New Here!


The Nightmare In Your Head
Hello there RPdom. I'd just like to say hello and that I'm looking forward to being on here. This site looks beautiful, and it's different from what I've visited recently in regards to resource sites.

This is me being all awkward and junk, but fear not, you'll hear from me soon. (:

P.S. If you couldn't tell I might *kind* of like Zelda. Just a bit. ;)
Midna said:
Hello there RPdom. I'd just like to say hello and that I'm looking forward to being on here. This site looks beautiful, and it's different from what I've visited recently in regards to resource sites.
This is me being all awkward and junk, but fear not, you'll hear from me soon. :)

P.S. If you couldn't tell I might *kind* of like Zelda. Just a bit. ;)
Welcome to the site!

If you ever need anything do not hesitate to contact me or any of the other staff members ;) !
Midna said:
Hello there RPdom. I'd just like to say hello and that I'm looking forward to being on here. This site looks beautiful, and it's different from what I've visited recently in regards to resource sites.
This is me being all awkward and junk, but fear not, you'll hear from me soon. :)

P.S. If you couldn't tell I might *kind* of like Zelda. Just a bit. ;)
Hey Midna, cool avatar, me likey!

Welcome to the funnest site on the Intertubes evar! (And you know it's true, because I'm a lolcat and lolcats never lie. We haz cookies and cheezburgers...)

Please have a wander around the site, check out the great games we have in the 'Our Roleplays' forum, as well as those that are getting started up in the 'Roleplay Submissions' and 'Interest Checks' forums. If you see something that rings your bell, go inquire in its thread in one of the forums and the ST will probably be happy to give you all the information you need to get playing.

Captain Hesperus
Welcome to the forums Midna.

The ruffians above me have said it best, particularly Cap. If you do have any questions feel free to drop me a line. Otherwise, have fun out there!
Redshang said:
Shang here. I'm hear to have a look and get the feel of the place. Things so far look good.
Glad you like it :) !

You should create your own thread though for your introduction.
Redshang said:
Shang here. I'm hear to have a look and get the feel of the place. Things so far look good.
Nice to meet you Shang. Seems like we're both new to the RPdom world. Like you though, I'm definitely liking this place. (:
Beyond Zelda, do you enjoy any other fantasy-style games?

Everything here is very helpfully organised into categories, and the RPG submissions and interest check sections always have some interesting things to look at...
Alexandra said:
Beyond Zelda, do you enjoy any other fantasy-style games?
Everything here is very helpfully organised into categories, and the RPG submissions and interest check sections always have some interesting things to look at...
Honestly I haven't gotten involved in much fantasy anything other than Zelda in a long time. Game of Thrones appeals to me, but I've yet to read the books (haven't had time with college exams) and I refuse to watch the TV series until I know what on earth is going on with the books.

I used to write a lot of supernatural characters like vampires and demons, but I've found a difficult time getting into things like that lately. I've been peeking around at some fairy tale based sites though, but again, I haven't had a whole lot of time to do much the past couple of months with school. Being a music major is great and all, but leaves little free time for me to do anything other than sleep in between school and practice.
Vampires and Demons and Fairies, oh my!

Welcome to the site. All the useful things have been said, so as is my custom I bring you links (to my games because it is not my place to advertise good games when I'm unsure as to their recruitment status sort of thing and I am sticking to that story).

Once my current run of games is... smaller, I intend to do something very GoT flavoured but in another setting, so you know...

Meanwhile, Demons, Fairies and Demons, and other.
Midna said:
Honestly I haven't gotten involved in much fantasy anything other than Zelda in a long time. Game of Thrones appeals to me, but I've yet to read the books (haven't had time with college exams) and I refuse to watch the TV series until I know what on earth is going on with the books.
I used to write a lot of supernatural characters like vampires and demons, but I've found a difficult time getting into things like that lately. I've been peeking around at some fairy tale based sites though, but again, I haven't had a whole lot of time to do much the past couple of months with school. Being a music major is great and all, but leaves little free time for me to do anything other than sleep in between school and practice.
Oh man...I hear you with those academic pressures. If I didn't absolutely need computer access for my course, I would likely not be on this forum at all....they make us work seriously hard.

And Grey has finally gotten in here with links to his current fantasy games.

I would have posted them, but he can do his own legwork :P

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