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Realistic or Modern Neighborhood

Miya wiped her mouth and exhaled heading for the mall. She figured since she hadn't been banned from that mall it would be fine if she went. Hopefully the malls aren't cross referencing. Either way, she hopped into her jeep and drove off for the mall, tapping her nails on the wheel as she drove, listening to Young Blood. She pulled up to the parking lot and hopped out, slinging her black purse over her shoulder with a flourish. Miya stepped out and sipped her 'water bottle' . She then tucked it into her bag and walked around the plaza looking for something to do. She could see a few people she recognized faintly from parties or around Boca Raton. Classy and classless. She thought as she strolled towards a music store hoping to find something loud enough to drown out her dads television and poker parties.

Alec shrugged and stuck his hand in the bag he offered. "thanks" He mumbled through a mouthful of chips. "you live a few houses down from me.. am I right?" Alec asked. (@David Parks)
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"I like the way your mind is wired." Alexis remarked, giggling. She led her friend across the mall, glancing around at the mannequins on display in the windows, almost like a child with her face pressed up against the display window of a toy store. Alexis loved shopping. Although she didn't do it too often, on account of her parent's financial status, when she got the chance it made it all the more exciting. When Alexis and London arrived at the brightly lit, moderately priced store, immediately a bright coral dress with black lace lining the sweetheart neckline caught her eye. "Whoa, London, check this out." Alexis said, her voice sounding distant and her golden brown eyes widened and glittery with admiration. "Cute?" She asked, holding the dress to her small frame.

Grant had just made it home from work, the factory line having closed down for the rest of the day early due to a large paint spill caused by a forklift driver backing up into the large barrel. He really thought of it as a blessing in disguise as he closed the door to his 2015 KIA Soul. He clicked the lock button twice on the key remote, and a loud honk echoed through the neighborhood. Upon entering the house, Grant was welcomed by a black and white cat rubbing upon his leg. "Hey, Lee. Glad i'm home early?" he said with a soft chuckle, kneeling down and petting the cats head affectionately before looking to his bowl. It was, of course, empty. "Ah. No, you're just a huge suck up and want to eat early." This was followed by a soft meow.

After feeding the cat and changing into a more casual look of a graphic t-shirt with a decayed batman logo, some stonewashed denim jeans and leather boat shoes, he plopped on the couch and stretched before looking to his work boots. They were falling apart due to extreme working conditions lately, and the manager pushing Grant to the limit, and a bit beyond, to meet the upcoming deadline. "Crap. Need shoes. I've got to go Lee. You have my permission to maul any intruders." "Mrow." "Good boy." he said with a smile as he slipped on a heavier bomber styled leather jacket and a gray beanie to cover his head and ears, though his thick brown hair did most of the work. He adjusted his hair from his eyes and left.

He shortly made it to the mall, which was an easy walk away. Grants home was located a good walk from everything else, but the mall was close enough to where he never had to worry about wasting gas to get there. He was walking quietly through, before glancing to a small asian girl looking around with a bit of a confused look. The tired man slowed down slightly until coming to a complete stop beside her. He was facing the opposite direction from her as he looked over, blinking slightly. It was a long pause before he even said anything. "You, uh... You lost, or something? Can I help?" he said in a somewhat quiet tone. He was never one to directly talk to people, but she seemed out of her element, and she was just a kid. He could always take her to the guard booth and call her mom through the speaker.
London shrugged. "The dress is cute, not exactly my style though," she replied. "But you should get it. It'll look cute on you," she said with a smile. She walked toward a rack full of ripped skinny jeans and quickly grabbed a few off the rack. She checked the prices, but money wasn't a problem. London walked over to a shelf to check out a few crop tops. She just realized ow 'cheap' everything was. She knew she couldn't spend it all. "Hey, Alexis, want me to get you anything?" London asked. She had way too much money she could spend and she knew Alexis could use some. "Here, I'll buy that dress for you," she offered.

Miya walks into the music store, passing through the lingering smoke from the guy who entered in front of her. It didn't bother her but she silently wished he could have picked a less public place to smoke. She bee-lined for the heavy metal and rock music, flipping through ACDC and Greenday cds looking for something that would piss her dad off. She picked up a guitar solo cd and flipped it over. "Hmm... " She mumbles and flips her hair out of her face. She pulls out her 'water' and takes a sip again, her mind slightly fuzzy.
Justin, walking alone, made his way to a nearby park. He decided he may as well get out of the house before he ends up having to care for his little sister, who was 5. He didn't like the fact all responsibilities were plastered on him every since his mother died. Rolling his irises, he turned the corner, nearing the location of the park. He held a simple bottle of water in his hand, knowing he'd be out of the house for quite a while, and surely wasn't in the mood to walk all the way up to the grocery store and back just for some stupid water.
Carson nodded excitedly. "Yeah, Alec? Is it?" He tossed the bag in the trash as he threw out his hand for a handshake. His lips rounded out a ring made of potato chips. He quickly wiped his chin with the sleeve of his old worn out jacket. The jacket was worn out, musky and smelled of smoke and tart. But he kept for a reason he didn't know, the jacket had its own value of unknown sorts. He had it for two or three years, but it had grown on him so much he never thought about how long he had had it.
Alec nodded a bit, clearly not expecting the enthusiasm Cason exhibited. "Carson? Heard about you... aren't you like... super smart or something?" He wasn't lying. His mother had mentioned something of the sort when he came back from University after his dads death. She wanted some of his habits to rub off on Alec... "Sooo.... what were you up to before I ran into you?" He said trying to stay light and friendly.
Carson smiled and tucked his hand tightly into his pockets "I guess you could say so." He never really thought of himself as smart, however others would disagree. His mother had spent hundreds of dollar they didn't have to get him into a private school, and even then he felt like he was underachieving. He surveyed the town square and quickly set his eyes back on Alec, "nothing much, just checking out the town, and you?"
Ed passed by guitar after guitar but none of them really caught his fancy. They seemed to bland, to common, but most of all they reminded him of times he'd rather forget. A change of pace was what he needed, he thought to himself as he approached the electric guitars. The transition would be fun and would give him something to actually do in his spare time. He was drawn to one immediately. The body was a glossy white, with the decals made out in a dark forest green, a green skull drawn by hand in the bottom corner. The fret board and head stock was followed the same pattern, the fret markers and frets highlighted by the same forest green. The strings themselves were bright white.

Ed found it impossible to look away, it even came with a matching amp. He checked the tag and knew if he were to buy the instrument he would blow all of the money he saved to move over here, minus a hundred or so bucks. The store owner noticed his hesitation and came over to speak to him. Ed explained his predicament and love for the guitar before the owner made a generous offer. "How about this, one of my staff recently quit and you seem to know your way around instruments well enough. You an work for me, starting tomorrow. I'll even knock a couple hundred off the guitar and I'll deduct it from you're first months pay!" Ed was gobsmacked by the offer. He had been intending to find a job relatively soon but to have one so perfect fall into his lap was a blessing. Ed eagerly agreed and followed the owner to the counter where he handed him some documents to sign and his freshly packaged guitar which he slung over his shoulder.

Alexis watched London stroll over to the torn skinny jeans, of course her style was leaning more towards the rebel look. Pink lace dresses were not her thing. So she wasn't surprised when her friend wasn't going gaga. But her approval for Alexis to wear it was good enough. "Pay for it?" Alexis shook her head. But really, as much as she wanted to insist on paying for it herself, it would be an idiot move. "I owe you." She said firmly, but playfully, making her way to the nearby checkout.

Alexis began to walk out of the mall, she had said her goodbyes to London, and thanked her well over fifty times for the dress. And it would be likely she'd only thank her a few more times at the park where they were meeting, known as Lakeview Gardens. Just in time, her mother pulled into the mall parking lot. The ride was silent except for the quiet gospel pop music on the radio.

Alexis had almost reached the park, walking her golden retriever Sadie. The dog seemed to find more interest in sniffing than anything else, and since Alexis was pretty small considering her age, it was pretty rough having to pull a seventy five pound animal from occasional tree stumps and fire hydrants. She finally made it to the park, and settled on the bench by the lake with Sadie resting at her feet. Alexis took out her phone, texting London. I'm here.
Justin sighed, entering the park from the opposite entrance of where seemingly a girl and her dog entered. He watched them for a moment, having more interest in the animal rather than the girl. Believe it or not, this bad boy had a small soft spot for dogs. He has one himself, but leaves him at home. Even so, Justin huffed, posting himself up against tree located a few feet away from the lakes bank.
Miya collected a pile of cds and carried them over to the cash register where the same person who had walked in in front of her was buying a very nice guitar. She slid them onto the counter and dug through her bag, making a clear attempt at concealing the alcohol she carried virtually everywhere. "That will be 46.89" The employee that had taken over the cash register while the store owner had the teen fill out paperwork of some sort. He didn't look much different from the kind of guy that usually attended her 'type' of parties but he had a very mysterious look about him. One that told her he wasn't much of a emotional guy.

She looked back to the employee and pulled out her debit card. It was an old card but the strip was almost unused. Her dad always had her use cash if it was under 30 dollars which happened to be her allowance for the week. Yah, she knew allowances were for children but it wasn't like her dad was an executive at some fancy company. She swallowed and handed over the card, knowing she was going to get in major trouble for going over even slightly. With a sideways glance to Ed, Miya slid the cds into a bag and turned to leave the store.

Alec replied with "I was out for a run." He ran a hand through his crew cut hair and gelled tips absent mindedly. He looked at Carson sideways. "You want to go to the park? I heard It has some cool scenery." Alec says. He was never super rude to anyone especially when the other person was so nice to him. It would cause pointless grudges or arguments.
London had just parked her convertible on the sidewalk when Alexis sent her text. Cool, meet u there, she replied. She pushed a button locking her car behind her with a loud 'click'. She slipped on a pair of golden brown RayBan aviators and headed toward the lake. London found the bench Alexis was sitting on and plopped down onto it. "Sup, Blondie," London joked. The nickname she came up with was just to mess with her. It was London's turn to make up an embarrassing nickname. It rhymed with 'Londie' and was just as embarassing to London.

Roman nodded at the woman, his smile still visibly forced and his posture still oddly straight. It was only when Lucinda rolled her eyes at him and let his tardiness slide that he relaxed, and he made the motion to swipe the woman's card, telling her the cost of her coffee. He did a double take, finding a hint of familiarity in her face. He hesitated, then decided to voice his thoughts. "Sorry, have we met before?" He realized too late how strange the question sounded, and he shook his head. Way to sound like a creep. "Wait, never mind, stupid question." He gave her a polite smile and busied himself with fixing her coffee. (@Gilmoregirl12)
( sorry been working. )

Alexandria watched him amd smirked at his forced smile. She had to smile all the time and it was mostly forced. She watched him swipe her card. When he asked her if he knew he she nods gently." We haven't met, but may have heard of me I am a super model.See."She pulled out a magazine from her purse. She points to the front then her face."see thats me. They how ever do to much fixing on the computer."She said. She smiled and and moved over as he made her coffee. "I know this is super out of the blue and probably odd. But are you free tonight I have this party for models that I have to go to and need some to go with."She said." If you wanna go. Here is my card." She took one out and wrote her number on the back."there just text me when you get off if you want to go."She says. She slipped him her card as he gave her the coffee she ordered.

@Pipa The Great

Death to all betrayers
She nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard somebody speak behind her. She was even more surprised when she realised that he was talking to her. God, she must look really helpless if strangers had started offering her help.

"Uh, I'm not exactly lost... I just don't know where I'm going... I'm sorry..." Hinata's sentence started at a reasonable volume and slowly slid down until she was practically whispering. She flushed a bright shade of pink and looked down.

"Could you possibly point me in the direction of the nearest shoe shop?" she asked, shifting from foot to foot, "I, uh, it's been a while since I've been here. My mom normally shops for me... Uh." She stopped there because she realised that the man probably didn't care that her mom normally shopped for her- who would care about that? (@PugMonkey)
Grant studied the girl silently as she talked nervously, a warm smile crossing his tired face as she began to over-explain her situation. 'My god, shes like an adorable lost puppy.' he thought to himself before gently putting his hands in his pockets, thumbs hanging on the outside. "Yeah, I was just on my way there as well. Work shoes are worn. We can go together, yeah? I'll even buy you a pair as a welcome back gift, yeah?" he spoke warmly, his voice deep and smooth, like chocolate. Grant held a comforting aura, one usually held by an older brother, or maybe even a father, but his slouched posture made him seem like more of a pot head if you didn't speak to him or look at him directly. He may of had a bit of a beard forming as well, but it seemed well kept as it was, and none of his clothes were dirty. Hell, even smelt like Old Spice Body Wash and Perry Ellis cologne. "Oh, i'm Ulysses, by the way. Everyone just calls me Grant, though. Haha. History. Because Ulysses S. Grant." he said with a nervous chuckle. He slowly stopped chuckling and scratched his neck a bit. "I'm...sort of fun at parties..." he said jokingly. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Are you sure you don't mind walking me there? I don't want you to go to any trouble for me." Hinata said, "And... I can't let you buy me anything. It's not that I don't appreciate your kindness or anything but I don't need you to buy me anything. But thank you." She bowed her head in politeness. Then, she remembered that people didn't do that here and stood up straight again.

When Grant introduced himself, Hinata blinked several times in confusion.

"Ulysses S Grant?" She frowned hard, as she thought. Did she know who that was? Was he somebody important? Had she missed something? Then, she realised that she hadn't introduced herself.

"My name is Taguchi, Hinata." she introduced, "But you can just call me Hinata or Taguchi. Which ever is easier for you, Ulysses-san. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She bowed again, hoping that he wasn't thinking of her as too strange.

"Shall we go and buy shoes?" Hinata asked, before she could make this conversation more awkward then it already was.
Roman's eyebrows shot up when Alexandria showed him the cover of the magazine. Yup, that was definitely her, and her reputation preceeded her. She looked just as gorgeous in person as she did in all of the media, all photoshopping aside. In all honesty, the fact that she was even talking to him did wonders to his ego. He'd always assumed that the women who appeared in magazines like that would be, well, for lack of a better word, bitchy in person. But here she was, a supermodel herself, talking to him normally and even inviting him to a party. He gave her a skeptical look. He didn't have anything planned, that much was true, but did she really mean her offer or was he getting punk'd? He finished up her order and passed the coffee to her. "Let me get this straight," he began, picking up the business card she gave. "You want me, a total stranger, to accompany you to a party full of supermodels?" The corners of his mouth started to twitch up. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not offended by any means, I'm just making sure this isn't some dream." Roman wasn't afraid to wear his heart on his sleeve. It made all of his relationships so much easier and less complicated, which he preferred. (@Gilmoregirl12)
Eddie smiled as he left the store, the guitar still slung over his shoulder and his amp tucked under is arm. He couldn't believe his luck and decided that maybe for once life had decided to be good to him, at least for a while. He didn't even mind the fact he was going to have to carry the instrument and amp home, he was in too good a mood. Lighting another cigarette with his free hand her continued walking, a smile spreading across his face for what felt like an age.

He told himself he wasn't allowed to make any more big purchases for a while, he had another thing in mind that he wanted to buy next. He just needed to find the right shop.

He was almost home and was just passing by the park, whistling in appreciation at an impressive convertible parked on the road. He had had a decent car himself back in England by he had left it behind. Mostly because it was totalled, even if it wasn't it would have been ridiculously expensive to transport it. Besides... It held way too many memories. He didn't want to drive again anytime soon.
Alexandria smiles and watched him as he looked flustered.She smiles. Yeah she wasn't a normal famous person. She wasn't bitchy or snobby. Her value was just because she had money didn't mean she had to be a royal bitch.She watched him as he asked her if she was being serious. "Yes I think thats what I just said. I need someone to go with me your free I am guessing by your line of questions. There is no trick or joke dont believe me call the number on the back now it will go straight to my phone."She said"trust me I don't give it out to just any one. If you need something to wear I am sure we can find you something. It will be on me."She says. She drank her coffee. "By the way this is made awesome. You did a great job here."She says. She handed him a 20."so I will be hearing from you later yes?"She asked with a gentle smile.

( @Pipa The Great )

Death to all betrayers
Grant watched her bow not once, but twice with a small smile never leaving his face. He always had a thing for history and culture, and luckily had read a bit up on Japan, which he finally got from her use of honorifics and, well, her name. "Please, just call me Grant. Ulysses is a mouthful, don't you think, Hinata-chan?" he said, chuckling a bit. "Now, c'mon. We got shoes to get. Its a shame you won't let me get you anything, though. At least let me get you lunch, or walk you home perhaps? Nothing creepy, I swear." he said in his own defense as he began to walk forward. "C'mon, its just down the stairs."

Grant had entered the PaylessShoes store, his eyes wandering through the selection of light brown steel toed work boots quietly. He wasn't sure if this was Hinata's idea of a shoe store where she could get what she wanted, but he wasn't exactly rolling in the dough, and with his mortgage payments coming, along with utilities, he wanted at least a thousand left for pleasure and fun, not counting his rainy day fund he kept just for emergencies. "...Should I get these? They'll be a bit more, but they might last longer? I didn't get steel toed last time, just the comfortable insoles..." he muttered to himself as he held the boot, examining it. (@Fallen from Heaven)
"Grant-san doesn't work as well." Hinata shrugged, "It hasn't got enough syllables and it just sounds awkward." She followed him, walking awkwardly. She wasn't sure how it was possible to be awkward at walking but she managed it. She stopped and started like a broken doorbell, walking with her toes pointed inward. She hopped down the stairs like a rabbit with a foot injury- or would that be a paw injury? Whatever, it was official- she'd made walking look awkward. Then, they reached the store before she could embarrass herself further.

"I don't want you to buy me anything. No disrespect or anything though." Hinata added, quickly, "I just wouldn't feel right to take anything from a stranger." She fell quiet after that, following silently.

"Steel toed shoes will almost certainly last longer. You know, these things have symbols on them and according to colour, you can tell how protective they are." Hinata was still following Grant, as he looked at shoes, "Also, steel toed boots have previously been used as weapons so they're pretty dangerous if you use them in the wrong circumstances. Don't go kicking people with them on." She laughed lightly, "That was my bad idea of a joke, forgive me."
Grant glanced to Hinata, raising a brow. "Really, they do? I never knew that. I figured getting kicked with one was bad." he said with a warm chuckle, grabbing the cheapest pair he could get without going to cheap. He didn't really want them to wear out to fast. "You apologize to much, y'know? People might take advantage of your kindness and manners, y'know?" he said, turning to her. He never realized how much taller he was, standing at 6'2 and looking down. "Though you do talk really well, and make sure the conversation doesn't die. You must have a lot of friends, i'm guessing, or... did you leave them behind when you came back?" he said, his smile coming into a small frown. "If that is the case, then I wouldn't mind being your friend, though with me being so tall and older looking, we might get stared at." he said, laughing a bit.

After buying his pair of shoes, he turned to Hinata. "You helped me pick my pair, now I gotta return the favor. I know the mall a bit, so if you want a different shoe store, I can show the way." he said warmly. "What are you getting shoes for, anyway? Is it just a girl thing to collect shoes...?" he said, the last part was more quietly, and probably directed more at himself than anything. "You look like you have a sense of fashion as well. You dress nice, really." he said, before going quiet. 'Maybe i'm talking to much and making her uncomfortable. She might think i'm a pedophile. Damn! I don't want to seem that way! How should I reassure her?! Is she in Highschool? Middle School? No, she seems to old for Middle school. Should I ask? Is that to personal? I don't want to seem like a creep. Am I a creep?! AUUUUUGH.' he thought quickly to himself, but all this was hidden behind a tired face. "Ah. Tell me about yourself, Hinata. Do you go to school? You seem young enough. Do you like it here?"

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