Nerd Academy


Junior Member
Hello, and welcome to the Nerd Academy! This school is for all you bookworms, gamers, mathematicians, scientists, comic book lovers, band geeks and everyone in between. Our academy is very different from others. We offer a wide variety of classes and clubs at our prestigious school, and encourage student creativity and independence. Our school also takes a wide variety of field trips during the school year, and all are included in the enrollment fee. Uniforms will be given out at check-in on the first day, the price is also included in enrollment. Please, fill out the information below for your student. Welcome to the academy!

Student Information


First Name:

Middle Name:

Last Name:



Year: (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior)


Some extra info

(These help us determine classes specifically for your child's interests and needs.)





Strong Points:

Weak Points:


Please attach a photo of your child here:

Parent/guardian name(s); Printed:


Left: Female Right: Male

School Rules


-Uniforms are REQUIRED Monday - Friday

-No girls in boys dorms, no boys in girls dorms

-Students must be in classes ON TIME unless otherwise stated

- No skipping meals or classes unless otherwise stated

- Library can be accessed on free-time or with permission from a teacher

- Clubs and student internships are open to all students

Student Name (Printed):

Parent/Guardian name(s) (Printed):

Thank you for your cooperation!


RP Rules

-Romance and Violence are allowed (Keep it PG13)

- Follow basic site rules

-You may have up to 4 characters.

-Have fun


First Name: Spencer

Middle Name: Marrion

Last Name: Klark

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Year: Freshman


Some extra info

(These help us determine classes specifically for your child's interests and needs.)


Personality: Spencer is quite introverted, and is very socially awkward. She isn't good with people, and likes to be by herself. She likes to keeps her thoughts and feelings to herself, and is very good at hiding emotion. Music is her best friend, other than her laptop.

Likes: Comic books, Graphic Design, Art, Movies, Batman, Doctor Who, Anything British, Blogging, Photography

Dislikes: Mathematics, Animals, Darkness, insects

Strong Points: Understanding of Literature, Computers, Design

Weak Points: Algebra, Trigonometry, Socializing.

Hobbies: Reading, Sketching, Watching Cartoons, Running Blogs, Browsing the Internet, Photography

Please attach a photo of your child here:

(I will upload a male character soon :) ) 
First Name: Jason

Middle Name: Bennett

Last Name: Belkinz

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Year: Junior


Some extra info

(These help us determine classes specifically for your child's interests and needs.)


Personality: Jason is an outgoing guy. He is a bit awkward, but he doesn't mind being himself. He is shy around girls, and gets all flustered around them. Once you get to know him, Jason is really sweet, kind and compassionate.

Likes: Band, Music, Video Games, Math, Reading, Cats

Dislikes: Large Animals, Trumpets, Being in the water, History

Strong Points: Playing Saxophone, 1st Person Shooters, Language Arts

Weak Points: Science, Most Sports, Talking to Girls, Art

Hobbies: Playing Instruments, Gaming, Listening to Music, Watching Movies, Running

Please attach a photo of your child here:
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Student Information


First Name: Bridget

Middle Name: Oliva

Last Name: O'Steen

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Year: Sophomore


Some extra info

(These help us determine classes specifically for your child's interests and needs.)


Personality: Bridget is a very sweet girl that loves to talk just about anything. She finds it hard to back down from a knowledgeable debate and gets very excited if the topic is something she is into. Bridget also gets nervous around just about any guy in class.

Likes: Vegetables, Fruits, Animals, Reality T.V., 'going green', writing, reading

Dislikes: Environmental harm, animal testing, picture books, math, Animal products

Strong Points: History, English, Public Speaking, Writing, Excellent Memory, and piano

Weak Points: Math, Boys, Dating, Video Games, Sports, Science, and to just 'relax'

Hobbies: Piano (since she was 3), Writing (Her blog "Save our World") and (school papers), Cooking, and Volunteer work (for animals, the environment, and homeless people)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Bridget.jpeg.01cdb16bc43c2e506cce0008351cab4b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2769" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Bridget.jpeg.01cdb16bc43c2e506cce0008351cab4b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Student Information


First Name: Riley

Middle Name: J

Last Name: Dawson

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Year: Sophomore


Some extra info

(These help us determine classes specifically for your child's interests and needs.)


Personality: He a different kind of guy. Doesn't really talk to others and isn't very social. He basicly invisiable to the whole school. Most times, even the teachers would forget his name.

Likes: He likes to be alone and write songs and poems. He also loves painting.

Dislikes: Talking. Most people think he's mute because he never really talks. But when he does, his voice is really soft and quiet.

Strong Points: Drawing, Singing, Writing, being creative.

Weak Points: Making friends, Doing speeches, being social

Hobbies: Singing, painting, songwriting, poetry.

Please attach a photo of your child here: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/uploadfromtaptalk1373426219799.jpg.d63a7e3ab7b822937087a33db9176ba5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2773" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/uploadfromtaptalk1373426219799.jpg.d63a7e3ab7b822937087a33db9176ba5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Accepted! I will most likely start the RP sometime tomorrow, and hopefully we will have 1 or 2 more people! If we don't, it's all right! And thanks for joining.
Totally I am excited to get into a nerdy character :) Also if anyone has any plots they wanna create before the rp just PM me
First Name: Tobi

Middle Name: Christine

Last Name: Greene

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Year: Freshman


Some extra info


Personality: Quiet, but very energetic. Usually keeps to herself and respects other's space. She prefers working alone on school projects, because she usually has to do all the work during group projects. She's a cat person, and is secretely a tree hugger. She has flaws though: one of them not being able to share. She's very possessive over her objects.

Likes: Reading, writing, blogging, and cats. Doctor Who too. It keeps her entertained

Dislikes: Cheese, pop music, and people who act familiar with her when they don't know her at all.

Strong Points: History, creative writing, and grammar.

Weak Points: Mathmatics.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, blogging, and doodling on everything.

Please attach a photo of your child here:

Very nice! Accepted. As before stated, the RP will most likely begin tomorrow. Thanks guys! 
Ok guys. I am SO SO SO SO SO SOOOO sorry I didn't get making the RP today.... I swear to glob I will do it tomorrow! Had a bit of writers block, and just didn't get to it! Thanks for understanding...!!! ^_^
First Name: Hans

Middle Name: Marko

Last Name: Asjes

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Year: Junior


Some extra info

(These help us determine classes specifically for your child's interests and needs.)


Personality: A Social Recluse as he has a hard time understanding English that and he stands out at 6 feet four inches, when you get to know him he really is an easy going person but he has a hard time getting along with people who can't talk or write clearly

Likes: Anything Japanese his books, his mother tongue which he never gets to practice

Dislikes: The English language, people who judge him or put him into a bubble

Strong Points: Writing, reading in his mother tongue, math, and science

Weak Points: Talking English or anything else dealing with the language, and he hates history

Hobbies: In his pass times he enjoys writing short stories and learning how to cook and do other basic household tasks, he sometimes likes to draw

Please attach a photo of your child here:


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First Name: Thong ; Pronounced Tong

Middle Name: None

Last Name: Visarut

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Year: Junior


Some extra info


Personality: Funny, loud, extrovert guy. He's always up to talk to strangers and do new things. Thong's also an exchange student from Bangkok, Thailand. This means his English can get a little giddy sometimes. But it's not like he cares, he laughs most of the stuff off. Thong isn't easily intimidated, there isn't much that scares him. He's a worry free guy with nothing to loose. (except his laptop)

Likes: Embarrassing people, eating ramen, watching anime, reading manga, collecting figures, being purposefully awkward.

Dislikes: School work, classes, birds, little kids, early mornings.

Strong Points: He has little to no shame,

the guy's a genius, natural artistic talent, can talk to anyone. (And will, even if you don't feel like it.)

Weak Points: He's the laziest person alive and does nothing with his academic ability.

Hobbies: Creating music, ( With his laptop so dubstep, haus, electro, etc.) taking pictures, making short films.

Please attach a photo of your child here: Add a beanie, jacket, t-shirt, almost skinny jeans, thick rimmed glasses, and a ducted tape backpack.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1374010194.384712.jpg.2c77f252b81e75d0570d7be6c63f70a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3097" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1374010194.384712.jpg.2c77f252b81e75d0570d7be6c63f70a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Please bare with my grammar & writing.



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