New Charms for guns/cars/planes [Through the Looking Glass]


I promised new charms, and I'm finally deliveriing :D

... one at a time -__-


Lightspeed Reload

Cost: -- (1m); Mins: Archery/Marksmanship OR Thrown/Pistoleer 3, Essence 2; Type: Permanent


Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: None

Even mere mortals may train to reload their weapons faster, the Chosen of the sun need hardly that.

There are actually two versions of this charm, the Archery/Marksmanship version works only for two handed guns such as rifles, shotguns and such. Whereas the Thrown/Pistoleer version only works for Single-handed guns such as pistols and uzis. If the Solar has one version of this charm, as long as they meet the requirments of the other, the cost of the second purchase is only 2 XP.

This charm permanently enhances the Solars capabilities, whenever they would have to reload a gun this charm covers, they may choose to reflexively spend a mote to change the Reload Miscellaneous action to a Speed 3, DV -0 action, following all of the other rules about reloading a gun normally. This does not count as charm use for that action.

At Essence 4, this charm automatically upgrades, the Reload action instead becomes a reflexive diceless action and may be 'flurried' with an attack with the weapon. Essentially, by paying a mote, the Solar may ignore the reload action as long as they have the ammo. Doing so makes this charm Obvious.

At Essence 5, this charm becomes a permanent innate power and the Solar needs not pay the 1m cost to reflexively reload their weapon. The Solar may choose to reload their weapon at the speed of mere mortals for dramatic purposes or to conceal their superhuman nature.
To make on thing clear. You know that permanent charm is not allowed in combo? Right? Unless you wanted to make him reflexive charm that turn into permanent.

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