new and confused!


hey, so I'm new to this site. I use to roleplay all the time when I was a bit younger but I stopped once I got into high school. I really wanna start back up again but I'm a little confused as to how this site works so if someone could help me that'd be great and maybe we could roleplay (^U^) also what's this 10 post rule? i'm not sure what anything means here ( :o )
Well, I'm new too, but I'm relatively sure there's an instant message that gives you the important information you need. Also, the rules helped me figure things out a bit too. However, since I'm new, I can't help you THAT much.

The 10 post rule is that you need to post 10 replies and have your account be registered for a full day before all the features on here are unlocked to avoid spam bots.
EtherealNyx said:
Well, I'm new too, but I'm relatively sure there's an instant message that gives you the important information you need. Also, the rules helped me figure things out a bit too. However, since I'm new, I can't help you THAT much.
The 10 post rule is that you need to post 10 replies and have your account be registered for a full day before all the features on here are unlocked to avoid spam bots.
oh okay, that seems pretty simple. now i just need to find some roleplays and such then get started!

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