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Fantasy Neko Private Acadamy

[QUOTE="Zyra Charlotte]"I don't know..."Kaneki mutters."We can always go to the canteen!I'm hungry!"

"Ok than lets go" Nate said
Nate quietly walked around the school until he got to his dorm,"Here we are" Nate said opening the door into a very clean dorm then Nate closed the door behind him and turned the lights on
Nate turned on his t.v and went into the kitchen and opened his full refrigerator then took out took out a fruit salad that looked good

Nate poured some into a bowl,"Here" He said handing the bowl to Kaneki looking at smile not surprized because his cooking always looked delicous
Kaneki would finally wake up Kiro. "You were asleep for HOURS Kiro!" Kaneki would shout, sounding like a kid. "WELL, DON'T BLAME ME FOR YOU BEING WEIRD, AKA BEING A LIVING TALKING DOLL!" I'd shout back at Kaneki.
Kayzo said:
(Wake me up inside)
Bell purred softly and nodded. "Ok, that sounds good." She said, grabbing her hands. Opening the door to their dorm, she stepped inside and pulled Aylessa in with her.


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