New Generation Bleach RP


Junior Member
i have seen another bleach rp, i am not trying to still there idea, im doing this rp because i personally want to do a new gen so none of the old faces, all new people.

Many hundeds of years have passed since souske aizen was sealed away. All the heroes of that time had passed on and as any sould upon death of the living, u go to the soul society and upon death as a soul, your reincarneted back into the living with no memory of your previous lifes. Peace had been looming for the past several hundreds of years but in all this time what everyone was unaware of that the seal holding aizen was weakening and finally broken and now he resides in the depths of hueco mundo, waiting for his powers to return and for his chance to seek his revenge. Is there any hope? Can the new generation reapers survive or stop aizen? whats his plan? whats there plan? come with me on this journey and find out :P

ive seen a lot of rps and most of them have same basic rules so im sure most of you wont even read this but here we go

[Note-> this is a new gen rp so your welcome to designing ur own zanpaktos (reapers) or you can use a premade one but all ressurections (espada) must be made up no using old ones)

1-> no godmodding, your reapers can be strong but they cant be god and at points everyone will get criticly injured at least once

2-> make sure ur posts can be understood

3-> cursing is ok but DO!!! keep it toned down

4-> this is a action adventure rp but drama is welcomed, so personal drama or relationships or whatever, you name it but dont ruin the rp by turning it into a dramma rp lol

5-> in the rp you will pick a side, if during the rp you decide to change sides then go ahead, but do it in the rp

6-> stick to your styles and no overpowering, depending on your characters skills and rank determines how good your charater CAN!!(not is) be in combat style, but also keep them toned down, if you deicde to use all four then your not gonna be as strong in any of them as someone who only uses two or 1.

7-> keep skills relitave to your styles, every character can learn flash step (espada uses sonido) but obviously someone who focuses in HoHo is gonna be much faster then someone whos not.

8-> if you wish to make mulitple soul reaper thats fine and encouraged but note, you can have one! reaper be a captain, we need to fill those spots up but your not required to play them, also one reaper can be a lieutenant


Side: (the soul society or aizen or the other group lol for those of you who dont wanna work for soul society or choose not to be a reaper but still wish to fight aizen

Rank: (only for reapers and espada, reaper ranks are there squad ranks espanda ranks are what number they are)

Powers: (if its a zanpakto, bount, quincy, espada, vizard, dosnt matter but put your powers here)

Fighting style: (combat style, either Zanjutsu, hoho, kido or hakudo, if ur not sure what they are, read below for small description of each)

Bio: (no novels but we do need to know a little about your character)

Apperance: (pictures are ok or just describe)

Zanpakto desciption: (make it as long as you want but the more detail the better and also u cant use what u dont put so if u fail to explain a bankais look and descirption of its powers then you dont get bankai)

As i stated, choose a fighting style, here they are and what they are

Zanjutsu-> Combat with zanpakto or other bladed weapons

HoHo-> High speed style fighting, enables skills like shunpo or advanced flash stepping

Kido-> Hand-to-hand style combat

Hakudo-> For those who wish to focus on the spells, hakudo is broken down into bakudo (defensive spells) Hado (offensive spells)

Name: Jace Valenheart

Side: Soul Reapers

Rank: Captain of Squad 2

Powers: Jace Uses Hyorinemaru but he is physically and spiritually strong enough, therefore he has no limit on his bankai as the his previous self did

Fighting style: Zanjutsu and HoHo are his two focuses and he trains slightly in Hakudo but very little

Bio: came from nothing, he was a traveler with no family no home, nothing. he joined the soul reaper acadmey and finding he had a knack for it he passed the academy fast and easy and advanced upt he ranks fast in squad thirteen to the rank of 3rd seat but the captain of sqaud 2 betray the soul society and tried to bring back a ancient threat, stepping in and after a long drawn out bloody battle and almost losing his life, Jace managed to obtain and master bankai and defeat the captain. In appriciation he was given the captains exam and promoted to captain of squad 2 and his family became a high end noble family becuase of his heroic actions....even though he was still the only one in his family.

Apperance: Jace wears the typical soul reapers black robe and the captains white vest, his hair is long but he keeps it tied up in a ponytail and is a sky blue color, he has a full facial beard and mustache from one side of his face to the other but he keeps it trimmed and neet looking as expected from a captain.

Zankpakto Description:


Hyorinmaru is an icy blue, serpentine dragon.

Zanpaktou World: Hyorinmaru's world seems to be that of a landscape of ice, where snow is blown all over.

Zanpaktou's Personality:
It seems that Hyorinmaru is serious and a calm spirit. He is there to help and aid his bearer as much as possible.

Release Phrase: sōten ni zase ~ Sit upon the frozen heavens.

Family: Ice/snow.

Sealed Zanpaktou:
When sealed, Hyorinmaru looks like a normal katana with the exception of the guard, which is in the shape of a four-pointed star.

Hyorinmaru extends a bit in length and gains a crescent-shaped blade attached to its hilt by a long metal chain that can extend greatly if necessary by force of will.

Shikai Ability: In shikai, Hyorinmaru allows its user to control both water and ice, and the crescent-shaped blade will also freeze anything it hits. Other than that, his shikai does nothing with his speed or strenght physical wise it only increases his power.

Bankai Release Phrase: Daiguren Hyōrinmaru

His bankai causes ice to flow from Hyorinmaru onto its user, starting at his right arm which ice forms onto in the shape of a dragon's head around the sword carrying hand, encasing it up to the hilt; which also changes from the shape of a four-pointed star to that of eight-pointed star. The ice continues forming up over his shoulders with two large wings sprouting from his back and a long tail. The ice forms down his left arm encasing his hand which ends in a claw. its users feet are encased in ice in a similar manner to his left hand, meaning that they, too, have claws.

Bankai Ability: It has several abilities. With the tail of ice its user can hit whatever is behind him. His left arm, with the claws can be used to cut through unecessary objects, and his wings are used for flying and protection; by hiding himself behind his wings, that will take the form of a sphere, Toshiro can avoid harm that any attack brings. Behind his wings are three flowers of ice are made. They have four petals that will, as time goes on, melt away because he hasn't fully mastered his Bankai, which will disappear once the last petal does. However, as long as there is water (lakes, seas, oceans, river, etc.) around, they are not there and he can use his bankai for as long as he wants.
Name: Crescent Moon

Side: Soul Reapers

Rank: Luitenent of Squad 2

Powers: Crescent is different from other soul reapers, she doesn't really know why but she is a ble to use something similar to a cero but its called a dero

Fighting style: Zanjutsu and HoHo are her two focuses but is better in HoHo

Bio: Her family were killed by Hollows on their way back from the fair. The girl ran as the monster consumed her family unfourtnatly she wasnt fast enough and the hollow grabbed onto her. Before he could eat her she released an immense amout of spirtual pressure knocking the beast back. After that she was knocked out and later woke up in the soul reaper acadmey. She was told what happend and devoted herself to her tranings in the school so she could help others. She passed the academy fast and easy with a lot fo hardwork and traning and advanced up the ranks fast. She became the lutinent for squead four but then later was moved to squad 2. She has yet to see tha captian on the soul society orders.

Apperance: She is a slim girl with scruffy black hair with a thick ponytail in the back. She has golden eyes. She wears the regular soul society uniform but it is customized and partly resembles a mandarin-style jacket with a small opening at her chest area shwing her short black tank, sleeves rolled up to her elbows, an upturned collar. Her shoes resembling traditional martial arts training shoes.

Zankpakto Description:

Name: Tishimaru

Tishimaru hilt resembles a normal katana with a black handle and silver oval-shaped guard with slits going down the middle of both ends. However, it features an unusual double-edged straight blade that's squared-off, effectively making it the size of a kodachi.

Zanpaktou World: Tishimaru world seems to be that of a landscape of Trees and plants with caves.

Zanpaktou's Personality:
Tishimaru is silent and understands when something needs to be done. It is serious but can be playful at times.

Release Phrase: tishimaruと裸あなたの牙を挽く ~ Grind Tishimaru and bare your fangs.

Family: Tigers and trees

Sealed Zanpaktou:
When sealed, Hyorinmaru looks like a normal katana with the exception of the guard, which is asilver oval-shaped

Shikai: Her appearance changes slightly. She becomes more tiger-like, She gains red stripes on her cheeks and forehead.Her white jacket continues down into a black-embroidered white loincloth, with large black stripes running along the sides of the jacket and running the same pattern continuing down onto her now exposed legs, which is now concealed in a more form-fitting white material that stops at the thigh. She gains long squared-off blades on each wrist. Her braid grows to become very thick and long, hanging down to her knees, striped blond and black with a squared-off blade similar to the ones on her wrist, hanging off the end. She also seems to be able to control the braid.

Shikai Ability: Her speed and strength are greatly enhanced

Bankai Release Phrase: Bite down and eat

. By lifting her right blade up to the sky as it glows her spiritual energy rises as he declares "Bite down and eat", which forces her to make another transformation into a Tiger.In this form her muscle mass increases greatly with the white parts of her original look become a black color.

Bankai Ability: .Her claws glow, and she makes a slashing motion. Each claw becomes a long, sharp blade composed of Reishi that can be hurled at the enemy. she can swing a maximum of ten blades at the enemy. The attacks act as a ranged claw attack, which she controls like his regular claw attacks, by using slashing motions.Acutely shaped bombs fired at high speed from her elbow, five of which can be fired at once. They have a devastating effect. One round can destroy a column over 30 meters in diameter.he can roar loudly enough to create shockwaves in the air and surrounding area, which are powerful enough to throw off her opponents
Is the possibility of being a hallow in consideration?

Or a hallowfied shinagami?
this is my hollow character sheet

Name: Uria

Side: Aizen

Rank: #1 espada

Power: Uria's powers consits of lightning

Fightin Style:HoHo and Kido

Bio: Appeared shortly after aizens defeat having eaten and absored mass amounts of hollows including several arrancarr, he become a arrancarr of imense power himself and upon hearing about aizen and his goals, he waited till his seal was weak enough then he broke Aizen out and helpped him secure a new armor as aziens right hand man.

Apperance: he stands about 5 feet tall his skin is ghostly white, his hair goes to his chin in length and his a sky blue color he wears the typical white pants and jacket the espada wears and his left eye is covered by a hollow mask and like all hollow of any form he has a whole right through the middle of his chest.

he dont have a shikai or bankai butt heres his ressurection

Description: his body becomes covered in a white cloth body suit that coveres his entire body even his head, and blue inscriptions begin to burn into the outfit as the air begins to crack with lightning all around and two large spike emerge from his shoulder conducting vass amounts of electricist.

Powers: he can produce lightning and has full control of it he uses it in both ranged attackas and in combo with his kido and each blast has enough power to cause large explosions and the electricity will travel through anything to that does not resist electricity.
Is it okay if I use pictures for certain things except for my character's looks? The pictures will be made by me.
Hollow character sheet

Name: Yomi

Side: Aizen

Gender: Female

Rank: #0

Power: Darkness

Fighting: Zanjustsu and hoho but mainly uses hohi

Bio: Under the thrown of Aizen's chair lies a mafble floorinb. Within this marble flooring was a female who was sealed away by Aizen. Aizen knew he needed a back up plan so he sealed the first hollow away under his thrown. When the time came The seal would be broken by Aizen allowing her freedom once more and to help him over hus rule. She was the ace but to him she was just a mere weapon to be used.

Appearence: Shes 5"0 and has black hair. Her eyes are black along eith her nils. Instead of wearing the normal white uniform she wears a black one. Her hollow mask covers her mouth and only reveals her eyes. She is able to tslk through the mask as well. Her number is around her right eye and the black hole is in her midsection.

Resseruction: The mask on her mouth breaks apart splitting and setting themselves onto her check. Her hair becomes longer ganning white streaks. Her clothes turn into a white and black armor covering most of her body. A long tail sprouts out from her backside , as it swishes around. During her transformation dark cloudes that look like smoke begin to surround the area.

Powers: She us able to absorb the darknees around her forming them into a visible dark matter. They cover her legs and arms so she is able to fight woth thim. She is also able to breathe out the darkness capturing the enemy, as it takes away there five sense and lets there fear become reality. slowly in these dark clouds the fear eats at you slowly breaking you down and killing you. She is also able to use her tail in the fight
Apologies... I'm not joining after all. The issue with the multiple spoilers has irked me to no end and I simply deleted my post.
Trying this again.

Name: Yukihiro Tsuda

Actual Age: 232

Appearance Age: 26

Gender: Male

Race: Shinigami

Non-Battle Theme: Guilty Gear XX - Blue Water Blue Sky

Battle Theme: Guilty Gear XX - Still in the Dark

Rank: Captain. Squad 13.

Side: Shinigami/Soul Reapers


Personality: Yukihiro is as laid back as can be for the most part. Sure, he's incredibly talented in combat. Sure, he's fairly intelligent. Sure, he's no slouch at Kido. But honestly, he'd rather kick back and have a drink with those he considers friends, or grab a bite to eat in the world of the living when he can get some leave time.

Powers: Ranked E-Rank (Weak) to S-Rank (Incredible)

Reiatsu Level: B-Rank

Shuunpo Skill: A-Rank

Hand-to-Hand: B-Rank

Zanjutsu Skill: A-Rank

Analysis: Average for Captain-Level. No blaring Weaknesses, but no major strengths.

Reiatsu Color: Emerald Green

Bakudo 4: Hainawa

Bakudo 8: Seki

Bakudo 30: Shitotsu Sansen

Bakudo 61: Rikujokoro

Hado 1: Sho

Hado 11: Tsuzuri Raiden

Hado 31: Shakoho

Hado 63: Raikoho

History: Back in the day, Yukihiro was an exorcist of sorts. He could see and interact with spirits. It earned him a decent living and even helped him meet his wife. But the problem with seeng spirits, is that they can see you as well. Most, of course, are harmless ghosts of people who just can't or don't want to pass on. Some are malevolent, however... and those are more than problematic. It was one of those malevolent spirits that cost Yukihiro his life.

"I thought it would be a routine exorcism. But I was wrong about that. See... here's how it went down... I was, as usual, operating alone. No need to involve the wife and my kid, right? And outside this nobleman's home I felt a less than benevolent presence. No sooner did I turn around, a monster took a swing at me. Tell you what... I was scared out of my head. I was almost sure I was gonna lose my life. But that didn't mean I wasn't going to fight for it. I drew my sword and slashed at it. The thing seemed almost surprised that I could see it, let alone attack it. Amazingly, The leg I had slashed at only took minor damage... a solid cut, but I was trying to sever the thing. I knew for a fact then, that I was in deep."

"In any case... I still fought. But the thing was wearing me down a lot faster than I could hurt it. I eventually fell... my wounds taking their toll on me. But wouldn't you know it? Someone came to my aid. A woman in a black kimono, wielding a Katana not so different from mine. She killed that thing dead in two tips of a whiskey bottle. Problem was... I was too far gone and couldn't be saved. She told me about the soul society, and that I showed great promise and bravery in fighting the "Hollow" despite being only a human. I knew I wouldn't survive the wounds... I could feel the darkness coming for me. So I made one final request... that I could appear before my family and tell them what had happened to me... and that I would be waiting for them on the other side. She agreed to take my spirit to them and allow me to relay said message."

"So now here we are... In the Soul Society. I'm a successful Shinigami... or Soul Reaper if you prefer, my family is here after living good lives in the world of the living, and I have plenty of friends to spend my days with and who I'd trade for nothing. So... what's your story?"

- Yukihiro to a Soul Reaper who just graduated.

Zanpakuto Info

Name: Azamuku (Translation: Deceiver)

Shikai Release Phrase: Daze and confuse my foes... Azamuku!

Shikai Abilities:

Main: Allows Yukihiro to change his combat style far more quickly, enabling him to mimic the attacks and movements of his foes. In doing so, he irritates them to a degree that they will likely become reackless and leave an opening in their defenses that he can exploit.

(note: He cannot copy major techniques such as Benihime, Senbon Zakura, Getsuga Tensho, etc)

Secondary: Allows Yukihiro to minorly change his appearance. He can alter the appearance of his face and basic body structure, enabling him to disguise himself as another man... or even a woman, given his slender build.

Bankai Release Phrase(optional) : Confound the senses and obscure the truth, hidden behind your smoke and mirrors. Azamuku Miryoku!

Bankai Name: Azamuku Miryoku ( Translation: Charming Deceiver )

Bankai Abilities: Not only can Yukihiro make use of the abilities granted by his Shikai... but he hones them to a degree that is almost unbelievable. Once in Bankai state, Yukihiro can perfectly copy any foe's fighting style he has fought in the past and use it to his advantage. He also is able to read his current foe's movements to such a degree, that he is a perfect mirror of their attacks (albiet a MICROSECOND slower, as he needs to see the attack start to mirror it). To top off his copy abilities, Yukihiro can also mirror the appearance of his current foe or of past foes to an eerie precision... including the sound of their voice.

(note: In Bankai, he can copy major techniques, but they are significantly weaker than the real thing )

Character Info

Name: Sesho Kuchiki

Actual Age: 157

Appearance Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: Shinigami

Rank: Head of Shinigami Research and Development Institute

Side: Shinigami

Appearance: Click here.

Personality: He appears quite stoic and regal, as is customary of the head of the Kuchiki Clan. However, he is more amenable than others, and his pride in his clan, although great, doesn’t lead him to be condescending… most of the time. He enjoys being alone, although spending time with others isn’t a problem.

Reiatsu Level: S-Rank

Shuunpo Skill: A-Rank

Hand –to-Hand: A-Rank

Zanjutsu Skill: A-Rank

Analysis: His skills are above the level of most captains. Curiously, he doesn’t hold a seat in the Gotei 13, even though he’s been nominated many times, and he aids them in many endeavors. Also, he is renowned for having spiritual pressure and control that equals, and some say exceeds, even the current Captain-Commander. Thus, he is also known for his incredibly powerful kido, which he further developed with his position as head of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute.

Reiatsu Color: It usually manifests as an aquamarine. However, in times of distress, when his carefully monitored emotions get the better of him, it can appear deep black.

Kido List:

Bakudo – 61, 63, 75, 81, 99 (Parts 1 & 2)

Hado – 31, 33, 63, 73, 88, 90, 91, 96

He only uses kido above 65 when absolutely needed. Most battles, he can win using only kido below 65 and without drawing his zanpakuto. Because he uses mostly offensive kido and his bare strength to stop attacks, he’s been compared to the 4th Espada, Ulquiorra.

History: Years ago, Sesho was a human. When he died, he was born into the noble Kuchiki family. However, something was wrong. His spiritual pressure was unbalanced by some force. They were able to secretly stabilize it, and not many people know what truly caused the imbalance, and they won’t speak. Still, it lead to Sesho having one of the greatest spiritual pressures in history, even greater than Yamamoto and Kenpachi Zaraki. Even greater of a surprise was his unerring ability to control it. Yet, other members of his family still lived in fear, and there were hushed rumors of a dangerous threat in Sesho. However, soon, he became head of the house and then head of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute, and all the gossip subsided. But, one can still hear the whisper of a few old souls who say that that on that day, it felt as if pure evil was emanating from that sector of the Soul Society.

Although he went on to great prominence, there was great tragedy in his life, both in the living world and Soul Society. His parents were killed by arrancars that sought to escape the last of Soul Society's patrols. Then, when he was born again, before he became the head of the Kuchiki family, a rogue assassin slipped in under the guise of being a seated member of the Gotei 13. The man killed many, including Sesho's two sisters and brother, all of whom he treasured. Sesho was able to apprehend the assassin even with his young age, which began his rise in the ranks. However, he still remembers how he was too slow, and forced to watch the execution of his family.

Zanpakuto Info

Name: Zaihou (Translation: The King’s Treasure)

Sealed Form: Click here. He keeps it in a non-descript sheathe, and the entire weapon is usually hidden by his style of wearing long, flowing clothes. He doesn’t wear the Kuchiki scarf, preferring to keep it in the family mansion.

Inner World: Click here.

True Form: Click here.

Shikai Release Phrase: Obliterate My Enemies and Rule Over All Creation… Zaihou! This phrase is optional, and Sesho can release his shikai much more stealthily.

Shikai Form: Click here, plus many more. The form will be described in the abilities section.

Shikai Abilities:

Main – Zaihou opens a huge portal to another dimension where millions upon millions of weapons are kept. These weapons can be launched in great multitude from the portal at speeds approaching supersonic, and they strike with great force by piercing the targets. If they miss, they can dematerialize and rematerialize inside the pocket dimension again. Thus, Sesho can overwhelm his opponents. Some of the weapons have the ability to break kido barriers.

Secondary – Sesho is quite adept with physically wielding any of the weapons, although he can control them telepathically as well. He has also taught himself how to transmit and fire hado through his weapons.

Bankai Release Phrase: Ascend and Transcend… Zaihou Chouetsuteki! This phrase is optional. There is a large flare of Reiatsu that can floor and choke lieutenants and can force captains to their knees. However, he has never utilized his bankai since the incident that occurred when he first unleashed it. That occurrence is still regarded as a Kuchiki legend.

Bankai Name: Zaihou Chouetsuteki (Translation: Transcendent Treasure)

Bankai Appearance: Click here.

Bankai Abilities: In this form, the blade pictured is called forth from the depths of the pocket dimension. The blade has the ability to spin and create rifts in space. These rifts suck in objects in the near vicinity, and can transport the enemy to one of Sesho’s pocket dimensions, to a location far away from the current one, or even to Heuco Mundo. If this form is used in the Dangai, Sesho loses control over the destination of the teleportation. Additionally, the speed, power, and ferocity of the shikai abilities increase as they can still be used in conjunction with the bankai.

I hope you got the PM I sent you.
Copying my CS Template and Skill system, Gabe? :3 I'm honored. ... but a guy more boss than the CC? Not sure if gusta. CC would have S-Ranks across the board.
Oh, your template was very well made, so I thought I might as well utilize it. Also, I know the CC would have all S-Ranks. My charrie only has equal or great reiatsu. And, he has a secret that I'm creating with darknescloud. So, don't worry, I got this.
I also utilize a very well laid out template for Naruto-Themed characters, should you be interested in that somewhere down the road.

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