New here and would like a RP Buddy?

ooo, cupcakes ^_^ I've got the baby shower and work tomorrow, so I probably won't be on like at all O_O

Anywho. So, we can either go with something about fairy rings (which are rumored to be portals to other worlds, meaning we could throw in some magic and elves and fairies and such and have fun with that :) ) or something to do with this character, who is a monster/demon of some sort.

Name: Saras

Age: 20

Personality: Saras is a difficult thing to read. After fighting and killing so long it's all he really knows and it's made him very quiet and withdrawn. He doesn't have moral issues about it because he was never taught it was wrong, but after being subservient so long he tends to be sort of lost without orders. Wrong him and he might still take your orders. Do right by him and he'll give his life for you.

History: By the time he was old enough to walk and talk, he was already being taught the ways of war. He was found as a very small child by a man who knew of his heritage and intended to use his strength and ferocity in the future to his advantage, so Saras knew fighting and killing for his entire life, even before he took a part in it. That was his life, just following orders from the man that had saved him as a child and nothing more, but when he found out that this man had killed his mother to come into possession of Saras, Saras killed him, his commanding officer. This offense was what marked him as too dangerous to continue and, everyone being afraid of him, he was sold into the slave market.

Appearance: (progressing in age. I found so many pics for this character and I wanted to share lol)

Other: He has a fascination with life, having so rarely seen animals and plants and been able to actually look at them. He also spent most of his life in the desert, so different climates are sometimes confusing for him.
Shido said:
I love that idea. Yesyesyes, a thousand times yes. And we could just RP through messages if you like?
Sure, send me a message.

I'm back from baking about 50 cupcakes -____-' I have a birthday party tomorrow..
That sounds good to me! Just send me a message since I don't know how yet. I've only just had this account for a few days!
[QUOTE="Arsenic 33]I'm game if you would like. I am interested in all the same as you~ *especially the yaoi.

Awesome! Send me a message?

[QUOTE="pain-clown123]oh and wolves ill join too :D , cause Ill roleplay anything with action

Nicee, shoot me a message as well?

Sorry for the late reply guys!
Hey! School is almost over!

(it is 14:22, my highschool ends at 15:05, i get home at 15:45 though. :P anyways, yeah. I will be home in 1.5 hours or 2 hours! <3)
Shido said:
Hello :)
My name is Shido, and I just recently joined. I've been looking for a good roleplay site for about 3-4 months after having to give up on my old one. I've been roleplaying for about 4+ years, and I love it :)

I'd very much like someone who is experienced, and open to ideas. I'd also like to learn how to RP here better, and if anyone has the patience for that, I'd be grateful!

Some of my favorite types of Roleplays are:

Vampire, Demons, Werewolves

BoyxBoy/GirlxGirl (I'm a very very big yaoi fan, but I WILL NOT shove my interests in your face!)

School Life

Harry Potter


I have a couple more that I can't think of at the moment. I live in the US, Eastern time, and I'm usually on around about 4:30-10:00.

I'd be very glad to RP with anyone, and I'll take any advice I can get!
I have like 4 characters and wouldn't mind rping any of them with you o: But not into yaoi or yuri O.o

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