Never Dying

Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?
(Oh, and character limit is 3 per a person)




Physical age(5-15):

Your Test (The test to prove your immortal, each one is different):

Current living quarters(Where your staying):


Personality(be creative):

Short Bio:

Character Theme song(Yes this is necessary):
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Name: Alexander van der Linden

Gender: Male

Physical age(5-15): 15

Your Test (The test to prove your immortal, each one is different):

Directly put into a furnace normally used to melt steel. His screams of pain eventually subsided into sighs of boredom, and he just wanted to be done with it.

Current living quarters(Where your staying):

Homeless, and out on the streets. He can't die so he won't burden himself on anyone who can.


Lockpicking, drawing, and music in general. Three things locked into time. He was also a subject for Doctor Grant's experimentation on increasing the human body's strength, giving him an unusually high amount of strength.

Personality(be creative): Growing up, he had aspirations and dreams about life. Having to abandon them early, as well as having everyone around him die as he aged, he lives rather pessimistically and apathetically. He's afraid to let anyone know him, because ultimately he's afraid to care. While most who become immortal in history feel god-like and invincible, he acts as if it was just a crappy birthday present he doesn't care about. However, he tries his best to save those he can, but always without forming a relationship.

Short Bio:

He lived on the streets mostly before being taken in by Doctor Grant, and hadn't had much a life before his release. He had left and began to make friends at an orphanage he stayed at, and later becoming an employee despite a number of children seeming older than him. He worked there up to the start of World War Two, where, because of his young appearance, he wasn't able to fight. When the bombs started to drop, he began to move the children into the shelter. During this time, he was proven to be truly immortal to those around him, walking from the flames of a bomb into the doors of a bomb shelter.

At the end of it though, most he knew and loved were aged and gone, and the true reality of immortality set in. Since, he's lived on the streets with little care for anything or anyone, forcing himself to never care.

Character Theme song(Yes this is necessary):

Walking in My Shoes- Depeche Mode
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Name: Edith Carlisle

Gender: Female

Physical age(5-15): Twelve.

Your Test (The test to prove your immortal, each one is different): Stepping into a gas chamber, Edith felt almost nothing out of sorts about her after a time, proving the doctor right about the child's longevity.

Current living quarters(Where your staying): Edith lives in a somewhat shabby flat under the name of someone far much older than she. The girl is not alone by any means as she has been carefully looked after by an old friend- the apartment's building manager.

Skills: Able to speak multiple languages, and is well-versed within the fields of medicine and science.

Personality(be creative): Though she resents the life that she'd been made to lead, it isn't as if Edith isn't truly thankless for the opportunity. If it hadn't been for the Doctor, the young girl would have been either sold off somewhere or dead in an alleyway. Hopeful and cunning, Edith will typically keep to herself for fear of wasting any more time.

Short Bio: Born within the murkiest slums of Briton, Edith was no better than a common sea urchin of lowly birth, her age being the only thing keeping the girl from being married off to some other low-life. Running away from her parents, Edith dreamed of travelling around in a circus- much like many children at the time. As she eyed the show from a vast distance, the Doctor had suddenly spoken up, eventually wearing Edith down into following the man to his house and beginning the rest of her long life. Collecting whatever vast arrays of knowledge available, the girl eventually began to create experiments of her own, attempting to copy Grant's exact methods and reverse them. Though she is grateful for the man's gift- she feels as if allowing the others to age would be a long-awaited wish fulfilment.

Character Theme song(Yes this is necessary): Alleyways- The Neighbourhood
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Alice “Allie” Parke

Gender: Female

Physical age: 14

Your Test: She was injected with a lethal poison. Although it was quite a shock to her system at first and gave her several convulsions, it did not kill her, confirming that she was immortal.

Current living quarters: She rarely stays in one place for long. Her current home is an old abandoned warehouse.

Skills: She is very athletic and flexible. Having needed a way to defend herself on the streets, she has become rather skilled with a knife over the years and always carries one with her. She may be immortal, but it is much more fun to watch the would be attackers shocked faces when she stabs them instead.

Personality: Alice, or Allie as she now calls herself, is an outgoing young girl who isn’t afraid of anyone or anything. She’s a thrill seeker that lives for danger. Despite not being able to die just thinking that she is experiencing it is more than enough of an adrenaline rush. She doesn’t hate her immortality; she embraces it to its fullest.

Allie can’t sit still for long as she easily gets bored. To most people she comes across as arrogant and loud, and she likes it that way. However, she absolutely hates it when other people yell at each other, to which she is willing to use force just to get them to shut up. It’s too much of a reminder of her old, unhappy days, ones that she desperately wants to forget.

Short Bio: Alice grew up with two verbally abusive parents who constantly talked down at her. Due to this she was very shy and quiet, always afraid of earning another yelling storm.

A week after her fourteenth birthday, her parents left and never came back. It turned out that they had been killed by a mysterious murdered on the loose at the time. She ended up staying there alone for nearly three days when the doctor finally came in. Although she was reluctant, she had never been one to disobey orders and silently followed him.

After the doctor’s death she wandered into another part of England, lost and unsure what to do. Eventually she was put into a foster home, and from there was adopted by an unkind man. He constantly threatened her life whenever she did anything wrong, until one day she got fed up and was hit with a realization; no matter what he did, she couldn’t die, so why should she care?

With all of her built up rage, Alice returned the yells tenfold before leaving the house. That day, she became a new person, one who wouldn’t take anyone’s crap and would do whatever she wanted. The Alice that the other children had known was far gone. Going by the name “Allie,” she started to travel around Europe to fulfill her desire for adventure and excitement.

In 2014 Allie returned to England, planning on taking a flight to America, but instead managed to run into the rest of the immortal children.

Character Theme song: The Wild One by Suzi Quatro
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Name: Aryhann Hope Philips

Gender: Female

Physical age: 15

Your test: There was a time where Aryhann used to cut herself. She realised that her wounds were healing faster. After that, she tried to drown herself but it failed. That's how she discovered that she was immortal.

Currently living headquarters: In the middle of existence and oblivion. In the streets.

Skills: Aryhann is born with natural agility. She haves a really light footstep. She can make people stand by her side only by tallking.

Personality: Aryhann is a rebel girl, she haves a tomboy attitude. She enjoys being alone and don't talk much. She looks cold at first but when you know her well she is a caring person. She likes to read a lot.

She haves problems to deal with her imortality.

Short bio: Aryhann is an orphan since 5 years old. She always lived by herself as long she remembers. (More of bio revealed in RP)

Theme song: Tear away by Drowning pool

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Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/p_cossette_7872.jpg.71d23212968683cb41b72a41688becad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15001" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/p_cossette_7872.jpg.71d23212968683cb41b72a41688becad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Cossette Marie Francois

Gender: Female

Physical age(5-15): 13

Your Test (The test to prove your immortal, each one is different): She was trapped inside an iron maiden for 2 weeks, and when the Doctor opened it, she was just standing still, staring at him. She was soaked in her own blood. The Doctor pulled her out slowly though she couldn't scream since she was coughing out more blood. She was left in the cellar, lying on a stone table as she regenerated.

Current living quarters(Where your staying):

Skills: She is fluent in different foreign languages and artistically inclined. She plays the violin and knows how to use her charms to get away with anything, she even mastered the art of seduction.

Personality(be creative): A sadistic soul hides behind the angelic facade, she is quiet, caring and kind yet when one infuriates her, her sadistic nature comes to life. Physically she is 13 yet her mental age were that of a 30 years old already. A hopeless romantic who dreams she'll be swept off her feet by an immortal gentleman and save her from her sadistic side.

Short Bio: On the day of her 13th birthday, she wandered off and left the mansion grounds (with the intention of coming back in time for her party of course) to roam freely without any bodyguards tailing her. The Doctor saw her sneaking past the guards of the mansion's gates, he followed her and observed her from the distance. She caught the attention of the doctor with her doll like face, the Doctor couldn't resist not to perform his sadistic tests on such a beautiful fragile thing so as she was on her way back to the mansion, he grabbed her and took her.

The Doctor was even more enticed by her when she would scream in pain, it was music to his ears yet no matter how much pain he inflicts on her, she remained still and perfect in his eyes.

When the Doctor died, Cossette made her way back to their mansion and killed everyone,leaving the servants alive and she now resides peacefully there. She enjoys being an immortal and would love to find an immortal partner that would understand her.

Character Theme song(Yes this is necessary): Missing - Evanescence



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The people who have been accepted are... @Taqhart , @Ghostly Banjo , @Icarus , @WhimsicalWriter

@chiefmagistrate and @LyraDark Once you edit your characters you will be accepted.

Okay, it seems that some of you are a little confused of what meaning of immortality I mean. Your characters can feel pain, so say if someone stabs them in the chest it will hurt just as badly, as when a regular person gets stabs in the chest. Also, they do not heal super fast. They might heal faster than the natural time that it takes a human being to heal, but it will take it's time.

Ex: Finger cut takes about 3 days to heal, for them it will probably only take a day an a half. Depending on how deep it is.

Another Ex: Shot in the leg, an injury like that takes around a amount of months to heal. To our character it will probably only take one or two.

They can also get sick, but it is harder for them to obtian illness. Anyway just wanted to make sure you guy know this. Oh they also may be very strong, for all we know Dr.Grant could have done something to your muscles.
I don't know what to put as test then... I've edit it... I don't know if it's alright.
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[QUOTE="Lovable Dark-side]The people who have been accepted are... @Taqhart , @Ghostly Banjo , @Icarus , @WhimsicalWriter
@chiefmagistrate and @LyraDark Once you edit your characters you will be accepted.

Okay, it seems that some of you are a little confused of what meaning of immortality I mean. Your characters can feel pain, so say if someone stabs them in the chest it will hurt just as badly, as when a regular person gets stabs in the chest. Also, they do not heal super fast. They might heal faster than the natural time that it takes a human being to heal, but it will take it's time.

Ex: Finger cut takes about 3 days to heal, for them it will probably only take a day an a half. Depending on how deep it is.

Another Ex: Shot in the leg, an injury like that takes around a amount of months to heal. To our character it will probably only take one or two.

They can also get sick, but it is harder for them to obtian illness. Anyway just wanted to make sure you guy know this. Oh they also may be very strong, for all we know Dr.Grant could have done something to your muscles.

oh okay i get it, will edit her in a bit 

chiefmagistrate said:
oh okay i get it, will edit her in a bit
Egypt! I hope it isn't too late to join!


Basically he looks like Bran from Game of Thrones.

Name: Charles "Charlie" Glenn

Gender: Male

Physical age: 13

Your Test: Restrained and weak, Charlie was shot multiple times in the heart and left for one week. The doctor found him lying in a pool of his own blood, unconscious and going through severe seizures. Miraculously, his heart was still beating.

Current living quarters: Charlie is a bit of an opportunist; he breaks into houses and stays for the night, stealing all the food he requires for the next day.

Skills: Athletic and sneaky, Charlie is a master thief. He's very observant and is able to keep a cool head in a tough situation; in terms of "street smarts", Charlie is an expert.

Personality: Charlie is unapologetically resourceful. He doesn't consider himself a good guy; Charlie is honest, flexible, and self-possessed -- about his villainy. Despite being shamelessly low-class, Charlie is a very intelligent guy with a knack for self-preservation. He lacks ambition to rise up in life and is resentful of the "system"; he has a respect for the slimiest of society because of their ability to exploit it. Charlie thinks of his immortality as something he is forced to deal with. Like everything else, Charlie is able to take it in stride and mold his life around his invincibility. He lives from one day to the other, not thinking about the future and maintaining a deep dislike of the upper-class and anyone associated with the doctor.

Short Bio: Born to a poor single mother, Charlie was orphaned at the age of five when his mother died of tuberculosis. The situation left young Charlie out in the streets; he became a beggar and was grateful for any scrap that was thrown at him. After a time, though, Charlie developed a hatred of those richer than him and began to steal instead of plead; Dr. Grant found him one evening when he was attempting to break into a house. Charlie fought with Dr. Grant, but the 13 year old was no match for the doctor, and soon enough, he was experimented on and forced to adjust to his situation.

As soon as he was able to walk, Charlie managed to sneak away from Dr. Grant; he spent several weeks out in the streets before he heard of Dr. Grant's death. The occasion gave Charlie his confidence back, and soon enough, he went back to his former ways. An eternal marauder, Charlie easily makes friends with others and easily leaves them; he spends his days thieving and making due with what he has, maintaining no ties with anything but the ground beneath his feet and the shadows he so frequently slips into.

Character Theme song: The Thief by Radiohead
@Lovable Dark-side

Ah, well, for my character, I didn't mean to make Edith 100% okay with what she's been dealt with, but to rather be resourceful with her opportunities. Throughout the story I'll be working with her into making a "cure" for the children's immortality.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Soulicy.jpg.813b35a5f1a0f4deae1d3e15206255e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15075" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Soulicy.jpg.813b35a5f1a0f4deae1d3e15206255e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Ambrose Crian

Gender: Female

Physical age: 14 1/2

Your Test: She brutally dismembered, her body parts laid upon 3 different surgical tables for 2 days. After it was proven that she was immortal, she was sewn back together. But was paralyzed for about a year.

Current living Quarters: Her stable home is actually not in England, but is located somewhere in the hills of Ireland. Though she is currently staying in a random motel in Blackpool, England called “Andiria”

Skills: She is small, fast, and able to handle a knife or sword like it is part of her. She dislikes guns though.

Personality: Ambrose is well...the nice way to put it mentally unstable. She lives in a kind of world in her head, still attempting to adjust to the fact of her everlasting life, and that it will never end. She often forgets faces, and people, so she has taken to writing stuff down. In truth she is always scared that she is hallucinating that this is all really happening, and she will wake up on that table with Doctor Grant tearing her apart, making her paranoid of people she hasn’t known a long time.

She hates her immortality more than anything, and has attempted to end her life several times, yet nothing seemed work. She is prone to nightmares also, and blends reality and fantasy together. Like I said she is unstable and will attack you if she even thinks you are doing something wrong. But then there is here lucid side, she isn’t always a jumbled mess attacking people, and shouting nonsense. In fact when she seems to struggle fighting this insanity, and is for some time sane. Her sane side is still quiet random, but it is better. Even though she does think like a hard headed 14 year old child.

Short Bio: Ambrose was a foreign immigrant, her parents moved from Russia when she was only ten years old, moving too London, England out of lust for money, and a new life away from their poverty. Her father was a cobbler working into the late hours of the night, making shoes for those who could pay his price, and her mother was a seamstress who slowly became known for her gowns. You could say Ambrose was a happy child for most of her 2 years in London. That is until Doctor Grant came and stole her when she was twelve years old, her and her younger brother Lucis.

She was dragged away, kicking, screaming. No one seeming to hear her pleads, as Grant carried her off, her little brother also struggling, against their attacker. Yet, sadly nothing they did worked and both children were taken away. Lucis died shortly, after Dr.Grant got the idea in his head that maybe there was some type of kill switch in the back of the brain, going off when you are a certain age, meaning well. Lucis died like many children, on the operating table. His skull broken, and his screams echoing the halls.

Character Theme Song: The reason your evil by Idk I forgot. 
My Characte is up guts. 30 minutes before we start!



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Egypt . Just a heads up I know that the bio might be stupid but my brain is hurting for thinking to much.But if anything is not good just say so

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.13bdbe8bdbf48b1977c41e41650d3a52.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15076" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.13bdbe8bdbf48b1977c41e41650d3a52.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Seaghdh Neal Douglas


Physical age(5-15):15

Your Test (The test to prove your immortal, each one is different):He was hanged on a tree on top of a 40 foot high cliff. He was hanged upside down and they tied up a thirty pound stone on his throat and they left him there for two days. When they came back to see him well you know the end result. But instead you know letting him go and move on they cut the rope to his legs and left him to fall the forty feet. His body was left at the bottom of the cliff. He was still alive but it took him three months for his head to heal, another year for him to breath again, and during that year he also healed from his paralysis

Current living quarters(Where your staying):Seaghdh owns a house in Scotland but he's over in England in one of his long time friends house.

Skills:He's good at manipulating people that took years of practice. He's also stronger then most people. But he doesn't depend just on his strength also knows how to make poisons. That also toke years of trial and error.

Personality(be creative):Seaghdh is very depressed about his immortality. Over the century he tried to commit suicide about twenty times. That includes jumping off a plane at thirty thousand feet. Cutting his own head off. Putting himself in a bath tub full of flesh eating acid, jumping in to garbage truck and getting crushed , he ate a life grenade, and that's just first few attempts.

Short Bio:Seaghdh was the oldest son of a rich Scottish farmer. They went on a vacation to England when he was fifth-teen. On the first night of the trip him and his brother was kidnapped. There father was also murdered. While he's being kidnapped he was drugged and lost consciousness. When he awoke again he saw his brother being tested on and he was dying. He then saw him died when he got tested then he fell into unconsciousness. When he woke up again he was being hanged by what looks like a doctor. He thought he was going to die also but he didn't died. So after the situation of being hanged he felt like better that he now has the powers of Immortality. But he felt like he was falling.

Years had gone by and he lost his love immortality. He tried to commit suicide about twenty times. He's seen so much in one-hundred years. And Seaghdh has recently heard news about the experiment. So of course he'll go to England to find out.

Character Theme song(Yes this is necessary):Even though he's depressed he likes all kinds of music. That's besides the point it's escape from the city from Sonic adventure 2.



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I'm sorry everybody, I don't think I'll be able to join up with you. I just got super busy with finals coming up, and some of my older RP's have flared up again.

I will be reading though!

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