settlers, looking to use the criminal labour and new land to make more money. Criminals that got emancipated while at the colony mostly stayed, due to that fact that most criminals had nothing to return to. The colony found itself being a mix of people with a broad range of ideologies and social standing. In some ways this meant more acceptance for people of different social standings and ideologies, but there are also much people with radical ideologies that conflicts with many others.

View attachment 401983

Government Type/Structure:
The colony is run by a small amount of people. This includes former convicts and settlers. Most criminals don’t have representation. The settlers and emancipated convicts select a couple of people to a bureaucracy that manages the criminal workforce and the running of services. The bureaucracy then selects a single person to run the colony and its external affairs.

Criminals in this colony aren’t exactly kept in large prison buildings. Instead, they reside in more of a walled district. In this district, criminals have their own plot of land that they are required to work on. This land of theirs is either a farm or tured into a basic workshop. They are constantly surveyed by both a security system and a large guard force. If a criminal is pardoned, paroled, or simply finishes their sentence, then they are given a new plot of land outside the penal district as some other criminal takes their former plot. From there, they can participate in government and do whatever they want. This is not as fine and dandy as it seems. There is still a prison building for those that continue to break the law. Guards have the right to enter a criminal's land at any time. Criminals have great limitations to what they can have. Having simple razor for trimming fur or a metal tool can mean being sent to the prison building.

Despite partially being a penal colony. People got multiple rights, as long as their not criminals. They got nearly full control of the land they settle. They want to chop down a tree, they can. They want to build a house to a size they want, they can. The only real limitations is when what one does on their land affects others. Damming a river, even if on your land, will not likely be allowed if someone also has land on that river. Are these rights guaranteed, not in all practicality, but most are usually kept up.

The colony has only one real purpose, to be profitable. That's why criminals are sent to work the new land. Now, of course, to some other people like the settlers, it's instead to have some land to own. Due to the vast, unclaimed parts, emancipated criminals decide to stay and stake their own claim than return to what little they have back in their home system.

Since the colony has to keep a large criminal population under control, they have quite the large security force. However, they have to deal with people that are more likely to be a poorly equipped militia than a professional military force. They also got the incentive to keep their enemy alive, since their most likely going to face rebelling criminals. Hence, this force is more for neutralising the enemy threat than killing them.

For offence, guards carry semi-automatic rifles that use solid ammunition. Their main ammo is tranquilliser darts. A shot or two can bring most people down. They also carry live ammunition, but that’s for the more dire situations. For a melee weapon, they have steel batons. These can easily break bones, even on people with light armour.

For defence, guards carry a metal shield. These are 0.3 cm thick, made of a lightweight steel alloy, and are tall enough to touch the ground. They are good at taking on clubs, stones, and even some light firearms. They are in the shape of a rectangle that curves inwards at the sides and has a small opening of transparent aluminium near the top for vision. In armour, the guards wear metal plates covered with thick kevlar padding. This helps to absorb the force from being hit with something and to reduce or stop penetration. To keep out dangerous gases or liquids, the armour is made airtight by a jumpsuit underneath that covers nearly everything, other than the face, and connects to the helmet. The helmet is very round, and its only opening is eye slits on the front made of transparent aluminium and an air filter on the front. However, the front can be lifted up to show the face. The helmet is a lightweight steel piece 5mm thick. These helmets are equipped with a radio system. This armour allows the guards to avoid small attacks, like stones or small knives, which is good for what they're up against.

Chemical weaponry is in the colonies arsenal, used only when there is mass revolting. For their doctrine, the chemical weapons are mostly for deterring the enemy or making them less able to fight. The weaponry ranges from smoke to gases that can knock people out. The most common chemical weapon is a certain gas called Itku, an aerosol of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and chlorine that causes great irritation and possible blindness to the eyes. These are used either by launching a canister of it, or by spraying it from above. There is a great problem with these gasses though: they become ineffective when the target is masked.

They got two vehicles for their military force. One of which are big wheeled transports. These are truck like vehicles with thick walls and wheels a meter and a half in diameter. It can bring in a dozen guards while protecting them, and allowing them to fire from the protection of the armour. Another vehicle in the force is jet hovercraft. This is an small craft kept hovering via jets. It can carry several guards and be used to fire or deploy canisters of gas from a safe height above.

There are 4,500 settlers serving as guards. Most of the time though, only 3,200 are active at once. Even then, a third of those active are not fully equipped. That third is more for dealing with the non-penal district. For protection they got a vest of metal plates and a round metal disk strapped to their head. Yet, they do got their rifles and batons though.

Additional Information:
The economy of the colony is aimed towards self-sufficiency. Hence, criminals are farming. Currently, they have attempted to get other industries and build up their own system of education and medicine. They re reaching self-sufficiency, but still have to get some things like computer technology from importing.

Tuulikki of Sirpale

Just like the Kettu, Tuulikki has the copper, silver, and coal coloured hairs all over her. Her height is 155cm. On her is a flat round piece of metal strapped on top of her head, which is a sign of authority. A blue sheet of fiber is wrapped around her.


Tuulikki came as a settler to the new colony. Originally, this Kettu woman is from a state on the Maa moon. She soon joined the bureaucracy of the colonial authority. Her actions in changing regulating land usage had pleased many settlers and emancipated criminals. This lead to many bureaucrats being in her favour, and electing her as a council. Now she plans to expand the colony, both by increasing the penal colony and the settlers.

Tuulikki has two spouses and five children. She is from one of the Kettu cultures that did not have a fear of people from another world. She is also renowned for her determination not be subject to anyone.

The Kettu

The Kettu, or whatever other civilisations call them, are a peculiar species. They are bipeds that's, as a human would likely say, are foxes. Now, that's not exactly a proper description. They are beings with fur the colour of copper, charcoal, and silver, but the hairs seem to be 2mm thick and nearly sharp in a way. When it comes to how the grasp things, they don't have paws, but primate-like hands with opposable thumbs. They got two eyes at the front of their faces, but they are black with grey irises.

The average height of the Kettu is 150-160 cm and weight around 40-55 kg. Due to the square cube law, since the Kettu are smaller than most humans, they are slightly more able to handle objects that weigh as much as they do, are slightly more agile, and can more easily lose heat. It's not much, but it's something. They got this quite thick layer of fur that helps to regulate their body temperature. They can see colours from red to some very low UV rays.

Planet of Origin:
The Kettu are from the Maa system. It's a simple planet with a large moon and a smaller moon. It's not a single planetary government, but a couple dozen smaller governments on the planet and the moons. It's not a culture of hats either. Nearly every place in the system had its own culture. Yet, there were some things that were somewhat constant in a lot of cultures. One of which was a fear of aliens. Many cultures have stories about the world nearly being destroyed by people from another world and had traditions for keeping them away. In modern times, that does not play much of a role, though it is sometimes brought up now.

Flag/Banner (Optional):
View attachment 402190
Colony Name:
Sreda Obitaniya Sem' (SOS)
14,000 Class I Colonists
1,500 Class II Colonists
4,500 Class III Colonists
Humans (Class I)
Servisnaya Mashina (Service Robots) (Class II)
Raznoobraznyye Nizshiye Sushchestva (Mixed Lower-Beings) (Class III)
Colony/Colonists' Background:
After the collapse of the Russian Federation in 2093, the United Socialist Siberian Republic filled the void in the east, supported by the former Federation's military. Exercising martial law over almost all settlements, the people of the Republic became quickly accustomed to the harsh reality of Russian Socialism that they had forgotten just a generation earlier. Over the course of three years, roughly a fourth of the population fed their families by joining the military, or lower level government jobs. The Republic's Governing Council moved around from various cities, eventually settling in Vladivostok. Perhaps the only good decision made by the Governing Council was the reinvestment in the former Soviet Union rocketry program. Within a decade of the Republic's inception, on May 5th, 2101, the 283rd anniversary of Karl Marx's birth, the Republic established a small colony on Mars, against the protests of the United Anglo Alliance. Remaining independent solely on the former Russian nuclear arsenal, the Republic ensured the survival of their colonies by essentially sending along a small military force. As the Republic's space travel programs began to grow in size- and cost- the Governing Council of Earth, considered an equal to the Governing Council of Outer Planetary Settlements, or simply the OPS for short, began to look for a final planet they could relocate their poor and needy humans on earth to. As early as the year 2130, the OPS had begun using sentient beings discovered on foreign planets for the hard labor and out-world mining, considered too difficult for humans, and their service machines for many menial tasks also considered unfit for humans. Eventually, as Earth began to collapse, the Governing Council of Earth took 14,000 humans and a host of various other species and service machines to assist the humans in the colonization of the current world. After planetfall 15 years prior to our current date, the Colony has remained stagnant in population, while expanding it's agricultural capacity far beyond the needed capacity. However, after 3 years on the planet, communications went dark. Nobody in the colony has received word from the OPS, and most who know have assumed that the overseeing body has inevitably collapsed. What happened to the former Communist conglomerate, nobody in the colony knows, but the settlers must look to the uncertain future if they want to move forwards.
View attachment 402215
Government Type/Structure:
Ruled by the Governing Council of Sreda Obitaniya Sem', a non-elected body of 72 human officials, with an 18 official delegation of Machines, and 10 to represent the lower-species.
Communism in one System: With no contact from the OPS in the past 12 years, the SOS settlers have been faced with one truth: They are here to stay. Knowing that, the Governing Council has begun taking steps to extend the longevity of the colony, beginning with the expansion of the agricultural systems. With the fatalistic outlook that the colonizers are alone, the Governing Council has planned out an ambitious Two-Year-Plan to rapidly expand the colony's industrial capabilities- starting with a series of mining outposts.
Knowing well that the new colony would be beset by enemies and perils on all sides, the OPS sent the colony enough munitions and heavy arms to arm a small country. Originally with 1,000 humans designated for military service, the Governing Council quickly expanded the force to 2,000 active soldiers, and 1,300 Special Forces. Operating primary with light arms, the SOS military force is based on adaptability. Divided into five 400-strong battalions, which are further divided into 16 platoons of 25 men. The Special forces operate as an elite unit of shock forces. Trained in rapid deployment from the air, with assistance from the SOS air force, the Special Forces primarily assist the infantry with search and destroy missions, and heavy ordinance fire from a base of operations. Assisting all of the forces is the small SOS air force, which consists of 43 High-Orbital Fighters and 17 Low-Orbit Bombers, numbering 800 men in total.
Additional Information:
Character Sheet:
Will fill out later
View attachment 402595
(Chairman) Lemjian Komarov
Born to a lower-level military official in a small mining colony, Komarov was selected at an early age for military service, as his father pulled some strings to help his son get a head start. Barely knowing his father proved a defining part of Komarov's life, as the lack of support for his ambitions led to a deep hatred for those who refused to assist those who needed it. As a young pilot in a patrol squadron, Lemjian found himself attracted to the communist ideals of old, when the international struggle was international, not intergalactic. He longed for a world where he could help those who faced the adversities that he faced as a child. Ultimately, his desires culminated in being named Chairman of a prospective colony.
Additional Information:
Aside from lore breaks, such as the OPS or the Governing Council of Earth not existing and all colonies being on this planet for at most a year, you're good.
Edit: Sorry, I was just re reading though this and I can't allow you to have an air force which is capable of attacking from orbit, many, if not all others, would not be able to intercept them in their current states.
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Colony Sheet:

Flag/Banner (Optional): View attachment 400682

Colony Name:

Neues Paradies (New Paradise)

Population: 15000 in total
-800 combat personnel
-450 engineering personnel
-250 medical personnel
-150 scientific personnel
-150 surveying personnel
-3000 agricultural personnel
-1000 service personnel (culinary, entertainment, and so forth)
-4500 physical laborers
-4500 other (assorted tasks that are nonetheless required for a functioning colony)

Species: Human

Colony/Colonists' Background: Neues Paradies began life as a proposal for a Martian colony, financed and owned by the House of Hohenzollern, the royal family that ruled over the Germanic people; from Brandenburg all the way to the end of the German Empire, the Hohenzollerns have existed for centuries. The discovery of FTL and the classification of Outurn as suitable for human habitation presented an opportunity even greater than a Martian colony. Funding from the family's vast wealth, collected over centuries of investment and inheritance, was turned towards the construction of a grand colony ship, crewed by thousands of volunteers loyal to the family and hired contractors. After 335 years, the Hohenzollerns were ready to start their kingdom anew.

Territory:View attachment 404268
Shown as a light blue dot in southwest, the landing site of the expedition (now known as Gute Aussichten, or 'Bright Prospects' in English) is located close to one of the planet's rivers, providing adequate water supplies for the colonists and their crops. It is also located close to one of the Southern deserts and a major mountain range, which will hopefully provide a future source of silicates, fossil fuels, and ore.

Government Type/Structure:
Colonial Governership
The colony is run by Governer Schmitz , a proud man personally appointed by His Imperial and Royal Highness, The Prince of Prussia Fremont Friedrich (the second), the current head of the Hohenzollern family. Schmitz enjoys absolute power over the running of the colony, able to appoint officials at will and order projects as he pleases.

Ideals: To bring glory and wealth to the Hohenzollern family, revive the Germany monarchy, and create a beacon of prosperity for all of Humanity.

Military: The colonists brought 800 men to protect their new home; they are all either hired mercenaries or volunteers who served in the German military, ensuring their forces are well trained and able to handle any situation.
They have 2 companies (500 men in total) of motorized infantry. Their armory includes mortars, standard small arms, crew served weaponry, and anti tank munitions.
They have 1 company (250 men) that is trained for combat from horseback, mostly for use in rough terrain or on long distance missions.
They also have an armored company (50 men) of 14 tankettes for (comparatively) heavy firepower.

Heckler and Koch AG-07
Caliber: 5.56x45mm NATO
Magazine: 45 rounds (standard)
Designed as a mid range automatic rifle, the AG-07 was adopted by the Bundwesher in 2213 to replace the aging GWX-3 and return back to the 5.56 NATO standard to simplify ammo supply. The recoil is moderate for a rifle as short and lightweight as the AG-07, owing to its advanced recoil absorption systems. It is also popular in German airborne units, as its weight allows them more leeway with the equipment they can carry.

Vesuvius Arms PK-105
Caliber: 7.62x54mm
Magazine: 100 rounds (standard belt-box magazine)
A medium machine gun based off of the old Soviet PK machine gun line, the PK-105 began life as Vesuvius Arm's first foray into the squad level weaponry market. Unlike other modern LMG models, the PK-105 is made mainly out of machine steel parts and wood, increasing its durability and reliability at the expense of added weight. It can be fired by infantry on the move or mounted to a tripod or vehicle for added control.

FGM-148 Javelin
View attachment 402544
Designed for use by the US military in 1996, the Javelin has nonetheless continued to be a popular ATGM platform for the past two centuries. It's infrared guidance system allows it to be used in a "fire and forget" manner, and it is capable of striking a target from above to bypass armor. It is effective against most modern armored vehicles, light tanks (barring APS), and fortifications.

Dynamic Systems all Terrain Vehicle 23 ("Bulldog")
View attachment 400719
Bulldog Variant armed with remote controlled turret
Propulsion: Traer Industries Model 19-O V6
Weight: 2 tons
Tank: 23 gallons
Mileage: 14 miles a gallon
Speed: 68 MPH
Off road capability: High
Seats 4 or less (plus driver), based on modifications
Defenses: Half an inch of ballistic steel plating on the hood and hull, 5/16th an inch of ballistic steel plating on the doors. 5/16th inch ballistic steel undercarriage covering. Bulletproof glass.
Popular with mercenaries, militias, and Martian armies, the Bulldog is a reliable platform that can handle multiple logistic and tactical tasks. It is easily customized to fit a variety of tasks, allowing it to assume the role of troop transport, scout, and heavy fire support. Its suspension is rated for some of the most hazardous off road conditions, and its high clearance gives it adequate protection from debris and landmines.

In stock:
50 unarmed standard models that seat four (plus the driver) each
25 unarmed models with attached trailers and more storage room in the back. Seats one (plus driver) each
25 armed models with a PK-105 mounted on a rotating cupola. Seats four (plus driver and gunner).
5 armed models with a roof mounted FGM-148 Javelin, seating one (plus driver and gunner).

Wiesel 1
Wiesel AWC - Wikipedia
Propulsion: Audi 2.1 L 5-cylinder in-line turbo-diesel
Weight: 2.75 tons
Tank: 20 gallons
Mileage: 6 miles a gallon
Speed: 43 MPH
Off road capability: Moderate
Crew: 2
Defenses: Half an inch of ballistic steel plating on hull, 3/4 inch of ballistic steel plating on turret. Only able to stop small arms fire.
An old tankette developed for use by German airborne units in 1985, several dozen Wiesel units survived to the modern day to be acquired by the Hohenzollern expedition. While quite outdated, they are still effective against infantry and light armored vehicles, and can manage the rough terrain of the undeveloped planet.
In stock:
14 models armed with a Rheinmetall Rh 202 20mm autocannon

Additional Information:

Character Sheet:

Appearance: https://thehistorybunker.co.uk/image/cache/catalog/1german1914-875x1000.jpg
(Schmitz Reiner, posing in his great great grandfather's uniform)

Name: Schmitz Reiner

Species: Human

Backstory: Coming from a family with a long history in the German Army, Reiner grew up on tales of bravery, courage, and honor, inspiring him to follow his ancestor's footsteps and join the military. It was there that he met one of Friedrich's sons, and was introduced to the Hohenzollern family. He was fascinated by their history and traditions, and became close friends with the Imperial Prince himself. When the first plans were drawn up for the Martian expedition, he volunteered immediately, and was eventually entrusted with governorship over the royal colony. This was then transferred to Outurn upon the discovery of FTL.

Additional Information: Has a strong penchant for military action before diplomacy, and tends to expect people to listen to him.

Fixed armory spoiler tab
Actually added location of colony to map
Looks good, aside from the fact that humanity has light speed engines not FTL engines. You're accepted.
Edit: Oh, and the images for your flag and the "Bulldog" could not be viewed, just to let you know.
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Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic
I fixed both the error on the speed of travel and the images; however, the two images are not the original ones i used, as I found ones that better suited both my taste and the general tech level/aesthetics of the rest of the faction. However, none of the capabilities of the Bulldog were modified.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic
I fixed both the error on the speed of travel and the images; however, the two images are not the original ones i used, as I found ones that better suited both my taste and the general tech level/aesthetics of the rest of the faction. However, none of the capabilities of the Bulldog were modified.
You’re accepted
Colony Sheet:

Flag/Banner (Optional):

Colony Name: Underearth

Population: 9,000

Species: Humans

Colony/Colonists' Background: Assembled as a military facility, Underearth was the technical pioneers place of choice for 30 years. The city has now however fallen into technological stagnancy as they have been essentially cut off from the rest of humanity. They are hostile towards the rest of humanity due to other corporations wanting the colony's abundant mineral reserves.

Territory: CLASSIFIED (Top right Inside a mountain.)

Government Type/Structure: Democracy

Ideals: Underearth is known for creating ships that resemble works of modern art.

Military: Underearth is a military hotspot and in general a massive No - Go area.

-7 Super Cruisers (Water based)

-3 Frigates (Water based)

-6 Heavy Cruisers (Water Based)

-50 Mechs (Ground Based)

-1,000 infantry (Ground Based)

-10 Ground installation Intercontinental Artillery Emplacements (Inaccurate Aiming)

Additional Information: N/A

Character Sheet:



Name: John Flackmouth

Species: Human

Backstory: CLASSIFIED (He was born in underearth, raised in underearth, lives in underearth, and will die in underearth.)

Additional Information: N/A

Species Sheet (If not Human):

Species Name:



Planet of Origin:

Additional Information:
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Flag/Banner (Optional):

Colony Name:
Union of Cadordinia.

Population: 15,300

Species: Humans.
Adventorum. [Alien species that appear as being large snake/worm/centipede-like beings with arms.]

Colony/Colonists' Background:
The Union, Cadordinia, Union of Cadordinia, or otherwise known by leadership as the Wallentinian Empire, was founded by a wealthy family and several individuals and scientists from Earth. They originally just wanted to expand among the stars for their self interests, primarily profits. However with the growth of technology during their time it slowly grew into something more. Instead of just expanding for profits, it grew into the desire to make the stars their own. Eventually, they formed a colony on Outurn. They originally planned it to be a research colony that could be left in peace, but eventually it turned into their new home. To make the land truly theirs and to mark their territory, they would have constructed a massive city. This city would be surrounded by tall mechanical walls, and crowned by a massive citadel within it's very center. This tower would be 2.5 KM high, and be the most advanced facility and home within the city. It would be here and the exterior of the city that research operations would take place.

Over time, the colony kept growing until it was as big as it is today. With some work being left to AI and mechanical work, that allows a larger pool for other fields of work that has lower chances of death involved. Society is also affected heavily by the government, and military personnel have to undergo augmentation at some point to reach higher ranks. Some augments can be ignored and rank progression can continue on through other methods, but is slower, less rewarding, and eventually halts until ignored augmentations are accepted. Accepting memory alteration as example increases life benefits for that individual and their family. This does not mean however that the alteration erases their entire life, it's more so to further loyalty. Though the alteration can also be negative on less than acceptable minded individuals.

Other sections of society, focusing on civilians are more forgiving. They live their normal lives, work normal jobs, and have usually normal families. However there is a overlooming presence of government control. Loudspeakers, massive monitors, and the tower's sheer existence itself is a constant reminder of the government. Police patrol the streets every day, automated barriers with advanced doors prevent entry from other civilian sectors or important military sectors from civilians without clearance, automated "smart walls" surround the entire exterior of the city and the "inner core" of the center of the city which are unlike the former, attached to the Veridian. Which open and close to allow movement in or out for the former, and the inner walls specifically can extend outwards slowly and smash into the ground to gather resources or lock the area. Civilians are encouraged to rat out their neighbors of any suspicious activity that may threaten their way of life for more benefits. This being due to coexisting paranoia. The military itself are the only ones allowed into the massive towering citadel in the center of the city called the Veridian, and military bases/outposts. These areas are extremely advanced when compared to life in the city not including factories, and thus they are even more dangerous to anyone or thing around them. To solve this, maintenance is carried out usually on more unstable elements of these locations. This is usually carried out by PWA, which is the punishment to high-level offending civilians or other types of extremist misfits. They get taken away from their families and friends forever into these areas for permanent work assignment. Barriers and walls of the Union however are made from a reinforced alloy, which increases their average lifespan and require less maintenance. They are also covered in synthetic paint to prevent exterior rusting to the environment.

Within the Veridian, it's filled with massive areas where there is vast openings, chasms, and otherwise seemingly bottomless pits. There are pods littering the walls, and several advanced technologies including energy-platforms which can be enabled or disabled to allow or deny access from one point to the other. It is also filled with it's own factories, living quarters, and other necessities including a train station. Due to it's impressive size, the interior is also home to several resource processing plants, air manipulation and filtration systems, "veins" that appear to transport liquid throughout, transport railings from bottom to top that move pods, automated "arms" which interact with the environment, a broadcasting room, and home to it's reactor core that powers the entire city normally. Although there are self-contained generators that are capable of being used by civilians and military alike. Some aliens are allowed to live among Humans, but the more "unfriendly" ones are confined into their own living sector in the city. The Veridian is also home to it's near-human AI component, which controls the automated systems in the Veridian and other military-occupied or made facilities. It is also self-aware enough to know what it is, and is considered part of the family ruling over the colony, especially since it is based on one of their family members in appearance primarily. This is so it can be generated by cameras to allow a realistic image or hologram of the AI to roam about to directly interact with terminals that may otherwise be locked out automatically. The appearance itself however rather than just some randomized humanoid shape, is so it is a more interactive figure that is often also used in the propaganda posters that fill the city. The propaganda often being used to make the populace believe that the government have somehow attained immortality, and the family would live forever. Thus earning itself a form of intimidation.


Government Type/Structure:
Totalitarian Oligarchy, with a preference for utility.
The government leadership is simple enough, there is an "Overlord" that rules over the city alongside a few Advisers and the even lower status Administrators. The Advisers control the Administrators, and aids the Overlord in necessary tasks or goals. The Administrators themselves follow decisions or otherwise orders from the Advisers, which itself are potentially varying methods to achieve a goal. Advisers, besides the Overlord, are the only government ranked personnel capable of creating any decision for any purpose. Which are displayed to other Advisers and the Overlord, where it is then decided whether or not to follow through with it. In the event the Overlord dies or becomes incapacitated, the Advisers act as a temporary replacement until further notice or a official replacement is installed. Replacement is a process that follows the steps of "finding the right person for the job" rather than inheritance, though it may lead to that due to technologies the family has access to, rather than the wider population.

The Union's goals are very simple. They have sent the family of their future Empire along with a small population to the planet. This is so they can further advance technology by using what they learn on the planet, they also wish to expand to stake a claim on the planet to grow and proper both in economy and population. They want to use the planet as a new home for their Empire, and thus their final goal is overall self preservation above all else by any means necessary.

2,200 regulars, 600 Marines, 30 Tripod synths, 200 special forces.

The CAF focus on protecting the Union through utility and sheer ferocious nature. The highest ranked officials contain most or all required augmentations, and decide what is necessary for members to progress. The standard soldier gets none or just minor augmentations, and the higher ranked including officers are when the augmentations get more mandatory. Those who have not had memory alteration usually get it around there unless judged otherwise. The alterations provide more loyalty in the force, and are also used for cheaper training as it is like being in a simulation. What feels like years or even decades is merely a few weeks or a month at most and a few days at least in reality. This is due to their detailed nature of information, modification or adding of memories, and due to it being essentially military VR which requires a time-deadline. The military also utilizes both men and women. Strength augmentations for example can range from replacing limbs with robotic parts, to modifying and manipulating the body enough to endure specific tasks. Some of these augmentations are also voice manipulation/vocoders to make helmet production faster and cheaper, but it isn't mandatory. Augmentations over time have side effects, including giving the augmented unit pale skin, potential balding, voice loss, and at worst temporary health declination. However augmentation is a very serious matter in the military, and it has been stressed over and over again to ensure failure or otherwise death does not ensue. Though it is still possible, as with all things.

Marines and HECT, Hazardous Environment Combat Troops, are recruited from the main forces. Here it is filled by un-augmented volunteers and conscripts. There are no augmentations until the rank of Officer, which is very minor and may even consist of memory alteration. The more they try climbing the ranks in the military, the more benefits they and their family receive. Due to the multiple purpose needs of the Marines, they follow similar uniform tradition as the HECT. Which allows them to roam and survive in low-hazardous environments, while using as light as possible materials to maintain mobility. The higher the rank, the superior their equipment is. Which makes them slightly heavier due to increased thickness, but still maintaining mobility. The Marines and HECT sport the most advanced assets of the military overall, while the main forces itself remains more conventional.

Left to right:
Ranger officer Uniform,
Standard Ranger Medical Uniform,
HECT Uniform,
Standard Marine Uniform,
Assault uniform,
Multi-purpose uniform,
Army Standard Issue Medical Uniform,
Army Standard Issue Officer Uniform,
Marine Elite Uniform,
Standard Issue Infantry Uniform,
Scientist Uniform.

Proper Uniform names from left to right:
Advanced Vectoring Gear, [Officer, medic.]
Hazard Combat Armor, [Hazard trooper.]
Enhanced Combat Field Suit, [Marine.]
Multi-purpose Jumpsuit, [Assault and technician.]
Vectoring Gear, [Medic, officer.]
Hazard Resistant Combat Suit, [Elite Marine.]
Carbi Uniform. [Enlisted uniform.]
Sterilized Uniform. [Scientist Uniform.]

Standard uniforms = usual appearance, which can change slightly or dramatically with rank or the current situational need.


Based on a old design from Earth's younger times, the MP42 is essentially just a modified version to suit the Union's needs. Utilizing a light alloy to lessen it's weight. It utilizes regular conventional ammunition alongside 20mm HE projectiles. It's ammunition however in large quantity is still heavy however, so the maximum load is 3 40 round magazines and 2 20mm HE loads with one already loaded in. The usual load lessens the HE load to 1 and can vary between 40 round magazines or lower. It utilizes a night vision scope, and targeting and fuse systems. The MP42 is used in both the Marines and the Rangers.


The AER is an advanced pulse rifle that is self loading and automatic used primarily by the Marines, though some elite forces outside the Marines have access to it. It is created from a reinforced alloy specifically made for withstanding overheating and immense force of itself. It follows similar principle to the Multi-Purpose 42, in which it utilizes two different types of ammunition: The regular pulse ammunition, which can be filled up to 30 pulse magazines, and the second model acting as a emplacement gun can carry 100. The main pulse plugs are loaded in automatically by the magazine and the rifle itself, with the ammo being spent to reload the magazine raises one of the 3 plugs and then moves it to the right, where the barrel opens up/splits into 4 pieces and a "charger" pushes the plug into the barrel before it retracts. The secondary ammunition is a manually loaded pod that is loaded into the chamber directly behind the magazine. There is a button on the right side of the rifle near the the magazine, which the user holds down to charge the pod up. After a few moments, the weapon experiences immense recoil pushing backwards as an orb launches out. This orb from the energy core loaded in appears as a black ball with a small yellow sphere within. This ball when coming into contact with inorganic objects causes the orb to bounce off and throwing the object, however this makes it more unstable than if it were to not hit an inorganic material or substance. This orb can bounce off approximately 4 - 5 times before creating a small explosion where it was, whether it be slamming into an object or still mid-air. This explosion isn't harmful to any organic being unless directly next to it, and the explosion throws small objects around. The energy ball has a firing rate of 40 RPM, while the main pulses have a firing rate of 652 RPM. The Emplacement variation only uses pulses and lacks the the top orb launching barrel, instead moving the pulse barrel upwards. Only Marine Elites and the HECT are capable of using the orb launcher on the standard issue model, and are the only ones to gain it's ammunition in the first place. The weapon has a moderate spread at distance, and it's accuracy is horrible if not non-existent at long range.

The Mark-IV Anti-Material Rifle is a Marine sniper rifle. The weapon is compact to reduce weight and make maintenance easy, but still maintain effectiveness at longer ranges by utilizing a scope that automatically relays information to the user. Primarily information about environmental factors, and the rest is left up to the user. The sniper rifle also has a laser sight, which gives away it's position but aids with the aiming process if necessary. It utilizes reactor rods of pure DE plasma with some solid elements that has a very considerable amount of speed, and the shot itself is observable and physical. The stock is where the weapon is loaded, and it generates a winding up noise when reloading but it suppressed while firing. It has a firing rate of one time every 3 - 5 seconds. The mounted version of the rifle is a bit bigger and is a emplacement weapon that requires a power source rather than rods of it's regular variant. This limits the rifle's firing arc and mobility, but it gives it a harder punch. They are usually mounted in wide open areas, and are capable of destroying slightly more amounts of materials it hits. The advantage to the emplacement version when compared to the mobile version, is that it's stand is also the power source and contains more ammunition for prolonged engagements. It however doesn't use a rod core like it's mobile variation, and uses it's energy/plasma alone. This gives it a slower speed and lower effective range as the weapon can be dodged at longer distances. Another disadvantage for the emplacement version being that when in use, the laser sight is instantly active and thus limiting the emplacements to secured areas.

The M1BR is a long range high caliber rifle, with sniper capability with a scope. It is a rifle given to Ranger forces in the Army, and uses conventional ammunition. It is a specialized weapon meant for engaging armored infantry. The firing rate is semi-automatic as the rifle isn't made to deal with automatic fire. It houses 5 rounds in each magazine.

The SIAR is the Army's primarily rifle. It's standard form utilizes a 20 or 30 round magazine and is also given a extendable stock. A modified version enables it to have a laser sight or a under-barrel flashlight. It is one of two conventional weapons used by the Marines, and is easily maintainable and durable in field operations. In the Marine's case, the rifle still uses conventional ammunition however is given a laser sight, an autoloading mechanism built into the rifle to increase firing speed slightly, and a safety lock which automatically sets the safety on and locks it there when not in use by it's operator.

The Marines are the answer to any problems toward the Union that the main forces cannot handle. They only have 2 variations, standard, and officer. The standard troops range between low - medium augmentations range. These include further memory alteration, digestive system modification, surgery to the abdomen - upwards, brain surgery, etc. While the higher ranks average high augmentations that affect their senses as a whole, or range between medium augmentations with modified suits and helmets to achieve similar effect to those with high augmentations. They operate in the Veridian, military bases and outposts, and wherever else a military presence is necessary. A sub-section of them is the HECT, which utilizes Marines and gives them hazardous environment training and uniforms. The Marines are the most elite of the Union's military, and have access to Synths due to their previous affiliation with Union research teams. They are armed with pulse machine guns for taking on personnel, and if anything comes to close to the tripod it can use it's long legs in an attempt to impale it.

The HECT are essentially Marines or those with a excellent record that is recruited into the Hazardous Environment Combat Troop Corps. As the name indicates, they operate in hazardous environments, or can otherwise be called in as Marine reinforcement as the HECT are a sub-division of them. The HECT are equal to Marine officers or otherwise known as elites. Except unlike the Marines, they operate under Hazardous Environments and thus are more specialized for them. The HECT operate in the Veridian such as it's reactor core, and Marine bases that are run off of their self-contained generators. In terms of utility, they are normal Marines with specialized training. Some in the Marines even come from the HECT, and thus their uniforms are modified with HECT essentials. However they are all officers rather than standard troops.

Additional Information:
The Union of Cadordinia prefers to handle situations diplomatically, but will not hesitate military response if deemed necessary.

These turrets come in two configurations, a camera, and a pulse turret. They are attached to a mechanical arm, which can retract and fold up into the container above it, which is built into the ceiling of a structure such as the Veridian in many rooms and chambers. They can be activated automatically, manually, or through a tripwire. The weapons can be directly controlled through terminals, it's own automated programming, or AI and has a "kill" code if necessary. They are entirely energy-based when it's an armed turret rather than ordinary camera, as to prevent jamming due to it's otherwise impossible-to-load design. When deploying, the container opens and it's contents quickly fall out and unfold in the process. The camera emits 4 lights as status: Green is all clear, yellow is possible target, orange is possible target but out of range to take a picture, and red is enemy detected. The armed turrets have green for all clear before shutting off, yellow for scanning, and red for targets detected. They also contain a high ammunition load.


They range in height between 5'7 - 6 feet tall when compared to a regular male human while entirely upright. They range between regular Union citizens to some military personnel. They primarily prefer less militaristic occupations however, and some are Union advisers. They can remove their mask to reveal something similar to a mouth, with a extremely long tongue which can be used for piercing into organics to feed upon. Whether it be regular food, or anything inbetween.

The AI itself is more prone to self-corrupting which affects it's ability to properly operate. These range around viewing files that it does not need to, memory loss, behavior alteration, and self damage inflicted by code-loss that can even result in degradation of intelligence. This is counteracted through average maintenance that begins when these are first encountered, and a sophisticated backup system that restores memory and coding. There is also a "reset ability" for the AI should it reach an irreparable state, which then can be reprogrammed or restored if the backups are intact. While degeneration happens by various means, one of the core means being the Veridian's reactor core itself. Which emits large doses of radiation that can corrode interior systems that are designed to contain it, and thus sometimes the broken code from terminals get leaked into the AI directly or over time. Due to the cost of maintaining, having created, and running the AI, there can only be one that is functioning at any time anywhere. The AI's core itself is located in a more safe region of the Veridian between the upper section and the lower top section. This core appears as a complicated mess of large reinforced wiring, terminals, and a massive chamber housing an artificial brain. While the AI has over time become more self reliant, the chamber remains as the means to create a replacement should the original AI, and all of it's code is somehow destroyed. It is also here that the AI can store additional information, and even move it to one of various backup stations. In the event the AI has gone AWOL and the reset failed, the AI's physical form has been altered enough to where it cannot interact with it's own personnel or their equipment unless the equipment itself has a form of automation. Thus any weapons it attempts to pick up will either fail to do so or fall to the ground. But outside of these conditions, the AI can interact with personnel and some objects directly besides vocally. These are primarily temporary, as prolonged exposure results in the AI's form eventually no longer being solid and thus move-throughable, or abrupt interruption in the form's generation. Thus the only prolonged exposure it can do is with Union terminals, and cannot perform self maintenance with it's form.

The AI has also been altered so it cannot split it's own code to create other AIs without the code degrading without it's core component, thus should all else fail the AI will be incapable of "reproducing" another AI. Instead, the AI will move to that system instead, or that code ceases to function and nothing happens. This is made so that for the AI to function on different terminals that run off of separate systems, it either has to do it manually, be given permission by both systems, or somehow break in. Then once it gets in, it leaves the original system, or becomes dormant. Thus it can no longer interact with that system until placed back into it. The AI is made to be this complex, to help with Union personnel to move through areas within the Veridian or the city during intensive problems like door malfunctions and automation failures. It also affects the terminals in the core by containing or not, in the event personnel are incapable of entering or have become deceased. It however can only affect Union technology, as it was designed specifically around that. Thus it cannot operate foreign systems unless reprogrammed enough, put in tune, and capable of identifying the system it is hooked up to. Otherwise the AI fails entirely to use it, and cannot hack into it if it is more than just an average system. Should the system terminals it tries getting into be connected to other systems or more areas and terminals, the likelyhood of hacking into it is heavily negated. In the case of the Union however, the AI can access systems like this if Union constructed, however it can only do so by hacking into it. Examples being the Family database which the AI has been repeatedly locked out of, for one example being pretending to be the member the AI appears as during it's degeneration stages. The AI also forgets these systems once locked out again either through a code jumble, that system's protection protocols, or the memory being intentionally erased, thus every time the AI wants to access these separate "secret" systems, it has to find and then hack back into it specifically.

The research teams would use Synths, essentially Aliens primarily animals, that are turned into the workforce through forced technology-bonded evolution. These primarily consist of Tripods as that is what was necessary for crossing the roughest of terrain. Since they could think but also were dominated by technology, this allowed them to conduct dangerous tasks without endangering research teams, and provided better mobility than if a entirely robotic tripod was created. For their own survival, they were fitted with a heavy type of alloy and carapace which protect them from anything cut short of a explosive, immense force, or severe kinetic trauma to their brain. Enabling them to succeed in necessary tasks such as taking large amounts of rock samples from dangerous environments. They also utilize a sharp blade-esque section that act as feet, as to hold onto the very ground it walks upon. It ranges between 12 - 15 meters high and can lower themselves down to 3 meters, and has various modifications which include having a form of "arms" which appear as tentacles to wrap around objects. Another addition to that modification being the ability to attach containers to it to contain objects for storage. The military Tripod's body is covered in a smooth white carapace or exoskeleton. On the "head" is a rapid-firing pulse gun. The three long legs of the Synth are tipped with sharp spikes and a rosette of finer, hair-like spines. Not much of a difference from synths in use by the science team.

Tripod Synths can be created in two ways, but one is most preferred. Starting with this one is forced technological evolution. This is where a being is born and raised into it's body. This is done through technology, manipulation, and hormone adjustments to increase growth slightly. Components such as tripod legs can have the being/entity grow around or in it for a better fit, but beforehand the being's "nubs" before maturity or otherwise where limbs are to grow naturally have technology fitted to those areas. Then the organic bits of the creature grows inside of it as to make it tight and permanently attached to the creature over time. Then the tripod limbs can be attached or be placed in a way to have the creature grow into or around it. During this process with the new limbs and thus it's second stage of maturing, technology can be added to the Synth such as identification systems, armored carapace, movable eyes, etc. It's final process before maturity itself is the ability to use it's limbs efficiently, easily, and quickly. The ability to see with it's eyes, the ability to interact or identify personnel, and the ability to follow commands. Then once it is a mature specimen, It is then used for scientific purposes such as exploration. It can also create a wide arrange of vocalizations.

The second way to create a Tripod Synth, is simply removing vital components of a being such as the brain, and then placing it into a pre-built body. However this is much more difficult to do simply due to how to get the limbs working, how to connect it to the automated systems, how to keep it alive, and a variety of other factors. Another problem being that it has a harder time using it's limbs than if through technologically forced evolution, as the limbs and systems are prebuilt and are more complex. Rather than naturally growing into place and then naturally adapting, the synth is forced to learn how to use it's new body. This takes significantly longer, and has less of a success rate.

Character Sheet:


Matthew Castiper Wallentinian


Matthew came from the main line of his family tree, and took his family to Outurn. Leaving his brother back with his Mother and Father. Matthew was born raised in a wealthy family before coming to Outurn, and excelled in his scientific background which he started in at a early age. By the time he was 18, he already owned part of the family business. Once he was 20 he met Shiradea, who was a singer. The colony that would soon become their new home away from home would not be founded until the age of 48, where he took his family to Outurn to create his own nation to rule over. Becoming Cadordinia's overlord, and focusing the nation on scientific advancement for around a year. During this time, his son and daughter would be rising through military ranks. Ignoring most augmentations unless desired due to orders of the Overlord. Saldor would have become a elite in the military, while his sister Jevalina would be used as the template for the union's AI and a comparably lower ranked officer.

Additional Information:
Saldor Wallentinian [Son.]
Jevalina Wallentinian [Daughter.]
Shiradea Wallentinian [Wife.]

[edit was to fix the above character section by separating it from a tab, because it got stuffed into a tab.]
Colony Sheet:

Flag/Banner (Optional):

Colony Name: Underearth

Population: 70,000

Species: Humans

Colony/Colonists' Background: Assembled as a military facility, Underearth was the technical pioneers place of choice for 30 years. The city has now however fallen into technological stagnancy as they have been essentially cut off from the rest of humanity. They are hostile towards the rest of humanity due to other corporations wanting the colony's abundant mineral reserves.

Territory: CLASSIFIED (Top right Inside a mountain.)

Government Type/Structure: Democracy

Ideals: Underearth is known for creating ships that resemble works of modern art.

Military: Underearth is a military hotspot and in general a massive No - Go area.

-25 Super Cruisers (Water based)

-10 Frigates (Water based)

-15 Heavy Cruisers (Water Based)

-500 Mechs (Ground Based)

-10,000 infantry (Ground Based)

-30 Ground installation Intercontinental Artillery Emplacements (Inaccurate Aiming)

Additional Information: N/A

Character Sheet:


View attachment 407528

Name: John Flackmouth

Species: Human

Backstory: CLASSIFIED (He was born in underearth, raised in underearth, lives in underearth, and will die in underearth.)

Additional Information: N/A

Species Sheet (If not Human):

Species Name:



Planet of Origin:

Additional Information:
That's a quite a large population, amount of infantrymen, and heavily armed military equipment.

Flag/Banner (Optional):

Colony Name:
Union of Cadordinia.

Population: 15,300

Species: Humans.
Adventorum. [Alien species that appear as being large snake/worm/centipede-like beings with arms.]

Colony/Colonists' Background:
The Union, Cadordinia, Union of Cadordinia, or otherwise known by leadership as the Wallentinian Empire, was founded by a wealthy family and several individuals and scientists from Earth. They originally just wanted to expand among the stars for their self interests, primarily profits. However with the growth of technology during their time it slowly grew into something more. Instead of just expanding for profits, it grew into the desire to make the stars their own. Eventually, they formed a colony on Outurn. They originally planned it to be a research colony that could be left in peace, but eventually it turned into their new home. To make the land truly theirs and to mark their territory, they would have constructed a massive city. This city would be surrounded by tall mechanical walls, and crowned by a massive citadel within it's very center. This tower would be 2.5 KM high, and be the most advanced facility and home within the city. It would be here and the exterior of the city that research operations would take place.

Over time, the colony kept growing until it was as big as it is today. With some work being left to AI and mechanical work, that allows a larger pool for other fields of work that has lower chances of death involved. Society is also affected heavily by the government, and military personnel have to undergo augmentation at some point to reach higher ranks. Some augments can be ignored and rank progression can continue on through other methods, but is slower, less rewarding, and eventually halts until ignored augmentations are accepted. Accepting memory alteration as example increases life benefits for that individual and their family. This does not mean however that the alteration erases their entire life, it's more so to further loyalty. Though the alteration can also be negative on less than acceptable minded individuals.

Other sections of society, focusing on civilians are more forgiving. They live their normal lives, work normal jobs, and have usually normal families. However there is a overlooming presence of government control. Loudspeakers, massive monitors, and the tower's sheer existence itself is a constant reminder of the government. Police patrol the streets every day, automated barriers with advanced doors prevent entry from other civilian sectors or important military sectors from civilians without clearance, automated "smart walls" surround the entire exterior of the city and the "inner core" of the center of the city which are unlike the former, attached to the Veridian. Which open and close to allow movement in or out for the former, and the inner walls specifically can extend outwards slowly and smash into the ground to gather resources or lock the area. Civilians are encouraged to rat out their neighbors of any suspicious activity that may threaten their way of life for more benefits. This being due to coexisting paranoia. The military itself are the only ones allowed into the massive towering citadel in the center of the city called the Veridian, and military bases/outposts. These areas are extremely advanced when compared to life in the city not including factories, and thus they are even more dangerous to anyone or thing around them. To solve this, maintenance is carried out usually on more unstable elements of these locations. This is usually carried out by PWA, which is the punishment to high-level offending civilians or other types of extremist misfits. They get taken away from their families and friends forever into these areas for permanent work assignment. Barriers and walls of the Union however are made from a reinforced alloy, which increases their average lifespan and require less maintenance. They are also covered in synthetic paint to prevent exterior rusting to the environment.

Within the Veridian, it's filled with massive areas where there is vast openings, chasms, and otherwise seemingly bottomless pits. There are pods littering the walls, and several advanced technologies including energy-platforms which can be enabled or disabled to allow or deny access from one point to the other. It is also filled with it's own factories, living quarters, and other necessities including a train station. Due to it's impressive size, the interior is also home to several resource processing plants, air manipulation and filtration systems, "veins" that appear to transport liquid throughout, transport railings from bottom to top that move pods, automated "arms" which interact with the environment, a broadcasting room, and home to it's reactor core that powers the entire city normally. Although there are self-contained generators that are capable of being used by civilians and military alike. Some aliens are allowed to live among Humans, but the more "unfriendly" ones are confined into their own living sector in the city. The Veridian is also home to it's near-human AI component, which controls the automated systems in the Veridian and other military-occupied or made facilities. It is also self-aware enough to know what it is, and is considered part of the family ruling over the colony, especially since it is based on one of their family members in appearance primarily. This is so it can be generated by cameras to allow a realistic image or hologram of the AI to roam about to directly interact with terminals that may otherwise be locked out automatically. The appearance itself however rather than just some randomized humanoid shape, is so it is a more interactive figure that is often also used in the propaganda posters that fill the city. The propaganda often being used to make the populace believe that the government have somehow attained immortality, and the family would live forever. Thus earning itself a form of intimidation.


Government Type/Structure:
Totalitarian Oligarchy, with a preference for utility.
The government leadership is simple enough, there is an "Overlord" that rules over the city alongside a few Advisers and the even lower status Administrators. The Advisers control the Administrators, and aids the Overlord in necessary tasks or goals. The Administrators themselves follow decisions or otherwise orders from the Advisers, which itself are potentially varying methods to achieve a goal. Advisers, besides the Overlord, are the only government ranked personnel capable of creating any decision for any purpose. Which are displayed to other Advisers and the Overlord, where it is then decided whether or not to follow through with it. In the event the Overlord dies or becomes incapacitated, the Advisers act as a temporary replacement until further notice or a official replacement is installed. Replacement is a process that follows the steps of "finding the right person for the job" rather than inheritance, though it may lead to that due to technologies the family has access to, rather than the wider population.

The Union's goals are very simple. They have sent the family of their future Empire along with a small population to the planet. This is so they can further advance technology by using what they learn on the planet, they also wish to expand to stake a claim on the planet to grow and proper both in economy and population. They want to use the planet as a new home for their Empire, and thus their final goal is overall self preservation above all else by any means necessary.

2,200 regulars, 600 Marines, 30 Tripod synths, 200 special forces.

The CAF focus on protecting the Union through utility and sheer ferocious nature. The highest ranked officials contain most or all required augmentations, and decide what is necessary for members to progress. The standard soldier gets none or just minor augmentations, and the higher ranked including officers are when the augmentations get more mandatory. Those who have not had memory alteration usually get it around there unless judged otherwise. The alterations provide more loyalty in the force, and are also used for cheaper training as it is like being in a simulation. What feels like years or even decades is merely a few weeks or a month at most and a few days at least in reality. This is due to their detailed nature of information, modification or adding of memories, and due to it being essentially military VR which requires a time-deadline. The military also utilizes both men and women. Strength augmentations for example can range from replacing limbs with robotic parts, to modifying and manipulating the body enough to endure specific tasks. Some of these augmentations are also voice manipulation/vocoders to make helmet production faster and cheaper, but it isn't mandatory. Augmentations over time have side effects, including giving the augmented unit pale skin, potential balding, voice loss, and at worst temporary health declination. However augmentation is a very serious matter in the military, and it has been stressed over and over again to ensure failure or otherwise death does not ensue. Though it is still possible, as with all things.

Marines and HECT, Hazardous Environment Combat Troops, are recruited from the main forces. Here it is filled by un-augmented volunteers and conscripts. There are no augmentations until the rank of Officer, which is very minor and may even consist of memory alteration. The more they try climbing the ranks in the military, the more benefits they and their family receive. Due to the multiple purpose needs of the Marines, they follow similar uniform tradition as the HECT. Which allows them to roam and survive in low-hazardous environments, while using as light as possible materials to maintain mobility. The higher the rank, the superior their equipment is. Which makes them slightly heavier due to increased thickness, but still maintaining mobility. The Marines and HECT sport the most advanced assets of the military overall, while the main forces itself remains more conventional.

Left to right:
Ranger officer Uniform,
Standard Ranger Medical Uniform,
HECT Uniform,
Standard Marine Uniform,
Assault uniform,
Multi-purpose uniform,
Army Standard Issue Medical Uniform,
Army Standard Issue Officer Uniform,
Marine Elite Uniform,
Standard Issue Infantry Uniform,
Scientist Uniform.

Proper Uniform names from left to right:
Advanced Vectoring Gear, [Officer, medic.]
Hazard Combat Armor, [Hazard trooper.]
Enhanced Combat Field Suit, [Marine.]
Multi-purpose Jumpsuit, [Assault and technician.]
Vectoring Gear, [Medic, officer.]
Hazard Resistant Combat Suit, [Elite Marine.]
Carbi Uniform. [Enlisted uniform.]
Sterilized Uniform. [Scientist Uniform.]

Standard uniforms = usual appearance, which can change slightly or dramatically with rank or the current situational need.


Based on a old design from Earth's younger times, the MP42 is essentially just a modified version to suit the Union's needs. Utilizing a light alloy to lessen it's weight. It utilizes regular conventional ammunition alongside 20mm HE projectiles. It's ammunition however in large quantity is still heavy however, so the maximum load is 3 40 round magazines and 2 20mm HE loads with one already loaded in. The usual load lessens the HE load to 1 and can vary between 40 round magazines or lower. It utilizes a night vision scope, and targeting and fuse systems. The MP42 is used in both the Marines and the Rangers.


The AER is an advanced pulse rifle that is self loading and automatic used primarily by the Marines, though some elite forces outside the Marines have access to it. It is created from a reinforced alloy specifically made for withstanding overheating and immense force of itself. It follows similar principle to the Multi-Purpose 42, in which it utilizes two different types of ammunition: The regular pulse ammunition, which can be filled up to 30 pulse magazines, and the second model acting as a emplacement gun can carry 100. The main pulse plugs are loaded in automatically by the magazine and the rifle itself, with the ammo being spent to reload the magazine raises one of the 3 plugs and then moves it to the right, where the barrel opens up/splits into 4 pieces and a "charger" pushes the plug into the barrel before it retracts. The secondary ammunition is a manually loaded pod that is loaded into the chamber directly behind the magazine. There is a button on the right side of the rifle near the the magazine, which the user holds down to charge the pod up. After a few moments, the weapon experiences immense recoil pushing backwards as an orb launches out. This orb from the energy core loaded in appears as a black ball with a small yellow sphere within. This ball when coming into contact with inorganic objects causes the orb to bounce off and throwing the object, however this makes it more unstable than if it were to not hit an inorganic material or substance. This orb can bounce off approximately 4 - 5 times before creating a small explosion where it was, whether it be slamming into an object or still mid-air. This explosion isn't harmful to any organic being unless directly next to it, and the explosion throws small objects around. The energy ball has a firing rate of 40 RPM, while the main pulses have a firing rate of 652 RPM. The Emplacement variation only uses pulses and lacks the the top orb launching barrel, instead moving the pulse barrel upwards. Only Marine Elites and the HECT are capable of using the orb launcher on the standard issue model, and are the only ones to gain it's ammunition in the first place. The weapon has a moderate spread at distance, and it's accuracy is horrible if not non-existent at long range.

The Mark-IV Anti-Material Rifle is a Marine sniper rifle. The weapon is compact to reduce weight and make maintenance easy, but still maintain effectiveness at longer ranges by utilizing a scope that automatically relays information to the user. Primarily information about environmental factors, and the rest is left up to the user. The sniper rifle also has a laser sight, which gives away it's position but aids with the aiming process if necessary. It utilizes reactor rods of pure DE plasma with some solid elements that has a very considerable amount of speed, and the shot itself is observable and physical. The stock is where the weapon is loaded, and it generates a winding up noise when reloading but it suppressed while firing. It has a firing rate of one time every 3 - 5 seconds. The mounted version of the rifle is a bit bigger and is a emplacement weapon that requires a power source rather than rods of it's regular variant. This limits the rifle's firing arc and mobility, but it gives it a harder punch. They are usually mounted in wide open areas, and are capable of destroying slightly more amounts of materials it hits. The advantage to the emplacement version when compared to the mobile version, is that it's stand is also the power source and contains more ammunition for prolonged engagements. It however doesn't use a rod core like it's mobile variation, and uses it's energy/plasma alone. This gives it a slower speed and lower effective range as the weapon can be dodged at longer distances. Another disadvantage for the emplacement version being that when in use, the laser sight is instantly active and thus limiting the emplacements to secured areas.

The M1BR is a long range high caliber rifle, with sniper capability with a scope. It is a rifle given to Ranger forces in the Army, and uses conventional ammunition. It is a specialized weapon meant for engaging armored infantry. The firing rate is semi-automatic as the rifle isn't made to deal with automatic fire. It houses 5 rounds in each magazine.

The SIAR is the Army's primarily rifle. It's standard form utilizes a 20 or 30 round magazine and is also given a extendable stock. A modified version enables it to have a laser sight or a under-barrel flashlight. It is one of two conventional weapons used by the Marines, and is easily maintainable and durable in field operations. In the Marine's case, the rifle still uses conventional ammunition however is given a laser sight, an autoloading mechanism built into the rifle to increase firing speed slightly, and a safety lock which automatically sets the safety on and locks it there when not in use by it's operator.

The Marines are the answer to any problems toward the Union that the main forces cannot handle. They only have 2 variations, standard, and officer. The standard troops range between low - medium augmentations range. These include further memory alteration, digestive system modification, surgery to the abdomen - upwards, brain surgery, etc. While the higher ranks average high augmentations that affect their senses as a whole, or range between medium augmentations with modified suits and helmets to achieve similar effect to those with high augmentations. They operate in the Veridian, military bases and outposts, and wherever else a military presence is necessary. A sub-section of them is the HECT, which utilizes Marines and gives them hazardous environment training and uniforms. The Marines are the most elite of the Union's military, and have access to Synths due to their previous affiliation with Union research teams. They are armed with pulse machine guns for taking on personnel, and if anything comes to close to the tripod it can use it's long legs in an attempt to impale it.

The HECT are essentially Marines or those with a excellent record that is recruited into the Hazardous Environment Combat Troop Corps. As the name indicates, they operate in hazardous environments, or can otherwise be called in as Marine reinforcement as the HECT are a sub-division of them. The HECT are equal to Marine officers or otherwise known as elites. Except unlike the Marines, they operate under Hazardous Environments and thus are more specialized for them. The HECT operate in the Veridian such as it's reactor core, and Marine bases that are run off of their self-contained generators. In terms of utility, they are normal Marines with specialized training. Some in the Marines even come from the HECT, and thus their uniforms are modified with HECT essentials. However they are all officers rather than standard troops.

Additional Information:
The Union of Cadordinia prefers to handle situations diplomatically, but will not hesitate military response if deemed necessary.

These turrets come in two configurations, a camera, and a pulse turret. They are attached to a mechanical arm, which can retract and fold up into the container above it, which is built into the ceiling of a structure such as the Veridian in many rooms and chambers. They can be activated automatically, manually, or through a tripwire. The weapons can be directly controlled through terminals, it's own automated programming, or AI and has a "kill" code if necessary. They are entirely energy-based when it's an armed turret rather than ordinary camera, as to prevent jamming due to it's otherwise impossible-to-load design. When deploying, the container opens and it's contents quickly fall out and unfold in the process. The camera emits 4 lights as status: Green is all clear, yellow is possible target, orange is possible target but out of range to take a picture, and red is enemy detected. The armed turrets have green for all clear before shutting off, yellow for scanning, and red for targets detected. They also contain a high ammunition load.


They range in height between 5'7 - 6 feet tall when compared to a regular male human while entirely upright. They range between regular Union citizens to some military personnel. They primarily prefer less militaristic occupations however, and some are Union advisers. They can remove their mask to reveal something similar to a mouth, with a extremely long tongue which can be used for piercing into organics to feed upon. Whether it be regular food, or anything inbetween.

The AI itself is more prone to self-corrupting which affects it's ability to properly operate. These range around viewing files that it does not need to, memory loss, behavior alteration, and self damage inflicted by code-loss that can even result in degradation of intelligence. This is counteracted through average maintenance that begins when these are first encountered, and a sophisticated backup system that restores memory and coding. There is also a "reset ability" for the AI should it reach an irreparable state, which then can be reprogrammed or restored if the backups are intact. While degeneration happens by various means, one of the core means being the Veridian's reactor core itself. Which emits large doses of radiation that can corrode interior systems that are designed to contain it, and thus sometimes the broken code from terminals get leaked into the AI directly or over time. Due to the cost of maintaining, having created, and running the AI, there can only be one that is functioning at any time anywhere. The AI's core itself is located in a more safe region of the Veridian between the upper section and the lower top section. This core appears as a complicated mess of large reinforced wiring, terminals, and a massive chamber housing an artificial brain. While the AI has over time become more self reliant, the chamber remains as the means to create a replacement should the original AI, and all of it's code is somehow destroyed. It is also here that the AI can store additional information, and even move it to one of various backup stations. In the event the AI has gone AWOL and the reset failed, the AI's physical form has been altered enough to where it cannot interact with it's own personnel or their equipment unless the equipment itself has a form of automation. Thus any weapons it attempts to pick up will either fail to do so or fall to the ground. But outside of these conditions, the AI can interact with personnel and some objects directly besides vocally. These are primarily temporary, as prolonged exposure results in the AI's form eventually no longer being solid and thus move-throughable, or abrupt interruption in the form's generation. Thus the only prolonged exposure it can do is with Union terminals, and cannot perform self maintenance with it's form.

The AI has also been altered so it cannot split it's own code to create other AIs without the code degrading without it's core component, thus should all else fail the AI will be incapable of "reproducing" another AI. Instead, the AI will move to that system instead, or that code ceases to function and nothing happens. This is made so that for the AI to function on different terminals that run off of separate systems, it either has to do it manually, be given permission by both systems, or somehow break in. Then once it gets in, it leaves the original system, or becomes dormant. Thus it can no longer interact with that system until placed back into it. The AI is made to be this complex, to help with Union personnel to move through areas within the Veridian or the city during intensive problems like door malfunctions and automation failures. It also affects the terminals in the core by containing or not, in the event personnel are incapable of entering or have become deceased. It however can only affect Union technology, as it was designed specifically around that. Thus it cannot operate foreign systems unless reprogrammed enough, put in tune, and capable of identifying the system it is hooked up to. Otherwise the AI fails entirely to use it, and cannot hack into it if it is more than just an average system. Should the system terminals it tries getting into be connected to other systems or more areas and terminals, the likelyhood of hacking into it is heavily negated. In the case of the Union however, the AI can access systems like this if Union constructed, however it can only do so by hacking into it. Examples being the Family database which the AI has been repeatedly locked out of, for one example being pretending to be the member the AI appears as during it's degeneration stages. The AI also forgets these systems once locked out again either through a code jumble, that system's protection protocols, or the memory being intentionally erased, thus every time the AI wants to access these separate "secret" systems, it has to find and then hack back into it specifically.

The research teams would use Synths, essentially Aliens primarily animals, that are turned into the workforce through forced technology-bonded evolution. These primarily consist of Tripods as that is what was necessary for crossing the roughest of terrain. Since they could think but also were dominated by technology, this allowed them to conduct dangerous tasks without endangering research teams, and provided better mobility than if a entirely robotic tripod was created. For their own survival, they were fitted with a heavy type of alloy and carapace which protect them from anything cut short of a explosive, immense force, or severe kinetic trauma to their brain. Enabling them to succeed in necessary tasks such as taking large amounts of rock samples from dangerous environments. They also utilize a sharp blade-esque section that act as feet, as to hold onto the very ground it walks upon. It ranges between 12 - 15 meters high and can lower themselves down to 3 meters, and has various modifications which include having a form of "arms" which appear as tentacles to wrap around objects. Another addition to that modification being the ability to attach containers to it to contain objects for storage. The military Tripod's body is covered in a smooth white carapace or exoskeleton. On the "head" is a rapid-firing pulse gun. The three long legs of the Synth are tipped with sharp spikes and a rosette of finer, hair-like spines. Not much of a difference from synths in use by the science team.

Tripod Synths can be created in two ways, but one is most preferred. Starting with this one is forced technological evolution. This is where a being is born and raised into it's body. This is done through technology, manipulation, and hormone adjustments to increase growth slightly. Components such as tripod legs can have the being/entity grow around or in it for a better fit, but beforehand the being's "nubs" before maturity or otherwise where limbs are to grow naturally have technology fitted to those areas. Then the organic bits of the creature grows inside of it as to make it tight and permanently attached to the creature over time. Then the tripod limbs can be attached or be placed in a way to have the creature grow into or around it. During this process with the new limbs and thus it's second stage of maturing, technology can be added to the Synth such as identification systems, armored carapace, movable eyes, etc. It's final process before maturity itself is the ability to use it's limbs efficiently, easily, and quickly. The ability to see with it's eyes, the ability to interact or identify personnel, and the ability to follow commands. Then once it is a mature specimen, It is then used for scientific purposes such as exploration. It can also create a wide arrange of vocalizations.

The second way to create a Tripod Synth, is simply removing vital components of a being such as the brain, and then placing it into a pre-built body. However this is much more difficult to do simply due to how to get the limbs working, how to connect it to the automated systems, how to keep it alive, and a variety of other factors. Another problem being that it has a harder time using it's limbs than if through technologically forced evolution, as the limbs and systems are prebuilt and are more complex. Rather than naturally growing into place and then naturally adapting, the synth is forced to learn how to use it's new body. This takes significantly longer, and has less of a success rate.

Character Sheet:


Matthew Castiper Wallentinian


Matthew came from the main line of his family tree, and took his family to Outurn. Leaving his brother back with his Mother and Father. Matthew was born raised in a wealthy family before coming to Outurn, and excelled in his scientific background which he started in at a early age. By the time he was 18, he already owned part of the family business. Once he was 20 he met Shiradea, who was a singer. The colony that would soon become their new home away from home would not be founded until the age of 48, where he took his family to Outurn to create his own nation to rule over. Becoming Cadordinia's overlord, and focusing the nation on scientific advancement for around a year. During this time, his son and daughter would be rising through military ranks. Ignoring most augmentations unless desired due to orders of the Overlord. Saldor would have become a elite in the military, while his sister Jevalina would be used as the template for the union's AI and a comparably lower ranked officer.

Additional Information:
Saldor Wallentinian [Son.]
Jevalina Wallentinian [Daughter.]
Shiradea Wallentinian [Wife.]

[edit was to fix the above character section by separating it from a tab, because it got stuffed into a tab.]
Colony Sheet:

Flag/Banner (Optional): No Flag, No Banner

Colony Name: The Mycological Network

Population: Unknown but best estimates place between ten and eleven thousand fully active at any given time

Species: Fungoid type, Aastrans

Colony/Colonists' Background:
Native to the planet of Outrun, or at least if they arrived to the planet it was not within recorded history and not due to any form of technology that has been uncovered by the explorers and settlers that share the planet with the them. Known to those outside of their race as “The Mycological Network” they are known internally as the Aastrans. The Aastrans grow and reproduce both sexually and asexually, the exact difference between the types of reproduction is unknown and there is significant debate as to whether the asexual reproduction is truly asexual or merely parthneogenic. What is known is that Aastrans can release spores that can convert organic species into fungoid hybrids which lose all sense of sentience and become merely slaves of the Aastran collective known as The Mycological Network. In order to minimize the chance of infection explorers to their territory are advised to wear self-contained environmental hazard suits, only consume hermetically sealed supplies, and to undergo a rigorous anti-fungal regime in the event that any injuries are sustained. This is especially necessary with the discovery that any of the myriad of native fungi can actually grow the necessary matrix to become an Aastran citizen.
As to Aastran science, it seems mostly based around the concept of genetic engineering, selective breeding, and genetic manipulation. While the Aastrans are not without machinery or weaponry, it has an unsettling “organic” look, with technology being grown rather than built. Aastrans have also learned to harness their natural secretions to create acids and other caustic chemicals that are quite potent at the dissolution of organic and inorganic materials, which have valuable industrial and militaristic applications. Products which they are more than willing to sell to the other races present on the planet in exchange for livestock, intact crops, technology, and raw genetic material. In fear of what the Aastrans might do, the trade of the latter is forbidden by many organizations, but there are always smugglers and criminals willing to trade blood samples, corpses, and in some cases even living subjects for the express purposes of obtaining the alien technology to give them an edge in their criminal undertakings or at the very least a quick buck.
The one thing that is important to the Aastrans is the honorable dealings with those outside The Network. While an Aastran would never cheat another Aastran, in order to secure suitable nutrition and spread the colony outside the current territory it is necessary that outsiders trust them. Currently a tenuous peace between the Aastrans and the outsiders exists, but should something occur to upset that balance in one direction or the other, the consequences would be quite dire. There are whispers, however, that such an upset may be on the verge with rumors surrounding of a fungoid-hybrid that has retained its sentience, albeit with a loss of empathic understanding and a devotion to the Aastran Network.

Territory: (No Preference for location on Map.)

Government Type/Structure:

Collective Senatorial Meritocracy: The Mycological Network is connected to each other, not quite a hive mind as each individual is capable of independent thought and judgement all are driven by the concept of what is “Best for the Aastran.” Certainly a few are clear leaders, capable of overriding the free will of the Aastrans beneath them, however those who abuse this power find themselves stripped of all authority, and often killed to allow another to be modified to take their place.


The network must be provided for, if it is good for the Aastran then it must be good.

Exact military specifications are unknown, however there are mappable rings of great trees throughout their territory that are infected with fungus and bear the telltale marks of Aastran weaponry. Some have claimed to see them move and shift to follow explorers within the territory, whether these are manned turrets or Aastrans who have been grown in stationary positions for the express purpose of defending Aastran settlements is a matter of debate. However it is agreed that the standing army is literally standing, and is purely defensive. Some paranoid people, however, point out that they do not need to have an army when they can just surreptitiously grow into enemy territory and turn them into mindless slaves.

Additional Information:

The Aastran Network is a wildcard. Deal with them well and honorably and they will do the same, however the idea of a race not all acting the same is alien to them. Empirically they know that humans differ from person to person, but are firm believers that one is an anomaly, two is a coincidence, and three is a pattern. As such it is highly suggested that those dealing with them in an official capacitance not betray their trust.

Character Sheet:


Typical Appearance for an Aastran (see below)

Name: Aavanar

Species: Aastran

Born from the remains of a hybrid, Aavanar was designated by The Mycological Network for the purpose of negotiating and dealing with the outsiders on Outland. A feat for which it excels and has obtained great accomplishments. Already Aavanar has obtained a few “jets” and “ships” which the Aastran scientists continue to examine and study for the purposes of possible modifications of future generations to provide better transport for the service and spreading of The Network.

Additional Information:

Species Sheet (If not Human):

Species Name:
Aastran Fungoid


Humanoid in appearance except for the spongey textured flesh, the large mushroom-like cap in place of a head, and that the right arm ends in splaying tendrils which can pierce into soft organic flesh and inject spores. They tend to wear cloths of brown and other simple earthen tones, often long skirts and overcoats. The origin of this fashion is just as mysterious as the Aastrans themselves.


Many remark on the apparent eyelessness of the Aastrans, but the photosensitive cap turns their entire head into a single sensory organ capable of detecting and rendering electromagnetic radiation between the wavelengths of 1 millimeter to 300 nanometers. The Aastrans are also genetically fluid, with many of their genetic research coming from their own kind, in fact the line between technology, and Aastrans bred to act as a piece of technology is so fine that it may as well not exist.

Planet of Origin:

Outland presumed

Additional Information:

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