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Fantasy Neko High


The Senpai of Senpai's
WELCOME TO NEKO HIGH!! A school for Neko's all over the world to be safe, educated and taught to control their powers! Yes, powers! Most student here have them, like fire or water. They are taught how to control, or hide, their powers from peeping eyes. Like humans. Humans are not allowed at this school, it is strictly forbidden. The school is located on an island away from civilisation until the students education and training are complete. Students are flown in by our trustworthy NEKO pilots and treated with the utmost care, of course they must follow the rules for there are consequences.

Everyone has a dorm, but only the same genders are partnered together in the dorm. Girl and girl. Boy to boy. No students are allowed into the opposite genders dorm after 9 pm. There is a cafeteria, game room, football pitches, the forest surrounding the entire school and the swimming pool that are allowed to be occupied by students at anytime of day or night. Have fun!

(We start at four (plus me) people)
Shibe casually walked off the plane as it landed on the private runway. Her ears twitched and she had a duffel bag with her belongings and a wire cage which was covered in a dark cloth. She sniffed the air and looked around, her red eyes growing accustomed to the light. She began to follow the directions provided to the school
Kyo flipped in his earbuds as he walked towards the school. What better way to drown out the noise of annoyance than with intoxicating music. He was a little less eager to meet everyone, and to him, this was just some punishment. It wasn't that subjects were hard for him at all, in fact he was quite talented. However it was a matter of getting motivation to actually do anything was the problem. He would be fine taking a long nap once he reached the building. He knew he couldn't get kicked out of the school otherwise there would be even worse consequences awaiting him at home. Law school or something of the sort he dreaded. At least here he would be around nekos like himself. His ears made a stub underneath the hoodie he was wearing, the hood over his head. Once he reached the school he stepped inside. A cool breeze of air hit him as he opened the doors. Lovely, so this is where torture begins. I'm...very looking forward to this. Hah, not really.

Kyo found his schedule and dorm room and headed to there first. He noticed a name next to the dorm room besides his. It read Diego C. Must be his room mate. "Salut monsieur." He spoke in French, to nobody in particularly given they weren't there yet. He decided to unpack his belongings and go back to the lobby and wait for others.
Yumiko was listening to an mp3 player with headphones, walking to the school, in the neko form she couldn't get out of for some reason,her usual emotionless expression, a black hoodie that covered her ears, and a red backpack. She didn't know if gadgets were allowed, and she didn't care. She arrived at the school, seeing how big it is with a pool. She opened the door,read the schedule, checked where her dorm was, and who her roommate was, "Shibe Nokokura...why does that name sound so familiar?.." She thought while listening to the music. She continued to walk to the lobby, and saw another neko the that appeared to be older than her by one year. Her mp3 was tuned up to max, that it could be heard from the outside, even if she had headphones on.
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Louise was was standing outside the school building. she had come early, as she thought that it was very embarrassing to be late. It amazed her how big it was. Would she ever be able to find her way in that building? The little neko sighed. She would probably be fine, even if the building was enormous. She entered and checked her schedule. It seemed as if she had a lot of time in front of her, as planned. She went to her dorm and unpacked her stuff. It seemed as if she was going to live her with a girl named Ashlynn, although this one hadn't come yet. After checking her schedule an extra time to be sure that she wouldn't be late, Louise went to the lobby and sat down in the corner. She wasn't sure how to approach the others.
Yumiko paused the mp3 player, and hid the mp3 player and the headphones in her backpack. She walked towards Louise, "Why are you sitting in the corner?" Yumiko asked, with her usual,emotionless face. Yumiko glared straight at Louise, in a weird, creepy way. Her face still had no emotion, though.
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Louise looked up at the red haired neko that had approached her. She creeped her out a little, with her creepy expression. Why would she ask such a question in the first place? The small girl frowned. Wasn't it rather obvious that she didn't want to be disturbed right now?

-Why not? she said.
Yumiko yawned, "Oh, so you're gonna answer me like that?...How rude." Yumiko said with her usual emotionless expression, "You aren't gonna make any good company if you act like that." Yumiko walked away, into her dorm, without another word.
Diego jumped down the plane's steps that led to the ground. He grinned and waved at the pilot's window as he made his way to the school's entrance. He had never flown before and he was surprised to find that he enjoyed it. Not to mention they had given him snacks, and he loved food. He entered the lobby and noticed a couple people listening to music or entertaining themselves in other ways. He hummed his favorite song quietly as he found his dorm room. As he went in, he noticed that his roommate had already arrived. He dropped his bag on the available bed and went back outside. He continued humming as he walked around, keeping in sight of the school building.
Kyo watched as others arrived, he couldn't help but chuckle a bit as one girl spoke to another. That one is interesting. He watched as she walked back towards the girl's dorms. He glanced at the girl in the corner. Cute, but I'm sure she has other things up her sleeve. He watched as a male walked in, probably Diego he figured. He didn't look annoying, so that was a plus.

As Kyo listened to music he sat down and pressed his back against the wall, falling asleep.
Yumiko threw her backpack on one of the beds in her and her roommate's dorm. She looked around, seeing pink, girly designs everywhere, "Gross..." She muttered. She decided to leave and come back later, since she doesn't like pink or girly things. She walked outside, seeing Kyo leaning on the wall, sleeping. She stared at him for a moment, and found it odd that he was sleeping outside his dorm. She continued to walk, ignoring a few nekos entering the school, into the classroom where it said she was supposed to be in the schedule. There was no one else there, except for her. She sat down on one of the seats in the back row, that was on the side of a wall with a window on it. She stared out the window, seeing others come. "This is hell..." She thought, remembering the pink, girly dorm and the mean,weird nekos.

Sayomi sighed quietly to herself as she walked onto campus grounds, pulling her black suitcase along behind her as if it was a puppy on a lead. She wasn't looking forward to starting school here, just the thought of being in a place with other people, the thought of having to be social or answer questions for teachers... She shuddered, just the thought of it made her cringe. On the bright side, everyone here was a neko, having the cat-like features on their human figure. At least she didn't need to wear a hat or hoodie to cover her fluffy ears. She walked inside the main building, in hopes of finding where she was staying so she could start unpacking. She pulled a slightly crumpled piece of paper out of her pocket and tried to flatten it out.

"Room 48..", she muttered softly to herself as she read the sheet. Once finally making her way to her dorm room, she pulled out the key she was given prior to her arrival and opened the door.

Sayomi almost screamed when she saw the sight infront of her. There were 2 beds. Surely this didn't mean she was going to have to deal with a room-mate?! Oh well, maybe they wouldn't interact with her after they realised she wasn't quite comfortable around other beings. Or maybe, just maybe, she would be lucky enough to have this room to herself. She smiled softly to herself at that thought, closed the door and began unpacking her stuff.

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