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Futuristic new earth

I take my laptop out and I plug it into the map and it shows a 3D image of what the thing was on the map.

"I'm not sure what it may be of Captain." I say uneasily.
Saphire woke from her slumber as soon as the announcement had run, deciding to slip on her outer Kimono and head to bridge. Four hours sleep isn't bad. I should be good for the rest of the day, at least. Tying the obi as she walked down the hall she hurried, checking her wristwatch when she had a chance. No call for carelessness, so she rushed onto the bridge, taking her spot behind the Captain, glancing at the object before focusing on him, hand on her newly recovered blades. They were hidden in two pockets on her sleeves, ready for action at her boss' command.
"it is in a shape of a triangle what is it"he look closely at the screen

((this is wut on the screen))

I turn to Nichole quickly and I hand her the blue prints I created. "Here is the the info for the construction for what I need." I say to her. The blue print showed that he wanted to create a radar that could scan out to about 2000 kilometers. "I hopes it's not too much for you to handle. And I you need my help I'm willing to help you on this." I say to her.

"I know that source of power from anywhere..." I say to him. I turn on my energy scanner and it shows the same readings from before. "What ever may lie in it seems to just use a lot of pure energy." I say to him. "May be if I could get in it, I could find the source to this power and we could use it to our advantage."
Nichole stares at the triangle object but then is forced from her train of thought as justin hands her the blue prints for what she agreed upon earlier. Seeing her self no longer needed here and needed elsewhere, she heads to her quarters to start working on the radar.
"okay where to go in there and 3 men team style come follow me all 3 of you"he when in direction of the teleporter room
"Yes sir." Saphire said, hands now holding the blades as she walked towards him. "Sir, if I may say, there may be nonfriendly lifeforms here. I'd suggest making sure all on this team know how to defend themselves." Not that she couldn't compensate, but she'd like to know ahead of time.
Hearing that she was being paged to follow along on this mission, Nichole goes, not wanting to disobey orders from the captain. Hoping to not come upon any hostile life forms so that she won't be forced to use a weapon or carry one at all.
I follow the captain in silence just to keep his research this would make it better for me. "This place is alittle dangerous I think we should all prepare for the worst." I say to them all.
"It's fine. It's not more of the possibibilties of a hostile creature waiting for us than then the thought that I might have to kill something." Nichole responds with a shudder as she imagines her self holding a gun or a knife, covered in blood.
Saphire, watching the two's little 'moment' snorted, but moved slightly forward, blades still deactivated but finger on the ignition. "Look, I'd rather not be on here for very long. So, figure out what this thing is and let's get a move on. I'll stand guard, so get to work."
Nichole glares at the girl as she snorts. Probably thinking I'm going for the damsel in distress act. What a wad. I'm here to save a planet that blew up just hours ago.
Xobic get to the teleporter room he went over to a locker inside was a assault rifle and a space suit"ok Justin,Saphire suit up Nichole I need you to teleport us in"he got the suit on and grab the assault rifle
I stare at the girl name Saphire he had to admit she scared him so I decided to stay on her good side. "Yes ma'am" I say to her as I suit up to get prepared to teleport.
Thankful that she wouldn't have to get her hands dirty on this first mission, Nichole glad fully takes the orders to transport the trio into the triangle planet thing.
Saphire, having put on the suit after removing her outer Kimono and revealing her red-and-blue undersuit, and nodded at Justin. "Smart lad. Stay near me and you won't die." She wouldn't make promises for anything else, but he'd live.
"Trio ready?" Nichole asks as she works the teleporting device. Hearing an answer, Nichole presses the last button, and off they go.
Saphire, standing this time in front of Justin, tilts her head to signal that she's listening. More importantly she was scanning the inside of the place with her eyes, noting places of cover and open, and merged her two blades to form the laser-bow, a tiny hum the only sign it activated before going completely silent.

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