Neko Asylum


Three Thousand Club
okay, so hey, im obsessed with two things at the moment, nekos, and asylums, so i thought, why not mix them both, crazy nekos in a loony bin... for nekos :D

BUT, there's a twist, all of these nekos were 'created' by scientists, weren't just born, we don't have mothers, or fathers, that's why a lot of us are in here, but others got set free, and were aloud into the normal world, but we couldn't take it, humans were scared, and tried to hurt us.. so we were called back to the lab, to be 'altered' again.. only a handful of the alterations worked, others went terribly wrong and sent us a bit 'loopy' in the head, another reason, some of us are

sub form:





appearance (anime picture preferred)


reason/condition (why they are here)




inmate 1

inmate 2

inmate 3

inmate 4

nurses (3)

manager (1)

Senior doctors (2)

(so i need 9 people all in all, because i am inmate 1:3)

The Asylum:

nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors, they (the nurses) try to cover things up.. but all of the rooms are blood-splattered from the tortured souls that perished in them.. if patients misbehave, the adequate punishments are served *see below

Timetable:(only more stable patients are made to abide by this)

6:00 am-7:00 am wake up-shower-get dressed

7:30 am-breakfast

8:30 am- therapy

9:30 am- patients are aloud outside, only with close supervision

11:30 am- alone time in cells

13:00 pm -lunch

14:30 pm-rec time

16:00 pm- alone time in cells

17:00 pm-tea time

18:00 pm- back to cells- relaxation

20:00 pm- final nurse patrol

20:30 pm- lights out

21:00 pm- cells locked, sleep


(patients are given a 'strike' for each thing)

answering back

using a nurses first name

taking food from the canteen

screaming/shouting/making noise.. after lights out

(after 3 strikes, patients are taken to what is referred to as 'the naughty room' by a senior doctor)

(whatever you want can go on in ' the naughty room', be creative:3)

name: saffire Bennett



sexuality: bisexual

appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/emo-anime-neko.jpg.d59b137e7e8f55a7640477f7d4a23173.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="817" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/emo-anime-neko.jpg.d59b137e7e8f55a7640477f7d4a23173.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

history: was 'created' and released into the human world, but the authorities lost control of her, as she ripped off the tracking devices and ignored them completely,but this was a big the age of 13, a 'nice' man, invited her back to his house, and she was raped, she was never able to forget, and still feels used 3 years on.. that was the most mentally scarring experience that caused her to go mad, she as found that same night by the authorities, bleeding and passed out in the middle of the road, they meant well.. they wanted to make her forget, about it all.. but the alterations went very wrong.. they somehow made the memories more vivid, sending her even more into the unreachable depths of madness, after being kept in captivity for another year, she began to get violent. very violent, screaming and lashing out whenever somebody came near her, so the scientists made the decision to send her away, to a place where they could look after her properly.. the asylum

reason:(mentioned above)

personality:shy, nice when she wants to be, rude, indignant,likes to answer back

role:inmate/patient 1



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Name: Rosie Ferxzen

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.40fdb69c94986b623f39a4cef8e86e88.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="991" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.40fdb69c94986b623f39a4cef8e86e88.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: She was created and sent off into the human life to see how she would react. Rosie, being the fragile girl she is, freaked out and almost fainted because of shock. They had to take her back in and test on her. It took them a long time to finish the tests. In that time, Rosie began slipping away into the darkness. Becoming more insane by the day. Her mind is still messed up, but she can still think and talk normal. When normal people would come near her, she would hiss and run away, acting as a real cat instead of a human. Rose doesn't like humans, they scare her and almost ended her life. She starts crying for no reason from time to time, but after all that, she's a normal girl.

Reason: Bit and scratched one of the scientists who created her. She almost killed another one.

Personality: Mean at first, pretty shy, doesn't like to talk, despises humans, hates anyone who tries to touch her.

Role: Inmate 2



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hey i just joined so its okay if you turn me down vuv

Name: Cythia Fujitant

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight


History: When she was young and just created the scientists let her go to school for a year, during this she was really rude to everybody, hurt many of the students, and never got any work done, and finally got expelled. Because of this, she was taken back to the labs, where they kept her in a room. The scientists constantly tried to manipulate her personality. Which caused her to slip into insanity.

Reason:See above

Personality: She is nice, but really akward, and she will not hesitate to attack a human, unless they are a nurse. She's usually quiet (because of her modified personality). She also twitches randomly because of her manipulation.

Other: She likes to wear a copper ring she found on a playground as a kid
name: Iris Kaime

age: 17 years

gender: Male

sexuality : Straight




Iris was created to observe if Nekos would make stable carers for the elderly. Iris was placed in a retirement home and was but to work. All was good. He made good friends and did his job well. However, when a close friend of his passed, he didn't take it well. Iris spiralled into a depression. Out of his depression he began sprinting around for no reason, and then he knocked over an elderly man, killing him almost instantly. Iris couldn't come to grip to what he had done and needed to dispose of the body before anyone took noticed, but it was too late... the other had saw what has happened. Iris wanted everything to go back to 'normal', when things were peaceful. So he murdered the witnesses, hoping that everything would go away. He attempted to block out his bad memories by smiling, but it only made it worst for him. He hid the bodies fairly well. However, after a month he was founded out. Because of this event, Iris thought of killing as a way to return unpleasant things back to normal. eg. Dog barking? Kill it. Now it's silent and back to its quite self.


Murdered eight people, suffers Acute Conduct Disorder.


Iris is somewhat aloof, but doesn't mind interactions with other Nekos. However, when it comes to humans, a stray jacket would be a human's best friend. Iris speaks like a typical teen with intellect (no "yolo"s here). When Iris become too upset he smiles and screams and attempts to return ever back to 'normal' like how he did in his past.

other: Iris can be found curled up, resting under things... it sooths him...
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