Necessary Evil [Inactive]

It wasn't long before Rob and Muse where behind the bus, on the ground, ready to make the next move. Rob was breathing heavy, not because he was tired, but because the shots were coming hard and fast, making avoiding them a challenge. While he wasn't completely listening to Muse, he heard her mention something like, "believe," something something, "properly," something something, "Valerie."

"Was that her name?" Rob wondered, giving her a quick glance. "Well, I guess now is as good as anytime for introductions."

"Name's Rob," he said. He thought about offering a hand but before he could reach out, another shot fired, right through the window pane, nearly missing the top of their skulls. Rob wasn't sure what to do. If he looked behind him, by the time he read off the incantation and held out the scepter, his face would be blown off. And unless Valerie had any guns on her, he couldn't shoot them either.

Shortly though, Rob's panic became a wicked smile. Not only was there a car in front of them, but a nice car at that. A beautiful Porsche. "Well, if we are gonna stop these aliens, lets ruins someone's bank account as well," he thought. Rob quickly leaned over towards Valerie, and told her his plan.

"I set the car on fire, you throw it at them. Unless you can come up with a better plan, then I'm all ears," he said to her.
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Val wasn't too worried about being hit, seeing as she could deflect any blasts before they could do too much damage, but Vulcan really wasn't getting any break. He gave her a confused glance when she told him her name, before telling her his own name. Rob? I had a cousin named Rob once... Strange, he was a fire juggler. Maybe it's a name thing.

Val cringed as a blast nearly decapitated them, hunching down further and clenching her fists. This was getting annoying, that was the 3rd time for her that day that she nearly had her head blown off.

Val came back to attention when she noticed a wicked grin light up Rob's face. She followed his gaze to a Porsche and raised a brow. What did he plan on doing with that? Val glanced back to Rob as he leaned close enough to talk in her ear, so he wouldn't have to shout over the din.

"I set the car on fire, you throw it at them. Unless you can come up with better, than I'm all ears," He said. Val pondered that a moment. It'd be a shame to waste such a pretty car, but no other ideas came to mind. She nodded to him.

"Alright. I'm ready when you are," She agreed, flexing her fingers.

When Rob saw Valerie nod, he looked back at the car. He held his scepter, and began the incantation. The white Porsche soon caught fire. It may have started small, but within seconds, the entire cabin was engulfed in a roaring blaze. He also decided that if he was setting cars on fire, he might as well set a couple of others on fire as well, to give Muse some ammo for her to shoot the onslaught of aliens approaching them. He set to fire a Honda, a Chevy, and a Yamaha.

He then looked at her. "Time to do your magic," Robbie said, winking.

Val watched Rob gleefully set the car on fire, setting three others ablaze with the Porsche. She looked back to Rob as he spoke.

"Time to do your magic," He said with a wink. Val smirked. Her abilities weren't magic but she was too amused to correct him at the moment.

"Oh, just watch and be awed Torchy," She replied. She jumped up and over the charred remains of the bus, her arms spread wide as if she were going to sprout wings and fly off. Once her feet touched down on the other side of the bus, she swung her arms forward. The four cars were sent flying, taking out the alien hovercrafts. But there was one problem.

Valerie paused, paling in panic. She had miscalculated. There were four cars, and five hovercrafts. She was out of things to throw.

"Torchy," Rob thought. "What are we, five years old?" While he didn't like it, Rob thought it was kinda cute. He then watched as Muse jumped up over the bus. He then heard four loud crashes, assuming the vehicles hit the hover boards and killed the aliens. But there was something wrong. He could still hear some engines flying. He peaked behind the bus and saw another alien, flying straight for Muse. "I can't believe it, I misjudged the number of cars needed," he said to himself, slapping his face. He swore under his breath.

Rob then quickly jumped from behind the bus and ran towards her. Scepter in hand, he chanted the incantation. Shooting a brilliant stream of fire, he set the oncoming hover board on fire. The alien was now standing on, what is basically, fire. It quickly jumped off, making a sharp squealing sound as it fell. Rob quickly walked over toward the alien, raised his scepter, and then stabbed the blunt end into it's foreign brain, ending it's misery.

He then looked back at Muse, and started making his way back to her to make sure she wasn't hurt.

Val had backed up against the bus as the hovercraft neared her. She could move the bus, but that'd leave Rob vulnerable. She could chuck a highway divider, but the alien would brush it off like a windshield wipes away bugs. Val prepared herself for the impact, squeezing her eyes closed. But the impact never came.

Cracking open an eye, Val saw Rob set aflame the hovercraft and pierce the alien through the skull. She was shocked to be honest. His moves were sharp and well executed, even if he was just acting brashly to come to her rescue. Val cringed at the word. I shouldn't need people to carry my weight.

Val looked back to Rob and smiled. "Thank you. It seems I miscalculated."

When Rob made his way back to Valerie, he saw her smile. "It seems I miscalculated," she said. Rob looked at her. "You didn't do anything wrong. I only gave you four cars. I can't ask you to handle the aliens without enough ammo on hand."

Rob smiled back at her. "The coast looks clear. Should we head back and see if Jaguar's all right?" he asked, latching his scepter to his back.

"Sounds like a plan," Val agreed, running a hand through her hair. The fact that she had needed Rob's helped unsettled her more than she would ever like to admit. Still, she followed him back to where the ship Jaguar had infiltrated was in sight. As she observed, she felt something wet on her lip. Reaching up to touch her mouth, she frowned. What the...

Pulling her hand away revealed that her fingers were red.

"Oh s***," Val hissed under her breath, quickly wiping away the blood. She had pushed herself too hard. And now her nose was bleeding. "Fantastic."

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Kay watched Brandon walk away with Cry debating whether to follow after them or not. She seriously could not stand people for longer them a couple of minutes before wanting to stab their brains out, and Mr.Sharpshooter over their was already asking for her to give him a dagger to the eye with his attitude towards her. She hadn't killed anyone in quite a while with these aliens taking up all her time, and she was itching for a kill.

She was still debating what to do when Daemon followed after the other two.

"Well, I don't have anything else to do." She said to herself before jogging after him. "Hey, Pom man! Wait up!"
Jaguar crept her way through the ship as she made her way toward the control room. She briefly paused when she found the room the loot was being stored in; there was already some loaded up. As much as she wanted to stop and loot the place, she realized that it was impracticable and continued on her way. Once in the control room she knocked out the few alien pilots and used her claw tips to scratch up the controls.

As she made her way out of the ship she noticed a small armory room and an alien item that looked a lot like a C4 explosive kit. She quickly grabbed it and stealthily fought her way down to the lower decks. After setting the timer she quickly made her way back to the top of the ship and jumped into the water.

After swimming back to land she climbed up and noticed Val and Vulcan seemed to be waiting for her. Her clothes were soaking wet; her white tank top now transparent. "Good thing I went with the black bikini top this mourning," she quipped with a roguish smirk. Jaguar held out a hand to Val; she wanted her leather jacket back.
"Yes, how lucky," Val agreed a bit bitterly, holding a finger under her nose as if pretending to have a mustache. She used her free hand to toss the leather jacket back to Jaguar. Once her hand was yet again free, she crossed it over her stomach and frowned. I hate nosebleeds.

"Thanks," Jaguar said once she got her jacket back. She zipped it up to her bikini top and was about to say something when the C4ish alien device exploded causing the cargo ship to sink. Jaguar quickly looked around at the landmarks to make a mental note of the ship's location. She hoped to return to this location some day to loot what the aliens had stolen. "Our job is done, we should regroup with the others," she said to Val and Vulcan.
"Agreed," Val muttered. She just wanted a tissue at this point. She wracked her brain for why this could've happened while she also thought of where they were supposed to regroup. "We're meeting at the Brooklyn Bridge, right?"

The explosion of the ship was mesmerizing, to say the least. Vulcan couldn't have done it better. Eventually he came to his senses when he heard Valerie ask if the Brooklyn Bridge was the meeting point.

"Yep. That's what Sniper said. Assuming he and Cry didn't run into too much trouble."

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"Then we should get going," Jaguar said. "If they aren't there then hopefully they find a way to contact us." She started to walk toward the Brooklyn Bridge. Her wet boots sloshed and left puddles behind. After taking a couple of steps Jaguar stopped. "You guys go on ahead, I'm going to make a quick detour."
"Let's hope they're okay then," Val said, sighing. This day really hadn't gone as she had expected; first awoken early by aliens, then nearly decapitated, then she had to be rescued, and now her nose was bleeding. Fantastic. Upon seeing Jaguar stop, she raised a brow. "Please tell me you aren't detouring just to change, because we honestly don't have time for that."

(OOC: Sorry if I missed a lot, guys. Had to go somewhere.)

Blake caught sight of the man-wolf-monster-person running after them while Brandon was leading her. "What do you want?", Sniper asked. Seriously, he's nice and all, but I don't get why he's being so paranoid. This talking dog might be able to help us! She sighed and tried shaking her arm from Sniper's grip. "Whoah, alright. If we want to work together, we might as well get along now, right?", she said, about to make some more gestures, but stopping when her shoulder felt uncomfortable. "So, furry man, why don't you tag along and we'll talk in the hospital?"
Brandon let go of Cry's hand when he felt her trying to pull away. He stared at Cry as she spoke with comfort to the demon. 'How can she trust someone...something like that?' he thought as he brought his eyes back at the demon. He noticed the masked redhead catch up with them too. 'Oh great! All of a sudden this is a family vacation?' he thought. He decided not to interject as he kept running.

His sharp eyes, caught sight of the Ford Explorer that Vulcan had left. Luckily it wasn't damaged. After reaching the vehicle, Brandon peered at the demon. "How will you fit?" he asked as he stared at 11-foot tall monster. He had actually thought of asking the demon to stay here as he would catch unnecessary attention at the hospital. Not everyone was open-minded like Cry and the redhead was. Besides, Cry and he were villains. He gave a concerned look at Cry's shoulder before opening the car's door and starting it up. He didn't care if the demon tagged along. He had to get her to the hospital.
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"I'm not vain," Jaguar replied. "But how can I be stealthy in noisy, soggy boots?" she asked with a smirk. "But I guess you're right." Jaguar started to walk toward the bridge again.

Once reaching a part of the city that Cry and Sniper had been in, Jaguar noticed a red blood stain on the ground. She stopped to sniff it. "This is Cry's blood," she said to Val and Vulcan once they caught up. "Judging from the spatter it wasn't a fatal injury, but our 'friends' are probably on a detour trip to a hospital or someone's hideaway."

"You could take them off?" Val muttered, dropping her arm and wiping her finger on her pant leg. The bleeding didn't seem to be stopping but she couldn't worry about that now. As they made their way towards the bridge they had to pass through the place where Sniper and Cry had been. Val felt a prick of concern upon seeing the blood on the ground that Jaguar stopped to sniff.

"This is Cry's blood," She announced to her and Vulcan. Val sighed. S***. "Judging from the spatter it wasn't a fatal injury, but our 'friends' are probably on a detour trip to a hospital or someone's hideaway."

"I could try to locate them with psychokinesis," Vall offered.

Vulcan walked behind Jaguar and Valerie. He couldn't help but chuckle when he heard them spat about some wet boots. He then saw Jaguar get on the ground, hearing her say "This is Cry's blood." Vulcan wasn't too worried. He knew Sniper was there and most likely could take care of her. "Unless something happened to him," he thought. "No. I saw how sniper wielded a weapon. It'll be tough stopping him."

The only thing to do now was decide which way to go. They were only about half a mile from the entrance to the bridge at City Hall. But maybe they could follow the blood, or use Val's psychokinesis to locate their position. Rob decided to ask his question to the others.

"Well, the way I see, we either go the the Bridge and wait, or we try and find them. So, what do you two want to do?"

(OCC: By the way, are we allowed to carry things like smartphones...?)
"I say we try to locate them," Jaguar replied. "What's the point of going to the bridge if they aren't going to be there anytime soon?" She turned to Val. "Muse, go ahead and try your psychokinesis. Vulcan and I will keep an eye out for aliens." Jaguar walked over to the nearest building and started to climb it with the help of her claw tipped gloves; she nearly lost her footing a couple times thanks to her soggy boots. Once at the top of the building Jaguar got down on her hands and feet and looked around the city from her high vantage point.

(OCC: @rgupta0747: Yes, but no one gave out their cell number so Muse would have to use her predicting powers. Also the aliens could take out the cell towers in the future making them good for using apps only.)

Val nodded and closed her eyes, taking a few calming breathes. She hadn't really ever used her psychokinesis to locate someone in such a large setting, but it couldn't be too hard... Right?

Val reached out with her mind. In moments, and entire layout of the city was apparent to her behind her closed eyelids.

Val stumble back as her eyes flew open, gasping. Talk about too much information... She was bound to get a headache from that.

"They're in a car, moving fast. Considering the blood on the ground, I can guess that they're headed towards a hospital," Val announced shakily.

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