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Realistic or Modern Necrosis | Characters



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Like = Accepted



1. Military/police characters discouraged. Emphasis is on 'normal' people trying to survive, who aren't necessarily that well equipped to do so. I will accept a veteran, though. Gulf War?

2. No Mary Sues/ Gary Sue Gary Sue s, usual stuff.

3. You can't be immune, or have special knowledge of the outbreak, etc.

4. No backstories that start you out with an unreasonable advantage.

5. Keep in mind that this is set in 2003.

6. One character at a time, but maybe this can be negotiated if you have something you're itching to do.

7. Likely start is the Washington metropolitan area.

Character Sheet








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Charlie "Chip" Woods

  • Name:
    Charlie "Chip" Woods

    Age and Date of Birth:

    Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status:
    Bisexual. Single

    Face Claim (Realistic Only):
    Sam Rockwell



    Skills: (more important for later- pulled from the old sheet)
    • Proficient with hand-to-hand combat (i.e.: shanks, knives, hatchets) as well as anything stealth related. He can also play the piano.
    • Mediocre with pistols or any short-ranged projectiles due to eyesight
    • Poor with rifles or low-light situations

NAME: Andrea D'Agostini

SEX: Male

AGE: 22

OCCUPATION: Nursing Student

APPEARANCE: [placeholder]

PERSONALITY: Being a nursing student, Andrea is an outwardly polite, but somewhat reserved, man. He tends to err on the side of caution, taking time with decisions. He can be rather hesitant at times because of it, sometimes becoming paralysed in situations where he's forced to make a decision within a small time frame. Having been home alone so often as a child, Andrea is rather independent, and adaptable.
Remnants of his high school days still remain instilled in Andrea -- he can quickly become passive aggressive when irritated, sometimes dropping the "passive" bit and lashing out. Other than that, he's docile, with no knowledge of combat other than his sharpshooting skills.

Andrea finds solace and relaxation in, ironically, studying. He spends his time reading up on medical journals and magazines and discussing them on forums. He finds himself most annoyed when someone challenges him on something he spent years studying, or when someone questions his knowledge.

HISTORY: Andrea was a suburbs boy with a relatively normal childhood. Coming from a family of medical staff, and being the only child, he spent his time at home alone rather often. However, when they were at home, they were close-knit and inseparable. When they weren't working, they'd go camping, and his father would take Andrea out to forage mushrooms and hunt birds. When he was 10, his older cousin moved into his home (after both his parents died in a house fire), giving him the older brother figure he longed for.
In his high school days, Andrea took up competitive shooting, hence lending him the skill of being a decent sharpshooter, though his skills aren't anything to write home about. Where he really excelled was at his science subjects, often placing top of his class for Biology. High school was where he faced his first challenges; Andrea was quiet, as he is now, but had extreme passive aggressive tendencies, and was relatively hostile to everyone around him. Puberty hormones, y'know? This led to him being shunned and looked down on. While he has never been in a physical fight, Andrea has been in many, many verbal fights. It never resolved itself, but thanks to the guidance of his parents and cousin, Andrea eventually calmed down by the time university rolled around.

Andrea moved to Washington after scoring a scholarship at Georgetown University, maintaining it by once again being amongst the top scorers, and thus defining his true talent; medical care. He was due to complete his final year of studies, and start as a nurse in emergency care, when the apocalypse happened.

OTHER: [placeholder]
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NAME: Virginia Audrey Baker
Parents usually call her Virginia,
elder brother prefers calling her Audrey,
often called VAB by others who know her (pronunciation: "vab")

SEX: Female

AGE: 15



Virginia is 145 cm/4'9" tall.

PERSONALITY: She probably wouldn't quite be able to describe herself as such, being a 15-year old girl and all, but I, being the writer, would be interested in sharing with the reader that if the philosophical part of Virginia A. Baker's brain were of a little greater density and if, perhaps, to not put too much pressure unto kids, she were a little older, she would look at her life, as she perceives it, at least, and say that she feels satisfied about it and eager about what the future has in store.
She is pretty naive, althought perhaps she couldn't be called particularly stupid. An extrovert, too. Kind she could be called. Interestingly enough, she believes that there is God: an all-powerful entity that loves: her, her family, all of humanity, the planet and the world as a whole.

HISTORY: I will start with a little preface. If young Virginia A. Baker happened to be born in situation more dreary my enjoyment of telling you her story would be greater. Your writer is not one to shy from telling simple truths: I live to see the reader's tears and I would thus be quite overjoyed if I have had the opportunity to tell you about the dreadsome life of the dear poor little girl. Just imagine it: starvation, poverty, abandonment! All the juicy stuff that I wish I could entertain the reader with.
Alas! The lass has despoiled us all of this. And yet the reader shouldn't be too discouraged. Baker's luck has merely delayed her suffering, though she doesn't know it yet, and perhaps my wrath at not seeing the reader's tears for such a long time might vengefully be fixed by the events that start at April 13th, 2003.
With that preface aside, the description of Virginia's life up until now will be short and to the point, since your writer finds said life exceedingly unentertaining.
Her mother, called Genevieve Baker nee Roux, came from France originally, where Ms. Roux had met her future husband, a fellow named Ezrya Locanson Baker, who himself was a Jewish-American and has lived in US for most of his latter life. Ezrya was in Europe for some lawyer business that I will not mention in details due to it's irrelevance to the current discourse. I will not go further into the lives of the two too much here either and will only mention that it is said that Ms. Roux and Mr. Baker fell in love at first sight.
They had their first child in December of 1983 while in Paris: a boy they named Eiden.
Five years later, in April of 1987, the Bakers had generated a second child, this time it was a girl, and the newborn was granted the title of Virginia to honor Ezrya's grandmother and also she was granted the title of Audrey in memory of a friend who was very dear to Genevieve, and had, quite tragically, passed away earlier the same year due a to a very nasty case of food poisoning.
At any rate, thus Virginia Audrey Baker was born, one late Sunday evening.
As for her passion for space, it was kindled when she was a little 4 year old girl. She looked at a TV program about space and surprisingly enough this passion has never waned since then.
She also has taken a liking to some aspects of religious teachings she was exposed too, thus she is a believer in God even when no one in her family is known to be one.
After 6 years from the youngest Baker's birth, the family of four had moved to Washington.
This is where Audrey would begin her primary schooling.
She would enter her high school years in year 1999, at a school named McKinley Technology High.
As far as she is concerned, her home was always happy. As far as she is concerned, her family has good relationships and lack any major problems.
Though I will add a little detail about the Bakers that the girl herself has yet to quite notice, if ever she will: both her parents and brother have things that they are perhaps a bit too good in keeping to themselves.


  • Virginia's favorite fruit is apple.
  • Her favorite thing to eat is a pasta dish consisting of: a mix of mushrooms, cheese, rice and red peppers.
  • She owns a BlackBerry 7230 which was a recent gift from her parents.
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: Elias Kelliman

SEX:  Male

AGE: 19

+ Noticeable scar under left nostril and extending under chin
Elias is reserved and vague in most interactions, able to be described as being aloof or distant, often seeming apathetic and a little awkard. He is not very trusting of people when first making their acquaintance, and gaining said trust is not easy. Once warmed up to someone, though, he reveals himself to be a charming and reliable young man, and is loyal to those who he feels reciprocate that loyalty.
Elias grew up in the Huntwood Courts of Deanwood, an area known for being rough-around-the-edges and a hive of criminal activity. Orphaned at the age of nine after his parents were killed in a car accident, Elias was looked after mostly by his grandmother who was often negligent and uninterested in the child's development, dealing with her own ailing health. As such, Elias was raised by the streets, becoming inducted into a local street gang of small-time hustlers and other youths with similar troubles. By the time he was a sophomore in high school, Elias had been arrested twice and charged once with a count of vandalism, serving a sentence of sixteen months at a juvenile detention facility. Having missed most of tenth grade, Elias had yet to acquire his diploma at the start of the outbreak, despite being a year older than most of his classmates.
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NAME: Jebidiah (Jeb) Boyd

SEX: Male

AGE: 28

OCCUPATION: Business Analyst for Raytheon

APPEARANCE: Jeb stands at about 5’ 10” tall, has brown hair, and has green eyes.

PERSONALITY: Jeb is in most ways a typical college educated young urban professional, he is outgoing, enjoys having fun, and maintains a wide social circle. However, he tends to get testy and embarrassed when his family, full name, or home state are brought up, seeing his past as beneath him.

HISTORY: Jeb was born in Lewisburg, West Virginia to Nathaniel and July Boyd, poultry farmers. The youngest of three siblings, Jeb did well academically and attended the University of Virginia. After four years of college and securing a job in Washington D.C. working for Raytheon, Jeb has become distanced from his family to better integrate himself into his new lifestyle. Jeb rents an apartment in an upscale neighborhood, where he lives alone. Jeb owns a Ford Taurus which he uses for occasional trips outside the city, and, very rarely, for trips back to Lewisburg. At his father’s insistence, Jeb does own a gun; a never used shotgun which sits, trigger locked, in a safe (To comply with DC gun laws).
NAME: Bima "Bim" Mataram

SEX: Male

AGE: 32

OCCUPATION: Underwater Welder

APPEARANCE: Bald and clean shaven, brown complexion, 5.9" high, brown eyes.

Bima Mataram is an underwater diver of Indonesian descent, known for his calm demeanor and precise, albeit terse, communication under pressure. Being an Indonesian his temperament is diplomatic and polite, which helps him calm down tense situations. Always open to learning, he is not too proud to ask about things he doesn't know or seek help when he needs it. Bima is always willing to help when asked directly but tends to withdraw if he senses reluctance. His blend of composure and straightforwardness makes him a reliable, though seemingly aloof person.

Born and raised in Texas until the age of 12, Bima Mataram moved to Jakarta, Indonesia, his parents and siblings land of birth where he spent his formative years. He found it hard to blend in with others his age as he is considered too blunt and straight forward, with time, patience and help from his parents, he tempered his bluntness but it will still show during high stress situations. With a natural curiosity and obsession for creating things he finds interesting, he enjoyed tinkering and making objects from a young age to the consternation of his parents as his room quickly becomes an ad-hoc workshop. He has successfully created a single-shot pneumatic air rifle and a Asiatic bow, to the delight of his siblings and father and the horror of his mother.

During his college years, he was drawn to the world of diving by his father, an interest that would later shape his career and after graduating, Bima worked in a desk job until he was 24, a role he found unsatisfactory. Driven by a desire for a more personally fulfilling career, he left his job and pursued training as a certified welder, eventually specializing as an underwater welder by the age of 30.

While touring and visiting his sister in the US, he was caught in the country when the apocalypse happened.

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NAME: Michael James Martin

SEX: Male

AGE: 71

OCCUPATION: US Army Veteran (1950-1975), Small Business Owner of 'Virginia Outdoor Expertise' (1979-Present)

APPEARANCE: Michael James 'MJ' Martin, or just Martin, is a 71 year old man of Irish-American descent. His short white hair is beginning to bald and his harsh, weathered and craggy face is in a constant state of five-o'clock shadow. He wears a green army jacket over a button up shirt tucked into a pair of jeans, secured by a belt. Martin wears a pair of worn leather dress shoes though is also right at home in work boots. He usually wears a Korean Veteran cap as well.

PERSONALITY: MJ Martin is a gruff, jaded old man who tends to grumble about anything and everything. A firm 'Glass Half-Empty' kind of guy he always focuses on the negatives of a situation whenever they appear. However, unlike most 'whiners', when Martin see's an issue or a problem he works to address and fix it. Despite his grating personality he rarely ever actually loses his temper, instead staying wholly focused on the job at hand. Of course, years in the Army and as a business owner have given him the expectation that his word carries a lot of weight and unless he respects the person, others may have trouble trying to convince him otherwise.

HISTORY: Born in 1932 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Michael James Martin only really began to be aware of the world around him as the New Deal began sweeping away the Depression and the stories of the War oversea's became a reality for the average American. He remembered his father, Declan Martin, going away to fight the Nazi's and not coming back. Despite this he became enamored by the stories of soldiers and of the war and wanted to honor his father, though he felt as though he missed most of the action when he signed up at 18. Thankfully, he finished Basic Training just as the Korean War kicked off and went to serve his country proud. He went to do so well after Korea, and worked in the Army all the way up to and throughout the Vietnam War, fighting in both the war's namesake and the short-lived Cambodia campaign.

He likes to joke that he did 'everything' when he was in the military, and to an extent that is true. He fought in numerous combat zones, worked through and graduated from many Army schools (Ranger, Mountain, Airborne, etc). He also did some schooling using army benefits, but really only seriously worked for a diploma after he got out in '76. Since then, he's been the owner of 'Virginia Outdoor Expertise', a Hunting, Bait & Tackle Shop in rural Virginia for the last 25 or so years.

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Janus "Jan" Walter Bartosh​

DOB: March 14, 1971 (32 years old)
Occupation: Carpenter (Master)
Appearance: 73 in/185 cm; 185 lbs/83.9 kg

Janus is incredibly detail-oriented with a high level of discipline that he cultivated in his dedication to his craft as a carpenter. Though he is an ambivert, Janus is more introveted and prefers intimate gatherings and one-on-one interactions. He finds his fulfillment in the solitude of woodworking. A perfectionist, Janus often finds difficulty in managing his work-life balance and suffers anxiety and irritability when his product does not meet his expectations. While mostly agreeable and capable of managing strong and supportive relationships with his family and colleagues, Janus sometimes might cope with less-than-perfect results by self-isolating or overworking himself. In addition to this self-isolation and irritability, Janus' compulsive desire to control the outcome of a project limits his ability to fully trust others and to delegate proficiently. Although, Janus still exhibits strong problem-solving skills, an excellent memory, and a deep sense of purpose and resilience.

Janus was born in Culpeper, Virgina - about an hour southwest of Washington D.C. to Walter and Evelyn Bartosh. Walter Bartosh was a carpenter and exposed Janus to woodworking at a young age, often having him tag along to job sites. Janus attended a public elementary, middle, and high school but was exceptionally talented in his shop classes and joined a techincal program while in high school. Upon graduation, Janus enrolled in an apprenticeship program in Culpeper specializing in historical renovations and custom furniture. After a couple years in Culpeper, Janus moved into Alexandria to start a custom furniture studio, "Bartosh Woodcraft", and found himself earning commissions from politicians and military personnel. He met his wife, Mary-Ann Silva, when she commissioned Janus to create a custom desk for her father, a Colonel in the Army, as a retirement gift.

Janus became known for his custom furniture and expertise in historical integrity throughout the Washington metropolitan area and found himself invited to several artisanal and carpentry guilds and clubs. His family also became active in their local church, volunteering regularly to build houses for families in economically challenged neighborhoods like Anacostia or Congress Heights.

Janus has two children - Lucas and Emily. Lucas was born in 1998 and Emily was born in 2000. Mary-Ann is currently working at a local elementary school in Alexandria.

Other: In addition to woodworking, Janus finds himself an avid reader, hiker, and camper. His bookshelf is decorated with Carl von Clausewitz, Larry McMurty, Henry Kissinger, Plato, Isaac Asimov, and Jack O'Connor. A more unique hobby of Janus' is his collection of antique woodworking tools to include various Stanley planes, Disston hand saws, and Millers Falls mitre boxes. Finally, to the joy of his wife, Janus has picked up amateur gardening. He recently planted lettuce in early March and has recently been working on planting strawberries.
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Jaden 'Jade' Darling

  • Full Name.
    Jaden 'Jade' Darling


    Tam Tam, Black lab service dog


    Date of Birth.

    Male (He/Him)

    Sexual Orientation.

    Relationship Status.

    Unofficial courier, self described 'lab rat' for a psychiatrist

coded by archangel_
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Character Sheet

NAME: Max Dudek

SEX: Female

: 24

OCCUPATION: Unemployed / Former 'Rockstar'



5'4, skinnier (120lb) with not a ton of muscle, (dyed) shoulder length blonde hair usually partially kept in braids, hazel eyes accompanied by permanent 'raccoon' eyes accentuated by makeup, eyebrow, septum, and multiple ear piercings (lobe and daith on both sides)


Max is one to try and make the best of any situation, no matter how eccentrically rounded the 'best' is and no matter how much a shitshow has been made. Humor is her forte, though those not with the in crowd would describe it dry at some times and out of place others. A dream chaser, she is not one to back down from a journey for a perceived better life... although there may be a few drinking stops along the way.


Max grew up in a small, rural town in Tennessee. She got through primary school education fine enough but around the age of 17 or 18, while still in high school, started experiencing burnout to a prospective career that hadn't even started. Flipping from straight edge to regular drug and alcohol use around later in her junior year of high school, she took the opportunity of an okay scholarship for Nursing at the University of Maryland more for the social and party experience rather than actually trying to attain a degree. Dropping out second semester of her sophomore year, the twenty year old spent most of her time in her parents basement in Tennessee practicing the guitar, songwriting, and singing. She held a job at a gas station down the road, but those paychecks primarily went towards booze and weed. She maintained a small friend group throughout her second time around in Tennessee, going to shows in Nashville. Through these shows she met her best friend Billy 'Bubbs' Vickson; the two of them bonded over a love of music with Billy having played the bass for a few years. Early 2002 Max, Billy, and a mutual, albeit not as close, friend Perry 'Jupie' Jupiter (plays drums) started practicing as a band in Max's parents' basement. This went on for about a year until Max's parents who were exasperated by their only, formerly gifted child making a perceived mockery of their own life. This led to Max getting kicked out, with her having to couch surf for some time. An opportunity came up in Baltimore for the three of them to play a show at a small bar, which Max jumped at the opportunity for. The three of them played the show, not doing the best with the outcome being an upset Jupie leaving Max and Bubbs at the bar, taking off with the band van. Max and Bubbs walked a few miles back to their motel room, only for the hungover two of them to discover apocalypse the following morning.

NAME: Isabella Morgans

SEX: Female

: 26

OCCUPATION: Ex Corporate Consultant / Convicted of Identity Theft and Check Fraud

APPEARANCE: Isabella has waist-length curly hair that she usually puts up into a sleek ponytail. She has piercing, almond-shaped eyes coupled with thick, arched eyebrows. She's 5 ft 5 and 130 lbs. She is not muscular as she prefers to use her brain over brute strength.


Disappointments coupled with life's struggles have turned Isabella into a bitter person. She's cynical believing that most people are only out for their self-interest. This causes her to be distrustful of strangers. Born out of envy Isabella is particularly wary of rich people.

Isabella's selfishness manifested as a defense mechanism. Her unstable home life as a child has made it so that she rarely prioritizes the needs of others over her own. In her pursuit of wealth and power, Isabella showed little concern for all the people she screwed over.

Isabella has always been adept at reading a room. She's manipulative; she twists people's emotions to exert control over them. Isabella also utilizes her charm paired with how easily lies slip off her tongue to deceive people around her.


The Morgan family struggled immensely with their finances. Isabella's mother was unable to hold down a job due to her alcoholism. As a result, her father was the main breadwinner. Her parents argue relentlessly. While Isabella shielded her younger siblings from the horrors of their childhood; no one could do the same for her. As the eldest, she bore the brunt of her parents' frustrations.

One night when Isabella was 12 after a nasty argument her father left. She hasn't seen him since. To help support the family Isabela took up small jobs such as babysitting. Following the split from her father, her mother would enter a series of relationships. The men her mother brought into their lives ranged from abusive to apathetic or indifferent to Isabella and her siblings' needs.

As a teenager Isabella was desperate to escape what she saw as her potential future. She was terrified of becoming like her mother. Isabella put her all into school to get into a great university.

At university, Isabella was surrounded by people with privileged backgrounds. It brewed a sense of inferiority. She desperately tried to keep up with her classmates. She'd tutor, and work part-time. However, she eventually bitterly grew to accept that she would never be on their level. Eventually, Isabella would turn to more nefarious ways of getting money. She'd go to clubs to seduce older men and then steal their valuables. As she got older she got even more entangled in criminal activities.

At first, Isabella would engage in check fraud. She then escalated to stealing the identities of her rich classmates. Isabella soon found herself living a double life. Although Isabella was meticulous she'd eventually be caught. Due in part to a botched assignment gone wrong. Isabella was facing up to 15 years in jail combined with heavy fines. Although the world ending sucks. It couldn't have come at a better time for Isabella allowing her to hold onto her freedom for a bit longer.

NAME: Caleb Caldwell

SEX: male (he/him)

SEXUALITY: bisexual, male lean

AGE: 23

OCCUPATION: software developer, was working on a video game as a hobby before the apocalypse

APPEARANCE: Caleb has wavy black hair that he wears slightly long, with the longest part reaching the nape of his neck. He has a middle part, with a bit of bang/face-framing action. He has slightly arched brows framing almond-shaped deep green eyes with long lashes. He has a straight "ski slope" nose and a small smattering of faded freckles on his nose and cheeks. He has high, somewhat sharp cheekbones and a defined jaw. He has a naturally rosy tint to his skin, despite his recent habit of being more and more of a hermit while he works on his video game idea. He also has tan skin and a runner's build, having taken up cross country as a hobby in high school since he's too woefully uncoordinated for most other sports. Caleb is tall and gangly, standing at 5' 11" with a lean build. He has one piercing in each ear.

PERSONALITY: Unsurprisingly, given his occupation, he's a huge nerd. Get him talking about Pokémon or Star Wars and he will happily go on for ages. He plays and designs video games for fun. He loves his Gameboy and PS2 greatly. He's very intelligent and great with numbers and strategy (helped by his obsession with turn-based fighting games like Pokémon). He knows a ton about the latest tech and was fully prepared for Y2K (semi-seriously). He brings his Nokia phone everywhere. He wears a lot of semi-stupid graphic tees that have to do with his favorite games and media. Despite his tendency to isolate himself when gets really into something, Jasper is a very friendly person and considers himself an ambivert. He likes meeting new people and is easily excited. Though he might seem annoying at times, he just wants to be involved. Super loyal. Once he makes a promise, he sticks to it. He is pretty honest as well, despising lying. However, this makes it difficult for him to lie or hide things when he needs to. He gets anxious at the thought of deceiving people or hurting someone's feelings. He tries to lighten the mood with jokes, but sometimes fails to take things entirely seriously.

HISTORY: Caleb graduated college the year previous, managing to get a job from an internship he had senior year after a short while of hunting. He's one of the newer employees, but he's very dedicated. He's fairly familiar with the city, having gone to college there. However, his family lives a few states over. He cares deeply about his parents and two younger siblings, though he and his dad often butt heads. Jasper plays the bass in a casual, local rock band and has been since his senior year of college.


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Mi-Yun Son

Sex: Female

Pronouns: She/they

Age: Eighteen

Sexuality: Questioning (probably bisexual, thinks girls are very pretty)

Occupation: Bookstore cashier

Appearance: Mi-Yun is 5'1" with a slim physique, though her arms are surprisingly stronger than they look. She's pale, as if she's never seen the sun before, which would make sense given her isolated lifestyle. She has callouses on her palms and at the base of her fingers, particularly on her left hand which holds the bowstring. She seems to always have an awkward look on her face, like she's never quite comfortable in any given moment. Her hair is currently black and shoulder length, though she has dabbled in dyeing it darker.

Personality: Mi-Yun can be best described as awkward. She was coached by her parents in what toys to play with and how to play with them to impress the teachers at her pre-school entrance interview, so she wasn't a particularly normal child. She found it hard to make friends when she was so busy worrying about her performance in school, which meant she never really learned to socialize properly. She had a few close friends throughout school, though had many more people pretend to be her friend to cheat from her homework. She's always wanted friends, to be one of those popular kids with a big group of people following them around, but stumbled over her words whenever she spoke to new people. She prefers to work alone, play alone, be alone, though makes an exception for her siblings. She's softspoken and often finds herself being spoken over. Self confidence is something she's working on and has certainly improved since moving out of her parents' house. She is learning to appreciate her intellectual abilities, even if they don't meet her parents' expectations.

History: It could certainly be said that Mi-Yun had a privileged childhood. She had highly intelligent parents in high paying jobs. She was the youngest of three siblings, but her parents certainly hadn't let up when it came to raising their children. They had high standards, they wanted their children to excel, and their eldest son was already a child prodigy. He was musically talented, he was a skilled gymnast, and he excelled at school. They hoped all of their children would be as successful as him.

Mi-Yun was intelligent, but not quite as intelligent as her eldest brother. Though her parents didn't expressly compare her to her siblings, she could always tell how they felt. She would get an A, but he would get an A+, and she felt inadequate because of it. She was under strict orders to study whenever she had time, when she wasn't learning to play the piano or attending sports practices. She didn't particularly enjoy any of these things, she never wanted to play the piano, and she hated the sports she was pushed into. She tried netball, cheerleading, volleyball, football... Only three of her hobbies stuck for longer than a few months: Piano, archery, and chess.

Her parents assumed that she was the perfect child. She was intelligent (though not as intelligent as her older brother), musically talented, athletically skilled... They simply1724364207062.png assumed she had to be popular at school, how could she not be? They were unaware of Mi-Yun's isolation. She was the subject of ridicule for her membership to the chess club and envied for her academic success. She had a few acquaintances from her various extra-curricular activities, but never formed a real bond with any of them. She felt like a disappointment to her parents, she was constantly competing with her siblings... She was alone. Her mental health took a toll, culminating in a breakdown and brief hospitalization at 16.

Against her parents' wishes, Mi-Yun refused to go to university, instead finding a job at an antique bookshop in Baltimore. She has never felt happier. No competition, no pressure, just the smell of antiques and the pleasure of reading. However, she continued to feel guilty for disappointing her parents. Her eldest brother, currently studying a PhD, invited her to live with him in hopes he could monitor her mental health.

Other: Despite giving up her life of being a child prodigy, Mi-Yun still owns many of the equipment for her hobbies, including an antique chess set her parents bought for her and her archery gear. She would have kept her piano if she could carry it from her parents' house to her brother's.

Her parents never allowed pets as they believed it would distract from her schoolwork, but Mi-Yun has always wanted one. To fulfill this wish, she feeds the stray cats around her older brother's apartment.
NAME: Ilo Orocobix

SEX: Cis Female

AGE: 23

ETHNIC ORIGIN: Borinquen/Puerto Rican Taino


Hair: C3 curl pattern that she keeps long and takes pride in - Brown with sun dyed streaks of little brown/blond. She has a few small braids in her hair that are decorated with beads and feathers.
Body: A good amount of physical strength and muscle that she gained through hard labor. She has a light-dark brown skin tone depending on sun exposure. A few little acne scars, little freckles, and beauty marks.

PERSONALITY: A young old soul. Crude, sarcastic, and snarky. Hates being told what to do. Doesn’t like to be bothered yet she tends to take on a leadership role within groups and is pretty level headed. Extremely loyal and faithful to those in her close circle and often mothers them although roughly. Unflirty.


HISTORY: Ilo was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico in 1980. Abandoned at birth she grew up in a foster house run by the town church. As she grew she would often sneak out of the church to avoid being scolded or punished. However, despite her behavior, she was beloved by the elders in town. She made friends with the elders when she snuck out; curious about their stories and inspired by their wisdom. She spent most of her time helping them do different chores, shopping, and cheating in dominos; gaining little bits of wisdom as she went. That's how she befriended Pito Orocobix who would adopt her at 10 years old.

Pito was Ponce’s most well-known mechanic. He practiced the traditional ways of the Islands indigenous Taino and would often butt heads with the ideals of the main land. He was a leader in the community that everyone went to when they needed something fixed. He could fix anything: vechiels, radios, stoves, refrigerators, boats; and he passed the skills down to Ilo. He taught her the indigenous ways of her heritage, how to forage, different natural remedies, astrology, and the secrets of the islands past. He also taught her the Taino language and english (and all the curse words of course). Inspired by his abilities but unable to afford university she later enrolled in a trade school for Engineering at the age of 17 which wasn’t the norm for women at the time.

Pito passed when Ilo was 20 years old. After his passing she became the nucleus of the town, taking on the role of the master mechanic and growing her skills using emerging technology. She also took on the role of an indigenous leader and activist, which led her to journey to the Pamunkey Revservation in Virginia to meet with local tribes to discuss matters of cultural preservation.

SKILLS: Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Leadership, Herbalism, Cooking, Astrology, some survival skills based on Taino Culture and practices, sewing

OTHER: She REALLY likes animals. Will secretly pick and dry plants that she likes. Has a seen-better-days notebook that she always has on hand. Doesn’t really get along with others her age but always kind and courteous to older people. Doesn’t like authority. Likes Salsa, Rap, and Rock Music and has a portable CD Player. It’s on sight if you’ve wronged her or anyone in her circle.
: Klavdiya Vita Chayka (Often goes by Vita to prevent confusion)
As written: Клавдія Віта Чайка
Pronunciation: Clahv-dee-ya Vee-tah Chai-ka


SEX: Femme

SEXUALITY: Pansexual

: 31

OCCUPATION: Pathologist and Epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore

APPEARANCE: Standing at a moderate 170cm (~5'7") Vita is of a slim build, with many years of study, she doesn't appear too physically strong, which is true in some aspects, as Vita isn't known to overpower people, instead, she is quite quick on her feet, and quite capable at running at good speeds for a long time. With blonde hair, kept short to keep it out of her way while she works (And prevent contamination of samples), she seems to keep a tomboyish appearance.

PERSONALITY: Devoted to her work, Vita is often aloof and standoffish at first, seeming more intent on doing her job than making friends or caring for people. Thought he opposite is true, as it's not uncommon for her to find time to listen to people, allowing them to speak their feelings without judgement, without the worry that what they will face backlash. It was not uncommon for Vita to leave small gifts and tokens to show she cares passively, as she has quite a hard time in conveying emotions. Truth be told, she embodies the "Still waters run deep" phrase quite well, as while her emotions stay low, they persist, and remain for longer times than even she expects sometimes. Slow to get an emotional rise, once a rise happens, and emotion is shown from Vita, it's akin to a dam breaking, as everything rushes out, released quickly, before eventually returning to normal, likely after a long sleep.

HISTORY: Born in Pripyat in Ukraine, Vita's home life was relatively normal. The youngest of two, and with both parents, there wasn't much more she could have asked for in life, though she was never the smartest, the strongest, or wisest, Vita was always the fastest of her friends, first to reach many milestones and on track to become a runner for her local schools' track teams. Times were simple then, despite the challenges faced due to the actions of those in charge, something Vita had no control in, and thus, never quite cared about, as she simply did her part, and ran her own race in her words...

However, at the age of fourteen, her life changed forever. Waking with a metallic taste in her mouth, Vita thought little of it, maybe she bit her cheek in her sleep or something... Her day went about normally, outside of the strange cases of people feeling sick... It wasn't until the day after where the warnings blared, and an evacuation came... By then Vita and her family were gone, seeking refuge in the west. The events to this day are hazy to Vita, as she recalls waking late one night, getting in the car at her parents' insistence, before driving for a very, very long time... Refugees from her home, Vita would find herself living throughout Europe, before finally her family settled within the United States. Away from their home, away from the Soviet Union... They felt safe.

In that time, Vita discovered a passion of her own, as she heard about several epidemics and pandemics, she wanted to know how they spread, and how to stop them. Taking up as many biology classes as possible, Vita would begin her studies of Infectious Diseases, how they spread, how to contain them, and how to cure them. This desire pushed her to the city of Baltimore, as a Pathology and Epidemiology student on a full ride from Johns Hopkins University, where she spent her years refining her craft, all the while, never letting herself slack in her running, even joining the track team in her spare time. Come the turn of the millennia, Vita became a full-time pathologist for Johns Hopkins Hospital, alongside the CDC in preventative measures and medicines for many diseases. Recently, though, she was called down to DC to help the CDC fight a new virus spreading... Unaware of the hell that awaited her.

COMBAT: Vita follows the oath she took, Primum, non Nocere. (First, do no Harm.) Thusly, her ability to fight is... Limited to say the least. She lacks any training in any sort of weaponry or fighting, preferring to avoid a fight where possible, and if evasion does not work, relying on her speed to escape.

OTHER: Having lived in Europe, Vita is fluent in: Russian, Ukrainian, French, and English. Though she can speak some German and Italian, she is nowhere near fluent in those languages. In terms of speed, her last recorded 10K was about 30 minutes.
Name: Samantha Edwards
Age: 26
Race: Human
Birthplace: Virginia
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual

Hair: Natural red
Eyes: forest green
Height: 5'2" | 157.48
Build: Lean
Tattoos: Phoenix on left hip
Piercings: None

Occupation: Student in last year of vet schooling

Personality: Introverted, book nerd, studious (WIP)

Background: Sam grew up on a farm, helping her mother and sister taking care of the animals while her father and two brothers did much of the harder work. (WIP)
: Ricardo Sanchez

SEX: Male



HEIGHT: 6'0"


BUILD: Lean, muscular

PERSONALITY: Ricardo is a loose cannon. He can go from introverted to extroverted in a matter of seconds. His feelings dictate every decision he makes. He is either in a terrible mood or a great mood, he either loves you or hates you. For him, there is no in-between. His personality is extreme, in every sense of the word. You can be on his good side one day and on his bad side the next. All it takes is the flip of a switch. His personality is like the weather in California, you never know what you're going to get.

HISTORY: The first ten years of his life Ricardo was surrounded by four walls and his world was illuminated by one dingy light bulb. His only friends were the roaches who were attracted to the food he left out for them, and the moths that gathered around the flickering bulb that left most of the 7 ft by 10 ft closet he lived in shrouded in darkness.

If his mother had ever bothered to visit the hospital to get checked, she probably would have been diagnosed with Paranoid schizophrenia. If Ricardo had known this growing up maybe he wouldn't have believed his mother when she said he deserved the beatings, or meals every other day, or being locked away to protect him from the "bad men" that roamed outside. Maybe he wouldn't have put his mother on a pedestal and blamed himself for everything.

Ironically, the man who his mother often referred to as the devil was the one to reach down and pull him from the depths of hell. His father was a terrible man but turned out to be a great dad. He had been in jail for the past decade, missing his only son's birth, but the moment he was released he showed up at his child's doorstep within 24 hours. The door was unlocked, and inside he found the mother of his child in a catatonic state, overdosed on some drug he probably used to sell back in the day. He ignored her and after searching the house, eventually found the padlocked closet door, and upon breaking it down found his baby boy wasting away in a corner. He scooped the boy up in his arms, spat on his baby momma on his way out, and raised the boy for the next ten years.

Entering the real world was a reality check, but he gradually adapted, he was his father's son after all. Ricardo never went to school, instead, he joined the family's 'business'. Selling dope, and keeping rival gangs in check when needed, he learned the ins and outs of the streets and gradually learned to fend for himself. He was ruthless, and kind, vengeful and compassionate. Everyone around him knew he was batshit crazy, but either trusted or feared him enough to follow his lead. Besides having to get his hands dirty every once in a while, life was good. It sure beat living in a closet at least.

Recently his father was incarcerated after someone close to them ratted him out, and as the world crumbles Ricardo only has his eyes set on revenge...

OTHER: Ricardo is claustrophobic, he hates tight, enclosed spaces. Staying in one place for too long no matter how spacious also drives him insane. Just like his mother, he never stepped foot in a hospital to seek help or get diagnosed for his mental ailments.
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