Netherworld's newest addition [Humor x LynxAmelia] [Inactive]


I will kill you ^.^
LynxAmelia submitted a new role play:

Netherworld's newest addition [Humor x LynxAmelia] - Politics, power play and love... No one escapse from them

The Netherworld is a corrupt world ruled by the powerful who subjugate the weaker. The trail of pure bloods is beginning to dwindle as more and more half breeds dilute the once proud heritage. The inner cloister now enacts an embargo on cross gender serfs/ghouls. To prevent the destruction and further watering down their powers. The son of a Viscount shows promise with his leadership and prowess among the other vampires in an arranged marriage to one of the heads daughters one of the last pure...
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The pair of footsteps stopped in unison as a low hiss reverberated off the floor. The small speckles of rock and dirt began to ascend into the sky as the air itself turned heavy around it. The rocks froze as they free floated from the basin floor and the once low his became a vacuums howl. The hideous noise cut through the air in a shockwave and just as quickly as it was born it vanish. The once empty area of space with only road and walk way held now a purple pillar of swirling smoke and void. This was a portal to the netherworld a way of traveling from the human world and the realm of the night.

The man with orange hair swiveled his head side to side looking around the alleyway for anyone who might be watching. The young girl draped over his shoulder unconsciously being carried to a land she did not know existed. This moment would forever change her life from normal, there was no going back. The ghoul must follow his masters orders even if it was breaking one of the most sacred rules... the rule of purity. The Lord with dark hair stepped from the shadows and into the portal followed by the orange haired man. The portal collapsed as their flesh and cloth was swallowed whole by the hissing void.

With a heavy click and snap of the earth the once blue sky of earth was replaced with that of a red maroon. Black clouds painting the horizon line as the very air itself seemed to be harder to breath. This was home for the two men and now the girl.

"Set her down here. We shall wait for her to wake." The Black haired man spoke eloquently with a slit pentameter that seemed that of a rhythmic.

"Aight." With a flick of his shoulder the orange man threw her onto the floor as the unconscious husk of the female slammed against the earth.

The Lord with black hairs eyes opened up in aw and amazement when he watched the girl fall from his companions shoulder and onto the floor. Giving a slight cringe at the loud noise he bit his lip.



"Why did you drop her?"

"... You told me to."

"Set her down is what i said... Not drop her like an ugly baby."

"Next time specify. Look it already happened theres nothing we can do about it now... Besides she is out cold, its not like she felt it or will remember it."

The man with black hair messaged the crown of his nose letting out a long sigh.

"So Vy. When do you think she will wake up?"

"Hopefully soon."

"Yeah... for the stories sake."

The girl who once laid motionless on the floor began to move and stir from her once deep sleep.

Gene knelt next to her body looking down at her his elbows resting on both his knees holding his face in his hands.

"Oiy... You okay?... heeeellloooooooooo?"
Hayley heard a far away voice beckoning her to wake up. It was soon drowned out by a loud throbbing headache intense enough to shatter her skull. Almost as though she had been struck by a fire rod. With a wince, she curled up on her side and put her hands over her eyes to ease their opening after a long rest. Her first thought after a small peek was that there was too much red around. Too much for her to stand. Slowly she moved her hands off her eyes and attempted sitting up, blinking a few times before looking to a red head before her, "Too much red. Way too much red."

In the meantime, a silver haired female drummed away at her desk with her long lanky fingers. "I am not interested in listening to your excuses," came a smooth, yet harsh voice, "Where the hell is he? He's been missing for a week. We have plans, wedding plans, and you have lost them." The voice had nearly changed into a growl by the end of it, "Find them. Or find yourselves dead." The grunts before her nodded quickly and nearly disappearing in a moments notice. The woman, officially known as Raven, stood up from her chair and walked to a nearby window. Where could he be?
"Too much red?" Gene's head swiveled back to look at Vyers face as the vampire lord stood there staring off in the distance not paying attention to his new hostage who had just awoke.

glancing back to the girl on the ground. Shifting hi body weight to his butt he fell with a light thwap from his crouched position and now down onto the ground.
"red?" Gene was still puzzled looking around the plateau on which they arrived which overlooked the main city of the netherworld. This plateau is one of the largest landmarks in the region overlooking the Dark forest and the City Balthair. The large stone Gothic spires sprouted into the sky the sharp tipped points piercing the red heavens.

A sudden light clicked in Genes head
"Oh... Red yeah... this is the Netherworld. It's a seperate zone from the earth that you are from its where all those things you grew up reading about like vampires, werewolves, demons, and ghouls. Well here they actually exist... unfortunately... We have taken you against your will and you can never go back." Gene smiled looking at the young girls face. "You're Lord Vyers new slave. Don't worry he hasn't bitten you yet to make you a ghoul like me." With saying that Gene's hand slowly rose to the collar of his white shirt and pulled it down showing the bite marks to the girl. "So... technically you are the only human in the Netherworld... How cool is that!"

"Gene. Have I forgotten about anything important?"

"hmm?" Gene's head slowly moved to look at his master quizzically. His butt still firmly sitting on the rocky floor of the plateau.

"Not that I can remember. I bet it wasn't important anyways, if neither of us can remember."

"You are probably right..."

"... I sense extreme bloodlust."

"Rrrrrrrright...." Gene once again looked back at the girl in front of him.

"My names Gene by the way and thats Lord Vyers or Vy for short. He is the son of one of the most powerful and influential men in all of the Netherworld one of the last pure bloods. Other than that there is really nothing really of note."

"Any questions?"
Hayley looked between the two men. "Right.." she mused, backing up a little and attempting to stand up, "You two are really good cosplayers I'll give you that. But you seriously need to visit the loony bin. Maybe you'll find a couple of friends." Once she successfully stood up and pulled leaves out of her hair before dusting off her skirt, "I'm gonna go home now. You two have a great night of trick - or - treating."

Just as Hayley turned around, a tall woman, pale as a ghost stood before her. "Who are you?" the woman, also Vyers's fiance, asked in a gruff, almost a growling, voice. Then she looked up to Vyers and instantly her expression turned as sweet as poisoned honey, "Darling, where have you been? I have been so worried about you," she cooed, brushing the little girl aside and striding up to Vyers and linking her arm through his, "I've missed you terribly. Out hunting for dinner I see," she indicated to the girl with a small nod of her head, "You could've told me, we could've hunted a more filling creature than this puny thing is."

"Hey, who are you calling puny?!" Hayley squeaked, deeply offended by that comment.

"Shut up, you hunk of meat," Raven's harsh commanding voice, "You ought to be grateful to even be alive after I saw you so close to my Lord."

Hayley quietened almost instantly. "Take me home please," came her pitifully small voice, "I'm scared."

Raven merely tossed her head and turned towards Vyers, "When are we eating?" she asked, smiling wide enough to bare her extremely sharp fangs.
Vyers eyes flashed as a sudden gush of wind tickled the tips of his black hair. The tendril strands swept across his face as his eyes locked onto a target with hair white as snow and skin the color of milk. Vyers blinked once then twice as he soaked in the image of the being before him. Then the red orbs of his eyes slowly moved to give a piercing gaze towards his slave Gene.

Gene could feel as though there was a pair of eyes were burning into his very soul. Trying to find the culprit he spied Vyers giving him an angry glare. Like all men that have been around each other enough there exists a special bond between them friends or slave and master alike. This trait is only able to be found in men. its called Manlepathy. Entire conversations can be had without ever opening your mouth to be yelled out or scolded by any women in the room.

You idiot... You forgot about the wedding.

How was I supposed to know?! Its your wedding

You are useless.

Say Something to her!

No you!

She's not my future WIFE!


"Ah, Raven it is very good to see you. A tale to tell I have for you. For this young girl is Gene's sister. So you can not eat her."


"-You see he begged me for so many moons that he wishes to see his sister once again."

Vyers nose began to twitch a tell tale sign he was lying. Not wishing to give his purpose away for snatching the young female he had to make up a story.

"Y-yeah. My. Sister."

"The poor sod was quite pathetic and me being a noble and kind master took heed to his meaningless words."

"h-hey now..." Gene retracted slightly like those words were daggers stabbing at him with each insult of his importance.

With a quick movement Gene moved in front of the girl, to act as a buffer to the young countess and girl.

"You can't eat this one Milady... So if you would kindly piss off I have a reunion i'd like to get back to."

Gene's eyebrow started to twitch in annoyance not at the young countess Raven, but at what he just told her to do. He may be a man but he was still a ghoul, and probably what was about to happen was going to hurt... a lot.

Vyers eyes closed slowly shaking his head like a lazy pendulum back and forth soaking in the situation.
Though her eyes narrowed in suspicion, Raven retained her sweet demeanor with Vyers. "I see.." she said, "I do not understand the reason for you leaving though, Vyers. You could've just-" Her words were cut short by Gene's last words. Almost instantly, her golden eyes turned ice cold. Relinquishing her hold on Vyers's arm, she strode to the ghoul, "Do you realize whom you're talking to?" she said, her voice eerily silent in contained anger. On one hand, he was Vyers's ghoul, on the other, she still had to teach him a lesson. Before she could think any further, her hand landed a powerful smack against Gene's cheek, a bright red spreading rapidly over that half of his face. Then she proceeded to grab his jaw with the same hand, her long nails digging into his skin as she pulled the face close to hers, "Vermin ought to know their place," she muttered before vigorously throwing the head down in disgust.

Hayley, in the meantime, was lost in her own little world. At first, she was aghast at being called a stranger's sister. A stranger that called himself a vampire. She was grateful for the protection it offered her, but she did not want to be attached to any of those creatures. Taking the argument as a distraction, she began slinking away from the crowd. Once she was a few feet away from them, she broke out into a full out sprint. Run for your life, Hayley, because it does.
Gene held his face in his hands as the warm glowing pain took it over. The pain was there but also a certain pleasure that came with it. His finger tips gingerly danced across the marking of the hand that had once collided with his cheek. Gene could feel the divot and indent of the nails in on his jaw line. the flesh aflame in anguish.

"Shit... that hurt."

Gene finally exclaimed in protest as he stomped his foot against the rock. The loud sound seemed to unusually echo... Looking down at his foot then back up and then to his left and right... SHE WAS GONE! Gene spun quickly to see her taking off down from the plateau into the forest. Gene's head shot back to Vyers.

"Fetch." Vyers commanded

"Awww come on!" Gene cried out in annoyance crossing his arms over his chest.

"She's getting away. Now shoo." Vyers extended out his hand the back of it facing towards Gene lifting up slowly up and down as if brushing him off and shooing him away the motion mimicking what he had just said.

"DAMMIT!" Gene spun on his heel slammed his front foot on the ground and then sprang off from the rock running full sprint. His hands were stuck in the karate chop position as they cut through the air with each quick stride from his sprint after the young girl. Huffing like a humanoid train rushing down the tracks.

Gene was much taller than the girl and well... better dressed for a run. He could see the light peach tone of her skin with each bobble of her skirt flowing behind her revealing a little more skin each step Gene began to gain on her.

"STOP! WAIT! I'M GOING TO CATCH YOU ANYWAYS!" Gene's mouth exploded.

"Now then where were we?"

Vyers watched as his orange haired companion began to get farther and farther away.

"Ah that's right."

Vyers eyes that were once filled with life began to narrow and become that of an aristocratic vampire, cold, calculating, emotionless. Staring at his bride to be next to him.

"What is it you wish to speak to me about? I take it your wedding plans are going well. As I suspect you capable of handling them for you would not waste my time with meaningless questions on them. So is there another reason you are out here, other than to pester me?"

The cold expression never strayed from his face the only movement of his body was that of his mouth as the words spilled out in noble form.
Hayley ran and ran and ran some more. She ran even faster when she heard footfalls behind her and faster than that when she heard Gene call after her.

Boy, am I running fast...

Almost immediately, bad luck seemed to strike upon her as theatrically as things could get. Her foot struck upon a rather large rock and her momentum carried her forward, making her fall head first on the ground, her arms flailing quicker than she could cop, tuck and roll. But she did roll, rather painfully, down a short slope. And upon coming to rest, there was only one thing she could say.



In the meantime, Raven was pulling a hurtful expression with Vyers.

"Is that any way to talk to the one you love?" she asked, with a pout unbecoming of someone her age. With a movement that could only be described as a slither, she moved to his side once more. Her cold lanky fingers prodded at his in an attempt at interlacing them.

"I was so worried about you. Especially when you disappeared less than a month from our wedding," her tone oozed sweetness that was cold at the same time. It was possibly the only way she could express her love for this man.

"I've missed you. I am so glad you are okay~" she cooed, finally succeeding in piercing the dreadlock and linking her fingers with his.
The girl in front of Gene's legs moved faster as the small piece of cloth that was called a skirt began to flap higher up her thigh. A slight tone of blush rushed across his face while his chest kept billowing out his breath and legs still kicking furiously at the earth underneath. The top of her head suddenly vanished as she propelled face first towards the floor. A flash of pink fabric caught Genes eyes as he tried to avert his gaze. The young girl flew down the embankment like a rolling rag doll. Gene's legs eased up sliding to the edge of the small hill. Looking down at the tumbling mess as her rich brunette strands splayed in the air cascading over her back shoulder and front in a wild mess. Gene winced slightly giving a little click in his mouth. "Tsch." his left hand came behind his head as he scratched it feeling embarrassed for the girl as he walked down the slope to where her final impact zone was.

Gene stopped just short of the girls small body that was now covered in a light dirt filth that clung onto her clothing. Her legs adorned with light cuts that showed a slight bit of skin tear. Rocks are never gentle when you fall... Gene knelt down next to her yet again like the positions stayed the same just different location. This time both of them were semi hurt. Gene closed his hand into a fist and gently bopped the girl on top of the head.

"No more running." He breathed out a sigh of relief as yet again he slide his legs out and plopped onto the ground next to her looking down at her face.

"I know this is all hard to understand... but this is your new life... Here. In the netherworld. You cant escape... No matter how far you run. The only difference is if you stay with us. You get food and shelter. If you run you will die. take your pick you are a smart girl... I think."

"I'll answer any questions... just please no more movements."

Vyer's eyebrow raised as the two vanished over the edge of the plateau.

The cold stinging touch pricked his fingers as the woman's talons tried to link with his hands. Retracting his hands he slid them into the pockets of his pants and looked towards her. "Miss me? Perish the thought I am still here and I know my duty to this marriage. This talk of politics bores me though." Vyers shifted away from her. "By the way The man with the orange hair is my slave. Do not touch my things. Now I am tired from my journey, come lets return to my manor."
The long silvery hair bobbled eagerly as Raven scuttled after Vyers.

"I'm sure you're exhausted," she cooed, falling in step with him, "That is why I have made all arrangements for your comfort when you return." She raised her voice slightly so that her ghouls in the shadows could hear. Their command was clear. Fix the manor or face the consequences.

"How was the journey though? Did you visit any sights?" she continued to small talk, trying to turn his attention towards herself and not whatever it was that he seemed to be thinking about.

Raven found it strange. She'd had plenty of suitors, and yet somehow her mother wanted her to marry Vyers. She wasn't sure if her 'love' for him was intentional or natural, just that it was needed.


Hayley was scared beyond her wits. She knew she was trapped, lost and in the company of a potentially dangerous person. She sat up a little and backed up away from him. Perhaps she could talk her way out of this awful situation.

"Please let me go," she whined, "Dad must be looking for me, I promise not to tell him."

Gene seemed nice enough, perhaps he would have a change of heart and would take her home.

"Please, I'm scared." Tears began welling up in her light brown eyes and spilling down her cheeks while she looked around. Never had she felt so... isolated.
Vyers right hand slid from its housing in his pocket, the hand lazily lifted into the air in front of him the fingers drooping lackadaisically. His red stained eyes gave a minuscule twinkle as the area around them became slightly heavier. The low hiss was a familiar sound that returned once again, a portal erupted in front of Vyers that he slowly began to waltz into giving a look over towards the hill that the two others disappeared over. Bring her back safely. The thick miasma like smoke swallowed him up vanishing from the the plateau. The portal lingered ever longer waiting for Raven to follow suite.

Gene's index finger moved to his cheek as the edge of his nail scratched his flesh in nervousness as she begged to go home.

Her dad in indefinitely looking for her, Gene could only assume that this girl was a daddy's girl by the way she was acting. Well either that or she doesn't like getting kidnapped by random men and taken to some place she has no idea about. Gene sighed as he sided with the ladder of the two.

"I-I-I..." He stuttered as he watched the light mists swirl into her glowing amber eyes. Like a light flame of a candle being panted with water colors the color just as bright but with a soft tone to it. The cascading streams feel from either side of her socket which mixed with Gene's own awkwardness of a situation. He was someone who could never handle crying, for it was something he never did. That's life is his motto and although he may hate it there is never a reason to cry... it's a waste of time and energy.

"Uhh listen... I already told you..." Genes left hand moved from his face to the back of his neck massaging it to try and help blood flow through to his brain to hopefully get some kind of idea to help her. "you... can't go back." His voice was muttled as the words fell from his mouth and onto the floor. Gene couldn't handle this man girls tears what the hell. Yeah she was taken by Lord Vyers yeah she is in the Netherworld, but at least she is still human. She doesn't need anyones life energy to stay alive. she could leave if there was a way for her. The gears slowly began to click in Genes head as this came in slowly bit by bit. All the girl would need is a portal and she could go back to the human world, although once she becomes a ghoul she cant leave.


The fading light bulb began to flicker as the idea formulated.


It clicked on as Gene's face became sharper and more serious his brows narrowing looking at the blubbering female ahead of him. His large hands moved quickly and gripped her shoulders slightly shaking her to try and get her undivided attention.


Gene's face gave off an awkward smile as crying is the only real way to get to him on any level emotionally. Why was he helping this girl was something he asked himself. Well the life of a ghoul is something he never wanted himself and although he has no memories he is certain his life beyond this... it was something he missed or should be missing. His brain and thoughts felt like it was being pulled under water struggling to gain his memories back. The frustration and pain of not being able to do something so simple made his eyes twinge.

I'll get her home... because that's what I would have wanted....

"wait... what is your name?"
"I can go home?" Hayley asked hopefully. She didn't mind being shaken the way Gene was shaking her. Heck, she didn't mind anything as long as it ended in her getting home.

Slowly, she lifted her hands in little fists to her eyes to rub them and wipe away the tears that had stained her face. "You'll take me home? Really? Can we go now?"

It took her a little while to realize that he'd asked her name. "My name? It's Hayley. Hayley Wilson," she said, "Why do you ask?"

Raven was panicking a little. She hadn't expected Vyers to use a portal to get home.

Hope the manor is clean. Those ghouls had just one job. Just one!

Reluctantly, she stepped into the portal, not wanting to keep Vyers waiting. "How was your journey though?" she asked, trying to distract him from the state of the manor, "Comfy?"
Ah shit I said I'd take her home. I don't even know how its going to work.


Damn girls crying its like the sound of animal dying just the tears their scrunched up face like a pug getting splashed in the face with a squirt gun... YUCK!

"I can't take you back home yet, but I promise you will get back... we just need to figure out how it will work. Just be adventurous for once, think of this as a once in a lifetime experience for the duration of your stay... and then you can go home and see something others will never get to."

That should shut her up

"Now then."

Gene slowly rose to his feed the light trickle of rock dust falling from the fabric of his pants. His hands swept against the surface knocking the rest of the dirt to the floor as he cleaned off his pants. Mouth slowly opened agape sucking in air like a vacuum while Gene yawned tiredly.

"We should head..." Gene peered over the crest over the hill to the top of the plateau to where Vyers once was located. It was empty. Nothing but rock and air.

A sudden crushing feeling of being let down smacked the back of his head, Gene realized he got left behind. again. His head drooped down in defeat.

"I guess... we walk home." Gene sighed turning back to the human girl on the floor.

"It will take a little, but I know the way."

The light sting of the bite marks on his neck began to surge. The clock was ticking.

With that on his mind Gene extended his hand towards the young Hayley to help her up. His flesh as icy as the dead corpse he was for he was a ghoul and not human, his heart stopped long ago.


The portal flashed and disappeared with a low snap of lightning. The dark gothic stone room of the manor was lightly illuminated in the dilapidated scarlet candles. The red wax tapping against their silver holders like a light blood rain. Vyers eyes flicked around the room the low twinge of musk and dust began to taint his nostrils. He needed to get a better cleaning lady, as Gene was useless in these kinds of situations. Vyers head lurched to his right to gaze at the vampiress next to him.

"Do you know how to clean?!" He asked rather abruptly looking around his dirty manor. If she didn't know how to clean then if they did get married he was doomed to forever live in a pigsty. The dust began to flurry at the tip of his nose causing his face to scrunch up and look angry.
Hayley nodded quickly and attempted to stand up. A sharp pain in her ankle elicited a sharp gasp from her.

"Ow!" she yelped, looking down at her now swollen right ankle. She looked around for a moment and then asked, "Can't we just stay here?"

She had to admit though, it wasn't the most comfortable of places. She desperately needed a change of clothes and there were now tiny rocks in her nether regions. The more she shifted, the further they went in.

Why the hell am I here?! I could've been home by now, taking a hot shower and sleeping my eyes out.

"This is your fault," she said, pointing an accusing finger at Gene, "If you didn't bring me here, I wouldn't even be in this mess. I mean look at this!" she pointed to her ankle and the now ripped state of her clothes, "Your fault! Only yours!" she said angrily before bursting into tears.

"I want to go home....."

You've got to be kidding me! That was the expression Raven had on her face. No way, not in a million years!

She forced a sweet smile on her face though, almost feeling the many pairs of eyes in the dark corners burning into her form as they watched in curiosity. And perhaps amusement. It wasn't everyday that one could find Mistress Blackwood in such an embarrassing situation.

"Of course, I know how to clean."

Of course, you don't!

"I've done it many times as a child."

You've never done it!

"I'll have the room shining in a few minutes."

This is going to take hours.

"Shut up!"

You're screwed

"Oops.." she squeaked, her hands flying up to cover her mouth.

So screwed..
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Gene tilted his head down her slender leg towards her ankle that seemed to be rolled. The sound of her talking came in like a muffled trombone as he tuned her out. Then the tears again... Gene took the tip of his left index finger and place it inside his ear to clean out the wax that had built up inside it. The light rub snuffed out the sound of her blubbering in that one ear. Removing the finger he brought it up to his face to look at the haul of the day... nothing. The annoying water pooling from her eyes again had no effect on him as he realized he was left here alone with her.

What do they do in the movies in this situation? Ummm... wait I don't have any memory of them.

Gene took his left hand that was in front of him turning it flat he quickly raised it. With a loud smack he struck Hayley's face to get her attention. He could feel the soft skin of hers press against his coarse hand. Gene watched as her peach colored cheek was swallowed up by his scarred hands. There was a slight sting to it on his hand not from the slaps recoil, but a slight pain in his mind for what he had just done.

"JESUS you are annoying listen. I tried to be nice I offered to help you and all you do is bitch, bitch, bitch. I have to get back to the manor some things are more important to me than you... IN FACT YOU ARE LAST ON MY LIST." With that Gene knew the whiney runt was useless at walking until her ankle got some rest time.

"Now because you were an idiot and ran away, I have to carry you home. I don't care if your conscious or not! If you keep complaining I promise I will knock you out and drag you back." Gene's eyebrows narrowed and eyes locked onto hers.

"Do Not Make Me a Liar."


Vyers mind faded onto Gene and the girl... Should I have left them? Oh man Gene is probably going to not be happy when he gets home.

Oh well.

"I am Famished would you mind procuring something to eat the cleaning can wait. I assume you have some sort of dinner awaiting me in the dining hall. As I would think all good fiances would do." Vyers slipped the white cotton gloves from his ghost skinned hands as he began to walk towards the dining area. The halls clattered with his footsteps almost in tune with his happy humming emanating from his lips. The large oak wooden doors that lead to the large dining hall stood before him. His hands slowly moved forward to feel the cold brass of the door handle pressing down the hinge. Vyers turned back to look at Raven giving her a light smile showing her his perfect white teeth.
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If it was any other time, Raven would've swooned. According to her, Vyers was essentially the epitome of male vampiristic beauty. Which was actually saying something. But at the moment, she had no idea how the dining area was. She certainly had no dinner waiting for him. She herself hadn't fed in a long time.

So when he headed for the dining hall, she panicked. "Hey hey," she said, quickly heading to his side and putting her hand over his, "It is just as messy as the rest of the manor. I'll have it cleaned up by tomorrow." Her voice oozed with sweetness, "In the meantime," she continued, gently trying to pry his hand from the handle, "Shall we head out for dinner?"

Hayley, in the meantime, was stunned. She had never been hit.. ever! And now this so called vampire had just struck her across the face. She held her hand to the cheek, feeling it turn warm almost instantly and her eyes remained wide open but fixed to the dirt floor.

She would ask why she was slapped if she hadn't been shaking in fear. The next thing she knew, she could be dead. So she just curled up ever so slightly, too stunned to cry and too scared to do anything else.
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