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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Neighborhood

"Um, I had a lot of friends back in Japan." Hinata said, "I think, maybe, I'm a little too quiet to have friends here. I don't have very many at the moment. But you can be my first friend. That'd be great." She smiled. She wasn't that good at making friends; not with people her own age, at least. They often found her way of speaking to be rather odd. And they thought she was a geek. Perhaps she was, just a little bit.

"I don't really like shoes, actually." Hinata admitted, sheepishly, "But my boots got all worn out and I really need some new ones. I mean, I can't perform in these." She pointed at her shoes, "I'd fall over." She flushed pink, when he complimented her way of dressing. She looked down at clothes and shrugged.

"My mom buys my clothes for me. I don't like shopping. I'm only here today because my parents are working and I really need my new boots. And, to answer your questions: yes, I attend a local high school. I... I like it here. I think. Possibly. Besides, do you really want to hear about me? I'm rather uninteresting, actually. Surprisingly average." Aside from her intelligence and her singing abilities, she was pretty much as normal as you could get.
Grant couldn't seem to stop smiling. He let out a quiet laugh before smirking smirking. "Nothing wrong with being quiet. I like quiet people. Friends, then, it seems." he said, going to lead Hinata to Hot Topic. He never really liked the store, but they were bound to have something like that, right? "I graduated about two years ago. I didn't have many friends in school." he put simply. I didn't do much else. Grades were excellent, and I was in the Boxing club. Didn't win any titles, and I only fought about twenty times." He said, looking to the shy girl. "You aren't uninteresting at all. Surprisingly unique. You said you perform? So you're, like, a teen idol, right? I bet you had tons of guys wanting to go out with you, right?" he said with a smirk. "It must be a pain to be popular, huh?"

Stopping in front of the store, Grant seemed rather unimpressed by their outside display. It was a mixture of cult classics and upcoming cult hits. Doctor Who and Attack on Titan posters littered the windows, and the ever present Jack Skellington. He never understood the appeal of this place or the characters within, and frankly, the people who tended to shop here annoyed him, as most just screamed for attention in the first place like toddlers. "They should have decent boots here at a reasonable price. C'mon, i'll make sure they won't try to sell you anything extra by hassling you into it." he directed at her.
(Attack on Titan is my life right now.)

"You make it sound more exciting that is." Hinata groaned, "There's a line between being a singer and being popular, you must understand. No boy has ever come within fifty feet of me. Besides, I don't really idol properly very more. This country is much harder to be successful in than Japan." With that, she entered the store and focused on keeping her head down.

She made her way other to the shoes, trying not to elbow anyone or make eye contact or anything. She felt strangely out of place her as she made her way over to the shoes. She began to look for boots in her size, glancing over her shoulder to make sure that nobody was looking at her. She was turning slowly pinker every time she looked over her shoulder.

This was because every time she turned around, she caught sight of the reasonably small display in the corner of the store that took up half a shelf- nothing more. But it was enough to embarrass Hinata half to death. The display only took up half of the shelf, as mentioned, and had three gothic looking CDs next to each other- each with the titles written in kanji. One of the CDs even had her picture on. Hinata was horrified. She didn't even think you could get her CDs here.
(I liked it. Is rly gud.)

Grant followed behind, looking at displays with a slight intrigue, but otherwise no real interest. "It couldn't have been that bad, and maybe they were just intimidated to be in the same class as such a pretty idol~." he teased. "Besides, idoling here is rather...different. Some girls just become fake and unoriginal, and those that don't never really get the popularity they deserve, in my opinion." He said, looking down at her. He tilted his head slightly in curiosity at what she was looking at. He spotted the shelf, but couldn't spot which CD she was looking at, but thought as much, that she wanted to listen to that type of music, but was just to embarrassed. "You like rock and metal? I could get you into some bands if you're really interested. Its nothing to be so shy about, y'know?" he said with a grin as they finally reached the boots. "Go on. Pick a pair you like." he said, finding a near by stool and sitting. He slumped heavily in his seated position.

Grants phone rang loudly through the store, breaking the silence. It was the tone that made your phone sound like an old corded phone. He pulled the Samsung Galaxy S5 from his pocket and frowned a bit at the name appearing on screen. He swiped to answer and put the phone to his ear. "Hey Mom." he said lowly, looking away. The voice on the other end could only be heard as a high pitched mumble that seemed to go on a million miles per hour. "Yes. I'm fine. Yes. YES. No, Lee isn't dead, if anything, hes' getting fatter. Thanks for him, by the way. The house is less empty. Uh huh. Uh huh. Soon? How soon? Thats reasonable. I'll have the place clean by then." he said, carrying off a conversation. "No, I don't need money. Hows' dad? Still? Did he go to the doctor? He refuses? God, that old man..." he sighed out. "I'll see what I can do to convince him when he gets down here next month." he said, forgetting Hinata was probably listening in on his conversation, though he was barely one to care at all. "Hey, bring some of that blue velvet cake you make with you when you come down. You know i'm a horrible cook. Yes. YES. Takeout. Chinese can be healthy sometimes too." he said before a long silence. "MSG is just a myth." he said jokingly. "Besides, I still stay in decent shape, and the boys at work make sure I eat my greens."

After a shorter bit of nonsense, Grant finally signed. "LoveyouMomBye." he said quickly before hanging up. "That woman will suffocate me some day..."
"Thanks, it's kinda my job," Roman joked, grateful for the generous tip. He thought about what Alexandria said for a moment. By a stroke of luck, she'd came across him and found him interesting enough to take out to a party. They'd only exchanged so few words too. They barely knew each other! So? His conscience replied. Who cares? It isn't like she's looking for something serious, she just needs a pretty face to go with her. Supermodels have to keep face, you know. Stop acting like she's asking you to marry her and just tell her you'll go! How long has it been since you've been on a date, anyways? Roman tapped her business card against his hand. Too long, he thought to himself again. "Alright," he finally decided, presenting her with a grin that was so sincere it showed off his dimples. "I'd be honored to escort you. As for what I should wear," he hesitated. "I could probably dig something up. Is it formal, or...?" (@Gilmoregirl12)
"Come on, Niichan." Hinata declared, after she'd decided on a pair of boots, checked the size on the bottom and didn't even try them on before heading to the counter. She knew what size would fit her, she didn't need to try them on. If they rubbed, she could put band-aids on her feet. It wasn't a big deal. Besides, she was so done with shopping. 98.9% done. She made her way to the counter and slammed the shoes down there, as confidently as she could. The person behind the counter raised an eyebrow at her.

"Are you sure you're old enough to be shopping here without mommy and daddy?" He mocked, lightly, as he scanned her boots. Hinata said nothing and blushed. She was quite small and reasonably young looking. It had taken her a while to realise that in America, you had to try and look older. They didn't endorse cuteness here, not really. She payed for her boots via debit card before taking the bag from the guy behind the counter and darting out of the store as quick as she could.

Once she was out, she leant against the wall and took deep breaths.

"That was terrifying." she muttered to herself, running both hands through her hair. She did this a few times until she was calm again and then, she smoothed down her hair and pinned it back into place. She was never shopping ever again. Why did they have her CDs here? She groaned and rubbed her temples, as if she had a headache.
Grant watched as Hinata quickly paid and left, his eyes narrowing at the cashier, who just gave him a look of disgust. He quickly grinned and nodded. "Have a nice day....douche." "Excuse me?" "I said have a nice day, dude." he said with a wave and a grin. He looked back to the CD shelf, still wondering why she kept staring there before exiting completely. Grant went and leaned against the wall next to her, placing a hand gently on her shoulder. "You alright, there? You look like you were about to throw up." he said, thinking a bit. "How about some fresh air? Lets go to the park to rest and relax a bit. Sounds like a good idea, doesn't it?"

Grant removed his beanie, stuffing it into his pocket. His brown hair fell, covering his face a bit before he pulled out a hair tie. He pulled his hair back and organised it into a somewhat messy bun. Shaking his head and sighing as he leaned against the wall with Hinata, he thought a bit before glancing to her. "Whats, uh, a 'knee chan'? he said with a bit of an embarrassed flush on his face. He may have known culture, but language was a whole other ball park. "Is it a good thing? Does it mean creep in Japanese? I'm not a creep, am I"
(I need to go now and stuff. I'll be back tomorrow.)

"Yeah... The park sounds good..." Hinata said, "I... I'm fine..." She was not fine. She was never leaving the house ever again. She was staying in her room for the rest of eternity and never again leaving and- she was making way too much of a big deal out of this, wasn't she? She took a deep breath and started forward.

"Niichan is a casual term for brother, I guess." Hinata explained, "But we also use it to refer to people we're familiar with, I suppose. I just kind of threw it out there, I'm sorry." She looked down and sighed, "You're not a creep. You're currently my only friend." With that, she continued walking and focused her eyes on the ground.
Grant frowned at Hinata's turtle like personality, walking behind her and watching as she hung her head. "Y'know..." he said softly, before going to gently put his hands on the side of her head, looking to guide her gaze forward instead of at the ground. "They say...you can never look at how bright the future is, if you spend it worrying about where you are now." he said before bringing his hands back. "Ah. Sorry. I got to familiar, didn't I?" he spoke before clearing his throat and going quiet.

Grant walked with his left hand in his pocket, his right carrying the bag with the boots in them, his gaze never leaving Hinata. He couldn't help but worry for the poor girl as they walked, his eyes showing clear signs of worry. He had no words to comfort her, but he sure hoped his presence helped. He would continue this silence until the park.
Miya wandered back to her Jeep and slid into the drivers seat, tossing her purse into the passanger seat. She slammed the door and inserted the keys into the ignition. As the engine started up she popped a disc into the front console and cranked up the volume. It may bother other drivers but who gave a flying fuck? She stepped on the gas and jerkily pulled out of the parking lot, receiving glares from a mother walking her two children into the mall. With a tip of her head, two strands of hair about and inch wide framed her face. Not flatteringly. But Miya was too wrapped up in the music and buzz to fix it. As she pulled into her driveway, she noticed two cars instead of one. A really nice one to say the least. It was a silver, sleek car with brand new tires and leather seats. Obviously not her fathers. She shut of the car and made for the door. But through her peripherals she caught sight of a woman through the window. Her heavily lined, cloudy gray eyes widened in astonishment as her father caught sight of her. She turned on a boot heel and practically sprinted for the car. Without a backwards glance, she zipped back the way she came heading for some where she could think. The only place she could do that is the park. Most likely under a tree.
Alexandria smiles and shook her head. She watched him debate it in his head. Yeah it was out of the blue, but maybe she have someone interesting with hwr for once.when he said alright she looked at him with an eye brow raised."well all be darned glad you could make up your mind doll."She said with a smile. "As for what you should wear I have it covered. Will go get you something when we get off."She said. " dont forget give me a ring doll."She said. She grabbed her coffee and walked into the mall to go find a dress For tonight. Alexandria smiled she actually have someone to talk instead of gossip and annoying super models talk about calories.

@Pipa The Great

Death to all betrayers
"You're right, of course." Hinata sighed, but didn't say anything more. When they got to the park, she ran over and threw herself onto a swing. She swung back and forth, her hair flying out behind her. She swung and swung, almost furiously, until she ran out of energy and slowed down. She came to a stop, breathing raggedly. She closed her eyes and leant against the metallic chains that hung the swing in place. They were cold against her forehead.

She felt a little better now and she even managed a small smile. She began to wonder why she'd been so oversensitive. Then, she began to wonder if she should be getting home yet.

"What's the time?" she muttered, going to look at her watch and then remembering that she hadn't put it on this morning.
(This post is from my phone. I'm on lunch right now. Please excuse any typos and/or weird mistypes.)

Grant had found himself a spot on a nearby bench, setting down the bag with the shoes in them beside him. He watched his surroundings as Hinata swung on the swing until her hearts content. He felt a bit more at ease now, and began to notice a few more people around, including a girl with a Golden Retriever. He would gently wave to her with a warm smile before turning back to Hinata.

Upon her question of the time, he pulled his phone from his pocket and clicked the screen on. "Its a bit past three. Three oh eight to be exact." he spoke, pocketing the device. " Do you need to be somewhere at a certain time?" he inquired. (@Endless Love)
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Miya parks in the parking lot near the park and shuts off her jeep. The music rang in her ears even after it was turned off. She grabbed her bag and a pack of cigarettes and started walking down the path.
"Alright, cool," Roman replied to Alexandria. "I'll text you whenever my shift ends." He pocketed her business card. It was kinda funny the way she gave that to him instead of scrawling her number on his arm/hand, like most girls did. It made him feel like they were forming a business deal rather than planning for a date. He guessed that was a lot like how the supermodel life must be--lots of serious consideration about image, reputation, the future... It made him realize how blessed he truly was to live such a simple life. He could do what he want, be seen with the people he wanted to be seen with, and never worry about how his next meal might make him gain so many pounds. Usually, he had to stack up on calories so that he had plenty to burn whenever he worked out. Another customer approached the counter and Roman snapped out of his thoughts.
"You could say that." Hinata shrugged, "I need to be home by half three." She wandered over and sat beside him on the bench, sitting bolt upright with her hands in her lap- like she was in a school lesson.

"You know, I want to thank you." Hinata said, "You've been very helpful to me today. Arigato, Ulysses-san!" She stood up again and smiled. She bowed her head.

"I must go now, Ulysess-san." Hinata said, "Sayonara." With that, she picked up the bag with her shoes in and rushed off.

She ran most of the way home, her hair flowing out behind her as she ran. Sweat broke out on her forehead as she reached her street. She ran all the way up to her front door and opened it, taking herself inside. She shut the door behind her and collapsed against it, breathing hard.

"Is that you, Hinata?" her mother called out.

"Yeah." Hinata said, a little out of breath. Her mother came downstairs and pulled her daughter into a tight hug.

"Go and get changed." Her mother said, "You've got an interview today, remember?" With a smile, Hinata went and got changed.
Issac sits in the park, alone on a bench under a tree, his headphones plugged in, listening to music. The beautiful sound of violins and other string instruments playing, rather soothingly, as he watched all of the other people go about their business in the park. People talking, walking their dogs, laughing, and having fun. The Rains Of Castamere came on, as the last song ended, and he smiled slightly to himself. A rather unfitting tune for a beautiful day like this. But he continued listening, entranced, refusing to skip the song, as he listened to it, all the way through.

((Just going to presume I was accepted, souly to revive this.))
(This post is really long and pretty irrelevant.)

Hinata was sat in the back of the car, staring out of the window. Her eyes were heavily outlined and she was wearing a hooded jacket over her black dress. Her new boots were rubbing a little against her toes. She leaned back in her seat and groaned, as her skin felt suddenly cold as if somebody had pressed ice against her.

"Mom... I don't feel good..." Hinata murmured, fiddling with the skirt of her dress.

"You're just nervous, sweetheart." Her mom assured her, "Just be good and we'll be home soon, okay?" Hinata took a deep breath and cracked the window open.

Soon enough, they were there and Hinata climbed out of the car. She really was feeling a little sick, a little shaky and hot like she had earlier. She crossed her arms and pushed her way through the front door to the television studio.

"Ready, Hinata-chan?" Her mother looked down at her, smiling.

"Of course." She wasn't ready. They went inside, together.

Hinata found herself sat around waiting, whilst people messed with her make-up and tilted her head from side to side. She just smiled and tried to feel positive and not throw up. After a while, her legs gave out and she had to sit down on one of the grey plastic chairs. The palms of her hands began to sweat and she rubbed them on her skirt.

"Okay, you're on, little girl." somebody told her, gesturing for her to go onto the set. She climbed nervously onto the set and found herself confronted by a crowd of people that were all staring at her. Normally, she'd want to blush and hide her face but she felt more confident when she was dressed up like this- it was like acting. She sat down on the couch with the woman that was interviewing her and put on her best smile.

"So, Hinata..." That was when the questions started, fired one after another at her. She had to squint because of the bright lights; they made her feel dizzy. Her breathing sped up a little and she rubbed her throat, as if that would help. She shifted in her seat, answering the questions as best she could. It was hard to remember what your favourite colour was when you felt awful.

Suddenly, the room blurred and Hinata couldn't hear or see anything. She couldn't feel anything, like she'd fallen out of the world and was floating in-between dimensions. Except she hadn't. She hit the floor with a thump and passed out, sprawled out on the floor as she fell unconscious.

~ Later ~

Hinata woke up in a white room, tucked inside a bed. She sat up slowly, brushing her dark hair out of her eyes. She glanced around and realised where she was. She was in a hospital. That was when it occurred to her; she'd passed out on live television. She flopped back down onto her pillows- her career was utterly ruined.
Grant nodded as Hinata left, his features remaining soft as he watched her go. He silently understood that she had places to be, and would probably be very busy with her idol life in America. Being left at the park on a bench, Grant sat there for a while, leaning forward until his elbows rested against his knees, fingers interlocked as he thought quietly to himself. He thought of how time was just slowly going by, day by day, with no new experience and nothing to show for it, the unfulfilled feeling he got twisting a knot in his stomach. Grant had never felt like that inside the ring, where he could show off his hard work. He'd never get that feeling back, sadly.

After thinking for a bit, he finally stood, walking home to deposit his new shoes and throw the old ones away. He refilled Lee's water bowl and deposited some dirty dishes into the dishwasher before grabbing his laptop, a black HP, and walking to a nearby cafe for WiFi, because internet was out of his budget.

Arriving at the cafe, he sat down and sat his laptop on the table, pulling it open and starting it up. After typing in his password, he open up a browser and began to read recent news, about another shooting, or how Obama was implementing something new, most of which he never cared about. Politics were out of his league and he never voted, though his father always stressed to do so. He sighed, all the depressing news stories getting to his mood. He would then get up and approach the counter, looking to order a hot chocolate.

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