New Character Sheet! 3 Pages, Landscape, All Exalts!


New Member
...and it's done!

The Dragon-Blooded Character Sheet V2.0 is done and ready for download. You can grab a copy of the sheet at my website among other assorted downloads such as a Calendar, the Armorium (weapons galore!), Cheat Sheets (highly recommended across the internet ;) ) and (also new) a Players Sheet for the Storyteller. Simply head over there and download the three-page Character Sheet.

For a preview of the different pages of the Character Sheet, visit the links below:

* Page 1 : BASICS

* Page 2: Combat & Social Combat

* Page 3: Charms & Combos

UPDATE: The sheet's now available for Solars, Lunars and Sidereals!

Grab it here:
They all look great. One really minor complaint about the Lunars sheets is that there's no place for the either the Warform or the spirit shape. Other than that one point I really like them.
As said elsewhere I'm vaguely considering a fourth sheet for Sidereals and Lunars.

Lunars would be Knacks and Shapes, Sidereals would be Astrology, Colleges and Destinies. But I have no experience with the Lunars and I haven't even read my MoEP: Sidereals yet...
Ah yes, I remember that now. The sheets as they are still work very well for Sidereals and Lunars. Its not that hard to make a note beside the things that change in the Warform. Keep it up and I hope to see more!
Vanman said:
The link doesn't work. I get a 403 error.
Works for me......
Apparently I'm the only person on earth for whom it doesn't work, I just sent the link to my ST and he downloaded it and sent it to me... Pretty damn weird. (I don't seem to have any trouble downloading any other file in that site)
Solars is looking neat, can we print it as A4 or not?

A Lunar WF and shapes sheet would be great, obviously this will take some time.
That 403 Error is odd. I honestly have no idea why. I've had reports of people having trouble downloading before but it's just few and far between. Considering I have no other host who can compare with modportal I'll just have to take that.

As far as printing those things, I print them on A4 at 100%. If you look at the format of the pages, it's somewhat of a hybrid. I've chosen a format that could be printed on Letter and A4 with little to no scaling (of course it depends on your printer margins in the end). You should have no trouble printing, I know I didn't. But if you do, let me know!
Democritus said:
That 403 Error is odd. I honestly have no idea why. I've had reports of people having trouble downloading before but it's just few and far between. Considering I have no other host who can compare with modportal I'll just have to take that.
As far as printing those things, I print them on A4 at 100%. If you look at the format of the pages, it's somewhat of a hybrid. I've chosen a format that could be printed on Letter and A4 with little to no scaling (of course it depends on your printer margins in the end). You should have no trouble printing, I know I didn't. But if you do, let me know!
I just printed mine in 216x330mm and the sheet was too small vertically, but that's ok because I can use the extra space to take note of extra stuff like my birthday, training times, the date and relevant npcs.
Well yes, the sheet's not going to touch the borders of your page. That's the downside of using a hybrid format. If you use Letter (is 216x330mm letter or is that something else altogether?) then you'll have excess space vertically, with A4 the excess will be horizontally.
Democritus said:
Well yes, the sheet's not going to touch the borders of your page. That's the downside of using a hybrid format. If you use Letter (is 216x330mm letter or is that something else altogether?) then you'll have excess space vertically, with A4 the excess will be horizontally.
No, 216x330 is closer to Legal but not really that, either.
I converted one of the Solars from my group to your sheets yesterday. I particularly like your way of doing Combos and the faint text rules which are a great help.

First of all a typo. In Social Combat ‘Deceitful’ is the correct spelling.

Here is what I think could go on a extra page. Obviously you may have considered these and felt they were not essential:

Merits and Flaws (I do realise they disappeared in 2e but a lot of us still use them)

Familiar (a small section with name, attributes, health levels, willpower, notes)

Personality and History notes.

Enlarged character picture box.
Someone else already told me about the Deceitful misspelling. I've corrected that but I'm waiting for a few more improvements/fixes before I release the 2.2 version of the sheets.

- Merits and Flaws

As you said, they aren't part of 2E yet. If you use them there's space on the sheets. You could put them in the possessions box on the Combat sheet or on the Specialties section on the basic sheet

- Familiar

This is very much a corner-case thing. A familiar could easily use a seperate sheet just for itself. I think there are enough other sheets out there to satisfy that need. Alternatively this could be an alternate use for the vaguely planned Shapes & Knacks sheet

- Personality and History notes.

This space I didn't add because this is not something essential. Some players might want to note down their backstory on their sheet, but you can easily do so as a simple word document or on a blank page. You don't need a specially designed sheet for that.

- Enlarged character picture box.

Once again something optional.
SagaciousAscendingHero said:
Great sheets, but as has been said a section for shapeshifting for Lunars and Astrology for Sidereals are greatly needed.
My sheets includes a Lunar shapeshifting page and a Sidereal astrology page is in the making.
That sounds like fighting talk, the duel will be at dawn, 10 paces, turn and 1 Throw Exc. your Sheets at each other. ;)

I use Skaftes sheets for players who are not good at systems and want the comfort of WW style sheets.

I use Democritus sheets for rule boffins who love lots of data and getting to grips with a new sheet.

These are the only ones I use and they have gone down very well with their respective users.
<taunt>Hah. My sheets are Poweruser sheets! Yours are for n00bz!</taunt>

Maybe when I do Abyssal sheets I'll take a shot at Shape / Astrology sheets.
Hey Hero,

the sheet looks alright. It broke a few of my design guides though, such as having 6 instead of 5 columns so it wouldn't be something I'd put on my site. I guess I'm a bit anal about design issues. Anyway, it's a good idea and I hope it helps you and other people.

As for the Sidereal / Lunar sheets, you can try to work on them if you want, or I'll just take care of the eventually. I still hope for people to donate some money to show me that they appreciate my time and effort spent on these materials (and to help me buy Abyssals) but so far I've recieved next to nothing. It's a bit disheartening - or disillusioning to be more precise.

I'm not sure what I expected.

Anyway, trying to get back on topic: If you get around to making Lunar Shapes and Sidereal Astrology sheets, be sure to let me know. Maybe I like them so much I'll use them - or I might make new ones based on your layout.
Well here is my changes to your Sidereal sheet. I'm not entirely happy with it, but it will do for now, or at least until you make one.


- Virtue Flaw changed to Flawed Fate

- added Paradox

- added Colleges

- added Resplendent Destinies

I had to change some fonts and the layout isn't just what it should be, but its not bad.

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