And they, in turn, frown at this and sighed. In their hands they had called up from the bar mead, in a wooden tankard. "You don't mean here, you mean where you are from. right?" They asked, a little rhetorically. "This place is as new to you as to me, isn't it? But that's just pedantry." They shook their horned head, took a drink and continued, a little melancholic, now. "But all that I do is ask, why is it that way? I do not say "this is a true thing and this is false." I say, "This I do not know, this I have not seen." And from that I ask "Why do I not know this, why I have not seen this?" And that is a question for me as much for you." They drank again, at that, putting down the drink and pushing it away a little before they finished. "What I ask of you is: "why is it so different and not alike?""