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Fantasy ♡ Neko Cafe ♡

Aero took his time with the angel cake. It wasn't as good as his mother's, but things are rarely ever as good as Mom used to make them. He finished his meal and reached back for his allowance, pulling out $30 and hoping it was enough for the meal.
Asami went over to Aero she handed him the bill as he took out the $30 dollars. Asami went to the register and took out $18.37 out of the $30.00 bill. Asami came back with the rest of the change and handed it to him which was $11.63. "Thank you, please come again." Asami said with a warm smile and her tail swaying carelessly behind her. @Jacob Berry
Mat looked up, stopping his singing, offering Asami a smile. Nodding he put down his blue pen, "I am. I am also a pianist. And technically a teacher. I teach piano to a few people. Mostly compose music and play it." @sprouhtt
"Do you umm..give lessons?" SHe asked him as she rubbed her legs together and then she rubbed her hand on her arm a little, Asami couldn't remember the last time she had touched a piano but she knows that the only music she knows is Moonlight sonata by beethoven. SHe was taught my her previous master but hasn't played in forever. (my favorite piece is moonlight sonata. LIFEE)
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Kaz sat back and looked out the window, drinking his coffee whilst occasionally taking miniature pieces off his muffin. He had to admit, the food and beverages were great. Even if he didn't like the people here, A grin came across his face. 'I may just come back here again.' He thought to himself. He hadn't finished his muffin but felt like it was his time to leave. Putting his hand up he called out, "Waitress, how much for the food?" @sprouhtt
"I do. Not very often, but I do occasionally pick a new student, or someone I think has the talent to become a Pianist." He offered a smile, leaning back in his chair, taking a sip of his tea, "If this cafe had a piano, I'd most likely be playing it like a madman. In a good way of course." He let out a quiet chuckle, "Though, if you don't have a passion for music, for the piano, for their warmth. The warmth they give to people, that warms them up in their coldest times. That inspires them, makes their spine shiver, and make you just look at awe, at how such a thing, how music, can sound, and touch us all." He took another sip of his tea, waving a hand, "I apologize, a bit of a ranter when it comes to music, Miss Asami." @sprouhtt (Yes!! EDIT: It is a piece, not a song. My bad :3)
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Asami heard her name being called so she excused herself from Mr Mat for just a second. It was that really cute and mysterious guy who had walked in. She wondered where Kirai went since she was serving him, "Y-yes?" Asami said as she walked to his table trembling since she was afraid of messing something up, Asami felt a bit intimidated by him. "Oh I am not sure, what did you order s-sir?" Asami asked him as she held her note tab close to her chest as well as her pen. @iChaotic @Jacob Berry

"I ordered a Cappuccino, with cream and cinnamon on top. And also a muffin." Kaz stood up, towering over the waitress. "How much will it be?" Impatience in his voice. @sprouhtt

(Love that picture btw ^^)
Asami stepped back when the guy had gotten up and his voice sounded like he was irritated," Y-yes..umm, p-please wait." Asami said as she wrote down what he had ordered so she wouldn't forget and she was trembling so much that she dropped her pen by accident. She squealed a bit and bent down to pick up her pen. She quickly walked to the register and she began writing up the bill, she came back moments later out of force since she didn't want to embarrasse herself. "Your total is $5.65," Asami told him and handed him the bill. @iChaotic (hehehe thank you @iChaotic , and tank you!(:3)(> :D )(ovO))
"$5.65? Hmph, I believe I have just enough, reaching into his trouser pocket he took out $6. Kaz held it out in front of him. "Don't bother giving me change, I have no use for it." Kaz groaned. @sprouhtt
"Well then Mr. Sassypants," Asami muttered under her breath quietly as she walked away with the bill to put inside the cash register. Asami was totally shaken up, she tried to get the thought out of her mind since she knew nothing about him except that hes mysterious, cute, and probably has a rough past. @iChaotic
"By the way!" Kaz called out, "Tell your boss I said the food and beverage were good." And with that he walked towards the entrance he opened the door and slammed it as he walked out. 'I suppose that wasn't the worst. No one tried forcing conversation upon me.' @sprouhtt
Asami watched as he left," Goodbye," She said quietly and shook her head to the side and walked towards Mr. Mat. "I'm back and I totally agree," She said to him referring to what he had said about music. "Do you mind giving me lessons?" Asami asked him as she stood in front of him with her hands crossed behind her. "How much do you give piano lessons for?" Asami asked him as she played with a strand of her hair. @Jacob Berry
Mat offered a smile, "Welcome back. That boy is quite interesting. You two would make a great couple." He offered a nod, before answering he question, finishing his tea, "Sure, I would love to give you some lessons. You seem like someone that would be a more than suitable student." He waved a hand, "My lessons are all free, no one pays for my lessons. I really teach people because they want to learn. Learning shouldn't be bought." @sprouhtt
Asami blushed a bit but she didn't think since he didn't even care to...never mind. Asami was pretty thankful that he agreed to give her lessons,"Well that is very generous of you, also thank you." Asami said as she flashed him a smile. Asami wanted to hug the living daylights out of him but she didn't think it was appropriate since he was a customer. @Jacob Berry
Mat offered a nod of the head and stood up, pulling out his wallet and then $50, "Here, too pay for everything I have ordered. Keep the change, it was well deserved of what I got." Grabbing his jacket he put it on and began to walk walked towards the entrance before stopping, turning on his heel, "Oh. My business card and where my Studio is. Come by any time on the weekend or somewhere between Four to Seven PM." He turned back around, "Now, if you will excuse me Miss Asami. I have to go perform for a bunch of little rascals at the nearby elementary school. A pleasure to meet you though." He offered a very small wave, opened the door and left. @sprouhtt ((I need to go to bed! Sorry, Sprouhtt, I is tired ;- ;) )
"You as well Mr. Mat, thank you! Have a good day and come again," Asami said as she waved him goodbye. Asami took the money and put it in the cash register. Asami went back and cleaned the table and she wiped it down. Asami took his business car and slipped it into her knee high sock. @Jacob Berry
Mina sipped on the chocolate milk. Her eyes got big and she quickly drank all of it in one great sip. She had a little cocoa mustache now, but that did not seem to bother her. Or she did not know. Probably both. The small neko smiled. This was the reason she liked to be in this cafe, people were nice to her. That was a feeling she was not used to, yet one she liked. She let Mako´s hand go and scratched her head. She then crawled under the counter again, curling up and starting to sleep. She had not slept inside for about a week, as they had kicked her out the train station.
Harutora was looking out the window with and tired expression as he yawns to himself as he looks at Asami "So you planning on to play the piano eh?" He said while looking at her @sprouhtt
Mat walked back inside into the cafe, forgetting his binder full of the music he had made and needed to be able to perform. Luckily he hadn't gone far, he was maybe two, three blocks down before he noticed he had left it. The school had also called him, asking if they could reschedule due to something, Mat didn't really remember. He was sad that he wouldn't be able to perform but was relieved to see that his binder was still intact and no one had looked in it, at least that is what it appeared that way, "Thank goodness. Thought someone might've taken it or taken some of my music." (@sprouhtt @ObviouslySketchy or anyone else still in the cafe)

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