New Character Sheet! 3 Pages, Landscape, All Exalts!

What are the haps, my friends?

I've made updated sheets, with a new abyssal sheets, new copyright notices, some fixed errors here and there plus updated Sidereals including A fourth Astrology sheet inspired by SagaciousAscendingHeros.
Score!  Happy to help.

The Sidereal sheet looks fantastic. I was hoping for a nice concise blurb on how to roll for astrology, but thats just 'cause I'm still having a little trouble working it all out.


Great sheets DCS, but did you mean to no include the new Abyssal Excellency, Ravening Mouth of (Ability) ?

Also, in the "Acting against Virtue" section, it still references Limit at the very end, rather than Resonance.

A very small nitpick, but at the top of the first sheet, shouldn't it be Character Title, not Character Name?   :P


So does this mean if I come up with some kind of a Lunar form sheet, you'll get to that too? Excellent, its like I have super powers! I wonder if this works on Mr. Gone too? Hmm...
These are all valid points!

Acting against virtue - good point, this should be gone. Next time.

Character Title - nice idea. Next time.

Ravening Mouth - I disagree. This is not an excellency, and while it IS a general charm it is only so for the 5 Dusk abilities. That wasn't reason enough to add the box and ruin my entire layout. Especially if you follow my assumption that most people will have this Charm only once (max twice) anyway, not like the excellencies.

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