Need Help with a combo.


One Time Luck
Okay.. Call me a fan boy. But, I have a Essence six zenith ive been playing, only uses thrown charms and weapons. I'd like to make a combo to emulate Vegeta's from DBZ: Cell Games. The move .. is you guessed it Final Flash. :lol:

I have the core of the mechanics Down as follows:

Torrent of Inner Light (DOTFA LoC pg. 57) Simple

Cascade Of Cutting Terror (E2ed, pg. 196) Supplemental

Second Thrown Excellency Reflexive


Charge for 6 turns, (as vegeta would have done) Final release:

Cost: 72+5+12=99 Motes

Effect: Dex+Thrown @ 7+5+3(specialty in essence thrown attacks)+6 (From Charge)=21 Dice. w/ min six successes.

Enemy DV: Negated

Succeses count for double before DV.

Damage before extras succ: 144 Lethal.

Its a total drain, but it would be an epic attack!

Or should I just wait for:

Maelstrom of Celestial Dominance (DOTFA LoC pg. 58)

The effect I am looking to make is either One targer, or a group. Perfect attack. Preferable Un-dodgable. are you getting 144 damage? you you can only get essence*4 damage. The Acc is the only thing that goes up by "charging" it, you don't get to spend more motes per turn.
Arthur said:
Except that just about everyone will perfectly defend that.
Not if you're a mortal or some hapless animal. Then you're seriously screwed :-)
As a side note though, I found a charm that I can use, to make the attack "perfect". The Supreme Perfection of (Ability). in Dotfa. Essence's gotta wait though. As for the math. it all works out. Essence + Ability in motes per turn. Damage is 2x motes spent. So 1 turn would be 24x6= 144 Lethal, before soak and extra successes and other charms etc. The big disclaimer is YOU ARE TAPPED OUT . lol. Though my ST said he would work with me on it. I am looking forward to actually trying this bad boy out.
Useful on anything but celestials and beings with a PD that is 95% of Creation.

You know, learning sorcery and Gaia's Rebuke was much simpler :roll:
Jeppe said:
Arthur said:
Except that just about everyone will perfectly defend that.
Not if you're a mortal or some hapless animal. Then you're seriously screwed :-)
True. But that's like spending all of the nuclear weapons in the USSR on a poodle.
It's likely to be useful against some Demons, Gods and Elementals. Ghosts lack perfect defenses, though they are only frequently material. Fair Folk tend to lack perfect defenses as well. Similarly with Behemoths. Just don't try is on Celestial Exalts, the Five Metal Shrike, Dragonblooded with appropriate charms, though these are rarer than Celestial Exalts with such...and you might want to avoid it on high essence spirits of most types. Otherwise, THE DOOM ATTACK isn't truly useless. Probably serious overkill, though.
Trust me , I totally understand to insanity of this attack. Its more for flavor then anything else. I mean, What is role playing without some flair/quasi-useless fun!

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