Never Dying [Inactive]

Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?
Lovable Dark-side submitted a new role play:

Never Dying - The curse is living. They have been that way for too long.

Always living

It all started with a want, a yearning, a stupid lusting for something humans were never meant to obtain. It was something that seemed so perfect, and as in human nature we wanted anything that was just out of our grasp. Even though most knew that if we did ever obtain this golden prospect that so many would have bent over backwards for since the dawn of time. Well, we would regret this gift as we called it, and it...
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Ambrose laughs haughtily to herself, ignoring the odd looks that the people around her are giving her. Concerned, confused, and distrustful eyes watching, quiet whispers all talking about the young girl in the shredded heather grey hoodie, her dark brown, knotted and matted, a complete mess, and body seeming to cover in dirt, caked and cracked on her skinny legs where she has recently tumbled down a hill. She couldn't really blame them for staring, and being worried. She has been standing in the middle of a very crowded restaurant for the last twenty minutes, just laughing as if she had nothing better to do, or maybe she was cackling it doesn't really matter.

Finally after another few stretched out minutes the manager of the restaurant comes and grabs onto Ambrose's shoulder, a stern look upon his face. He was a pudgy man with greasy, thin, black hair, that looks as if it was in a desperate need of a wash. You couldn't say he was quiet fat either, but his black suit didn't fit him rather snugly," Madame," He hisses in disgust, his thick fingers, which were just as greasy as his hair gripping tighter," This is a civil place, so I am going to have to ask you to leave this establishment," He tells her in low voice already attempting to push her out of the building, his grip was actually starting to cause her shoulder to hurt," Sir, if you don't mind you are hurting me," Ambrose says, quickly spinning around, throwing the overly greased manager off balance, causing him to topple, and kicks him in his snugly placed gut. She stands over him, smiling with a spark of insanity, gleaming like a dying ember. But before doing anything else, runs out of teh building, a screech escaping from her lungs, as a car swerves out of the way to stop from hitting her,"Well, that's interesting."

The was a classic, something only a rich snob would drive, sleek black with white wall tires that seemed out of place. She slowly pictures her over to it, and starts at the front windows," Did I do that?'She asks herself, the girl tilting her head slightly to the right, and moving her fingers through her hair.
Thomas looked up from his seat in the alley, his eyes fixing on the scene unfolding in front of him. "What the...?" He watched with faint interest, unsure if he should go and make sure the driver was alright. He shifted his focus on the girl, wondering who she was and why she acted so differently. He fixed his ragged shirt, dusting his jeans as he had something better to do than watch.
Alice, or Allie as she now called herself, yawned widely as she woke up in an old warehouse. She stretched luxuriously before glancing at the boarded up windows, noting the bright sunlight shining through the cracks. In the distance she could hear the sound of revving machinery and hammering; the sound of construction work. She smiled.

"I haven't been to one of those in a while. A run through sounds like a great way to start the morning." she stated to herself. Just the thought of it, the danger and the rules that would be broken, sent pleasant tingles of anticipation down her spine. Without any further ado, she smoothed out her clothes, checked to make sure that her knife was on her belt and in tip top shape, and then slung on her small bag. As she walked out of the abandoned building, she remembered with some regret that she couldn't just move to a different place tonight like she usually did; she had to wait for a flight that would take her to America. It was the next country on her list to visit.

Allie headed toward the construction zone and stopped in front of it to look around. Only a few men were working, a couple using the crane to move large planks of wood and a bulldozer, while a few others supervised and barked orders. She smirked and broke out into a sprint right into the zone. This was the perfect setup.

With a reckless leap, she jumped from a large crate and onto the moving bulldozer. The man inside hadn't seen and didn't hear the thud of her landing on the hood, and so kept going. She waited a few seconds for him to get just a little closer before jumping onto the skeleton of a new building. She grabbed onto the corner post and glanced up. There was another level above her that was still just posts, no flooring or walls.

Almost like a monkey she scrambled up the metal, using small notches that she could barely set her weight on. When she was almost to the top her foot slipped and nearly sent her falling down the two stories, one hand all that was keeping her up. Instead of panicking, she grinned before moving and regaining her grip. Adrenaline was singing in her veins, and she loved it.

Once she made it up she carefully made her way across a one foot plank, keeping her arms out to the sides to keep her balance. Allie faintly heard the both bewildered and angry shouts from down below by the men that had noticed her. Ignoring them, she reached the end, bounded off the building, and landed on crane's arm. She slid down as it swung to move a plank and stood on the middle of the wood, precariously holding onto the rope it dangled from.

The worker inside quickly shut it off in surprise at seeing a fourteen year old jump on, causing the crane to stop abruptly and sending the plank swinging. Allie held on and waited for just the right moment before diving off and hitting on a large stack of wood running. She jumped off yet again and touched the ground in a roll. Dust gathered on her clothes as she rolled to her feet and glanced black at the chaos she had caused. The men had stopped their production and were still yelling at her. Tch, she found it more funny than annoying. They should be happy that she interrupted the monotony of their everyday lives.

With that, she left the construction zone and headed down the street. She brushed off her clothes--she would need to sneak into someone's house to take a shower sometime, but right now she wanted to walk off the last of her adrenaline rush--and noticed a slightly painful twinge on her knee. Allie looked down to observe it and saw the beginnings of a bruise beginning to form. In the heat of the moment, she must not have noticed hitting her knee on something just a little too hard. She shrugged it off. It would be gone within a few days, and it wasn't like it would impair her.

Her body was pleasantly warm from the exertion. That was exactly the thrill she had needed and she felt sated, at least for now.

The sound of screeching tires from around the corner caught her attention. It wasn't an unusual sound, but it was enough to garner her curiosity. She continued down and around to see what it might be.
Seaghdh woke up in a unfamiliar location. He also felt a huge headache. "Uh yeah it'll probably feel better after a shower. He looked around to see his surroundings. It looked like a bedroom. He also saw a kitchen, a door to a bathroom. He was starting to remember everything now. He could tell that the curtains were closed. "Well who's ever apartment this is they know best about recovering from a hangover. He had about five drinks to many last night. He looked around and he found a woman sleeping with him. She had a dark tan, dark brown hair, she was average built, all the characteristics he wanted in a woman. "Oh yeah I remember now." He started chuckling to himself. He remembered that he went out last night and party pretty hard. He got up slowly and got his closes together then went to take a shower.

By the time he finished the woman woke up. She got up. "So your going now?" Seaghdh poked his head out of the door. "Uh yeah. But do you want to meet again sometime?" The woman giggled a little. "Sure same place as last night tomorrow night." Seaghdh pulled out his phone and looked at his schedule. "Yeah tomorrow sounds." He gave her a kiss on her cheek and left the apartment. When he was in the hall he headed to the roof. Once he got up there he looked around to see what was going on around the building. "Uh not much going and it's only about ten a.m." He then heard a tires screeching from about forty away. He looked into the direction of the screeching tires. He smirked." There we go some action." He started to run towards the sound. He jumped over the rooftops. And jumped over some of the things on the roofs. Including generators, tables, and of course the alleyways between the buildings. He done this with little effort of course.

He landed onto the a building that was the same as the tires. What he saw wasn't what he expected. He saw a woman in front of a car. He could tell instantly that the woman was a stick out but he couldn't tell how. "What the hell?" So he jumped down. When he landed he felt that his knees started to feel sore. He moved his legs for a few second. "It might take a few days, oh well." He walked towards the mysterious woman. He gently put his hand her shoulder. "Excuse me but are you alright mam?"
(Just so everyone knows, since I am the Almighty master of the rp. My character has seen or meet all of you)

Ambrose feels the hand lightly touch the skin of her shoulder, where only a few minutes ago a greasy restaurant manager had done the same, flinching she turns around, hooking her foot around the poor boys ankle, tripping him," Don't touch me," She growls in a low tone, coming from the back of her throat. Her nose crinkles and she looks down at the boy, calming down. He seemed familiar, like she might have known him somehow," Oh." She whispers, dark eyebrows knitting together," I know you...I think"

The skinny girl backs up, so the boy with red hair can stand, backing into one of silver silver hair, or maybe it was just very light blond," Hey," She says, twisting her neck to see who she had ran into, his face also seemed familiar like a faded memory that was slowly coming back to her, just at the back of her head dancing around, flitting out of sight right when she was getting a good look at it. Her head starts to ache slightly and she sits down," Ugh what the frick is this." She mutters to herself, putting her hand under her hoodie, hands clasping around a journal.

It was a small leather booklet, worn and faded with age, no thicker than the width of a small chapter book. The pages were the color of dying yellow leafs, and there seemed to been scribbled drawings all over the cover in dark black ink, some forming words. Others just random lines thrown together, making strange shapes, or random squiggles.

Ambrose opened the book, that seemed no thicker than the width of three fingers. She reaches into her pocket, and takes out a pen, flipping through the pages until she finds the on she is looking for, it is a page covered with drawings of children, two of theme looking almost exactly like Seaghdh and Thomas. 
(@WhimsicalWriter @Ghostly Banjo @Robin man)
Allie looked around. No one seemed hurt and the car that had swerved was well out of sight by now. However, a girl seemed to be acting rather strange, even tripping one of the boys that had been talking to her. "Hey, you all alright?" she asked, walking up to the scene. She glanced at the others curiously.
Seaghdh didn't expected the woman to trip him. He heard the woman's request. "Uh sorry I was wondering if." His mind interrupted him. Some foggy memories started to flow back to him. He remembered back to that night. He remembered other children there. He then tilted his head down growling for his headache getting worse. He looked at her again. He heard what the woman said to him. Seaghdh got up. "I think I know you from somewhere also. He heard another persons voice. He looked at the direction and saw another woman. "Uh yeah. Wait have I seen from somewhere?"
Allie paused, looking at him. Now that he mentioned it, he did seem kind of...familiar, as did the others. It was a very vague feeling, as if it must have happened many, many years ago. But that couldn't be right...could it?

"...maybe. I think I might have met you before, somewhere." she responded. She glanced at the other girl, who was holding a book. "What's that?" she asked, trying to peek over to look inside.
Ambrose frowns at the new girl, Allie, peeking over her shoulder and points to a sketch that strangely looks like Allie herself," You?" She says in a almost primal voice, quirking an eyebrow," Doctor Grant." Were the next words to exit her mouth, a cold silence then floating in the air, she hands the journal to Alli, so she made read it and stands up, stretching hers arms high above her head. Memories started flooding her main, that dull ach becoming sharper. The image of a man looming over, holding what seemed to be an old saw in one hand.
Alexander scratched his head lazily, yawning quietly. He somewhat remembered the whole lot, most of his memory hazy. "Well..." He stretched. "I know that name, for sure." He stuck his hand towards Ambrose, looking tired. "Alexander."
Seaghdhs eyes widened when he heard the name Dr.Grant. He walked up to the two girls and looked into the journal. He looked at the picture. "Yeah I remember that now. That night." He backed up a few feet to clear his head. Then more memories started to come back to his head. "Oh my god."
Allie glanced at the book, noting that everyone there was in the drawing. She suddenly froze at the name that the girl spoke. Doctor...Grant...? Almost like a dam breaking, unhappy memories flooded her mind. She swiftly shook her head and nearly dropped the book in her haste to make those memories go away, the ones where she was still the quiet, submissive, suffering Alice...

She determinedly shut the book with a thud after the boy looked inside. Forcing herself to regain composure, she looked back at the others. "...I'm leaving." she decided, handing the book back to the girl. Allie started to turn around, not wanting anything more to do with her past.
Cossette felt like going out of her mansion since everything was getting dull for her. She was done with her business transactions, last minute meetings and whatnot and a drive around town seemed nice for her. She may be living in the modern era yet she still prefers to dress the way she used to in the medieval era though she has tweaked her wardrobe into something modern. People would often think that her looks are 'lolli inspired' or a cosplay but she just really loves dresses.

She pushed her red velvet chair as she stood up, the maid bowed knowing what her command was without even uttering a word. She walked out of her library and into the front door. She stared at the old oak doors that was slowly being opened by two of her other maids. She stepped out and breathed in the fresh air, the smell of old books and wood was too much for her already. Her black mercedes benz pulled out in front of her, a servant opened the door for her as she went into the car.

The driver drove off, into the town. He was new since her old driver had to leave because his wife was sick so Cossette had no choice but to look for a substitute. The driver was scared of her, he even thought she was a vampire or a witch. There was silence between them, Cossette does not interact with her servants unless she is giving them an order. She wants to maintain the boundary between a master and a servant but there are times when she reaches out to her servants due to loneliness. The driver would look at Cossette in the rear view mirror, Cossette did not mind at first but the moment the driver took another look, Cossette stared back at him. The driver was shocked and did not notice he was about to hit a person, he immediately swerved the car and hit the brakes. Cossette said nothing but she was glaring at him, the driver kept on apologizing. Cossette shook her head and went out of the car, the driver was already dead. She was about to ask the woman who almost got hit if she was alright but saw that they were many people already crowding her, they seemed familiar to her, all of them, but could not figure out as to why.
Edith had slipped out of her apartment as quietly as possible in the early morning, fearing a scolding from Mrs. Dewitt- the landlady. Before the girl had simply known her as Henrietta, the once youth filled building owner having grown up with Edith until finally surpassing the girl's age soon after. Then obviously, as the ages had shifted, Henrietta had grown uncomfortable at the slightest form of friendship, preferring to treat Edith as another child. It didn't matter to her eventually as a free room and board had been associated with their hesitant relationship. If Mrs. Dewitt had decided to treat her as a granddaughter, at least the girl would be offered benefits in the process.

In any case, her mind drifted back toward the task at hand, fingers curling tightly as she went out. It was unsafe for children to go out alone, and though Edith had been through rougher times than most, it wouldn't excuse her from the discrimination. Obviously, her physical being would always be put under the scrutiny of the slimiest of foes. Once outside the building, she immediately went about her business, tinkering with the idea of another project. This one, she was sure, would work. Involving plenty of strange gizmos and ingredients, Edith's pocket would indubitably need some filling. Not many people hired children any more, she thought a bit forlorn, curious as to how she would create her newest experiment in the search for a cure. Spinning on her heel as a large screech overtook her eardrums, Edith turned a corner of the small alley that she'd escaped from originally, watching a group form near a distinct imprint of veered tires. Recognition bled into her memory, the faces and distant mumblings of the few across the street incredibly familiar. The voices were what stood out the most, remembering each individual's scream as though it were only yesterday's haunting that would never go away. Edith had unfortunately been one of the last few out, having been the Doctor's assistant once showing the slightest hint of interest- originally wishing to bring herself back into the clutches of mortality.

Everything all appeared to occur in a fuzz- as if all her years of toil had ended toward this one meeting. It was her chance, she thought economically. If this group was sill alive and kicking, they'd surely be bored of the lackluster life they'd lead. Right? Crossing the street eagerly, Edith slipped passed cars and almost got hit herself one too many times.

"It's really you...," she told all, slightly out of breath, athletics obviously not one of her main skill-sets. But, it didn't matter now in any case. What mattered was the fact that all these children were here with her, and that finally, she was close to a cure to the horrible disease that had plagued them all for far too long.

[Ah, I apologize for making this pretty choppy, but I just wanted to put my character in the scene as quickly as possible. Also, as for Eudora, she's still very interested in the roleplay, however certain circumstances have made it difficult to post at the moment. She will eventually though!]
"Agh!" Charlie releases a high-pitched squeak as he feels something land on him. A particularly heavy grey cat sprawls across his chest, seeming to give him a cruel, almost human-like smirk before curling up against him. Charlie tastes fur in his mouth. He spits it out disgustedly and immediately stands up, pushing the cat away from him with a discontented frown.

His next few actions are a monotone blur: a swift dash to the refrigerator is coupled with the theft of two poorly-made cheese sandwiches, a run up the stairs, and a quick shower. As he is about to leave, Charlie hears two alarmed voices in a heated discussion; he grins and slips out the door.

Charlie chews on the first of his sandwiches while wandering aimlessly up the street. The bread is soggy, and the cheese has a consistency that vaguely reminds Charlie of rubber. He spots a pizzeria across the street and is considering the menu options when he sees an expensive car swerve off the side of the road. Startled, Charlie looks around the area for what caused the sudden accident, and he sees a girl standing alone in the middle of the street. Within seconds, a crowd gathers around her, and Charlie steps into the shadows of the building behind him to silently watch the scene.

The girl takes out a weathered book from within her hoodie; Charlie feels a quiet murmur rise within the crowd. He squints and tries to make out the contents of the book.

It is filled with pictures.

Pictures of children, some of whom look distinctly familiar. Charlie rubs his head with his left hand, trying to soothe his oncoming headache. It seems as if more children appear every moment, and soon enough, he hears a familiar name being called out. Doctor Grant.

His head is pounding faster now, blood flooding his brain as he slides down the wall of the building he is hiding behind. Charlie allows himself two seconds to calm down. He wants to scream, to cry out, but no words will come.

Within seconds, his resolve is back; he stands up and runs to the crowd of children. All of them make their own shocked exclamations: "It's really you," he hears one girl say, right after another girl makes to leave. Charlie rubs his temples again, though his headache is gone. He only recognizes a few of them. Charlie was one of the first to be experimented on by Doctor Grant, and he was one of the first to leave; he tries to suppress the unwanted memories from coming back. Rationally, he thinks he should leave like the girl who did several moments previously. Rationally, of course, he thinks that nothing good can come of this meeting, one hundred years after their initial creation.

Because Charlie is not rational, he stays and announces his presence with a smile. "So you're all Doctor Grant's kids, right?" he says, his voice dripping with a joking irony. "I'm Charlie."

(I apologize for posting so late. >> Thanks for telling the others, Icarus.)
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Allie took a few steps away from the group and then paused, gritting her teeth. Awful memories were pushing at the surface of her mind, spurred on by the faces of the other children. She thought she had let the past go completely, but apparently now it was deciding to catch up to her.

She hesitated. She could still leave and go about her life like always, seeking adventure and excitement. And yet, there was a little nagging voice in the back of her mind insisting that she stayed. After all, something interesting was bound to happen if they were all together again. However, the main reason was much simpler; closure. She couldn't quite understand why, but that need overrode everything else, even her hatred for her memories.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." she muttered to herself before turning back around. Stopping near the edge of the group she spoke, "And I'm Allie." not Alice, she added in her head, not anymore.
Cossette heard someone utter the name of Doctor Grant and memories flooded back into her head. She wasn't shocked nor did was she distraught like the rest who just realized that they were the other children experimented on by Doctor Grant. She looked at everyone and recognized each and every one of them.

She leaned back on the hood of her car with her arms crossed in front of her chest "Cossette" she said confidently. She was proud of being an immortal, she loved being an immortal. The only thing she somewhat regrets about being an immortal is the loneliness she is feeling from time to time.

There must be a reason for them to meet, at this moment and at this place. Could it be Doctor Grant is alive? Or does he have a descendant they didn't know about and have somewhat led them there.
Ambrose looks at the crowd, a sudden clarity coming to her. Then disappearing only a second later, like a light switch being flipped by a young child who couldn't seem to understand how it worked. You could see it in her eyes, the way it just kind of flickered, a candle flame being blown in the breeze."So, you're all doctor Grant's kids right," She turns to the maker of the voice, as he introduce himself.

"I'm Ambrose, and in the morning I won't remember anyone of you, or maybe sooner it just depends." She says with a chuckle in her voice, clasping her hands behind her back, a turns to the others," So, are we just going to stand here or shall we go to maybe place real quick." Ambrose asks and starts walking without even waiting to see if anyone is following. Her short legs move her quiet swiftly over the pavement of the road, so by the time she actually stopped she was several feet ahead of all of them.

"You coming or what," She calls back towards them. Ambrose wanted to get back to her room quickly, but she didn't really want to go without the group. There was an eerie feeling she didn't know if it was the memories that were making her feel this way, or maybe it was her gut trying to tell her something, so she stands there waiting impatiently for them, stamping her foot lightly.
Seaghdh stepped back from the little book, and with the mentioned name Dr.Grant now even more memories started to flow through his head. "Holy shit. Dr.Grant that name I know I heard from somewhere before I just know it." He started to snap his finger thinking. He got lost in his thoughts. He was snapped back into reality when one of the girls said her name was Allie. He turned back to see her. "Well my name Seaghdh Neal Douglas. Nice to meet all of you people." During that introduction he didn't Ambrose already heading in the other direction. He looked around to see the others. "Well Allie and others I think we should go with Ambrose." He turned to catch up to Ambrose. He caught up in a few strides. When he caught he pulled out his hand. "Greetings Ambrose my name Seaghdh pleasure to meet you. Um where are we going?"
Straightening her back and breathing in a small puff of murky English air, Edith turned a head, curiosity looming over her. It was too strange of an occurrence to suddenly be pulled together by fate alone. She stood there eyeing the scene and standing on the tire marks that had recently blossomed over the well-worn streets of central London.

"Is no one going to question why we all met up so instantaneously? There has to be something wrong here," Edith added, her gaze skimming through the faces of a long-forgotten past. Her accent was a bit better than those of the lower middle-class, and listening to the comments of the others around the girl, she could only pause, hearing the sounds of true strife interlaced within the trapped souls.

Like me, she thought a little too joyfully before watching a girl stomp her foot eagerly, ready to leave at any moment. This one seemed too impatient to get to an unknown task. However, though selfish as it was, Edith had her own plans up a sleeve. "We don't need to go anywhere anyway, my flat is just right by here," she announced, pointing nonchalantly at a dimly lit alleyway.

"It looks worse than it actually is, but at least we'll be indoors. Then we can figure out what to make of the situation. I have something that I should share with you all anyway, and right in the middle of a city doesn't seem like the best place to entertain this family reunion," Edith smiled, eagerly wanting to enter the confines of her relatively safe abode. She wished to tell them all of her discovery as the girl had been so close with only a few key elements away from a future of true rest.

"I'm Edith by the way," she said briskly, attempting to have them all forget about the sort of character that the girl had been in a past life. There was a method to her madness, and she feared that the few that gathered near would only know her as the Doctor's assistant. The girl hadn't been able to face that subject for a long time, her past always emerging in the tight grasp of hellish nightmares. She had been resentful for a long time with guilt being pumped into every vain in her body, perpetually wanting to die with every moment. But it had been the only way to learn of the true knowledge that Edith now had at her fingertips. She needed these people to finally be free of the curse that had been riddled within every fiber of their beings.
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Ambrose knits her eyebrows together, her small foot still stomping the ground as she stands there, ignoring Seaghdh's in her eyes, overly friendly introduction and observes Edith, her dark eyes looking at every twitch in here muscle, but she refused to meet the woman's eyes," I need to go home real quick." She mutters, pressing her thumbnail into her palm so hard that it takes off a small lair of her pale skin.

She wasn't trying to be rude, but she needed her journals before the memories left her mind, and these days it seemed like those were fading faster every day. Plus she truly didn't like Edith, something about her just made her senses go off," I'll be back." She says, then briskly rotates herself away from Edith," I'll be back real soon." She calls and starts running down the street, the sounds of her feet hitting the pavement echoing. She had only brought that singular journal, because she wasn't expecting anything big. Plus that was just for faces and she already had everyone's. No one has changed one bit. Like always, they weren't changing.

Ambrose slows her pace as the peer comes into view the gray ocean, washing up on the dark shore. The air was filled with the smells of dead fish and salt, the sounds of birds squawking. It would be nausating for those who weren't use to it, but t her it was home...
Allie watched as Ambrose ran off, apparently back home, but had said she would be back. She turned back to the others and glancing over their faces. Yes, unfortunately she did have a vague memory of having seen them before, even speaking with them before. But that didn't matter anymore.

"You all can go ahead if you want. I can stay here and wait for Ambrose." she stated. To be honest she just wanted a little more time to adjust to the new situation and figure out what she was going to do.
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