Nephilim Academy

Shy Shadow

Zombie Slayer
Welcome to Nephilim Academy the academy for Nephilims

Nephilim is a human with fallen angel gene. Either the mother or the father is a fallen angel. We are there children and now they made a school just for us. One where we can learn our history and we can learn to control our powers. Here prepares us for when we go out to the real world.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rp Rules

1. Site Rules apply

2. Star out bad words

3. Romance, Fighting, and drama is allowed in the rp.

(You can also feel free to break the school rules bellow make things interesting)

4. Keep everything Pg-13

School Rules

1. Respect all students

2. Never go outside the school grounds without a teacher.

3. Never allow a human into the school.

4. Never tell a human what you really are.

If you do not follow school rules then there are severe consequences



Nick Name: (Opt.)


Age: (15-18)


History: (Opt.)



Crush: (Opt)

Looks: (If they have wings, then please post a picture of them or a description

:) )​

My Skelly:

Name: Danny Rose Manson

Nick Name: Danny

Gender: Female


Personality: She is friendly bubbly and nice. She gets close to people easily and loves to make friends.If something is bothering her you will know because she will be quiet witch is out of character for her. She usually tries to stay positive and have fun and not let thing bring her down.

History: She lived with her drunk mother taking care of her for most of her life. Her father is a fallen angel and Danny never meet him, he bailed when he found out that her mom was pregnant with her. Her mom spoke of how they were so in love with each other, but she blamed her for her father leaving her. Her mother hated her for making her father leave, and showed her hatred very cleary. So when her mother heard of this school she sent her off.

Powers: When she touches someone she can tell there past. She can also fly because she has wings. She can also tame any beast.

Dorm: Girls Dorm 1

Crush: Open



She has long silver wings that she can tuck in and puts her shirt over.

She wears this neakless that allows her to touch people without seeing there past.:


Girl dorm 1.

Spot 1: Danny

Spot 2:Emileigh

Girl Dorm 2.

Spot 1: Bijoux

Spot 2: Dusk

Girl Dorm 3.


Spot 1: Sky

Spot 2: Clarrisa

Girl Dorm4:

Spot 1: Ava

Spot 2:

Boy Dorm 1.


Spot 1: Ayra

Spot 2: Lunar

Boy Dorm 2:


Spot 1: Valdun

Spot 2:Soran

Boy Dorm 3:


Spot 1: Liam

Spot 2: Russia

Boy Dorm 4:

Spot 1:Evrun

Spot 2: Seth




Inside pool:

Privet beach:

Dinning Room:

(Just imagine with more tables)​


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Name: Sky Ocreesha

Nick Name: Ground

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: Sky is a laid back girl. She is pretty shy but is bright and cherry to those she knows are nice.

History: Sky's mother was a fallen angel that left the family soon after giving birth. Her father knew what she was and was prepared to take care of his daughter that he grew to love above everything else. He only sent her the the Academy when he was sure it was what she needed and they write to each other very often.

Powers: Sky can heal wounds, minor or major. However, a larger wound will take more energy so she is usually sick and weak afterwards. She also has wings.

Dorm: Girls' Dorm 3

Crush: None yet. I would live to have her have a relationship eventually.

Looks: Sky has platinum blond hair that reaches her lower waist. It has small strands of black mixed in. Her eyes are a pale blue with green around the pupil. Her skin is pale with a dusting of freckles on her nose and cheeks. She is a bit tall for her age and is pretty slender. Her face is thin with sharp features. Her wings are a pale gray with flecks of black.
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Name: Valdun Nexus

Nickname: Night, Ghost (Reasons to be revealed)

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Personality: Valdun lacks the ability to properly express emotion, as a result of a past event. He wears a constant blank expression and prefers solitude over interaction with others. Due to his antisocial behavior, he doesn't really know how to communicate with others. Despite his rough exterior, Valdun is actually very kind and puts others before himself.

History: The first five years of Valdun's life were filled with happiness. His father was a Fallen Angel and his mother was human. They loved each other very much and cherished their child. Valdun was a very happy and kind child, it was rare to see him not smiling. However, his whole world came tumbling down in one night. He doesn't recall much from the horrid night. He only heard screaming and the sounds of shattering glass. Five year old Valdun climbed out of his bed and made his way to the living room. Instead of seeing his parents, he was met with the sight of blood and his parents were nowhere to be found. The only clue he has about them is a feather from the wings of his father and half a locket, with the other half supposedly belonging to his newly born sibling that was born the same night. He left the house in search of answers and eventually found himself at Nephilim Academy at the age of fifteen.

Powers: Valdun posses the unique ability of energy manipulation. He can warp things such as light and darkness, and bend them to his wishes. He does not require a medium and is able to use it whenever necessary.

Dorm: Boys Dorm 2

Crush: Possesses no interest in romance


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.ec579c0f5b8da0ed57d2377fb13983b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3053" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.ec579c0f5b8da0ed57d2377fb13983b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Wings: Two large identical wings he keeps hidden beneath his skin. One is colored a dark black and the other bright white.



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Name: Bijoux Galipeau

Pronounced Bi-Joo

Nick Name: None, despises them.

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: Even though she looks cute and is a petite skinny little thing, she's the exact opposite. Bijoux is spiteful and sarcastic. A bit lazy and a bit spoiled. She has mostly concrete thinking, and if something is happening that she doens't like or agree with, she will either put her two-bits in or you will automatically not exist. She's quick with snarky comebacks and on a nice day is passive aggressive. She will judge you from first glance and give you the cold shoulder stare down at first, but once she's let you into her world, she'll be the rock you fall on when you need it. When problems come up, you can talk to her about it and she'll give you her vague and honest opinion. Honesty is policy.

History: Her Father is a fallen angel and her Mother is human. From afar they look like a pretty much put together family, up close they're barely even family. None of them really talk with each other and each of them are always out doing something. So Bijoux was mostly raised by her nanny and butler following her every command. They're very hush hush about her powers and abilities, and prefer not to discuss the topic at all. In fact, Bijoux doesn't like the part of her that has powers, so she neglects it a lot. But she's been sent to this school to embrace and have a little more control over what she does with her powers. And also to gain some manners.

Powers: The power to manipulate or entirely take control of ones thoughts and/or body. Kindof like puttering.

Dorm: Girl Dorm Two

Crush: Never had a crush so none. (She's easily disgusted by people, high poodle standards.)

Looks: She has relatively small wings she keeps hidden, barely ever uses them.

Name: Soran Aran

Nick Name: N/A (unless someone wants to give him one)

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Personality: Soran is an outgoing, loud, and very extroverted man. He laughs at all jokes (even if they're not that funny) and always seems to be smiling. Soran is an extreme optimist, he tries to look on the bright side of things. Mr. Aran is somewhat of a flirt, but that's just because he likes making others feel happy. Although Soran's usually a happy person, when he does succumb into a negative emotion, it's like a massive disaster. So, try to stay on his good side. Soran's also somewhat of a narcissist and frequently grooms himself to look good (and he's quite successful in it). He just likes to look nice.

History: Soran had a good past, his father (human) loved and cared for him, he got great grades in the school for humans, had lots of friends, he was loved by everyone. Except his mother. Soran's mother was a Fallen Angel who was exiled out of heaven because she had a problem with lust. She had sex with his father, got pregnant with Soran, and then gave his father the baby because she didn't want such a burden. Soran's mother left his father in search for more lustful activities. But, his father still cared for him. When Soran began to use his nephilim powers, Soran's father couldn't handle him and then sent him off to Nephilim Academy.

Powers: Soran can set fire to anything, even water. Anything that touches Soran's fire burns immediately.

Dorm: Boys Dorm 2

Crush: Valdun Nexus

Looks: no wings! :D And for some reason, he's followed by a trail of flower petals.
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I was hoping "Valdun Nexus" to get things interesting. Haha, still waiting for him to reply though.
I don't think that'll work simply because they speficially said their character was not interested in romantic relationships.
Exactly AlleyKat666 I'm just setting up a bunch of drama and weirdness. He doesn't have to like me back, just allow my character to like his character. Just for the fun of it. > :D
Name: Liam Pottorff.

Nickname: Li or Boobear.

Gender: Male.

Age: 16.

Personality: Liam is more of a funny person than anything else. It's rather fun to be around him, others say but he has always had low self esteem. He flirts every so often but has never really committed to a relationship with a girl. Liam has always been the funny jock, and sometimes wishes he was a bit more than that. He has had several relationships but none of them have turned out good. Liam's smile is to die for, he also has dimples.

History: He has grown up without a mother which has been pretty hard on him, she sends birthday card once every year but she's never really made real contact with him until August 21st when she decided to come up for his birthday. She had asked him to attend this weird school and eventually told him why he was going there what she was. He had grown up in a mansion offshore away from most people, which had been rather lonely for him since his father was working 24/7. He lived with his nanny and she was pretty much his mother-figure.

Powers: He has the power to control water and he can also read minds.

Dorm: Boy Dorm 3.

Crush: Danny Rose Manson.


Name: Clarissa Fraiser

Nick Name: Clary

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Personality: Clary is a quiet, shy girl. She will talk to people every once in a while, but right now it's only teachers from school because she's too shy for people to make friends.

History: Clary had a rough childhood. Her birth parents had to be off for business all the time, so she was watched by an abusive, alcoholic, human family. She would lie to her parents and say she fell or something when they asked about bruises and scars. When her parents found out they got the abusive people locked up, and they now believe that is why she is so quiet.

Powers: Flying, teleporting, levitating objects.

Dorm: Girl's dorm 3

Crush: None.

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/claarryyy.jpg.4f07468deb546094ac996f6d92f95739.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3078" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/claarryyy.jpg.4f07468deb546094ac996f6d92f95739.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bdd9a18e8_angelicaswings.jpg.fc607fbec78b48e58af887e67045f272.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3079" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bdd9a18e8_angelicaswings.jpg.fc607fbec78b48e58af887e67045f272.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Clary's wings go into her back, and when she flies they pop out, like there is holes in her back.)



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Oh yeah! Sky's got a roommate.

Also, did you notice the mermaid rp was up and running? No one's been on it lately.

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