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Realistic or Modern Neko Neko Academy!

It was 3 minutes 'till school. Ayano was too engrossed into her deep sleep nor have the room mate to wake her up.

Sosomi twirled in her uniform checking to see how she looks. The red uniform fit her snuggly and even emphasized her curves. Mmmm I look good. She smiled and crumpled up her clothing that she changed from and walked out of the bathroom. Sosomi then looked up once more. 3 more minutes till class. Yikes! Better get going.

She spotted Katsu in his uniform. "Looking good. But we got to get going. C'mon!" she exclaimed as she grabbed hold of his hand and dragged him to homeroom, but stopping momentarily to lock the door. She then continued dragging him to homeroom. "Do you remember the number of homeroom? Cause I don't!" she said. Her head glanced momentarily back at Katsu before it focused back to her surroundings in front of her.
Equias darts towards the school at a speed which Sonic would say is way too fast. He avoids strangers in quite a narrow fashion, barely skimming their shoulders as he dashes towards his first day of school. Equias was late, much to his aggravation; But alas, there was the school, he could see it on the horizon! Yes! He was going to make it! Equias somehow goes faster and at this point he was practically a blur, he dashes into the school yard and gets up to the steps of the school. HE MADE IT! But his foot suddenly comes down on it's side, causing Equias to fall over in intense agony, he takes no pride in his downfall.


Ayano doubles over in her deep sleep, her ears and tails sprouts out whenever she is asleep. Ayano's white ears tilts to the sound of a the sound of a creature falling not so far away from school. Ayano's long puffy wolf tail swishes to a side a bit as her mind unconsciously switch between the two worlds, reality and dreams. Both of her ears were like satellites, turning and twisting to any sound that was emitted. One ear pointing by the clock posted on the wall and the other out of the school.

"Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. "

It is 10 o'clock. The school bells ring out every o'clock.​
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Equias lay on the ground in defeat, he tried his best to get to school on time but that dream was ruined by shear clumsiness. He simply lay on the ground motionless for there was nothing else he could do. Equias listened to the city noises peacefully, this relaxation was cut short by the bell of doom, it rang it's terrible sound and Equias let out a long sigh.

Maou'd already got himself changed, sighing as he walked to where he was supposed to be going, wearing his uniform with utmost pride... Just kidding, he gave a sigh "sucky..." Holding a handheld in one hand whilst he shifted his blazier a little with his other. Having no intent to pay attention in class whatsoever.
Rin quickly stowed her boxes into the back of the room, and soon after switched into the school uniform. She didn't really think she need to go on the first day, but the last time she'd skipped this early her teacher had been a pain in the ass the next day, and, they couldn't really complain if she just didn't pay attention, it wasn't like they were going to teach her anything she didn't already know, or couldn't figure out herself on the first day anyway. Her hand shooting into the uppermost box she withdrew a random handheld, which ended up being a Nintendo 3DS.

With that done she started to make her way to class, Nintendo right in front of her eyes, and not paying much attention where she was walking.
The teachers began calling out the student's name for attendance.










Ayano awoke from the call of her name. Her eyes fluttered open and she stood up right, her animal-like features vanishing. Ayano went to the balcony and looked over the school, viewing the school front. There laid a man on the ground. Her eyes gazed upon him, then beginning to call to him.

"You! Hurry up!"

Equias' ears perk up, he thought he heard someone call out to him. Equias slowly sits up and glances around,

"Huh?" He says to himself, Equias looks up to see a girl on a balcony. So that's who it was. He thinks to himself before getting up and darting off to class,

"I should really wake up sooner." He says to himself again as he darts through the school.​
Rikuto ran into the classroom just in time, sliding into his seat, breathing heavily. His name usually came last, so luckily, the teacher hand't called his name yet.

"Here!" Rikuto said proudly as his name was called.

"Ah, there you are."

The teacher glances at the clock that was posted on the wall. 5 minutes left 'till next class. The teacher scribbled down a Z like check onto his attendance sheet.

Ayano was a bit too worried about the boy. That would a normal girl would think like, right? Though, she did not worry about herself. Ayano's eyes darted to the clock. Late! She picked up her backpack and book and closed the door behind her with a slam. Ayano dashed down the stair cases 'till she was on the 2nd floor. She took a sharp left turn to the right. 250 to 299. . . Wait! Ayano turned back around to the other side of the hall. Her hand extended out to the walls, feeling every groove and indent of it. A big large rectangular bump met her fingers. 248! Ayano ran inside of the class room, panting. Her hair was all a mess and she felt super tired. Ayano slowly walked to the bottom left corner near the windows and took a seat.

"I'm . . here."

She panted.

"Late Ayano. The next late means detention."

The teacher scolded her, the teacher's eyes down casted upon the sheet. When the teacher looked up, Ayano's head was dug into her book, reading.

The teach let out a big sigh.









If I don't hear you say 'Present', I'm marking you absent."


Equias finally makes it into the classroom, he darts inside without properly observing the room which leads to him crashing into a desk and flying onto the floor,

"ASFU!" He lets out a jargled yell as he falls to the ground, he lands on his face once more. Equias doesn't take long to get up this time, though,

"P-Present!" He says before walking over to a desk and sitting.​
Rin strolled through the halls of the school, slowly making her way towards her classroom, lacking the urgency that someone who was late for class should probably carry, but being all too immersed in her game to care, not that she normally would anyway. Not much longer and she'd found her way to the class, entering through the door as a boy rushed in ahead of her and crashed to the floor.

"Rin, Present" She says as she makes her way to a desk at the back of the class, ignoring the boy on the ground and any possible scolding the teacher would deliver.

Ayano's attention was upon Equias. She changed her persona, specifically shy one.

Ayano clasped her hands together and bowed down,

"U-Uh, are you okay?"​


"Rin is present."

The teacher repeated, scribbling a late sign on his attendance sheet. The teacher rubbed the back of her head, sighing.​
Maou popped in, looking for a secluded seat and continuing to play his game, giving a half-assed comment "Maou, present"

"All that leaves is Sosomi, Miyuki, Naoko, and Nakano. If I have not checked you up, please speak now."​
Katsu heard their names being called and pointed in its direction. "Over there Sosomi, someone had called names I believe." He half-ran and half-dragged Sosomi to where he had heard the voices and opened the door. "What a drag, late first day? Sigh.." Walking in he spoke smoothly, "Nakano Katsu, present." Looking around the raven noticed all of the others, all with animal-like features, 'So, a neko is an anthromorphic.. Hmm I never would've guessed.' Katsu searched their faces before looking to the announcer of the names.
Sosomi ran along with him. She felt the thrill and excitement of coming late. She was never an excelling student so she didn't mind being a troublemaker. Stepping in after Katsu, she raised a hand up and made a peace sign saying, "The wonderful Kagawoua Sosomi is here." She straightened her uniform a bit since it rolled up from the run. Her blond hair was everywhere though making her seem crazy and wild.
Maou clapped "heyo, hello and welcome to class late, blond beauty-chan, Kaguwao Sosomi!"
Sosomi's eyes turned towards Maou and narrowed. She gave a suspicious glance but played along with him. "First it's Kagawoua not Kaguwao and I am flattered you noticed me," she flashed a dazzling smile and winked at him walking to take a seat towards the back. She leaned back into the chair and all of a sudden pulled out a lollipop from her pocket. Sosomi pulled off the wrapper and plopped the lollipop inside her mouth.
Katsu sighed and took an empty desk, around the center left of the classroom and carefully set his books down on the right side before taking out a black pen and twirling it in his hand, waiting for the room to settle down and for class to begin. Glancing at the schedual once more, he felt a rather familiar craving set in and he frowned. 'When would i be able to in this school? Hopefully it will just be a background feeling..'
The bells rang which means it is period 1. Ayano stayed in her seat as the rest of the class stood up and exited the class.

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