
A dark haired neko who wore a red jacket and black pants picked apples from their trees. She glanced around to see if anyone was watching her. Seeing that nobody had appeared she bit down into one of the juicy red apples, as addicting as they were she had to force herself not to consume another. After her basket was full of apples she sat down under one of the trees, trying to avoid the sunlight from affecting her eyes. Yawning then looking around once more she began to doze off only to be awoken by the crunching of the fall leaves on the ground, someone was coming.
Wane tried his best to sneak through the grass, he was a bit nervous, he didn't know where he was. Since he had been possessed by the shade he wasn't often himself, and he would lose himself and change to the erratic, chaotic other self. He came upon a neko girl in the grass sleeping, she had awoken at his prescence, however. "H-Hi" the shy boy muttered, hed swished his white wolfish tail in nervousness then ran a hand through his raven-colored hair, white wolf ears twitching. "Where am I?" he nearly whispered, his blue eyes studying the girl.
Eterna and Serenity sat by a stream, watching the moon. It was a beautiful night and the stars were shining brightly. It wasn't often that they got to rest on their long journey. Eterna, a short haired (hair color is light magenta), brown eyed girl with the neko ears and tail of a Cyrus Aphrodite, went to gather wood for a fire while her sister Serenity, long haired (color is silver), blue eyed girl with Raggamuffin neko ears and tail, was finding flint.
Tsuki lay on her back staring up at the beautiful night sky. Her yellow eyes glowing in the light of the moon. Her long black and turquoise hair splayed out in a fan-like motion as it swayed, a light breeze rustling the leaves around her. A wolf howled in the distance, she grinned, laughing as she howled back, perfectly mimicing the wolfs howl. She was an Ookami after all. Her long black scruffy wolf tail swayed back and forth slowly, one of her ears twitched. She sighed, her canines showing for an instant, the breeze blowing a strong cat-like scent right to her nose. She sat up, her eyes turning red as her ears perked. She sniffed the air. Neko. Ookami. She smile leaping to her feet as she changed to her full wolf form. She chased the scent until she came upon a stream. Two neko girls sat beside the stream in silence. She smirked, changing back to her normal form. Her dark red halter top hugged her body close, exposing her belly button. Her black skinny jeans hung lightly low at her hips, giving her a lean and sexy appeal. Her black hair swayed in the wind, hanging to her hips. She kicked at a rock with her red high top, a rock splashing into the stream to catch the girl's attention.
Alaki a light purple haired Neko stared at Wane and smiled silently to himself."h-hello" he shyly Whispered. As he sees the female neko who dosed off. he slowly goes up to both of them shyly as possible.
Kimoko, had long, black hair with the ears and tail of a savannah, but she was the average shy,quiet,smart neko that was usauly by herself
Grace (A black-haired girl with a sliver tail and ears) sat on a log. She got up and wandered around. She bumped in boy making him fall over. She fell back the grass.

"I am so so so sorry!"
Aries wandered through the grass, her green eyes wandering the land. Her short white and black striped hair was standing up, her white tiger ears twitching slightly. She came across an apple tree with a few others around it staring at a girl who just woke up. Her eyebrow cocked slightly, a grin settling on her lips. Her black tank top was tight against her fit body, showing what looked like tattoos all over that mimicked stripes.

Her arms crossed over her chest.
"Well hello there."

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