Neko Asylum



name: Riot Bradford

age: 17

gender: Female

sexuality: Straight

history: None no memory

reason/condition: Sees things, hears things, attacks people.

personality: she is closed off and barely speaks. Some people think she cannot speak.

other: None

It sucks I know...
I was thinking along the lines of a spider? Not those bottom half being a spider or having extra limbs but something more subtle
well, I was thinking of, depending if I can find the right image for him, having him have the normal human two eyes with four extra eyes that border round the main ones and having small holes at the base of his palms so he can spin webs? Kind of have him as an anti-hero character, one that no-one actually trusts due to the species he comes from? I'm okay with just going with a cat if the idea doesn't strike you though
I'm really sorry to a downer, but could we stick with the neko idea, just because it didn't really strike me and a wolf is fine, just not a spider thing, sorry
It's perfectly fine, I'll be honest when I was typing it, I was thinking that it most likely wouldn't fit into the story xD
name: Sirah

age: 17

gender: Male

sexuality: Homosexual

appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb9bfafc_nekoboy.jpg.03e5b36f40aa84a2a3f5a7a5ae59a227.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1766" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb9bfafc_nekoboy.jpg.03e5b36f40aa84a2a3f5a7a5ae59a227.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

history: As a young neko he would always see little "monsters" as he called them and hia parents just blew it off as her imagination. His parents believed his vivid imagination was the cause of his exceptional intelligence. When he became 10 he was still seeing these "monsters" and his parents began to become worried. On his 11th birthday he flipped and killed his mother. When he explained to his father why he did so he told him, "The monsters told me too. They said momma was mean and that she needed to die and since they're my friends i did what they told me too." His father had calmly drove Sirah to the police station, handed him over to the cops and he has been in the asylum ever since.

reason/condition: Schizophrenia

personality: Typically nice but can snap very easily. The hallucinations he has because of the schizophrenia makes him entertaining.

other: Loves eyeliner. Smokes cigarettes when he gets a chance. Very girly tendencies. Books.

((Sorry I don't know how to make the picture bigger DX))



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(I just noticed how badly I failed in my last post)

name: Alvina

age: 16

gender: female

sexuality: pansexual


history: After she was made she was let out into the world, but she would attack people for no reason if they passed her or tried to talk to her, many of her school mates ended up in the hospital and some almost died. When they got her back and messed with her personality, instead of "fixing" her rude and violant behavoir it gave her another personality that was "better". His name was Kenchi who was an 11 year old neko boy. They liked this personality much more than her normal because he was much more well mattered than her. Alvina is mostly in charge though and she doesn't know she has DID (multi-personality disorder); she just thinks she passes out randomly or has memory loss because of the scientist. Though she has lessened on her violance she is still quite rude.

reason/condition: She has personality disorder and can be very violant. Her other personality is shy and quite until he gets to know someone. He does get super curious though which leads to him being adventurous to find an answer.

personality: She's very rude and sarcastic, but can be nice if she feels like it (which isn't often)

other: Ignore the white light she's manipulating in the picture.
In the case that you're still accepting......

Name: Seven

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


History: Seven was created with only one purpose in the mind of the scientists who designed her: A weapon. She was genetically modified to be the perfect non-human super-soldier that would turn the tide in the world of military science. From the age of 11, she was out there on the battle field. When she wasn't fighting, she was being brutally tortured by seemingly never-ending tests and simulations (you will notice the many scars on her back, legs, and forearms from these experiences). But even working as a secret operative, those who fought alongside her were in for an experience they would never forget. She was undyingly loyal to her squadron (which consisted of less successful, but still powerful, super-soldiers with certain similarities genetically), and was until she was 14. That was when it happened. Seven was sent behind enemy lines with these elite fighters. One had always been her closest companion, always working with her through the most difficult of times. But even together, they weren't able to find a way out of the most gruesome battle any of the soldiers had ever seen. Neko by Neko, every last one of them was tragically slaughtered. When it came down to just her and One, they were surrounded and helpless (but not hopeless). They fought valiantly.....but despite her efforts to save him, he did not make it. She was captured and sent to torture for information. It was there that she went insane from both grief and the agony. Seven, the last of her squadron, was able to escape 9 months later. Nearly dead, nearby authorities took her in and sent her here, where she is now the newest patient.

Reason/Condition: Multiple Personality Disorder

Personality: As stated under her "condition", Seven has multiple personality disorder. I shall list each one accordingly:

#1: Her "logical" personality. This side of her is by far the most intelligent. It has nearly (not totally, however) no emotion. Instead, while parading within this persona, she is completely guided by science and logic. She lacks a moral code and any approved social skills, working for what is best underneath the current circumstances in a completely scientific way. So, logic dictates every decision and move, which is why this personality is especially dangerous. It is cold, deductive, calculating, and unknowingly harsh.

#2: Her "seductive" personality. This personality is a love bug, very romantic and sensual, using whatever words/emotions/dare-I-say-physical-aspect to get what she wants. She becomes incredibly manipulative and prying, smooth and such. While in this persona, Seven is not against working this side of her with men or woman of any age or appearance to get what she wants. But deep down, she is driven by a true need for love.

#3: Her "strong" personality. This personality is a fighter, a warrior, a competitive girl who doesn't take crap from anybody. She uses violence to solve most problems, and is so determined that whatever goal she wishes to achieve is not set aside until it has been just that, achieved. She will stand up for others, having an utter hate for bullies or control freaks. She has a tendency to boast about her accomplishments and can be a bit pushy.

#4: Her "inventor" personality. This personality is a scientist, a thinker, a philosopher who is always looking for new answers to new questions. She prefers to stay out of anything even relatively violent, preferring to hide in books or a workshop. Seven, while in this persona, has the incredible ability to create the most fascinating devices from seemingly useless materials. This is a very compassionate and thoughtful personality that always loves helping others, but is prone to nervous break-downs when overwhelmed.

#5: Her "murderous" personality. This personality is a killer, a narcissist, a sociopath who only wishes to harm others in the most gruesome of ways. While like this, she merely wants to torture others and achieve the goal of chaotic destruction. She will lie, cheat, manipulate, steal, kill, black-mail, basically anything she feels the need to do in order to fulfill that aching desire within her heart to slaughter living things. Seven will be particularly fond of cutting mentioned living things, as in slicing them open while they remain alive and kicking, then messing around with their innards.

#6: Her "random" personality. This personality is crazy, funny, chaotic, destructive, reckless, and a party-lover. While in this persona, she does the must insane activities without a second thought. She is hyper, excited by everything, always laughing and making others laugh, then prone to accidentally harming those around her due to her coo-coo efforts.

#7: Her "mystery" personality. This is the personality which is referenced to by the others. It has not been seen or heard from in a while. Nobody who currently knows her has ever met it, so nobody knows what it's really like. Some say, however, that it is her true personality from before the incident.

Other: She loves pasta more then anything else, is a skilled swordsman and the sharpest shooter you will ever meet. She also is extremely skilled with martial arts.
She is amazing ^_^ definately accepted!

(And would you mind if Seven and my character shared a cell?:3 they sound like they could get on quite well)
Aw, shucks. Thank you :cool:

(I don't mind at all! I agree though, it seems like they would get along famously.)

I know that the rp has already started, so is there any particular entrance you would prefer at this point? Like, how would you like her to be first presented?
I'm okay with anything really, be creative!

But my character will probably be following somebody around about now, so Seven should probably watch out.. Because its most likely going to be her..:3
I believe they are in the lunch room now, and being that Seven "just arrived", what our gals meet up there? I'm totally down with your character following her around.

I was thinking of starting off with her #6 personality, then directly going into something else after a couple of interaction posts (probably her seductive personality, but it depends on how it goes).

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