New here, looking for a 1x1~


Junior Member
The theme im looking for is a war between the worlds of heaven and hell and the human world caught in between.

the angels leader Imperius have found out away to get the upper hand over the demons, a portal to a new world have been found, nobody knows what might be on the other side. one of the Angels have been selected as a scout to the new world and have been sent through the portal only minutes ago.

Little do the angels know that the demon king Urgash have found the same world and sent his own scout through, seeking more power or possible warriors to fight the war for him.

(this is a short intro to show what i am looking for, i'm just looking for someone to pick up any of the roles of the angel or demon so feel free to respond to the thread :3)
Saint said:
The theme im looking for is a war between the worlds of heaven and hell and the human world caught in between.
the angels leader Imperius have found out away to get the upper hand over the demons, a portal to a new world have been found, nobody knows what might be on the other side. one of the Angels have been selected as a scout to the new world and have been sent through the portal only minutes ago.

Little do the angels know that the demon king Urgash have found the same world and sent his own scout through, seeking more power or possible warriors to fight the war for him.

(this is a short intro to show what i am looking for, i'm just looking for someone to pick up any of the roles of the angel or demon so feel free to respond to the thread :3)
Hey, I'm Ari. I usually roleplay on gaia, this is my first time trying out a different site, I couldn't help but notice you said you were new here as well. :3 Well I am a semi literate to literate roleplayer (My posting average is three to four paragraphs, however the more you give me to work with, the more I can write. :) )You're roleplay sounds interesting. what roles would be be filling I love one on ones so yeah. get back to me :)
Hello ari ^^ i don't personally know anything about those "groups" you put each other in i respond as long as i need to with "for when characters speak" and just normal text when describing things around every thing else.

i would love to start a RP with you so i can make a thread in the 1x1 forum for us if you want me too :3 or if you prefer other medias to RP you can get my skype or Gmail messenger ^^

which of the rolls would you prefer? if you get to pick?
Will there be any sort of fighting included in this? I'm a highly experienced Roleplay fighter.
Hi! :D This is Ari again. I had some trouble with my registration so this is my official account lol

I don't know if she would fit in but I have a post biblical apocalypse character who might fit in well here.

Character Background: She is the leader of a group of humans that strive to protect themselves against the war between the demons and angels. They are pretty much a refugee camp and everyone does what they can to help out, she is the leader of the warriors though and instructs everyone on defense and offence. She has no memory of before the war, she just remembers waking up in the world as it was, caught between a raging battle of heaven and hell. Since she has no memory she is believing she can get god to restore it however she hasn't chosen a side - she pretty much thinks they are just in a war and she is just doing whatever it takes to survive and possibly end it. (She was designed to meet a priest who loves god and hates violence but he accompanies her on missions because of his usefulness against demons and what not. Eventually they fall in love and its revealed she is the child of an Arch Angel and a Demon and thats why she is such a great warrior! :D )

However I could settle for something else, there are a few different possibilities:

~Warrior Angel trying to become an Arch Angel. She could meet an aid a human or possibly pair up with a rogue demon who hates the war.

~High Level Demon: her personal interest is to use the war to gain prestige, power, and so on and such forth, she could make a deal with a human (he sells his soul to her in exchange for her helping him greatly in the war) (Or maybe she meets an angel who is interested in saving her from God's wrath, he is just trying to end the war or something and he thinks she could be useful or i dunno what personal interest an angel would have with a demon. maybe she saves hi life by killing another demon, she didn't exactly mean to, but he still owes her and takes her on as a partner anyways)

---(~I could also play a human girl who sells her soul to a demon in exchange for his helping her.)

~Priestess (human) who partners up with a warrior human (I wouldn't want to pair up a Priestess and an Angel though)

~Innocent (human) just a girl who is caught in the crossfire and is saved by a warrior/rebel/refugee(?whatever you want to call it) and she accompanies him as he escorts her to a safe camp for humans, they get side tracked with different missions and she proves to be useful through some way or another

So those are all the character ideas I have for this kind of roleplay and various possible ways to use them. here is a sample of my writing:

Dianna stood there and looked out over the battle field that used to be Earth and she thought about how it must have looked. She had been told that the earth was once filled with trees and green grass, it had its problems but for the most part it was a wonderful place to live. There were thriving societies and buildings as tall as the ArchAngelion (A fortress o the Angel's here on Earth) it was a shining beaker and it was nearly impossible to penetrate, there was a whole labyrinth on the outside which was full of guards, monsters and beasts god never meant to roam Earth, not to mention unmentionable traps and horrors the human mind could never fathom. She took a long drag of her cigarette, it was made with dried tea leaves that had already been used to brew tea, they were a small comfort to her, a small taste of home while she was out on the field fighting to protect this home she had made. "That's it, search the bodies and pick up anything that's useful, get some clothes from the angel's bodies too - we need some more back at camp and the less material we waste on clothing the more we have for blankets." She said, instructing her men to go out on the field and raid the bodies like in some kind of video game.

Thinking of all of this made her think of her own past. Who was she before the war, how did she survive the initial battles? Was it her parents? Some one else? She had no idea. She woke up one day on a battle field to a man who was checking for people who were still alive. He helped her up and gave her a weapon and then took her with him. Gorge, he called himself, was a do gooder who walked around trying to survive and bring valuable information to small camps of people about if it was safe for them to stay, if they needed to leave - useful things. Gorge didn't call her anything at first, referred to her as girl or child, however after seeing her natural fighting abilities he named her Dianna. A greek goddess who was one of the three virgin goddesses, and the goddess of the hunt. She cared for animals and things that couldn't defend themselves against man. She was about fifteen at the time, she was probably twenty one now and she had rallied together several different camps to make one grand camp. She was their leader for the most part, however while she was away she left one woman in charge of the society, she helped everyone and kept things up and running for the most part while Dianna had led troops outside the camp and made sure to leave valuable defenses for them as well. Now that she thought about it Dianna was most likely the perfect name for her. Just as the goddess Dianna protected animals against humans, this Dianna protected humans against angels and demons. By giving her the name Dianna he most likely cut out this destiny for her.

Gorge ended up married to Layla, the woman Dianna left in charge of the camp while she was gone. A good woman, the one who made Dianna these cigarette from old tea leaves for when she left on missions, a woman who was kind, and stern when she needed to be. She was aging now and she hoped that Dianna would soon take over the responsibility at home, leaving someone else to go out on missions and lead troops, but Dianna still had a few good years left in her and she couldn't stop until the humans no longer had to survive, she wouldn't stop until they could just live.

Dianna led her troop home and they were welcomed warmly, "Dianna! I am so glad you're home!" Layla greeted her warmly, throwing her arms around Dianna. Dianna smiled and embraced her, they were friends and sometimes mother and daughter. "Careful Layla," Dianna said stepping back,"You'll get blood on you." She said. Layla stepped back and removede Dianna's heavy armor from her shoulders. Dianna walked under a small tent for troops who came home to rest, and sat down. Layla helped her get off the rest of her armor. "How did everythign go?" Layla asked. "You know, well enough for a simple scout mission. We stayed out of battles and waiting until they were over, then collected information off of generals or anyone we could find. We brought back some good supplies and I picked this up for you." She said, pulling a garment out of her belt pocket, it was a dark green, heavy garment of an Angel. "Oh you shouldn't have, this will make a lovely dress though. thank you." Dianna smiled as Layla kissed her on the fore head and then went to get her something to drink.

Dianna wore a white long sleeved, loose shirt, a pair of thick black pants that fit her tightly, and a pair of brown, thick boots that came up to her knees, again fitting her perfectly. She messed with her hair a moment and let down the braid that was pinned to the back of her head, it fell over her shoulder before she unbraided it and let her hair hang freely. Dianna had light, perfect skin, bright blue eyes, and pale, blonde hair. She was really a beautiful girl with pink lips and dark eye lashes, not to mention the body of a goddess herself. She was slender with curving hips and full round breasts - but despite all of her radiant beauty, it was hard to see Dianna as a woman. Mostly because she was a fierce warrior who could most likely kill any man she found.

Layla returned with some water for Dianna. "Thank you Layla." she said and then drank deeply from her cup, she let out a heavy sigh after and Layla rubbed her tense shoulders,"Have there been any new arrivals while I was out?" Dianna asked,"Well only one.." Layla replied, little did Dianna know that one new arrival would be the man who would change her life forever.....

And thats a sample of my writing. :) Obviously its Novel Style writing in that it is from a omniscient point of view and I use quotes for my characters to speak and then just describe their actions and thoughts. I really prefer for my partners to write Novel style as well, I don't know how you write but I'm curious xD lol

and yeah as soon as we figure out which characters we will play I would love for you to start us up a 1x1 rp!
Wow that's really nice for just a sample O.o getting almost a little afraid i won't meet your standard <.<'

i was hoping you could either play a demon or an angel so either the Angel warrior or the high level demon as i mentioned in the first comment, I don't want to spoil your ideas thou but that's the Theme i want to go with ^^ 1 demon and 1 angel.

as for the battle of earth i like the idea better then mine so please to tell me more about it :3

as for the biblical part i don't mind it but having a god for the angels and a devil for the demons is not what i want, they have their leaders instead, the demon king and the angel council, again i'm sorry to stop your ideas ^^' is there any of the demon or angel roll you'd prefer? ^^ i have a hard time deciding and it would make it easier if the you picked first ^^'

I can either go with an angel called John, a angel that usually works alone with a bit of anger problems, making him almost as feard as any demon on the field with his two handed sword and light magic. he works directly under the Arch angel Imperius, the angel of war as a scout, his anger issues never made him a good group leader and good in groups at all.

or the Demon trickster Vargh, a magican among his demon kin with powerfull dark magic and claw weapons on each hand, he have a playfull nature and a cruel streak but if he gives you a promise he is known to stick by it... in the end. he is a humanoid inccubus to the appearance with hooves, tails and horns like any other demon. apart from the angels brute strenght and power he relies on wit and speed when he fights.

I'll tell you more as soon as you take a pick on your character :3 and we get started of course ^^'

is there some faster way to talk then these comments? o: it's pretty slow and i don't seem to get notifications when someone respond to my thread <-<'

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