New Game: Modern Nights


New Member
Hey folks...

Since I can't find an Exalted PBP to take me in, (which is a shame, because I really love playing more than I do GMing), I was entertaning the possiblity of running this Exalted: Modern Nights campaign I have had in mind.

It's actually multiple campaigns that cover a meta-story. The first two campaigns are actually Mage oriented, but they're short. One follows a cabal of the Traditions, and the other follows a technocratic troupe.

Campaign number 3 is Abysal, #4 is lunar, and #5 is Solar.

This sound intresting to anyone?
I know there are two other new comers to the forums who would be interested.

Time constrains, howeever, prevent me from saying yes... given that I'm STing 2 games, and playing in 2... I'm stretched way too thin.
Ditto - I am most definitely interested. I'd run one if I could, but I'm going to be starting a 6 week job at a sleepaway camp quite soon - my time's going to be crunched to hell.

I will, however, be able to post a few times a day. Let's rock this magical technocratic casbah.

(Thanks for the heads-up, Haku)
i will definately play, just give me the skinny on the Lunar: does it need to be a mage orientated char or anyhting i can make it. if you have problems getting abyssals i have that book to so i can play anything. Just PM me!!!!!!!
To Answer Questions:

I have all the books.

I will only allow characters appropriate to each campaign in that campaign. (IE: The Traditions Campaign will need a tradition, the Abyssals will require Deathnights, Lunars will require Lunars, etc...)

To clarify, there will be 5 seperate campaigns. No mixed groups (at first. If it goes beyond the 5th campaign, then we'll see what's what.)

No, I don't plan on running them all at once. Each campaign will have a begining and end. If I make any changes to this course of action, I will clear it with the players first.

For the two mage campaigns, there will need to be mage characters. I've essentially Ported mage rules to 2e exalted, and it's a bit of a home brew. The point of these two campaigns is mostly exposition. It's a method of explaining the current state of the world, how it got that way. The Traditions will explore what's going on in the metaphysical aspects of WoD, and the Technocracy Campaign will cover 'Events on the Ground" on Earth, as it were.

I've got a pretty detailed account of what happened to 'Creation' to get to the modern oWoD, and it takes these two campaigns to explain it.

The Abyssal Campaign will start things off proper. The plot ties in with those threads present in Vampire: The Masquerade.

The Lunar Campaign ties in with threads from Werewolf: The Apocalypse.

In short, the entire series will be the documentation of the upcoming 6th Age.
Ziddim said:
For the two mage campaigns, there will need to be mage characters. I've essentially Ported mage rules to 2e exalted, and it's a bit of a home brew. The point of these two campaigns is mostly exposition. It's a method of explaining the current state of the world, how it got that way. The Traditions will explore what's going on in the metaphysical aspects of WoD, and the Technocracy Campaign will cover 'Events on the Ground" on Earth, as it were.
That's the purple book, right? I'm sure I can find it it I dig deep enough in my bookshelf to get acquainted with the mythology again. I call the Hermetic, but I never looked at any of the Technocracy books so I don't know tit from tat on that side.

Otherwise this looks damn interesting. Count me in.
So are we talking Mage: The Awakening, here, or Mage: The Ascension? I've run some WoD and converted it by just using the Tick system, but beyond that... well, I am down either way.

Fate mages for the win!
Yes, that is the purple book ;) The ruleset for the mage games will essentially be Exalted with the sphere system overlaid on top. I'll provide more information this weekend, when I have a chance to rummage through my old outlook PST and dig out the rules. (I've used it before in a Steampunk wild-west game based on the mage-exalted hybrid)
Ziddim said:
Strictly old-WoD here. I *Hate* the setting for Mage: The Awakening
I'm ambivalent about it. I like the new magic system better though- Fate/Entropy isn't the munchkin sphere anymore.
Heh. I don't mind the ruleset at all. In fact, I'd say it's probably better. I just think the setting and metaphysics is lamer than lame. I really do miss all the themes and flavor of the Old mage game. It was one of my favorites.
Ziddim said:
Heh. I don't mind the ruleset at all. In fact, I'd say it's probably better. I just think the setting and metaphysics is lamer than lame. I really do miss all the themes and flavor of the Old mage game. It was one of my favorites.
Which is why I run my games new-Mage magic, old-Mage feel. :D

But it sounds awesome, especially if you move the mechanics so we don't have to keep changing the frikkin' target numbers.

I am definitely interested. I'll say more after I've left work.


EDIT: Now, time to get my grubby little hands on some WoD rulebooks.
When you're done deciding whose in the game, and what not... just put a post in here and I'll set things up.
Sure thing.

Could the players here email me? Ziddim-at-yahoo-dot-com.

It'll be easier to discuss via email.
Still got a space? I do love me some tasty Lunar action, though it's all good. And I've never played Ascension before, so that sounds fun.

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