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Queen of Senpais



Legends have it that long ago the ancient elves of both light and dark were once united as a front to destroy evil. They were once called the High Elves of the Great Dale, blessed with the limitless power of the Great Well that when described today, would only seem like a fantasy from a distant land. They were revered by the young races of the present as Gods of both power and magic, influencers of the young world and guardians of the just. They prevailed in so many ways that many feared them, especially the other races of the old. During the rise of men, the High Elves reign of the ancient world began to crumble. As the imperialistic humans of the south pushed ever forward for more land, elven land, the elves also faced hardships from within. After the defection of a once beloved mage who practiced forbidden magic to save a loved one, a civil war erupted within the golden land, one seeking the power of the Well and the other protecting it. The fight against both fronts was exhausting and perilous for the High Elves, with one last hope for stability, the elders of the Dales harnessed the infinite power of the Well creating a catastrophic event that forever left a scar in the hearts of the elves and the world. After the event that was later dubbed as the Great Sundering, the elves who survived began to form their own factions. Those who hailed the teachings of the old became the Sylvan Elves of Elysea while those who sought the Well and its power became the Dark Achian Elves of Asmodea. To this day both factions bicker on the events of the old until today... Will peace finally come into fruition?
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Prologue-Archain/Dark Elves-

A long time ago the elves were just once united, ruled by the High-Elves. One day a very long time ago, an elf was intrigued by a human women who to was intrigued by him, he noticed that something touched his heart at the way she smiled to him. However, he chose to ignore it, his position would not allow him to, he had to follow the ways and teaching of the elves. The more he ignored the thought of her, the more he wanted to see her. He then decided to send a letter telling her to meet him in a cavern, which was located between the human village and elves. In the letter he told her to meet him in a cavern located just between her village and where the elves. The third winter night of the full was the day they were to meet if she to felt the same way she did. When they saw each other and talked they began to finally realize what touched both of their hearts, it was love. Every chance they got they would meet in the cavern, it was their special place. The High-Elves began to notice his change in behavior and ordered him to be followed there they saw him with the human women. On one fateful, a day he would never forget, the women was mysteriously murdered. In his grief he and his most loyal followers, tired to bring her back to life using a magic spell that was forbidden. The High-Elves caught wind in his plan and decided that htis has gone to far and ordered their arrest for the use of forbidden magic. The Elven guard captured every single one of them and took them before ALL the elves. He assured those who were captured that everything will be ok. Not all went as planned for the heart-broken elf and the High-Elves cast a spell on the them. Turning them from pure beings into vile monsters, they declared: 'Any Elf that follows a dark path or who pursue in their own selfish ambitions shall suffer the same fate as the ones before you.' They were then exiled, he took them deep in the darkest part of the woods never forgetting what was done. Being the leader that he was became their leader and ensured them of their survival. This became the birth of the Archain, the dark elfs.
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The autumn leaves from the red trees of the Eternal Woods crunched beneath the weight of the white elk. It moved precariously and tentatively, guided by the gentle hand of Lady Edrael as the pair moved around the orange grove with caution. It was still, as if all life, except for the two, vanished without a trace, leaving nothing but the sounds of crushed leaves and the rustling wind at its wake. The Lady of the Southern Woods looked around the red forest in a gesture similar to a person paying homage. The Eternal Woods was once a sacred sight for the High-Elves and to her kin long ago, but now it laid in tatters as a causality of the Great Elven War. She lowered her head in silence saying nothing but a few words then leaving her reverie and pressed onward to the rendezvous point beyond the twisting hills. It was an ancient ruin that sat on a hill overlooking the rest of the ancient grove with pillars of white stone, decorated with elven architecture, surrounding the whole remain. In the center of the foregone structure stood a stone table with the insignia of the High-Elves stamped in the middle, encircled by stone seats that still appeared to be new. Further towards the edge of the circle like ruin, stood a stone slab that glimmered from the setting sun inscribed with the forgotten language of the High-Elves. Looking at the once beloved structure, Lady Edrael waited for her unlikely guest.
On a cold fall evening, few of the Archain elfs wonder endlessly in search for a hodden treasure in the once sacred, Eternal Woods. They were not told what it is they are looking for only that it holds tremendous power. Vashti, beong one of the very few powerful magic users among the Archain, has joined the search. As the arrived at the sacrdd grove where the High Elves once dwelled she sneered at the their memory. Leaving the other Archain elfs to sesrch on their own, Vashti began to walk deeper in the grove. She stumbled across old ruins in the center there was a stone, table and on it the crest of the High-Elves. Around the table were new-like stone chairs. The circle like structure were held by beautiful elven crafted stone pillars that wete white. Vashti continued to gaze at the center table until a light of the sun glistered in the corner of her eye. As she turned to follw the light, her faced flashed quickly with anger. There she saw at the edge slab of stone with ancient elven, there she saw her kinds enemy. Vashti unlocked and opened her grimore. "You! What are you doing here, Sylvan." Vash sneered in the direction of the figure.
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<p>The stars in the night sky began to emerge in a twinkling semblance as the setting sun began to fade into the horizon. The afternoon breeze too began to grow with more fervor as it continued to rustle the orange trees transforming itself into its nightly shade hinted with bitter coldness. The Sylvan elf and her white elf remained unwavering as she looked onward while the latter grazed on some flowers beside them. When the moon finally rose to the twinkling sky emitting its lunar light onto the landscape, the ancient ruin glowed as if coming to life, humming in a short tune that only those gifted could hear. Then finally she appeared. From the same entrance where the Sylvan elf came from, another elf came forth. Unlike the previous guest, this one had a more of a dark pigmented skin almost blending into the night like a predator using its predatory traits. This one was unlike any other elf for she emitted a power that caught the attention of The Lady even before the dark elf entered the ruin. She looked to be examining the the forlorn structure as if in awe before they two meet eyes. Before the Lady could even extend a greeting, the Achain elf exasperated with sneered words "You! What are you doing here, Sylvan." The Lady of the Southern Woods smiled in reply and then said "I have been waiting for you."</p>
"Answer me what are you doing here!!" Vashti walked a little closer to the Sylvan Elf, with a menacing glare and not once putting her grimore away. There was silence between them. "Keeping quiet will get you no where. I am not alone there are other Archain Elfs searching around these ruins." Vash sneered. She began to walk closer to where they both were standing face to face with one and other. Never turning her back towards the Sylvan, Vash looked closer at the stone slab. Vash sneered at the slab, It will take a while to translate this slab. But I have to, its the only why to find that hidden treasure. Vash breaking away from her thoughts, closed her eyes and took a deep breathe. She then opened her eyes and turned her gaze to the Sylvan. "Tell me what do you know of this slab. As well as the hidden treasure hidden here in these ruins."
"I know only as much as you do in regards to the treasure that sits somewhere in this forest." The elven women solemnly replied. She looked away from the Achian woman and faced the slab. The ruins were starting to dance almost intricately as if reacting to the pair and with each second, it vibrated in a small hum that echoed in the ruin. The Lady slowly turned away and peeked at the peculiar, albeit interesting book that the woman before her carried. "Pray tell me, are the sorceresses of your kind each have a grimoire that glows such as yours? or do they practice some other sorcery that is somewhat mundane compared to us Sylvans?" Her sight traversed from the book to the achain woman but The Lady of the Southern Woods remained silent. Finally, she broke it by saying "Times of strife will be upon us soon sister. You ought to let go of past misgivings that still cling unto the hearts of your people. Darkness moves within places that we all call enemy and it works in ways that make us all quiver in fear."
Vash chuckled to herself as she gave a sharp glare to the Sylvan before her. "No, not all archains use a Grimoire, like I. Our kinds sorcerers and sorceresses, each of their own unique way of channeling our magic." Vash said as she sealed her grimoire away. "No are magic is nothing alike. We practice in forbidden magic. The darkness does not scare us. "Also the past misgivings is what gives my people power, Sister." Vash spat with venom. "We will never forget the past its what drives us to survive. We have given up-no. We have exchanged our weaknesses for power." Vashti walked closer to the Sylvan, never turning her back towards the other elf. Placed her hand on the Slab. "If darkness moves. We Archain. WIll gladly welcome it. We. Fear. Nothing." Vash said as she moved her hand of the Slab and pointed it towards the Sylvan that stood in front of her.
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"Indeed." The Lady sighed looking past the Achian she-elf and gazing over the rising moon. She knew expertly well on the ways of Achain magic but feigned ignorance to seek what the Achain might know on the subject. She listened to the dark elf, replying only with silence and remained calm throughout the whole speech. Her countenance remained unwavering even from the sneered words of her elven cousin. The Lady finally spoke when she finished. "You and I know that what happened centuries ago was a debauchery of sorts from an affair that produced catastrophic results. A form of selfishness that sent our great people into what we are today. That bigoted mindset of yours, and your people, will lead to your undoing, know this. 'Power ' is only arrogance, arrogance that blinds you to the danger that looms over this world." She slowly rose to her feet and slowly walked over to the Achain Women. "Tell me, why do you loath my people so?"
Listening to the Sylvans worse angered Vash deeply, but did well to hide it from the Elf in front of her. "You want to know why we, the Archian, loathe you Sylvans. Thats simple. The power we gain strengthens our people as a whole. Also were does it say that its forbidden for our kind to fall love with others that are not." Vash slowly walked even closer to the Sylvan to were they were face to face with one an other. "That is why we hate your kind. We. Are. Not. PURE!! That's an illusion. A lie. No being alive is innocent. We are ALL corrupt in our own way. Your kind want things done their way and cast aside those who refuse to follow. And to put blame of the rift of our people on that event. You and I both know a lot more events took place during that time." Vashti's eyes were glowing as magic surged around her.

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