Necessary Evil [Inactive]

"Well Sasuke...You handle that well so far." Elebe said as she floated in the air like she was sitting in a chair. "Are there more of you ninjas out there? If you keep on preforming well you could become my servant, I'll show you the ways of magic." She chimed impressed with his work. Not to flashy, Quite and clean.

Elebe then turned her head to the sound of action. "Should we join are 'team' Sasuke, claim into my arms. I'll give to a lift." She said seductively.
"Well whatever we do, we need to do it fast," Jaguar replied. "The aliens will know we're here after awhile." Her cat ears swiveled toward the aliens' location. "The shrapnel crash may have given us away," she added before sniffing the air. "And there's a third party hanging around..." She noted a slight sent of human blood. "...that we might need to avoid."

"As long as I can get into the ship I can take it down one way or another," she said changing topics. "So what's the plan?" she asked Val and Vulcan.
Val looked to Vulcan, as if posing a challenge. As if she hadn't heard him earlier; she knew he didn't trust her judgement. So now given the chance to prove that she wasn't a reckless mess, she looked to him expectantly.

"What do you think?" She asked.
Rob looked over at the ship. "Definitely movement," he thought. If they don't act now, they can enjoy their afterlife. He wanted to see Muse, not showing off her ability, but using it help them. And he approved of her idea of a distraction.

"How about this then. Muse, take some of these boats, mangle them up, and projectile them at the ship. Don't hit the ship, but hit the water around them. I'll shoot fire at some of their structures, hitting whatever aliens I find. Jaguar, you glide underwater. Muse and I should provide enough distraction for you to swim their. Clean the ship of all aliens and send us a signal when you are done. We'll reconvene with Sniper and Cry on the Brooklyn Bridge. Sounds good?"

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"Sounds like a plan," Val agreed. She clasped her hands behind her back and stretched until her back cracked, grinning. Crushing ships sounded like a fun challenge. Crush more than one giant thing at once at chuck them at ships without hitting them? Challenge accepted.

"Just tell me when you're ready to go and I'll get crushing," Val said to Jaguar with a nod.
Kaitlin watched the group with a raised eyebrow. They were surprisingly efficient in battle for a group of villains that just met.

She jumped down from her perch getting closer to the group not caring if they saw her. Kay's was thirsty with bloodlust. She didn't care about who won at the moment, she just wanted to see a bloody massacre.

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Blake stopped moving her hand to her wound when Sniper suggested going to the hospital. "Hmm... yeah, a hospital would be fine. I don't want to suffer another infection either.", she said with a slightly disgusted face, recalling the last time she used her hands to remove a bullet. Nope, it was horrible and she would never want to experience it again. "What are we waiting for then? We should get goi-- erm, Sniper, what's that?", she asked, motioning to the silver, furry creature she just spotted. She glared at it, trying to see if it's an ally or an enemy. I swear, if this thing tries to kill me, I don't even know what I'll do...
'Another?' questioned Brandon in his head as Cry agreed with his suggestion. Just as he was about to examine the wound, a crashing sound caught his attention. Brandon sharply turned on his toes and saw a damaged hover craft with a dead alien. But what stood next to the craft was intimidating. It was the creature he had seen earlier. He heard Cry questioning him about the creature. Without answering, Brandon fired a bullet from his MP5 straight at the monster's head. "That? That's dead." he replied cockily, with a smirk on his face. He slowly turned to examine Cry's wound.

(@Veirrianna Valentine I think we can continue now.)
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Kay whistled smirking watching Sniper as she hopped along balconies dropping down next to him with a lazy smile on her face.

"That was done impressive shooting there." She said straightening her mask. "How have I not heard about you Mr.?" She purred revealing sharp gleaming white teeth. "Oh right, it's because I don't care about anything in this crap city unless it's being burned to the ground!" She said in a giddy voice before busting into laughter.

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Daemon blinked as he felt the feather-like impact on his brow ridge. Even as the round ricocheted off into the distance, the man of the pair turned back to the lady, who seemed wounded.

"Alrigh', that wasn't very nice lad." growled Daemon as he began walking towards the pair, "First, if I wanted the two of you dead, I'd'ha' landed on the top of you. Second, upgrade your calibre when you go big game hunting, because lad, I'm the biggest game you're bound tae meet 'round here. Finally, watch yer head."

With that Daemon wrapped his claws into a Fiat and promptly leapt over the pair. As he touched down the fiat was placed in between a group of aliens that had just turned onto the street and opened fire, blocking the view to the pair that now were behind him. Turning about, Daemon rose to his full height, gave the woman a quick once over and then fixated the man with a scowl.

"Now, feel free to waste your ammunition, or get the lassie on her feet, give me the directions to the hospital, and let me run interference, or, give me directions to the hospital, you run bait and meet up later after I carry the lass to the hospital." advised Daemon, " we could either wait here until they kill the pair of you. Whatever fits your plan the best."
As Brandon turned around, his eyes met a masked lady. She seemed to be reeking of pride and vanity, and Brandon disliked that. Just as he was about to retort, the white-furred demon spoke. It reasoned how it wasn't going to harm them. The demon jumped with a car and protected them from the aliens but he still didn't trust it. He walked in front of Cry and blocked her completely from the demon's view. In the corner of his eye he watched the masked lady. "I'm not sending her with you!" he exclaimed. "You stop the aliens! I'll get her to the hospital!" he said in a commanding tone. He looked back at Cry to see her reaction to this new situation.

"And you? What do you want?" he asked the masked woman. Brandon sounded agitated because he was. He hated that the creature hadn't died. It was his first shot that had not ended as a kill. His first bullet that had no blood on it. He hated it.
Kay pouted before getting serious. "Well atleast I know my humor is one of a kind..." She muttered to herself before looking at Brandon.

"I want to help obviously. These aliens are ruining my fun."

Kaitlin rolled her eyes internally at how Sniper treated Daemon when he offered to take Cry to the hospital. "Typical of people, so untrusting of someone just because they're a little different..." She sighed dramatically running a hand through her red hair.

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A fearsome visage overtook Daemon's countenance as he wrapped his claws back into the Fiat. Bunching up all his muscles, the massive beast prepared for his next move.

"Deal with the aliens? Oh, I'll do more than that," he bellowed as he heft the car back over his head, "Lad, let me show how a Scotsman handles a 'superior invading force'."

Daemon hurled the Fiat down the street, using the forward momentum to swing his fore-claws down into the ground where he promptly wrenched himself forward, flying after the car like a bullet out of a rifle.

His first mark was slamming into the Fiat, which had stopped when it hit the ground(and had smashed two of the aliens). His body's impact utterly demolished the vehicle, and shrapnel flew everywhere. Rising from the mess, and ignoring the regrouping aliens. Turning around, his sharp hearing picked up on the newest arrivals voice. Daemon smirked and called out.

"Oi, Fire-locks! Bored? Cause I haven't a problem trusting you!"

(OOC: Fire-locks, Flamehead, pretty much any joke about someone's head being on fire is a reference to red hair in such context.)
It took Massacrade a second to process the nickname Fire Locks but once she understood it she grinned wickedly. "I feel like you're teasing me ya wanker...."

She replied in a British accent.

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Ooohh, it talks!?, Blake was, to say the least, impressed. It's not everyday that you see a man-monster-alien-dog walk up and offer help. She instantly trusted the creature, because that's how she works. Gives you all the trust, but would crush your skull if you betray her... not that she would tell them that. She was just about to walk up to it, when Sniper blocked her way. Hey, what gives?, she thought. Ah... I see he doesn't trust it that much, eh? He glanced at her and she replied with a blank look. She listened to him as he called out to someone, unknowing who he's talking to. Who's the new redhead? I thought we were going to the hospital? After a few more words exchanged, the creature made its move.

"Well, I hate to ruin everyone's bonding time, but this extraterrestrial bullet is starting to itch terribly and I'm mere seconds from ripping it out myself. When are we going to the hospital?", she hated to sound rude, but the "bullet" just itched too much and she was starting to get impatient. She could handle pain, but she hated itch.
"Hmph." grunted Brandon on hearing the masked girl's reply. "Fine. You want to help? Cover us! And after this is done meet up at Brooklyn Bridge. We'll talk!"

He saw the demon perform his antics and invite the red-head to join him in killing the aliens. "And that's for you too!" Although, he didn't trust the demon, Brandon felt it would be wrong not to give the thing a chance to explain itself. Besides, he shouldn't be making the decisions on his own, since they were now a team.

He heard Cry speaking sardonically about going to the hospital. Without further talk or thought, Brandon dragged her to the Stock Exchange where Vulcan had left his car.
"Right, if we are taking this ship down, let do it with a bit of flair," Rob thought. He looked at Muse and Jaguar, giving them a quick nod before beginning a different incantation.

"Fayer, youl sleam net suoz roux," he chanted, as he raised the scepter, pointing it straight to the sky. The eyes began to glow again, as fire shot vertically towards the sky. Instead of a long stream of fire shooting out though, it was in quick bursts, like meteors crashing down, as if the fires of hell were raining on their puny souls. Robbie didn't intend to burn the ship or sink it, that was gonna happen later. He just wanted to scare them.

The first fireball fell inches from the bow of the cargo ship. The next, just behind the stern. The final fireball, roughly a foot off the starboard side. When it was over, Robbie watched as the aliens began scrambling. Not only where they surprised, but under attack as well.

"Let the fun began," he said, grinning like a little child in a candy store.
As Daemon held the aliens' attention there was a distant sound of explosions, and the aliens suddenly were falling back towards wherever the sound came from. Rather than press his luck, Daemon turned and started off after the first man and woman he'd met, planning on following them to the hospital, in case his aid would be needed.

Casting his eyes about, Daemon also noticed that Fire-locks had seemingly disappeared. Figuring that she had gone off on her own business, Daemon quickly jogged after the first pair, catching up rather easily.
Brandon caught a figure closing upon them from the corner of his eye. He held his MP5 in his free hand and turned around to shoot at the approaching figure but realized it was the demon. "What do you want?" he asked, sounding rather rude. Brandon didn't know much about the creature and this lack of knowledge, bothered him. He wondered why the monster wanted to help them. 'Is he a villain too?' he thought as he peered at the rather tall figure. He continued running with his other hand holding Cry's forearm.
"You're lucky I'm human enough to enjoy water," Jaguar quipped before Vulcan used his staff to create fire. She quickly took off her leather jacket. "Keep this safe for me," she said before tossing it toward Val. She jumped into the water and started to swim toward the cargo ship. It only took her about 7 minutes to reach the ship. She started to climb up to the deck and slipped inside before an alien on patrol could spot her.

I should have been given a headpiece or something. She thought. I wonder if Val is telepathic... Her train of thought quickly shifted into stealth mode as she began to look for the control room.
Val caught the leather jacket and raised a brow.

"And how shall I keep it safe? Sing it a lullaby?" She called sarcastically. She eyed the leather in distaste, her nose crinkling. "How do people function in such stiff clothes?"

Val brushed aside her disgust and tied the jacket around her waist, then raised her arms. She curled her fingers as if making claws and as she formed fists, three of the boats in the water began contorting in on themselves. The noise was unsettling, metal grinding and shrieking and wood snapping, but she made quick work of them. She lifted one of the three from the water and then grinned, miming holding a baseball bat.

"Batter up," She mumbled to herself, fondly recalling softball from her childhood. She 'swung' and the crushed boat went flying, striking the water beside the ship and creating a huge splash.
When Jaguar dove in the water and began swimming, Robbie couldn't help but laugh at Muse's sarcastic comment. He then focused on Jaguar, watching her swim towards the ship. As soon as she climbed on board, Rob raised his scepter outwards towards the ship, repeated his original chant, and trained his eyes on a group of aliens peering over the edge, looking at a mangled ball of ship that landed next to them. They were just getting over the fact it was raining fire on them, now it's raining boats.

The lion's head released a blaze of fire that hit one alien, then a second, then a third. "Hopefully this gives Jaguar some time to do what she needs to do," Robbie said, looking at Muse.
"I think she can handle herself. However, can we handle ourselves is the new question, because we've been spotted," Muse announced, launching another boat. True enough, the aliens had apparently sent for back up because Muse had to drop her hold on the third boat to duck a blast from a gun. She swore, quite loudly, and scowled at the approaching aliens.

"Alright, lets see what you can do," Val called to Vulcan, cracking her knuckles.
While Robbie watched Jaguar, he heard a loud boom. He ducked, looked over at Muse, and saw her ducking as well. He then heard a loud splash, as the boat she was controlling fell back into the water. "I think she can handle herself. However, can we handle ourselves is the new question, because we've been spotted," he heard Muse say. Robbie looked towards the ship and saw aliens on hovercrafts flying towards them. She was right, they needed to act quick, because right now, they were sitting ducks. Rob spun around, looking for anything that might provide cover. They were on a highway, with short concrete barriers. "Not much in the way of cover," he thought.

Then, as luck would have it, Rob spotted an MTA bus sitting roughly 50 feet away. It was empty and burnt to a crisp. Soon, more shots where fired, hitting the buildings behind them. With rocks and dirt showering them, there wasn't much choice in terms of protection. "Eh, it can do for now," Rob though. He grabbed Muse's hand, and at the top of his lungs, trying to yell above the sound of intense shooting, screamed, "With me, now!" And with that, he started pulling Muse towards the bus.
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The sudden pressure on her hand made Val's head snap upwards and she gave Vulcan a bewildered look as he pulled her to her feet.

"With me, now!" He shouted. Val was even more confused now. This generally quite man was yelling now? This day keeps getting weirder and weirder. And that wasn't even the end of it. Vulcan began pulling her towards the charred shell of an MTA and she realized what he intended to do.


Val stopped dragging her feet in confusion and ran with him, kicking up debris behind them to deflect blasts coming their way. Once crouched behind the bus, Val spoke as she ducked down. "I don't believe we've been properly introduced. I'm Valerie."

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