New and Looking for Friends!

Infinite Eclipse

Spell Castor

Hello roleplayers of RPNation! I'm new here on this site, but I'm not at all new to roleplaying. I've been roleplaying for a years now and consider myself to be semi literate when it comes to roleplaying.

In real life I'm pretty shy, but online I'm not at all! So feel free the PM me or ask to roleplay or anything!

Random Facts About Me:

1. Favorite colors are blues, turquoise, and mints

2. I'm a girl

3. I love animals

4. My favorite flowers are daffodils and dahlias

5. I go by Infinite Eclipse, Infinity, or Eclipse here on RPN (I'm open to nicknames!)

6. Love love love romance RPs!

It's so nice to finally be on a site dedicated to Roleplaying! I hope we can all be friends!

Here's a link to my partner search thread if you want to check it out! Partners - The Partner Search Begins!
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HELLO PERSON! SOOO I kinda just saw this and decided that I'd say hi and if you ever need/want someone to roleplay with you just come let me know :D
Hi and welcome to RP Nation! I'm Lily and I absolutely love fandom-based roleplays. In particular, Harry Potter. Do let me know if you need any help!
[QUOTE="Lily Dawn Evans]Hi and welcome to RP Nation! I'm Lily and I absolutely love fandom-based roleplays. In particular, Harry Potter. Do let me know if you need any help!

Hi! I saw your reply, and I just have to say, I love Harry Potter role plays! I have one on the forum list... Sho... Just saying >u< I know, I'm crazy and weird....
You my friend are officially awesome. I'm more into doing 1x1s nowadays. I prefer it cause you don't have to wait for people and it's neater.
[QUOTE="Lily Dawn Evans]You my friend are officially awesome. I'm more into doing 1x1s nowadays. I prefer it cause you don't have to wait for people and it's neater.

Me too! So umm... Do you maybe want to do the umm rp?
[QUOTE="Infinite Eclipse]

Hello roleplayers of RPNation! I'm new here on this site, but I'm not at all new to roleplaying. I've been roleplaying for a years now and consider myself to be semi literate when it comes to roleplaying.

In real life I'm pretty shy, but online I'm not at all! So feel free the PM me or ask to roleplay or anything!

Random Facts About Me:

1. Favorite colors are blues, turquoise, and mints

2. I'm a girl

3. I love animals

4. My favorite flowers are daffodils and dahlias

5. I go by Infinite Eclipse, Infinity, or Eclipse here on RPN (I'm open to nicknames!)

6. Love love love romance RPs!

It's so nice to finally be on a site dedicated to Roleplaying! I hope we can all be friends!​

Well, hello, Eclipse! I hope you're open to new friends because the community here is warm and caring. I have found several good friends in here! What animals do you like best?
Infinite Eclipse] [URL=" said:
@Sombra Arcana[/URL]
Thank you for the warm welcome! I like cats or big cats the best I think.
Awesome! I'm more fo a dog person
Hello hello hello fellow new person! :D Welcome to the same site I was mechanically welcomed to just a bit ago! Hope you love the place as much as i seem to.

You're awesome, turquoise is awesome. be safe!
[infinite Eclipse, post: 5770983, member: 50868"]I have no idea how you did that even to my name there, summoning me, but I dig it. As am I! How'd you find out about the site, anyhow?

Haha I just put the @ sign and typed your name behind it and it tagged you :)

I was just getting tired of inactive RPers on another website (It's main focus isn't roleplaying so most people forgot about RPs) and decided to look for a roleplay website so I typed roleplay in the search engine and viola up popped RPNation. So I joined right away ;)
@Infinite Eclipse HOLY HELL IT WORKED!

And wow, we must be siblings..or millennials. We traveled the exact same path to get here! I was RPing on FB for a little while, but the players therin are strangely obsessed with smut and not into dynamic character building which is, no joke, the only reason i do anything, ever. Plus, they are all pretty heteroagressive with no room for my queer character's except as side-characters. >__>;;;

Lol yeah the tagging thing is awesome!

Wow twinsies! Yeah I hate it when people are like that. I'm straight and everything, but I still like doing roleplays with gay characters. I'm accepting to everyone haha. Yeah smut isn't really my thing without major plot. Luckily here smut is banned so I don't have to worry about it :)
@Infinite Eclipse Absolutable! And i'm pretty happy to find smut is utterly banned here, it really takes the pressure off of having a pretty stellar character/plot but the almost obligation to be beholden to gross hyper-sexual stuff. >__> Like unless it's absolutely relevant, I don't bother. I'll do hella timeskips, though!

Haha I'm a pretty big fan of time skips too. They're pretty useful especially if your characters are in school. Nobody got time for that lol. Their classes are normally a pain to roleplay out.

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