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Said you'd die for me, well -- there's the ground
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hello lovelies!

I am looking to get some more RPs up and running! I’ve found some good and stable partners at long last, but I still have more free time I’d like to have completely stolen from me with RPs. That said, since I already have a pretty stable host of good RPers, I’m going to be a little picky about what I do this time around. So, this thread is just going to list what I’m craving at the present moment.

First things first, my requirements of you, and then my short and sweet cravings, which we can talk more about if you find yourself interested.

Partner Requirements

1. Don't God-Mod. In other words, don't make my character speak, don't make my character, don't make my character take damage, and don't control my character. If you want something to go a certain way for plot purposes, just PM me and ask. Usually, I accept "god-modding" during travel and the like. It is usually acceptable to assume movement if a character is already committed to the journey.

2. Please be able to play both genders. There are few plots where I want to play only one main character, so please be capable of playing more than one yourself, and give all genders fair treatment.

3. On the note of pairing: I will always play one female character. So, be aware of that. With that said, I usually also always play one male character, and I do MxM, MxF, and FxF pairings, though I prefer MxF.

4. I only RP on threads, so no PM rps with me.

5. Please be able to write more than a couple of sentences as responses to me.

6. PM if you are interested and with what you are interested in! If you can't PM yet, then leave a message here and I'll get to ya!

Now, my interests are below, bullet-pointed, and with links if there are more details to it from previous threads I've made.

My Cravings:

  • Vampires that drink from vampires, modern times, and hella corruption. If you know the term “diablerie”, hit me up. If you don’t, but are intrigued by the idea of vampires that drink from vampires, we can talk.

  • Supernatural. If you can play Lucifer, I can play Dean, Sam, and I'm willing to try Crowley, Cass, and Gabriel!

  • Vampire stuff in general. My vampire LARP and Tabletop has ruined me, and I can’t play either because I’m not in Illinois for a year at least, so help me out here. I really prefer to play with vampires, rather than with humans, but if you have a good enough human character, I may consider it. May also consider playing across from other supernatural creatures.
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Hey! Are you still craving Doctor Who? If so, I do timelords, mostly, and psychopaths. PM me if you want to think up some kind of crazy plot. (I only say crazy because I write like Moffat: You know, lots of plot twists.)
Could you tell me what you're interested in rping?
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I'm interested in a game of thrones roleplay or a vampire roleplay. I don't know what type of meaning you mean by diablerie, I've seen it used as a word that means dark sorcery/witchcraft, a term in RPG? I think thats where I seen it, and something about white wolf. I don't know if any those meanings are you're looking for.
Update: I've also fallen really in love with RPing Supernatural, if someone is willing to play Lucifer. I'm pretty good at Dean, I think I'm okay at Sam. Haven't tried out Cas or Crowley yet. I think I could rock Gabriel.
Hello, m'dear. Are you still looking to do a vampire roleplay, or have you gotten your fill? I don't know much about diablerie other than what I read about it in the context of Vampire: The Masquerade, courtesy of Wikipedia. I don't know if that's the meaning you're referring to though, or if you just mean demonic sorcery. Anywho, if you are still looking, I'd love to get another game going with you.
I do believe you know how to PM me, Scriven, considering that's how ya contacted me last time. I do mean in the context of Masquerade/Requiem stuff, the drinking the heart's blood to devour the soul, so if that or other vampiric stuff interests you, hit me up with your own ideas.
PM, schme M. I thought you wouldn't mind the bump. Fine, fine, if you're going to be that way I'll send you a private message.
I don't mind it, but I prefer all plotting to take place in PMs, haha. Otherwise it's just...clutter...like this post is...

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